Russell Says Grout To Spark Riots in NEARING AGREEMENT: West Discusses Disarmament Plan . .. WASHINGTON, mP)--Allied of- ficials were reported near agree- ment yesterday on a new three- stage disarmament plan for ne- gotiation with Russia. But France may block a final Western accord. Diplomats said the heavy in- volvement of French military forces in Algeria and France's de- termination to develop atomic weapons make it difficult for President Charles de Gaulle to ac- cept now disarmament proposals that are agreeable to his allies. The tentative Western plan is designed to halt the arms race and achieve cutbacks in both conven- tional and nuclear weapons while preserving at each stage the "bal- ance of deterrents" between the United States and the Soviet Un- ion. To Open Talks The United States, Britain, France, Canada and Italy will open negotiations with Russia and four other Communist countries at Geneva on March 15. Western disarmament experts have been meeting here for more than a month to develop propo- sals for the session. Early this week they hope to know whether these proposals will go into a single Western plan or whether they will have to come up with a Western position statement and let each country propose whatever plan it wishes in line with the generally agreed policy. The planning efforts, which may shift to Paris within a week or so, have been plagued with difficul- ties. Many of these difficulties have originated in the Eisenhow- er administration. Turned Over Last summer President Dwight 17. Eisenhower and Secretary of State Christian A. Herter turned over to Charles A. Coolidge, Bos- ton lawyer, the task of reviewing disarmament problems and com- ing up with recommendations for the next round with Russia. Instead, it is reported on excel- lent authority that the Coolidge group failed to produce a program. In fact, the state department found the top secret Coolidge re- port "negative" on the whole dis- armament problem and much more concerned with security. It raised many questions about long-estab- lished United States disarmament policy and left the United States without a plan of action. Agree on Policy What Washington did lose by fumbling was the opportunity to lead Western planning. The lead- ership role fell instead to the Brit- ish government which entered the talks here with a well developed disarmament program. Broadly, the three stages would provide first for careful East-West planning of controls coupled with such preliminary steps as a halt in nuclear weapons testing. Second, for initial measures of actual disarmament such as re- ductions in conventional military forces and in nuclear weapons stockpiles. Third, for final elimination of mass destruction weapons and powerful national forces with the world police Job passing to an in- ternational military force. Tries South Cites Hope To Influence Rg ht Bill Attacks Legislation As Partisan to Nixon WASHINGTON, (A'--Sen. Rich- ard B. Russell (D-Ga) said yes- terday efforts are being made to spark race riots in the South ih hopes of winning support for pas- sage of civil rights legislation. He also called one part of the administration's civil rights meas- ure "a salute to Nixon section-an effort to promote the Vice Presi- dent of the United States." Russell ripped into the legisla- tion after Sen. Jacob K. Javits (R-NY) held the floor for more than three hours in the first full- dress move by civil rights advo- cates to present their case since the debate started two weeks ago. The Saturday session brought forth the liveliest debate yet. Russell, quarterbacking for Dix- ie senators opposed to the legis- lation, said direction for recent Negro demonstrations at lunch counters and other traditionally segregated public services in the South came from New York City. Russell shouted that a group known as the Congress for Racial Equality advocated mass efforts by young Negroes to get into seg- regated places. "They fostered, planned and in- cited these incidents that could lead to a great tragedy in some cities," Russell told the Senate. "It demonstrates to me that they were anxious to start a race riot of terrible proportions .. . "This is no time to be going down there and trying to promote a race riot. Gentlemen, you are playing with powder and I hope the match won't catch fire to set off a disaster." Senate leaders have fixed Mon- day for the start of around-the- clock sessions to try to break the filibuster tactics which Russell and other Southern Democrats have been waging against the adminis- tration bill to help guarantee Ne- gro voting rights. If that fails, an attempt may be made to use the Senate's cloture rule which permits further debate to be choked off by the votes of a two-thirds majority. Second Front Page Sunday, February 28, 1960 Page 3 ARTS AND LETTERS: Prof. Reider Defines Photography as 'Art' By STEPHANIE ROUMELL "Is photography an art? That's according to how art is defined," Prof. David Reider of the archi- tecture and design school, who teaches several courses in photog- raphy, said. "Photography is an art only in the hands of an artist, Just as a piano produces good music only in the hands of a real musician." Photography is a combination of physics, engineering, and chem- istry, he pointed out. Painting is part chemistry too. "But photography is a baby in the art field. And it is only in the last few years that museums have opened their doors to this medium in terms of permanent positions. "It's true that photography doesn't have the long tradition that other arts do. But if we rely wholly on tradition we would nev- er have anything new," he said. Camera Mechanical "The camera is mechanical, but so is the acetylene torch in sculp- ture. And you must work within the limitations of any medium. "Science has produced, through physics, chemistry, and engineer- ing the 'glass eye,' which has much more potential than any human eye. "It can see quickly or slowly, near, or far, or both at the same time, sharply, dully, or microscop- ically." There are many combinations, he added, all in relation to the photographer. Strongest Medium "Photography is the strongest possible medium of visual commu- nication in the world. It is a lan- guage that transcends the spoken word. It is. therefore, universal. "I don't particularly care if photography is considered an art; all we do here is develop artists. It is a medium of great reality, Prof. Reider said. "Most people believe a picture. Detracts from Concept "And this detracts from the concept of photography as an art in the same way that illustrating detracts from painting as an art. "And, too, the camera is a popu- lar medium-everyone has one. And in a sense everyone can call themselves photographers. But this isn't true in the professional sense." Part of the teaching problem, Prof. Reider noted, is to make the camera express what it sees, not merely to record it. "You have certain controls with the camera which allow one to express beyond mere recording. And whatever field the photog- rapher is in, he can be creative." An important thing about pho- tography is the mass of informa- tion it has added to the field of education, he continued. "There are pictures available about everything, which adds to the information about what the world really looks like. "Suppose all the photographs were to be taken out of books," he suggested. "The amount lost would be tremendous. "Photographyhas universal ac- ceptance. It might be called the art of the masses; it gives every- one a chance to express them- selves. "Everyone takes pictures, but with different motivations. First one simply records for the family album. Then one finds that he wants to express himself with a camera, and photography becomes a hobby. That's why we have so many amateur photographers. many amateur photographers." Case Claims Data on Russia Not Withheld WASHINGTON (P) - Republi- can Sen. Clifford P. Case of New Jersey said yesterday there is no basis whatever for any suggestion that intelligence data on Soviet missiles has been withheld from United States military leaders. Case mentioned no names but his statement obviously was in reply to questions raised by Senate Democratic Leader Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas. Undergraduate Men are needed ... to serve in an experiment for 1 7/2 hours. Pay $2.00. Please call Mrs. Strong NO 3-1511 Ext. 2651 or send postcard with name, address, phone and hours available to her at 6627 Haven Hall. . .r:. : :":4 :; is:v '.i i4Co :ii-F}:: iiSdLri k5 d.'t& a ar4M SAVE ! during our semi-annual SALE of Jacobson's own 1 Fashion Tone NYLON HOSIERY Seamless hosiery in demi (toe); full footed (heel and toe). In all of the season's most popular shades. 1.00 3 pairs, 2.85 Full-fashioned dress sheer, business sheer, or walking sheer; stretch or full sandal no-seam. Sizes 812 to 11 in small, medium, or large proportionate sizes. 3 pairs, 3.25 I I- a 4i . I confectioner cotton ensemble with a triple scoop of fashion / / vI 898 Peppermint pink, ice blue, lemon or lime in a cotton skirt and blouse that can be worn as a rol-sleeve classic, or with its lace-ruffled or embroidered jabots. Refreshing spring-through- summer fashion. Sizes 10 to 16. I RU shaped by I I .V t Ix .I ii I - I I-- -- -1 - - -1, : 4- - .O 1 Ivo Or- .. 1%0 .I .1 r in ta we s esrC F.-. Q f