Seventieth Year DITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSrrY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3242 z Opinions Are Free ith Will Prevail" 'itorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. "He Always Leaves a Nice Clean Desk" e- N? MR EAVE Tt c O+GES" 1 -' rota TAr GROUP LIVING: Why I Believe t~eIirtIn Fraternities (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following article was written by the Minister of the First Congregational Church of Ann Arbor. It has appeared in a dozen or chore fraternity and sorority publications.) REMEMBER that awful day when Robinson Crusoe looked down in the sands and there saw a human footprint. Thereafter his life was .changed. Now he had to live with that per- son. No longer could he come and go as h wished. Now he must plan his meals, his bedtimes, his work with the other person in mind. Robinson Crusoe had to learn the lesson we all must learn: how to live withi people. A psychologist said to me recently that almost ,half the people FEBRUARY 26, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: KATHLEEN MOORE Intellectual Fervor' And the Desire To Cheat E CHARGES that literary college distribu- on requirements and incompetent edu- rs, supposedly among the causes of cheating 1e University, are also responsible for a lack 'intellectual fervor," are unfounded and ely confuse the real reasons. ggestions have been made that the present ibution requirements in science are inade- e because they are geared only to those entrating in the specific field. Placement of subject matter in a general, cultural, his- :al, and scientific context has been advo- d. it, most beginning science courses try to his now, and seem to be doing fairly well. md the elementary stages, of course, science ses do not attempt such general education ouch as lower level courses. he claim that students find these required ice courses a roadblock to receiving a di- va seems more an excuse for not wanting ake them. The claim also contradicts the re to have them placed on a more general HAS BEEN assumed that "big name" re- arch professors are poor teachers and iequently impede most students' education. as also been assumed that because some of e men do not want to teach, the goals of :ation at their institutions are being de- This is not entirely true, because it must be be noted that professors can obtain a big repu- tation in more than one way. A professor may be known and highly respected as a fine edu- cator who has endowed his field with his personality and outlook. He may be recognized as a sympathetic and understanding adminis- trator who can work with other educators, guide them and inspire them. Recognition may also be gained through devoted and unselfish work for the advancement of one's field. Accusations against those who want to do something other than teach are often unjusti- fied and unfounded restrictions of personal and academic freedoms. CHARGES that distribution curves are an- other stumbling block to the processes of education are often excuses for not wanting to learn. A person is by no means restricted in studying by the requirements of a course. One hopes that it shouldn't be the grade that counts uppermost in a course, but what one does in learning and in persuing his curiosity to logical ends. Students have no right to shift the whole blame for a lack of "Intellectual fervor" to other factors. Nothing can replace the genuine desire to learn. Teachers are here to show us the way. But it is unjustified to assume that they must pull students by the arm like children. -HENRY LEE ABBREVIATED VERSION: An Interview with Nixon Through the Back Door [F YOU LOOK for the word "discriminate" in, for instance, Evans' Dictionary of Con- emporary American Usage, you will be referred o the word "distinguish," and there you will ind that "discriminate" is explained as an "ad- erse distinction with regard to certain people mnd, especially, to unfair treatment on the asis of such distinctions." The problem of campus discrimination has ,lways bothered a few people who claim that tudents should have the opportunity to make heir own enemies without help from outsiders. Mainly, campus discrimination is blamed on raternities and sororities, some of whom have :onstitutional prohibitions, others merely agree- nents-concerning membership. A deep thinker, of whom there are an occa- ional . few, would wonder if discrimination ould be banished by a resolution, but it has een tried many times, and has occasionally iven worked out. Presently, SGC is working over a new set of pproaches to the touchy problem of campus :iscrimination. After some unsuccessful, if irect, attempts, the Council has turned to bmething more subtle. Currently being con- Aidered are a set of rules which would, in effect, iut offending groups in a state of suspended animation until they could somehow cleanse heir constitutions of bias clauses. Another proposal calls for "disciplinary action" against groups with institutionalized discrimination. BTH OF THESE proposals deal with the effect of a curious state of mind, perhaps most favorably described as cautious. "Cau- tious" thinkers are hesitant to open their minds, or their fraternities or their neighborhoods to visitors from outer space, and often pass laws to this effect. Legislation of the type pres- ently being considered by SGC might deal with these discriminatory laws, but hardly with the underlying state of mind. Since it is not at all easy to determine where to begin solving the problem of discrimina- tion, perhaps this method will work as well as any. The communication of the theory and practice of restrictive policies to presumably open-minded students, whether through or- ganizational constitutions or less obvious routes, is a dismal sight. Removal of written "dis- criminatory" regulations is only one step in the gradual trend toward giving students far more freedom of choice than they will possibly know how to use. But trends, once started, are hard to stop. A return to the dark ages seems un- likely, and it would appear' that this campus is headed for a period of quasi-enlightenment, if not an actual rebirth of the age of reason. -DAVID KESSEL Daily Guest Writer (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is from remarks by James A. Wech- sier to the 2nd Annual Student Editor's Conference sponsored by the Overseas Press Club. It is in- tended as an abbreviated version of an unproduced Meet The Press in- terview, with certain spontaneous asides indicated in italics.) ONCE AGAIN NBC brings you an unrehearsed press confer- ence with a noted American. This time our guest is Vice-President Richard Nixon, sometimes men- tioned as a candidate for the Re- publican nomination. With us to- night are four outstanding news- men. Their questions do not re- flect a point of view (most of them don't have any), but are simply their attempt to get a story (with- out doing any work). Seated around the table are Lawrence Spivack, May Craig of the Portland Press-Herald, Ros- coe Drummond of the Christian Science Monitor and W. H. Law- rence of the Times. Brooks: I see that Mr. Spivack happens to have the first question. SPIVACK: Mr. Vice-President, you were once very critical of the and even said: "Wouldn't it be Truman-Acheson administration nice to have a Secretary of State who will stand up to the Com- mies?" How do you reconcile that with this Administration's meet- ings with Khrushchev and its oth- er dealings with the Soviet lead- ers? Nixon: (Who is this bum - he doesn't even work for a news- paper; who puts him on this show?) Mr. Spivack, as our great President would say, I'm delighted you asked that question. I can only answer it by saying that I meant what I said then, and I mean what I say now - consis- tency, it was once said, is the, the hobgoblin of small minds, and I am proud to say this Administra- tion has been able to see the big picture, the picture that truly counts, and that is why, even as we mobilize all our resources to c o m b a t atheistic materialistic communism, we are doing every- thing in our power to save the peace of the world so that Amer- ican boys will not once again have to waste their blood in Korea, where, as I have said at times, they were led by the Truman- Acheson policy, but let me add as I have also said at other times that I applaud Mr. Truman's de- cision to act there - I am sorry to give so brief an answer to your question, * * * MRS. CRAIG: Mr. Vice-Presi- dent, you said recently that more schools and teachers were an ur- gent, urgent need but when you OY AND TOMORROW Disarmament Talks By WALTER LIPPMANN To The Edi [KE THE WEATHER "disarmament" is a, subject about which we all talk and do hing. A new round of talks is to begin next nth. But there is not now an American plan. ere is no Allied plan, and in truth despite . K's speech at the United Nations, there is Soviet plan. apart from a few small specific proposals, stern thinking is based on a condition which is impossible to fulfill-namely, that there )uld be universal and unlimited inspection of armaments. The Soviet proposals rest on equally invalid and unreal condition, which hat all nations should disarm totally because y trust one another completely. HE UNREALITY of the disarmament policy arises from an agreement among the powers ich flies in the face of the lessons of ex- 'ience. This is the agreement that they will to negotiate disarmament before they nego- te settlements of the issues which divide m. This cannot be done. The powers will - and cannot disarm while they are in aflict on vital issues, such as the future of rmany and the future of Japan. Since the powers are for various reasons able and unwilling to negotiate compromises the vital issues, they have to talk about nething and so they talk about disarmament. . Khrushchev talks about it. Dr. Adenauer ks about it. President Eisenhower talks about But they merely talk about it. For they do mean to disarm while the vital issues are resolved, and for the time being there is real prospect that they, are ready to nego- te seriously about the vital issues. ['he powers are in a traffic jam where they mnnt move forward and they will not move :kward. The jam has become increasingly have two major goals. The first is "urgently to try to create a more stable military environ- ment." If that can be done, and only if it can be done, will we proceed to our second goal which is to cut national armed forces and to build up international machinery to keep the peace. "A more stable military environment" is a new and interesting phrase in the tired langu- age of disarmament. What does it mean? It means to establish safeguards against surprise attacks. What safeguards? According to our official doctrine in the field of disarmament, the safeguard would lie in the right and the ca- pacity to inspect, to watch, and to investigate the conduct of the great military establish- ments. This is about as easy to accomplish as it is to establish a colony on the moon. There is, however, another doctrine, a basic strategic doctrine, which holds that the true safeguard against surprise attack lies in meas- ures to make it impossible to knock out the retaliatory power by surprise attack. If, for example, we had a fleet of submarines armed with Polaris missiles, we would have an in- vulnerable retaliatory power. If we had it, there could be no surprise attack upon this country, IT IS INTERESTING to note that the military strategic doctrine, which is generally held by the Air Force and by the Navy, is also the Soviet military strategic doctrine. In his recent speech to the 21st Congress, Mr. K. discussed at some length the problem of surprise attack. His view was that a srprise attack could not be successful against a very big country. For, said he, there would always be in reserve retal- atory power which the surprise attack could not reach. It is not altogether clear whether he had to break a tie vote in the Sen- ate, you voted against the key aid- to-education bill. Nixon: (Why doesn't that dame get a new hat?) Mrs. Craig, I have no apologies to make for my rec- ord or that of this Administra- tion, in the field of education. From the time I was a small boy, I have been for it - in fact, only the other day I had a letter from an old teacher of mine in Whit- tier, in which she enclosed an old report card showing - I hope you will not consider this immodest- that my record for punctuality was the best in my class, and that she thought this revealed just how deeply I had always valued edu- cation. And so I say to her, and to teachers all over the land, we Republicans know the job you are doing and an apple to all teach- ers. And we intend to give you all the help we can without laying the heavy hand of bureaucracy over your schoolrooms. Mrs. Craig: But Mr. Nixon - Nixon: (Can't she ever shut up?) Yes Mrs. Craig. Mrs. Craig: Do you - Nixon: Mrs. Craig, I should like to go on and on and on on this subject but I am sure there is other ground - Brooks: If I may interrupt, I see that Roscoe Drummond has a question. DRUMMOND: Mr. Nixon, you have said, on more than one oc- casion, that you believe, if I may coin a phrase, that politics should stop at the water's edge. But aren't you troubled by the testi- mony of some of our defense of- ficiaL4 that the missile gap is growing, and may steadily get worse. I do not mean to question the sincerity or wisdom of the President, but aren't these facts that must be faced? Nixon: (Those damned Chris- tian Scientists) Mr. Drummond, I have long admired your work, and I can only say, as I did the other day, that I wish the opposition party would stop playing the numbers game. (That oughta shut them up). Lawrence: There are persistent reports that Governor Rockefel- ler isn't giving up, and is just waiting for something to go wrong with your campaign to become ac- tive again. * * s NIXON: (He's telling me-those Times men pretend to be so im- partial, but they're always stirring up trouble). Mr. Lawrence, just let me digress for a moment to say how much I respect the Times, and I can think of no institution more important to the freedom of the press than the one you repre- sent, and I can remember as a young man how it was my ambi- tion to be even a lowly copy on that newspaper, until circum- stances over which I had little control led me to run for Congress. And now in answer to your ques- tion, I shall not of course try to speak for Mr. Rockefeller but I can only repeat again what I have said before, and that is that Mr. who lose their jobs lose them not cause they lack the techniques, not because they cannot do the Job, but because they cannot live with people. Coronet Magazine had an article some months ago on "how to succeed." The editors went to 202 successful men and asked them what were the rea- sons for their success. We read in the article that the 202 men were unanimous. They said, "The single ability most essential to success is the ability to get along with people." WHY DID Andrew Carnegie pay Schwab a million dollars a year or more than three thousand dol- lars a day. Why? Because Schwab was a genius? No. Becausehe knew more about the manufacture of steel than other people? Non- sense. Charles Schwab testified< that he had many men' working1 for him who knew more about the manufacture of steel than he did. Schwab says that he was paid this salary largely' because of his, ability to. deal with people. 1 The problem of human relation- ships has been intensified greatly by our moving from an established scolety to an adaptive society. In that old established society men, found security within the family or the social group. It is more dif- ficult to adjust ourselves to our fellowmen today than it was in the days of our forefathers be- cause the old cultural patterns which gave us security have brok- en down. Our great industrial civilization has diminished our capacity for working together. We have been minimizing the problem. Have we not said: "Get people together around the same table, in the same conference, on the same committees, and they will learn to live together?" But in these "together" relationships we have our greatest problems. * * * College ought to prepare a stu- dent to live with people. But a boy can leave his alma mater fully versed in the ancient philosophies, well qualified to do research in three languages, p r a c tic ally trained to teach a room of chil- dren, ably trained to think through to a logical conclusion, but yet be a neophyte in human relationships. The fraternity man need not fail here. Four years of living with his fellowmen, four years of meals, beds, bull , sessions, meetings, dances, projects, parties ought to fit a man to live with people. Fraternity men live together not as robots but as brothers. They have knelt at the same al- tar and in fraternity ritual paid obeisance to the same God. Each man is "brothered" to the other with holy ties. He who would fall is lifted up by his brethren. The faint-hearted are encour- aged to assert themselves; the bully is tempered with loving and firm hands; the show-off is taught humility; the wall-flower is lured into the arena; the hot-tempered is cooled with charity; the bigot is enveloped in brotherhood. That's why I believe in frater- nities. By REV. E. LUCHS because of inefficiency, not be- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETPI The Daily Official Bulletin isan official publication of The ,Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1960 VOL. LXX, NO. 108 General Notices Composers Forum Postponed: The concert originally announced for Feb. 26 has been postponed, and will be heard on Sun., March 6, in Aud. A, at 8:30 pa. Box Office Open Monday: Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre, for tickets to Rich- ard Wagner's opera, "Das Rheingold,". to be presented Tues. through Sat. nex week. Tickets available for Tues. andF Wed. performances only. Ushering: Sign-up sheets for people who wish to usher for the next De- partment of Speech Playbill production are on the bulletin board outside Rm. 1502 Frieze Bldg. Summary action taken by Student Government Council at its meeting Feb. 24, 190. Approved minutes previous meeting. Denied request of 'Latin American Students Association for' waiver of policy relating to "queens." Approved appointents to: the Stu- dent Activities Scholarship Board: Mary Lou Liebaert, Babs Miller, Jon Trost, Michael Turoff. Approved appointment of Dick Gell as SOC Student Activities Chairman. Reviewed and accepted appointment of Carolyn Beal to mi vacancy on Jpint Judiciary Council. Considered Haber-Miller proposal for action toward implementation of the 1959 Regents' By-Lay 2.14, Policy on Nondiscrimination, with respect to stu- dent organizations. Reinstated Rules for Counting Bal- lots-Hare System (Vol. 3, p.91) pro- viding for transfer of only those bal- lots of elected candidates which were received in excess of the quota, inef- fect rescinding the revised rules adopt- ed at the meeting of Feb. 17. Approved activities as follows: Feb. 25: Political Issues Club, lecture by Sandro Sarti, Union, 8 p.m. Feb. 26: India Students Asoc., Indian Films, Angell Hall, 7:30 p.m. March 1: Political Issues Club, "The H. Chandler Davis ae,"1Egene Dou- van, Union, 8:30 p.m. March 4: Young Friends, d'Anti-Mil - tary Ball or Peacemakers Prance," Un- Ion, 9-12. March 9: International Students' As- sociation and Arab Club, program, "Arab Unity - a force for peace" with understanding that there will be a question and answer period allowed, Angell Hal, 8:30 p.m. March 10, 12. April : Men's Glee Club concerts in Ypsilanti, Tecumseh, De- troit. March 17, 18, 19: Women's League, Junior Girls' Play, Lydia Mendelsohn Theatre, p.m. March 26-April 2: Men's Glee Club, Spring Tour, 8 cities. May 14: Men's Glee Club, Spring Concert, Hill Aud., 8:30 p.m. Approved V'ulcans request for sale of tickets for vacation travel to and from Ft. Lauderdale spring vacation at a special rate. Received report of following tempor- arily certified candidates for SGC: Brereton Bissell, Eleanor Cook, Donald B, Corriere, David Cristy, John Feld- kamp Jim Hadley, Per Hanson, Paul Heil, Connie Kreger, Bob Molay, Fred Riecker, Arthur Rosenbaum, Roger Seasonwein, M. A. Hyder Shah. Reviewed rulings of Credentials and Rules Committee, approved 1) advanc- (Continued on Page 8) 71 Bias .-- To the Editor: THE LETTER of Messrs. Net- hammer, Lyons, and Boodt seems to imply that the Michigan Legislature, which has already demonstrated its competence in fiscal and taxation policy, should be hired to teach economics at the University and Professors Brazer and Stolper released, Strange that the recommeida- tions based on a study by Professor Brazer's committee should cate- gorically be dismissed'as a "bias." 'trange also that the majority of professional economists support Professor Brazer and Stolper's opinion that the burden of a sales tax falls upon low income groups. * * * FROM THE opinions expressed by Messrs' Nethammer, Lyons, and Boodt it would appear that Pro- fessors Stolper and Brazer's com- plaint that few individuals actu- ally take the trouble to look at relevant facts and figures is well founded. Since Professor Braser's "bias" was arrived at by a year of thoughtful research it seems only fair that others should spend at lea t a morning's research before arriving at their bias. -Robert Adams, Grad, -Michael Bird, Grad. -Omesh Khanna, Grad, ---Leonard Schifrin, Grad. blamed for acting in conformance with their parents' standards? Especially, how can a youth be blamed when his father advises him to join a fraternity and make as many "contacts" as he can? Tradition agrees, for in England it used to be acceptable behavior fo. boys in prep schools and col- leges to fawn upon others with "influence" in order that some of that "influence" might accrue to them in later years. * * * IF EVERYONE is in fraternities and country clubs, etc. to contact influential people, why are the in- fluential people there? What do they have to. gain from joining? In my experience, some enjoy be- ing fawned upon. There are other reasons, too. What about women; where do they fit in? It seems to me that the average single-girl-in-college fits into a sorority as a fish fits into water. On the other hand it seems that people of "other" races of the United States wouldn't logi- cally fit into the fraternity-soror- ity picture, as I have presented it. Still and all, you can't help lik- ing some of the members of fra- ternities and sororities. It's just that it gives you a funny feeling to know that they will not like you or discard you on other grounds, (e.g., how much "influence" you have). -Rob Johnson, '61