;; ,' You have made it-Come, let us dedicate our souls to the frat. t' Seventieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" AT HILL AUD: Pittsburgh Symphony, bOffering 'Competent' IN A SOMETHING-for-anyone concert, the Pittsburgh Symphony last evening presented works by Gabrieli, Beethoven, Mozart, Hindemith and Wagner in a forthright, competent manner. Work4ng with what must be classified as a second-rate orchestra, William Steinberg has nevertheless elicited in a comparatively short period of time some rather fine statements from an ensemble hampered chiefly by inexperience and a weak brass section. The string section is their strength, the woodwinds adequate. It is therefore to be expected that the high spots of the concert should occur I' Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. MARCH 1, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: KENNETH McELDOWNEY Challenge to Americans: The Russians are Friendlier WALKING around the camps of this huge, cosmopolitan University is an Arab me- chanical engineer who compares most of what he sees and experiences here with what he saw and experienced last year during the two semesters he spent in Russia. This is hardly surprising since there are so many contrasts. But in the month he's been here he's drawn a conclusion that should jolt a few people: The Russians are friendlier. Part of this results from an experience he had shortly after arriving. He got lost. After wandering about for a considerable time+ and meeting with no help, homeone finally no- ticed his confusion and came to the rescue. Depending on one's point of view, it is either amusing or pathetic to note that the rescuer was, not a friendly, open-hearted American, but a Brazilian student. HERE are over 2,000 international students representing most of the nations of the world at Michigan. The University points to this with pride, noting that the foreign con- tingent here is one of the largest of any school in the country. But its very size creates a problem. Because foreign students are not unusual here Ameri- cans don't often go out of their way to become acquainted with them. In a small college an international student by his very novelty attracts attention; and, if for no other reason than curiosity, other students usually want to get to know him. BUT HERE, after the first few weeks of school even campus newcomers pay as much (or as little) attention to turbaned Sikhs and women in saris as they do to crossing at cross- walks. Before long, hearing seven different languages spoken in the course of a two-block walk down South State Street isn't even un- usual enough to attract any notice. International students also seem to form something of a community within the Univer- sity community. So many of them face simi- lar problems that they naturally band togeth- er. BECAUSE of these two circumstances there is a lot of room for improvement in rela- tions with international students. Most of the responsibility for that improvement belongs to the Americans. One of those facts that everyone realizes but no one thinks much about is that the foreign students are, much more than the average American on campus, their countries' future leaders. What they think about the United States will carry great weight back at home, because they've been here and should know. But too many of them don't get the chance to know. MAX LERNER: Of course there are many American students doing a good job of promoting friendship be- tween American and foreign students, both in campus organizations and on their own. And probably as high a proportion of foreign stu- dents participate in University activities as do Americans. BUT THERE are also too many cases of for- eign students who have spent years and returned to their country without ever visiting in an American home. At least a hundred for- eign students who requested an American rom- mate this year didn't get one, because not enough American students wanted to go half- way and take them as roommates. Coexistence seems to be the by-word here as well as on the international scene. Everyone just leaves everyone else alone. Communica- tion takes a little effort, and one which it ap- pears not many are willing to make. Capitalist countries are, as Khrushchev said, "struggling for the souls of such countries as India, Burma and Indonesia," plus those of a lot of other countries he didn't mention, all of whom have representatives on campus. THIS IS NOT to suggest that the struggle could be won in Ann Arbor, or that Presi- dent Hatcher should proclaim a "Be Kind to International Students" week. But it isn't ex- aggeration to say that the "We don't care" attiude so manifest here has a poential effect bigger than at first seems evident. The Arab student who missed the cordiality he met in Russia can't just be written off as representing one man's opinion. When you multiply him times the number of foreign stu- dents on campus who may feel the same way, and multiply them times the number of people they'll influence when they go home again, you get into the realm of higher mathematics. A part of the purpose for foreign aid is to convey the idea that this country cares about the future of other nations. It seems that this purpose is largely cancelled out when, as too often happens here, Americans greet for- eign students with a large dose of grade-A American Indifference. Individual effort is the key to improving the contact between Americans and foreign stu- dents, on the campus at least. And this is one case where individuals can accomplish much more than any organization. If everyone lit just one little candle the Uni- versity would probably go up in smoke. But if everyone took an individual interest in even one foreign student, all those involved would be much richer for the experience. And it might even, in a not so indirect way, keep the world from disappearing in a cloud of smoke, only this time not from a candle. -ANITA PETROSIIUS -Daily-James Richman LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: The Value of Fraternities Indian Diplomacy To the Editor: LIKE REV. LUCHS, I too believe in fraternities. However, his concern over group living leaves me a bit underwhelmed-to say the least. I realize there is a grow- ing tendency toward group think- ing, but I hardly expected this seal of approval from a minister. Rev. Luchs seems to be con- cerned with the difficulty of ad- justing ourselves to our fellow men. Perhaps he has forgotten the importance of the individual and his impact upon society. A casual glance at history might enlighten Rev. Luchs somewhat. THE RUGGED individualists who carved this might nation out of the wilderness were not con- cerned with "adjustment" and "popularity." Does Rev. Luchs be- lieve that the aristocrat Thomas Jefferson "got along" with the members of his group when he fought for a truly representative form of government that included the common man? I wonder if Douglas MacArthur was worried about his popularity when he openly denounced his government's policy in a "police action" called Korea. But the point I really want to make - and this concerns Rev. Luchs directly-is this. If "ad- justing ourselves to our fellow men" is the key to success, then how does one explain the great- ness of Jesus Christ? * * * WERE TIE teachings of Christ in harmony with the beliefs and customs of his times? Did Christ "adjust himself to his fellow men" when he cast the moneychangers from the temples and befriended Mary Magdalene? In my humble opinion, Rev. Luchs, the foremost example of individualism may be viewed in the life of Jesus Christ. -Mike Toomin, '62 'Only a Means . To the Editor: REV. E. LUCHS' recent article is, I feel, indicative of a lim- ited justification of fraternal soci- eties. Learning to live with people in an "adaptive society" in its broad- est sense means learning to live and work with persons of con- trasting ethics, opinions, and faiths. It means, in truth, learning to adopt oneself to different and continually changing ideas with- out losing the perspective of reli- gious and/or intellectual funda- mentals. AN ENVIRONMENT as socially parochial as Rev. Luchs describes does not encourage this adapabil- ity in itself. The individual may, and often does, overcome this difficulty. But to assume that he will is a negative attitude. Fraternities by their nature as a social organization can promote adaptability in its broadest sense. But it must be a means towards that end and not assumed to be the end itself. -Christopher Hassey Racist Policies .. . To the Editor: THOMAS TURNER'S editorial of February 25 calls attention to petitions circulating on American campuses protesting South Africa's racist policies and calling for a world-wide economic boycott. Such a boycott would be an act of extreme desperation. Before we LET US consider what boycott means. It is a seige aimed at starv- ing out the opposition. In South Africa the non-white population would starve first for they have little economic or political power. Violence would be certain, and revolution a possibility. It would be incredibly difficult to prevent dangerous repercussions through the rest of tense Africa. Before signing a petition, I hope that students will ponder the con- sequences of what they are asking for. --J. Whitney, Grad. Cheating Dear Student Committee on Honesty: YOUR ARTICLE, "Intellectual Dishonesty," in Friday's Daily is a praiseworthy step in the right direction of a practical considera- tion of the problem of honesty. You have spoken, and rightly so, for the University itself, in the sense of I'universite c'est nous. You have wisely pointed out the practical considerations involved, such as concern for the value of a University degree. This is a fitting issue for students as a group to consider, and so is the clarifica- tion of such points as "light-fin- gered". writing and improper use of exam files. S * BUT ANY such group attempt to discuss honesty must finally acknowledge that it can have nothing definitive to say, because it is the personal aspect involved which lies at the heart of the prob- lem and quite beyond the scope of any committee effort. Seen in this light, honor is a mode of the Individual student's approach to the question, What am I in college for? It's obvious that the practical aspect then asserts itself as a correlative to his desire to "get something out of the course." Putting forth a concept like "registration as a contract" serves as an act of clarfication, and as such is a valid and useful contri- bution for a committee to make. But group statements aspiring to handle the personal aspects of honesty, such as "moral integrity cannot be compromised" and "dis- honesty is reprehensible" are merely absurd. .-Sandra Suino, '60 To the Queen.. To the Editor: R E: "A request by the Latin American Student's Associa- tion to crown a queen as part of the "Carnival Latino Americano" was denied by Student Govern- ment Council." It seems to me That it remains to be seen Just why we can't have a queen Of 'Carnival Latino Americano' Or of May, June, October, pickles, Peanut butter, fertility, or anything. But it follows a trend Which stifles fun With an over-all ratio of three to one; And all cheerleaders are men. And in engine school there are no girls to miss, And the Union frowns on them. With such an emphasis No wonder we have so much trouble with the police. Peter Sturgeon, '62 when dealing with Beethoven and performance of the Prelude to "Die Meistersinger" was marred by the Inability of the brass section to, deliver simply enough volume. h .n HISTORICALLY, Gabrieli was one of the first composers inter- ested in the possibilities of con- trasting tonal color, and dynamics, and of shifting polychoral tech- nique from voice to orchestra. The "Sonata 'pian e forte'" is an anti- phonal work which originally con- trasted two brass choirs, one of which included a violin. Steinberg wisely bolstered the string complement (in this case, violas), but the antiphonal effect was lost through a too-narrow separation of choirs, necessitated by physical limitations of the au- ditorium. THE EVEN - NUMBERED sym- phonies of Beethoven are all too often hidden in the shadows of the third, fifth, seventh and ninth, which is a shame. They are equally as pleasing in their own right, and should be performed more often. My only quibble with the Stein- berg rendition is that he conducted the second and third movements as though in danger of missing a train. The second movement es- pecially was forced to sacrifice much of its lyricism to an un- fortunate choice of tempo. Other than this, the Beethoven Second Symphony received a fair treatment. In both this and the Mozart (the Overture to "Don Giovanni") the string sections ex- hibited a crisp, precise attack, and the woodwinds suffered only occa- sionally from weak projection. ALL OF WHICH brings us to Paul Hindemith's recent "Pitts- burgh Symphony." It's an exciting work, and certainly deserving of more than one hearing. Although Hindemith has often been accused of an academic and formalized ap- proach to composition, the "Sym- phony" seemed profoundly lyrical in spots, and its form did not seem coldly calculated. All that seemed absent, as a matter of fact, was the song. * * * AFTER THE Hindemith, the Prelude to "Die Meistersinger," which closed the concert, was dis- tantly anti-climactic. If the brass section had de- livered the mass of sound neces- sary, it would have been an ex- cellent performance. Nevertheless, Steinberg displayed his flair for original interpreta- tion and his ability to breath fresh, melodic air into certain standard works brought the con- cert to a close on a satisfactory, if not specatcular note. -James Forsht Mozart. An otherwise compelling DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an Oficial publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which Te Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. TUESDAY, MARCH 1, 1960 VOL. LXX, NO. IlI General Notices Science Research Club meeting: Tues., March _2, at 7:30 p.m. in Rack- ham Amphitheater. Papers: Louis J. Cutrona, EE, "Multichannel Computing by the Use of a Coherent Optical Sys- tem." John E. Bardach Fisheries, "The Bounty of the Mekong." Tonight: Richard Wagner's pera, "Das Rheingold," presented by the De- partment of Speech and the School of Music. Box office open 10 a.m. Perform- ance 8:00 p.m. International Student and Family x- change have moved to new quarters at the adelon Pound House (basement) 1024 Hill St., open Thursday mornings each week, 9:30-11 a.m. Topcoats and sweaters for men and women. Infants equipment and clothing and children's clothing. These are available for all Foreign Students and Families needing the above items. Students who expect to receive Edu- cation and Training Allowance under Public Law 550 (Korean G.I. Bill) or Public Law 634 (Orphan's Bil) must turn in Dean's Monthly Certification for February, signed by all instructors to the Dean's Office before 5 p.m. Thursday, March 3. Agenda, Student Governnent Council, March 2, 190, 7:30 p.m., Council Room, 3540 SAB, Constituents' Time 9:00. Minutes of previous meeting. Agenda. Officer Reports: President, Letters; Executive Vice-President, Interim Ac tion, Housing Committee; Administra- tive vice-President; Treasurer. Special Business : Discriminatory Membership Policies in Student Or- ganizations. Old Business. Standing committees: Student Activi- ties, Recognition: Political Issues Club, Calendaring: PIC - SDA Conference, Early Registration Pass; Education & Student Welfare; National & Interna- tional Affairs; National Student Asso- ciation Coordinator. Ad Hoc Cormittees: World Univer- sity Service, University Lecture Com- mittee, Rules & Credentials. New Business: Audit with Credit-- Miller. Members' and Constituents' Time. Announcements. Adjournment. Posted for March 9: Personnel Direc- tor, Appointments to Housing Com- mittee, Required Program in Physical Education. Martha Cook Building - applications for residence are due March 10, 1960. Those who already have application blanks are requested to bring them in immediately. Those who desire to make application may do so by calling NO 2-3225 between 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. for an appointment. Lectures Lecture: Prof. Paul A. Weiss, The Rockefeller Institute, New York, will speak on "From Cell to Molecule," on Tues., March 1 at 4 p. in the third level amphitheater, Medical Science Bldg. Professor Jovan Djordjevi will lec- ture on "The Constitutional System of Yugoslavia" on March 2 at 4:15 i An- gell Hall Auditorium C. Professor Francis L. K. Hsu, Chair- man of the Department of Anthropology at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, will lecture in Auditorium A of Angell Hall on "Cultural Differences Between China and the United States" on Wednesday, March 2. Lecture: Herman Zanstra, visiting Prof. of Astronomy, University of Am- sterdam, will speak on "The Philosophi- cal Foundations of Knowledge" on Wed., March 2 at 4 p.m., Rm. 33, An- gell Hall. Academic Notices M a t h e m a t i c s Colloquium: Prof. Moshe Shimrat, Visiting Lecturer from Here UniversityJerusle, il speak on "Disconnection properties of locally-connected spaces," Tues, March 1, 1960 at 4:10 p.m. in Rm. 3011 Angell Hall. Refreshments: 3:30 p.m. in Rm. 3212 Angell Hall. Space Astrophysics Colloquium: Dr. W. Rense, Prof. of Physics, University of Colorado, will speak on "Ultravio- let Spectroscopy of the Sun" on Tues., March 1 at 4:15 p.m. in Rackham Am- phitheater. Seminar: "Unitarianisin," led by Dr. Earle Zeigler, School of Education, U. of M. Tuesday, March 1, 4:15 p.m., Lane Hall Library. Placement Notices Sumuner Placement; Ann Arbor YM-YWCA-Ann Arbor, Michigan: Camp Birkett - Mr. Ditt- man interviewing; Camp Takona-Miss Budd interviewing,, Tues., March 1, 1960. from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. Rockin' R Ranch, Mr. P. H. McAeenan, will interview for counselors on Thurs- day, March 3rd and Friday a.m. Sailing instructor needed at the Port THuron Yacht ClubIh nc. Must have ex- l A .1 4 'I I 4 Letters to the Editor must be signed and limited to 300 words. The Daily reserves the right to edit or withhold any letter. NEW DELHI - Whatever foibles and frail- ties Nehru may have you had better not underestimate his brilliance in tactical diplo- matic maneuver. His delayed note to China is a case in point. Consider his problem. He was committed to refuse negotiations until China withdrew its unflated claims. His dilemma was acute. If he agreed to a summit with Chou after talking with Khrushchev the opposition leaders would accuse him of bowing to Khrushchev's pres- sures and of climbing down from his stern principled position. If he refused and sat tight he would not only let Khrushchev down but would freeze a border stalemate with the two armies confronting each other dangerously across the disputed boundaries. H OW HE solved it deserves to be taught in the schools for training diplomats. After three hours of talks with Khrushchev he arose in the Indian upper house and solemnly an- nounced that there was no basis for negotiat- ing at present with China. Everyone seemed happy except Khrushchev who was reported looking "glum" by the rain-and-sunshine cor- respondents who judge political climate by facial weather. There was talk of the failure of the Khrushchev mission. Fortunately I neither finished nor sent the piece. Khrushchev left New Delhi for Calcutta and was wished godspeed - or whatever the worshippers of many gods wish a traveller who worships none. But no sooner had Khrushchev left India for Rangoon when Nehru coolly an- neunced he had invited Chou En-lai to Delhi. The rub lay in the timing. The invitation was signed February Sixth, five days before Khrushchev's arrival. It was given to India's ambassador who was returning to his Peking post several days later and delivered last Fri- day. It was one of the best kept secrets of the diplomatic war. Only a handful of insiders in- cluding Khrushchev knew as Nehru stood up in to the Chinese. This was a fresh meeting for later in March, Indian-inspired, for a meeting is now a symbol of settlement with China un- der pressure. In addition to his timing, Nehru's other con- tribution to the art of diplomacy was his dis- distinction between negotiating with Chou and meeting with Chou. When he told parliament that there was no basis for negotiation he was saved by this distinction. He has several times said he would "meet with anyone in the wide world." His parliamentary opposition, led by Social- ist Asoka Mehta, is understandably furious but their fury is ineffectual. The sharpest editorial attack is in the usually weighty Times of India which asks how Nehru and Chou can meet without negotiating and whether Nehru's fic- tion is wholly honest. The India Express and the Hindustan Times both join in the attack. The leaders of the press and parliamentary op- positions have the uneasy feeling that they have been had. PERHAPS their standards are too exacting when applied to foreign policy. Doubtless Nehru's distinction between negotiating with Chou and meeting with him is a fiction, and a transparent one. But India's dilemma is dan- gerous and difficult. If Nehru can help resolve it by verbal juggling and parliamentary sleight of hand his opposition may regard him as too crafty but history will judge him in more kind- ly fashion, not by verbal forms but by the es- sence of what he does. THE DANGER Nehru runs is the danger of meeting with Chou and having the meeting fail. It is the danger of all summit diplomacy, including the Paris meeting in May - the danger of raising hopes which are dashed by the sequel, and are followed by an even sharper disillusionment. Nor can Nehru avoid the charge that by meeting with Chou he will give dignity and standing to the Chinese refusal to H. CHANDLER DAVIS CASE: America's Right of Dissent, (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is an abbreviated version of an article that appeared in The Provi- dence Sunday Journal.) DR. H. Chandler Davis, former University of Michigan mathe- matics instructor, is now behind prison bars because of his unwill- ingness to yield what he conceives to be his constitutional rights to government investigators. This case poses deep questions - and a large challenge - in a basic area of American liberty. How free are American citizens to hold and debate unpopular ideas? Is the cornerstone of American de- mocracy in danger of being erod- ed? If so, what can be done about it? At the outset it must be ac- knowledged that Dr. Davis stands guilty, under present law and un- der due process of the courts, of defying the established rules and institutions of this democratic so- ciety. DR. DAVIS stands guilty of contempt of the United States Congress for refusing to discuss before a congressional subcom- mittee any aspects of his political belief and affiliations. To raise this issue is not to as- sert in advance an unqualified right of each and every private citizen to subordinate the judge- ment of society to his own con- science. To make such an asser- tion would be to advocate anar- chy. But there is, it seems to us, solid ground for bringing into question the manner in which so- First Amendment guarantees of freedom of speech and assembly. AGAIN and again, Dr. Davis told congressmen investigating him in 1954 that they had no right to pry into his personal con- victions and associations. Govern- ment has no authority to inquire into the political beliefes of the electorate, he claimed, and to do so amounts to nothing less than the exertion of official pressure to secure conformity of belief and behavior. Standing against these claims is the traditional justification of government's right to investigate and expose. Surely in this age of international political manipula- tion, it is a prover function of government to inquire into the extent of possible subversion or of outright threats to security. Surely, too, it is proper for gov- ernment to expose and reveal its findings and to show the public what is going on. Surely too, it is the right of government to protect itself against those who would de- stroy it. The present case, then, demon- strates anew the continuing and inevitable conflict between the individual's claim to freedom and the state'sclaim to security - a conflict which the growth of in- ternational communism has made all the more difficult. How can it be resolved? * * * THE DEMOCRATIC method, of course, is to submit such con- flict to the courts, as has been done in the present case, and the that he foreswear his opinions? Cannot a distinction be drawn between passive advocacy of a cause and active conspiratorial activity on its behalf as a "clear and present danger?" It should be noted, in the present case, that Dr. Davis is not charged with criminal activity. If he is innocent of statutory offense, whatever his political belief, should he be prosecuted for claiming immunity from governmental probing of his political conscience? If these are some of the con- siderations which seem to bear on an adjudication of conflicts be- tween personal political freedom and governmental security, it must be asked then whether the courts have weighed such consid- erations fairly in the present case. And the answer, unhappily, is no. * * * IN THE CASE of Dr. Davis, the Supreme Court withdrew entirely from the fundamental questions of personal liberty. On December 8, 1959, it simply declined alto- gether to review Dr. Davis' con- viction, by a lower court, of con- tempt of Congress. Whether Dr. Davis is a com- munist or not is not known, sim- ply because he has refused to dis- cuss such matters. But whether he is or not is really beside the point. He has not been found guilty of espionage or any other criminal act. But he is guilty of claiming constitutional immunity for private opinion. Whether or not his claim is valid is a ques- tion on which the Supreme Court majority has chosen to turn its 4 i