COl-OP HOUSING DISCUSSED See Pace f Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom ~a ii4 LATE SNOW High--28 Fair turning cloudy followed by snow In late evening. VOL. LXX, No. 104 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2,1960 FIVE CENTS SIX PAC I I x 'J.B' SEMINAR: Play Discusses Values By CAROLINE DOW "Macliesh's message in 'J.B.' is that reverence for life and inter-fellowship of man is all that is left to man," Dean of Women Deborah Bacon said yesterday at the Student Government Council- sponsored seminar on the play. Quoting the key closing lines of Sara - "The candles of the Churches are out ... Blow on the coal of the Heart ... And we shall see," Miss Bacon pointed out that this message was "in the same general school as the Compassionate Heresy" of other modern writers such as Camus, Faulkner and _ ._ : *West Delays Notification Of Defiance WASHINGTON ()-The West- ern Big Three unexpectedly de- layed yesterday notifying Russia of their intention of defying what a they say is a Soviet-imposed 10,- 000-foot ceiling on supply flights to West Berlin. Top officials gave no explana- tion for the delay. But they in- sisted it did not change the joint decision to resume such flights soon-regardless of Soviet objec- tion. For the second straight day, the state department refused to con- firm or deny reports of such an American-British-French plan. A spokesman, however, told a news conference: "There is no altitude limitation whatsoever that we recognize." Disregards Warning Press officer Lincoln White, in making 'the comment, shrugged aside a warning from Soviet au- thorites in Bast Germany that such flights would "violate past practices." The decision to resume such flights would amount to clear notice to Moscow of an allied de- termination to operate an airlift to West Berlin with big planes in the event the East Germans seek to cut off land and water routes. The four-engined 0130 turbojet, which can carry 35,000 pounds of cargo, would be the plane picked to make the first test flight when the time comes, officials said. This plane operates best at 15,000 feet and higher. Would Use Bigger Plane The 0130 planes carry nearly twice as much cargo as the old C54 propellor-driven skymasters which were the mainstay of the Allied airlift to beleaguered West Berlin in the last Soviet blockade a dozen years ago. Most authorities are convinced the Soviets will avoid making a major showdown out of the issue. It is believed Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev will object, perhaps strongly, but will avoid any use of force lest it upset plans for the summit meeting scheduled in Paris May 15. A United States note was to have gone out Monday officially advising the Soviets of the Allied intention to send high flying planes through assigned air cor- ridors to West Berlin. As drafted, the note was gen- eral in nature and did not give the time when the first such flight twould come. This information would have been provided later, before takeoff, in keeping with the Allied custom of advising So- viet authorities in Berlin of all such supply flights, regardless of altitude. The delay raised the possibility that the three governments might decide against a formal note put- ting the Soviets on notice. Some authorities are known to believe that advance notice at a local Berlin level instead of govern- ment-to-government level would1 be better. Call U.S. Plan 'Provocative' MOSCOW WP) - Moscow radio said yesterday the reported Allied intention to send flights into West Berlin above the Soviet-imposed limit of 10,000 feet is "clearly I Silone.I This school advocates the gen- eral philosophy that "the mean- ing of living is life itself and let us then be true to one another for there is nothing else," Miss Bacon explained. Sought Reconciliation "The author of Job wrote 40 great chapters commenting on the attempt to' reconcile Near Eastern Oriental thinking with the influx of the Greek philoso- phy of reason. "For the last 2,000 years we have struggled along trying to txmbine the philosophical and cultural context of the Old Tes- tament which believedthat what God said was valid and real with the Hellenic concept of reason and the reality of thought." Archibald Macliesh "poured contemporary wine into the an- cient bottle and it still fit into the plot," Miss Bacon said, pointing out that "Macliesh had an addi- tional 2,000 years of culture to fit into the traditional question of Job." Nothing in God Armed with this 2,000 years of seeking, Macliesh comes to the conclusion that there is nothing in God and that "reverence for life itself" is the only ideal left for man. He proves this, Miss Bacon said, through Sara and J.B.'s approach to the religion of living. Sara's was the Near Eastern approach of the bargain religion: "We live a good life and be thankful to God and He owes us our happiness..." This is the opposite of J. B., Miss Bacon said, for he states that "It is not a question of deserving," and he Just believes in life; oth- ers term it "trusting in his luck." However, Sara does come around to this viewpoint when she holds out the forsythia that blooms in the rubbish, Miss Bacon said. This flower represents "the regenera- tion of life." Miss Bacon added. Support Concept of Grace In the following discussion, it was pointed out that the possi- bility of finding a "state of grace" through reason and knowledge or through simple faith was argued in the Book of Job when God spoke out of the Whirlwind. In this scene, God silenced Job by asking him if he knew the ex- planations of the phenomena of the universe. Miss Bacon discussed the fact that the growing knowledge of these things was bringing man to think he was almost as powerful as God. And that this was a fac- tor in destroying the God Image. DEAN DEBORAH BACON ... discusses "J.B." USNSA: Sup ports Protests PHILADELPHIA (UPS) - The United States National Student Association has offered to help all students engaged in non-violent protest of unequal conditions throughout the country, according to USNSA President Donald Hoff- man. Curtis Gans, National Affairs vice-president, is currently in the South looking into the sit-in strikes and will recommend a course of action for the Associa- tion. Hoffman said USNSA fully sup-, ports the courageous and con- structive action of students, Negro and white, throughout the South who have acted upon their own initiative to change the present' social conditions there. "The inspiring action of these students in attempting to change' the mores of the community soj that all people, regardless of race, creed and national origin, will be given equal treatment by all, has spurred the USNSA to aid these students in all ways possible," he said. "We hope that students throughout the country will sup- port the actions of the students from the colleges in the South so that someday we may achieve in this country the type of mutual understanding and cooperation be- tween races that is so much a part of the fundamental precepts of American Democracy." Specific action by USNSA is pending completion of the investi- gation currently being undertaken by Gans. Filibuster Continues In Senate WASHINGTON (--A Southern Senator yesterday publicly de- scribed a Supreme Court decision as "crap" and a Northern Senator accused Senate leaders of decep- tion. The harsh words flew in the Senate chamber as the legislators went into the second night of round-the-clock debate on civil rights legislation. Tempers were starting to fray but neither the 18-man Dixie group orating steadily against the bill nor the Northern civil rights supporters showed signs of giving in. The denunciation of the Su- preme Court's decision of Monday, upholding the 1957 civil rights law, came from Mississippi Demo- cratic Sen. James O. Eastland. Asks To Publish Decision Sen. Everett M. Dirksen of Illi- nois, the GOP leader, asked unani- mous consent to have the Court's decision printed in the Daily Con- gressional Record. "If that's a decision of the United States Supreme Court it's not worth printing, and I object," Eastland declared. Dirksen re- peated his request moments later. "I don't want this record clut- tered with such crap," Eastland snapped. The audience in the pub- lic gallery tittered. Nearly two hours later Eastland relented and allowed Dirksen to have the Supreme Court decision into the Record The verbal volley against the party leaders came from Sen. Paul Douglas (D-Ill), a civil rights advocate after he attempted to offer an amendment aimed at pro- moting integration of whites and Negroes in schools. He was told that under a "gen- tlemen's agreement" announced by the leadership Monday he could not offer an amendment without unanimous consent. Douglas ob- jected that he did not so under- stand the agreement but the chair held unanimous consent necessary.- Denounced Procedure Douglas then denounced the agreement and said "the result of this elaborate proposition was simple deception." "There was no deception in- volved, Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson, (D-Tex.) said. He said the agree- ment had been made abundantly clear when it was announced. In the end peace was restored- at least temporarily-when Doug- las got his amendment in by unanimous consent. That paved the way for a speech by Eastland running far into the night. For the second night in a row, Senators bedded down in the cloakrooms, offices and other spots to be handy for the quorum calls normal in filibuster strategy., 'Generation' Ready NEW FORMAT-"Generation," the University inter-arts maga- zine, will be on sale today and tomorrow in Angell and Mason Halls, the Frieze Building, the lobby of the Architecture and Design building and at local bookstores. The magazine will be smaller and cheaper this issue, and many of the contributors will be new, the editors announced. LOSE SERIES TO DENVER: Michigan leers Beaten In Rugged Contest, 4-2 By MIKE GILLMAN Michigan's Wolverines closed out the home hockey season last night by dropping a 4-2 decision to Denver, but managed to show a brand of hockey that will bring fans back for more next year. Coach Al Renfrew's icers will close out the current campaign on the road this weekend at North Dakota. At least one win is a must if the Wolverines hope to make the Western Collegiate Hockey Association playoffs. Pioneers Scared After taking an 8-1 pasting on the chin Monday night, the Wolverines roared back to scare the invading Pioneers with the toughest contest of their four game invasion of the state. Before beating Michigan Monday, Denver had spent the week- end rolling over Michigan State, 5-0 and 5-1. But it was a new team that Michigan put on the ice last night, in more ways than one. Coach Renfrew pulled out all the stops as his charges battled what is perhaps the best college hockey team in the country to a standstill - almost. Lineup Juggled For the first time this season. Renfrew started the sophomore line of Red Berenson, Joe Lunghamer and Gerry Kolb. He also moved Dale MacDonald onto a line with Bob White and Steve Bochen and teamed Gary Mattson with sophs Al Hinnegan and Carl White. Ed SMateka's injury-caused absence forced Renfrew to go with three defensemen. But, no matter whether it was the line-up juggling or the fact U f (;7athat this was the last game before the home fans, Michigan skated with the invaders right down to Davis was advised to answer the the final minute. committee's questions at the time Satisfying Period IhLZa Ul W. I 1rIJrd him P f are expected to cover 22 per cent of this amount. Need Pay Increase On the other hand, should the budget prove to be inadequate, tuitions will go up to provide money for faculty pay increases. Niehuss said an increase of be- tween $3.5 and $4 million was necessary to prevent damage to the University through faculty raiding. There is also a strong feeling among many legislators for a boost in, fees to help cover in- creasing University expenses "I don't know whether we will get the amount we are asking from the Legislature or not," Nie- buss said. He pointed out that for the past few years the University budget has been cut, and noted that the state's income is still lim- ited. Invite Committee "We invited the Senate Appro- priations Committee to come down here to study the situation for themselves," Niehuss said. It is not yet known whether the committee will accept the invita- tion or not. The University budget calls for $38 million from the Legislature, $10 million from student fees and about $2 million from other sources, totaling $50 million, Nie- huss said. This is an $8 million increase over last year's operat- ing budget, but only $5 million more is to be contributed by the state. The $3 million difference must come from other sources, one of which is tuition. Other small sources of income are ex- pected to round out the figure. No Outlay Discussion There was almost no discus- 'sion of capital outlay," Niehuss said. It was brought out, how- ever, that for recruiting faculty, working space - both offices and laboratory facilities -- is as im- portant as salary. "There is more leeway on classrooms," he said, "since we can always schedule more classes in the afternoon and on Saturdays., Toss Stones In Panama PANAMA W) - Panamanian youths threw stones through win- dows in the United States Inf or- mation Agency's offices yesterday during Panama's high-spirited pre-Lenten carnival. Panamanian police, on the look- out for a threatened repetition of the march on the United States Canal Zone that touched off clashes with Canal Zone police and troops last November, arrested eight anti-American agitators in another part of the city. None of the boys who stoned the USIA offices was caught. said. The colorful carnival parade climaxing the annual four-day celebrations later passed USIA on the way through the city. The parade went through the Canal Zone at the boundary line without incident. Most of the marchers, exhausted by the eight- mile hike through the city, had dropped out by the time the par- ade reached the Canal Zone. Police on both sides of the 15 Per Cent Rise Residents, Non-Residents To Pa For Higher Cost of Education By THOMAS KABAKER Tuition boosts of 15 to 20 per cent are probably in store for University students beginning this fall. Caught between two possibilities for an increase, there is only limited hope that students will not be faced with an increase of $25 for residents of Michigan and $60 for out-of- state students. On the qne hand, tuitions have traditionally covered 22 per cent of the University budget, according to Vice-Presi- dent and Dean of Faculties Marvin L. Niehuss. If this year's budget request for an appropriation increase of $5 million is granted, either in whole or for the most part, student fees Niehuss Predicts Judic Alters Auto" Rules By ROBERT FARREL Joint Judiciary Council Chair- man Michael Sklar, '60, last night announced that the Council is presently using a new tria'meth- od of adjudicating first-violation driving cases. In contrast with the previous method of having Joint Judie hear each individual case, the Dean's office concerned will now send a form letter to any student reported to them by the Univer- sity patrol or the Ann Arbor po- lice to be in violation. This letter will offer the ac- cused student the choice of( pay- ing a specified fine for the par- ticular offense involved or of ap- pealing to the Council for a hear- ing, which will automatically be granted if requested. This would, Sklar said, give the student concerned the opportunity to 'pay a fine if he knows himself to be in violation, or to have a hearing if he feels himself not in violation or feels that there were mitigating circumstances." A definite fine schedule has been established based on Council precedent in each particular type of case. Sklar said "the Council has felt that in many cases it is appar- ent to both the University and the accused that the violation has been committed and that adjudi- cation of the case could be handled in a more efficient man- ner than the past practice of hearing each case." Stressing that this method is used only for first offences, Sklar said that Joint Judie also felt that its role as a peer counseling body is not utilized in simple first violations where the accused was perfectly aware of his violation and where there were no extenu- ating circumstances. Those accused of violations who would be second offenders will all still be tried before Joint Judic. The Council hopes that the new system, still on a trial basis, will work for the benefit of both the accused and the Council in lessening time wasted and in aid- ing equity, Sklar said. Congressman Sees Increase In Missiles. WASHINGTON (P) -- A mem- ber of the House defense appro- priations subcommittee said yes- terday that by 1963 the United States will have a minimum of 518 missiles, each capable of de- stroying an entire Russian city. .' Rep. Melvin L. Laird (R-Wis.) made the statement as the sub- committee continued closed-door hearings on the new defense budget. The subcommittee, he said, "does not share the views of some Pres- idential hopefuls that our coun- try is currently not spending enough on defense." "It is estimated," Lairdad, - ~ 4 flt. , tnjZ% +J f'Decca4 "Al. I r H. CHANDLER DAIS: Professor, Lawyer Revii The University cannot delegate its conscience to a small group of men who are not supported when they act as conscience, Prof. Ed- win E. Moise of the mathematics department told the Political Is- sues Club last night. Prof. Moise and attorney Eugene Douvan treated the H. Chandler Davis case from academic and legal orientations respectively, but both stressed the courage of Davis' decision to stand on principle. Davis, a University mathematics instructor, was convicted of con- tempt of Congress for refusing to answer questions of the House Un-American Activities Commit- tee regarding his past political be- liefs and associations. He was sus- pended from his University job on the day of the hearing and later fired without severance pay. Davis appeared before the House zhe suopoena reacnea mu, ro - Moise said, but he chose not to. The Davis case demonstrates suspicion of the academic com- munity, according to Prof. Moise. Even if society as a whole re- stricts normal intercourse of ideas, he declared, universities should be islands of freedom "so that least someone can think." The first period was the most satisfying for the 2,000-plus parti- sans as the Wolverines pressed the attack and outshot Denver for the only time in the six periods played with them this week. Both teams' rushes were good but this was the period for de- fensemen to shine as the backmen for both teams gave great sup- port, stopping potential scoring thrusts at the blue lines with stick checks. Denver got the first chance to' score when a penalty gave them a power play opportunity at 11:59. But Michigan rode this one out, and a half a minute after John' Palenstein vacated the penalty, box, the Wolverines drove in to