I I .1 i a Leaders in Senate. Press For Civil Rights Action GOP PRIMARY: rHutchinson Plans Raee State Sen. Edward Hutchinson (R-Fennville) will run for the GOP nomination for lieutenant governor. He will probably be opposed by Rep. George Sallade (R-Ann Ar- bor), though Sallade, who has promised to run for some state of- fice, has yet to make a formal statement of his intentions. Hutchinson has the support of Senate Majority Leader Frank D. Beadle (R-St. Clair) who was also mentioned as a conservative can- didate for the nomination. Senti- ment among the Senate Republi- cans is rather strong against Sal- lade, who has often crossed party lines in the House to vote with the Democrats. Hutchinson feels he can work with Paul Bagwell, probable GOP gubernatorial candidate, despite the highly-publicized difference between Bagwell and Senate Re- publicans. "I can work with Mr. Bagwell if, he runs for governor, and I know we can straighten out any differ- ences in our philosophies. I will listen to his ideas and be influ- enced by him, as I know he would listen to my ideas and be influ- enced by me. "It is essential that candidates work together, and I know Mr. Bagwell and I could do so." Bagwell and the Senate Repub- licans, some of whom have open- ly ttied to displace him, are cur- rently meeting to reach working agreements on major state issues. - qM PROTEST-Police drag away a picket at a Richmond department store where 34 Negroes were arrested following an attempted sitdown demonstration by them. Increasing instances of race troubles are putting additional pressures on Congressmen to pass civil rights legislation. Virgi*niaPasses Laws To Curb Negro Strike RICHMOND W)-Tougher anti- trespass laws aimed at curbing the recent outbreak of Negro sitdowns in white restaurants and other places of business, went into effect in Virginia yesterday. Gov. J. Lindsy Almond, Jr., signed three bills rushed through the legislature as Negroes contin- ued picketing a large downtown department store, scene of a recent sitdown. Negro leaders said they intended to expand their picketing activities and had pledges of sup- port from 2,000 members of their race. The new laws were passed in an atmosphere of extra security at the capitaol, where uniformed state police augmented the normal capi- tol police force in a watch for any Negro demonstration. Strict Laws Sen. Fred Bateman (D-Newport News) who handled the bills for the administration, said the strict- er laws weren't designed to imply that the state would seek to en- force segregation in the stores and eating places. Rather, he said, they would pro- tect the rights of the private prop- erty owner to conduct his business a:> he might legally choose. He said the property owner could serve either or both races segregated or integrated as he saw fit. The new bills provide maximum penalties of a year in jail, a $1,000 fine or both for trespass, encour- aging others to trespass, or con- spiring with others to trespass after having been properly for- bidden to do so. Montgomery Protest Elsewhere in the South, a group of Negro college students staged a brief sitdown protest against segregation in the basement grill of the Montgomery County, Ala., Courthouse. The grill was closed and the 25 Negroes were ordered outside. There they remained, with a promise to reenter the grill as soon as it rcopened. At Chattanooga, Tenn., where fire hoses and the threat of police billy clubs were needed to subdue throngs of angry whites and Ne- groes Wednesday, the police force was bolstered to suppress any fur- ther mass racial demonstrations. Civil defense officers and firemen were pressed into service. Members of Negro picketing groups have concentrated their efforts on one of Richmond's larg- est stores. 4~" /4r.{1 1 >9P L S rp. > t / r Both Parties To Pressure Membership Possible 24-Hour Sessions Foreseen WASHINGTON0 )-The Dem- ocratic and Republican leaders of the Senate refused yesterday to budge from their demand that the membership buckle down to ac- tion on the civil rights issue. Defiant talk from some South- erners and pleas of physical hard- ship met an equally stony reaction from the leaders, Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson (D-Texas), and Everett M. Dirksen (R-Ill.) The present issue Is whether to go through with the Johnson- Dirksen plan for around-the-clock sessions which could exhaust the outnumbered Southerners. Johnson told reporters, "A sub- stantial majority in the Senate, in my opinion, is determined to vote on a bill, and I can see nothing else that can be done except to apply ourselves and stick to the debate." To Get Job Done Dirksen, replying to a protest that the leadership seems deter- mined to wear the southerners out physically and mentally, said: "We know what this is about, and we intend to get the- job done if we can do it." The central issue is whether the federal government should take new steps to help guarantee that southern Negroes can vote in areas where they say they are now illegally kept from the polls. Sen. Sam J. Ervin (D-N.C.), who protested against any cam- paign of exhaustion, said also that it would be foolish for the Senate to tangle itself up now in civil rights arguments. He said it should wait to see what the House passes and thus get a better idea of what may eventually be done. Ervin said the long Senate ses- sions now being held, and the even longer ones in prospect, cre- ate a spectacle that "makes a mockery of the legislative process . a cause for wonder that adult men will act in this way." Pressed for Speed Sen. Kenneth B. Keating (R- N.Y.) disagreed with the idea of waiting to see what the House does, and pressed instead for speed in the Senate. "We talk about professors at Tuskegee (a Negro college in Ala- bama) not having the right to vote," Keating said. "I wonder when the Senate is going to get the right to vote" Sen. Hugh Scott (R-Pa.) tossed into the debate a remark that Senators who felt shaky ought to take a physical examination. For himself, he said he was in good shape. Southern Senators are commit- ted to resist and filibuster as long as they can. With day-and-night sessions in prospect, it remains to be seen how long the Southern fight may last. UMMM Reserve Pam phlet R e-Issue WASHINGTON (M)The chair- man of the House Committee on Un-American Activities said yes- terday the Air Force will re-issue its controversial manual on com- munism in the churches, but with- out names. The chairman, Rep. Francis E. Walter (D-Pa.), said this was reported to the committee in a closed session by Dudley C. Sharp, Secretary of- the Air Force, Sharp previously had annoyed Walter by apologizing to the Na- tional Council of Churches for the following and related statements in the manual: "The National Council of Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. officially sponsored the Revised Standard Version of the Bible. Of the 95 persons in this project, 30 have been affiliated with pro-Com- munist fronts, projects and publi- cations." 'Facts' Undisputed The major Protestant denomi- nations, with an estimated 35 million members, are affiliated with the National Council. Walter said after yesterday's meeting that the Air Force secre- tary did not dispute what the con- gressman called facts contained in the manual. He said Sharp explained to the committee that the official apology was issued at the request of the National Council. Walter said, "The secretary said he had no reason to believe any of the statements in the manual were untrue, but he thought the Air Force should follow a policy of not naming names, and the man- ual will be re-issued on that basis. Was 'Overly Cautions' "I feel that the Air Force was overly tautious in reacting the way it did, but if that is the way they feel about it it is no concern of ours. "What concerned us were inti- mations that the information con- tained in the manual was not true." Walter said in a statement be- for~ the meeting with Sharp that he expected the inquiry to be attacked by "Communists, pro- Communists, dupes and misguided liberals . Claims Communists Dupe "It is a fact," he said, "that the Communists have duped a large number of the clergy as well as lay leaders of the churches into sup- porting Communist fronts and causes which masquerade behind deceitful facades of humanitarian- ism." Ike's Tour May Mend Fene By J. M. ROBERTS Associated-Press News Analyst There are those who hold that the left and the Nationalist The chief objective of President the real power in Argentina is held Peronistas on the right? Dwight D. Eisenhower's current by the Peronista and Communist- What other Latin American South American tour is to demon- tero, commander-In-chief of the ident could remain in office state that the United States Is not army, who successfully defied Fron- antagonizing his own part3 idifferent to her nearest neigh- dizi last fall. Communists, the Nationalist The President has been to Eu- Frondizi's party took a bad Peronistas and the politically rope three times since 1955, has beating in the provincial elections erful army? traveled through the Mediterran- last year, finishing fourth in total The 51-year-old president ean and Middle Eastern areas as vote. Blank ballots, supposedly cast a tightrope of compromise i: far as India, and has visited with by the outlawed Peronistas, were gentina-but he walked it 1 the President of Mexico. He will' second, an indication of their as a deputy in opposition to soon visit Russia and Japan. power. Peron. He was jailed several If he did not go to South Amer- Argentina is one of three Latin during the Peron decade. ica he would be subject to criticism American countries-Uruguay and Frondizi, a tall, ascetic-Ic that he has time both for faraway Mexico are the others-that main- intellectual, has been accus friends and enemies, but not for tain diplomatic relations with the promising all tli~ngs to all, the oldest allies of the United Soviet Union. in lining up his motley arr States. 'supporters. Important Now The Leader ... He explains: "I have no es Pres. Arturo Frondizi (frohn- ations to give. I have not tis becomes more imporStat si DEE-see) of Argentina is a poli- for any support from outsic being subjected to bitter criticism tician of unquestioned ability, party (Intrasigent Radical) in Cuba, one of the members of theWho else could win election to those who now come in my Latin American community the presidency in a landslide with port issue the explanations, if There is a hope, of course, that the support of the Communists on want to." the trip will demonstrate that the Latin American demonstrations against Vice-President Richard M. Nixon were limited affairs, not its N A K ERD t i representative of general feelingnin its SN E R ime tha area, There is risk, of course, that the Communists and the ex- Take off those HEAVY boots and get tremists will not, however, lie dor. mant. back into the most comfortable and The Communists for their part withheld their hands in Europe relaxing shoe for campus wear! and Asia, adhering to the Khrush- chev line of friendliness toward Eisenhower and probably sensing White, olive, block, red, that demonstrations against such a popular figure would do them no chino, charcoal, or navy. political good. Reaction Unpredictable The reaction of extremist stu- dents in South America is less pre- - dictable. . At any rate, the countries chosen for the President's itinerary repre- sent the four general areas of t'; V the continent. If it is a success, - ~ it will be a demonstration to the world of solidarity in the Western hemisphere which transcends some of the individual incidents which have occurred in recent years. Sizes 3 to 11 The Country. . . Narrows or medium Last fall someone took the trouble to figure out that the regime of Pres. Arturo Frondizi had survived precisely 22 crises F during the first 18 months in office. Frondizi and his Intransigent Radical Party has the unenviable THIS BLUE KEDS LABEL STAMPS task of mopping up after the ex- THE SHOE OF CHAMPIONS pensive 12-year dictatorship of Juan Peron. His tactic: Austerity. Its popularity: Low. Chief among the opposition is an unusual alliance of Peronistas, followers of the ousted dictator, and Communists. They control the unions and have a habit of calling i n crippling strikes. Second Front Page I Friday, February 26, 1960 Page 3 I _.. 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