CIVIC SHORTCOMINGS RECOGNIZED See-Page 4 Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom D7atiy CONTINUED CLOUDY High--3 Tow-22 Light snow flurries, with little change in temperature. VOL. LXX, No. 99 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1960 FIVE CENTS EIGHT SGC Views Discrimination '41 By JEAN SPENCER Problems involved in elimina- tion of discriminatory member- ship practices in student orgaii- zations were debated by Student Government Council last night. Discussion was based on a mo- tion presented by Al Haber, '60, at last week's meeting. The mo- tion specifies that it will be con- sidered but not voted upon. The motion's three parts in- volve rescinding the 1949 ruling that no new student organization shall discriminate on the bases of race, color or religion; adopting the following regulation: "No rec- ognized student organization may prohibit . . . membership activities on the bases of race, color, reli- gion, creed, national origin or an- cestry;" and setting up a proce- dure to administer the resolution adopted to replace the '49 ruling. Procedure Areas Debate touched upon three ma- jor areas in the procedure speci- fled in the motion. Y Recognition requirements of both ar initial and a semesterly affirmation from each student or- ganization that it does not pro- hibit or otherwise restrict mem- bership selection on the bases listed in the proposed regulation were debated. The flexibility of these require- ments, which do not specify a time limit, was generally consid- ered necessary and equitable by Council members. t Several members commented on the difficulty of determining whether an organization doesn't meet recognition requirements on the bases of progress made in working toward elimination of re- strictive clauses or practices. Interfraternity Council presi- dent James Martens, '60BAd, said that the approach outlined in the motion is desirable because de- termination of progress and "good faith" can be different for each individual case. A time limit, he added, only eliminates a local group without touching the problem of discrim- ination, while this approach is more likely to gain cooperation from fraternity and sorority chap- ters. Procedure Difficult While this recognition proce- dure may be difficult, one SGC member said, it is not as difficult as enforcing a time limit would be. The equity of the proposed regu- lation as opposed to the 1949 ul- ing, he added, must be weighed against the vulnerability to re- ferral of an SGC action on any specific case falling under this procedure. This vulnerability, he explained, might even become an advantage if the, Council kept it in mind and acted accordingly. Haber asserted that determina- tion of a local organization's free- dom from outside influence in membership could be evaluated on two kinds of evidence: 1) A statement from the na- tional organization that it has never discriminated, or 2) a state- ment giving local autonomy to the University chapter. Judgment Limited Judgment of the autonomy of a local group by the national's action toward other chapters is excluded by a simple statement of local autonomy for the Univer- sity chapter, he continued. Phil Zook, '60, commented that evidence from outside sources is more dependable than an "affi- davit" of this kind. In order to eliminate discriminatory prac- tices, he added, it is necessary to eliminate means of covering up such practices. Panhellenic president Mary Wellman, '60Ed., said that since the national organization and the local are so "organically connect- ed," a distinction between nation- al and local autonomy would be unmeaningful. Special Category Establishment of a special rec- ognition category for organiza- tions failing to meet the condi- tions of the proposed regulation was questioned. One point raised was that the probation category already estab- lished could include cases classed in the special recognition category provided for in the motion. Answers to this point asserted the special recognition category does not imply a definite action, as does probation status category, and that since only cases meeting certain requirements will fall into the category efficiency might be gained by "lumping them togeth- er." Membership composition of a committee on discriminatory prac- tices in student organizations was considered. It would be set up to No Queen A request by the Latin Ameri- can Students' Association to crown a queen as part of the "Carnival Latino Americano" to be held Friday was denied by Student Government Council last night. Precedent set in 1939 provides that no student organization at the University shall sponsor a campus queen. Council debate upheld tradition and the re- quest was not approved. carry out the procedure specified in the motion by gathering and considering information on specific cases where the recognition status is questioned, for the purpose of recommending action to the Coun- cil. The motion provides for a tri- partite committee including four students, two faculty members without vote and one administra- tor without vote. First it was brought up that if continuity will be important in the committee's functioning, the vot- ing weight placed on the student factor could be dangerous. Provision Debatable Babs Miller, '60, co-author of the motion, conceded that the pro- vision was "very much debatable." She added that equal voting rights for all representatives would move toward "cementing student-faculty administration relations," as well as ensuring continuity. A former Council member warned that more than perfunc- tory cooperation with faculty and administration must be obtained. Discusses Financing Education Special To The Daily WASHINGTON - University President Harlan Hatcher last night told an audience of Univer- sity alumni, including ten Con- gressmen, that "it is no longer a question of federal aid to to edu- cation, but how much, and in what form." "We cannot permanently drift along in our new world setting without a more rational and as- sured plan of support for our uni- versities, and we should have a firm and acceptable rationale for federal participation," he said. He explained that federal aid to education exists in the form of research grants, grants for con- struction of medical-health facili- ties, scholarships and fellowships, and other provisions like the Na- tional Science Foundation and De- fense Education Acts. Not Whole Burden He added that the individual states cannot carry the complete responsibility and burden of edu- cation as could the nation as a whole. "The nation as a whole must have a bold, vigorous, and immedi- ate action to protect its stake in education, particularly on the highest levels where the expense is the greatest." Speaking of aid for teachers' salaries and classroom construc- tion, President Hatcher told the Washington Alumni Club that three possible forms should be discussed by Congress. He listed these as: 1) Direct appropriation, a path he said "contains many pitfalls" but still deserves serious considera- tion; 2) "Entering into federal-state partnership to determine where joint interests lie, and then using the federal government 'for more potent tax powers to fulfill na- tional needs';" 3) Relinquishing "certain sources of revenue" for earmarking cer- tain taxes for education. Exercise Tax Power He said Britain's University Grants Committee is an example of how our state and national legislatures could enter into part- nership and exercise their more potent taxing power to see that the nation's as well as the state's interest in education is served. It is natural that we should want to buy houses, cars, food, clothes, and other private spend- ing items, "But we must also buy education, general health,aroads, and reasonable happiness and se- curity for our children, ourselves, the older members of our families, and our country." Education Is Key "These countries know that education is the key that unlocked the door to greatness for us; they are emulating us in this. The dividends which they are begin- ning to reap are gratifying to them." President Hatcher doubts wheth- er the actions of other nations and those of the USSR will sur-' pass our supremacy in education. "I shall feel a lot happier about the educational challenge when we shed a little of our easy com- placency, and face up to the in- escapable and demanding fact that we must get on with the exciting and rewarding task of making and keeping our great universities the best in the world." Rio As Welcomes 'Champion of Veac Throngs Il Ike's. ArMIN In Brazil President Addr Brazilian Congr Warns 'Hands C WARM WELCOME-President Eisenhower rides through the streets of Rio de Janeiro on the third stop of his four-country South American tour. Riding beside him is Brazil's president, Juscelino Kubitschek. The crowds greeted him with cheers, confetti, streamers, and samba bands. They were estimated to be the largest crowds for any visitor in the city's history. reside WANT MILITARY BASES: German Move Disturbs U.S., Britain 4 BONN.(AP) -- Defense Minister Franz Josef Strauss exchanged sharp words with the U.S. and British ambassadors yesterday over a Bonn proposal to set up military supply bases in Spain. The ambassadors, Walter C. Dowling of the United States and Sir Christopher Steel of Britain, told Strauss their governments are distressed over the timing of the German move, authoritative in- formants reported. Strauss said he was angry that reports of the plan were leaked to the press. He also said he was dismayed at press criticism that the move would revive memories of German-Spanish cooperatian during Hitler's time. New German Axis One British newspaper, the Lon- don Daily Express, said in a head- line today the plan unveiled "the new German axis." The upshoot is that the base plan is likely to be kicked under the rug at least until after the May 16 East-West summit meet- ing, reliable informants said. The attitude of the British foreign officedhas been thatiGermany's plan would throw a cloud over the summit conference. But the Germandefense minis- ter sought support from the United States 'and Britain for the project, arguing that front-line West Germany urgently needs more space for munition dumps, military fuel supply, spare .parts .and hospital equipment. The de- fense ministry has denied it wanted bombing ranges or missile bases in Spain as some reports have said. Strauss their governments were not at this time raising objections to the proposals, but that the issue should be thrashed out in NATO. But they said they believed the Germans had handled the delicate project in an unfortunate manner. None of the principals would discuss their conversations. But a detailed report of the talks was received from authoritative in- formants. These informants said Strauss called in the ambassadors in suc- cession. They said all parties made their positions clear in what was described as a frosty atmosphere. Launched Feelers Strauss told the ambassadors the Germans had launched feelers with the Spaniards in an effort to secure supply bases there, but he said no negotiations have taken place. This conformed with the word of the Spanish foreign min- istry that there have been no ne- gotiations. The Spaniards have not yet re- plied to the feelers, Strauss said, adding that if they give a favor- able response the Germans willj make a formal proposal before the NATO council. The Spanish government said today, however, it regarded its treaties with two NATO members, Portugal and the United States, as adequately covering its Western defense obligations. Strauss may be in for some rough questioning today in an ap- pearance before the parliament defense committee. The opposition Socialist Party, which is against the base project, called for Strauss' appearance. Some members of his own party also were reported concerned about the handling of the matter. American officials said private- ly they thought the affair would fan the Soviet propaganda offen- sive against West Germany. RIO DE JANEIRO () - Hi dreds of thousands of Brazilil welcomed President Dwight Eisenhower with cheers and blizzard of confetti and stream yesterday. The crowds were described police as the greatest for V visitor in Rio de Janeiro's fo0 century history. Eisenhower, hailed as a cha pion of peace, said he was grea impressed at the turnout. smiled and waved as pack throngs of men, women and c dren acclaimed him on a dr along the skyscraper-lined Ave da Rio Branco, the main busin street, and the long palm-dot drive fronting on Guanabara B The drive took more than an hc Addresses Congress Eisenhower took up the seri business of his four-nation So American tour in responding to official welcome before the pan and in an address to Brazil's C gress afterward. Withdthe Communists evider inmind, he sounded a "hands of warning to any ideology threat ing to deny American nations' right to choose their own way life. He called for the banishmie of war and diversion of armami money to global attacks on dise ignorance and poverty. He si gested a speedup in studies promotion of the western he sphere's economic development Last night Eisenhower was gut of honor at a dinner at the B zilian Foreign Ministry in I maraty Palace. In a toast he ferred to the members of official party and said their pr ence on his trip "symbolizes t high importance we of my coi ;try attach to good relations w all the nations of Latin Americ Seek Solidarity "I know that what we are learning, and shall obsei throughout this trip," he said "1 be helpful to us as we seek c stantly to work for hemisphe solidarity." Because of a pouring rain, Brazilian government called ofd reception for Eisenhower that hi been scheduled to follow the d ner. But the big show was in t broad streets this bright but hu summer day. The temperature i about 80 degrees. "Ike Ike! Ike!" was the cario cry of the day. Police refused to even guess the size of the crowds. Howe a newsman who witnessed the: ception for Eisenhower in 1 Delhi last December said the ] turnout was about a third large. On the basis of Indian e mates that from 1.5 to 2.5 mill persons welcomed Eisenhower New Delhi, that would mean turnout here of 500,000 to 750,0 Fourteen File For Six Posts 'In SG+CRace Fourteen students yesterday came official candidates for1 six Student Government Con openings in the March 15 and elections, elections director Do thy Dedo, '61Ed., announced. SGC President John Feldkar '61, members Roger Seasonw '61, M. A. Hyder Shah, grad., ai newly-appointed member Per Hi son, '62, are the incumbents ra ning; the others are Brereton I sell, '61, Eleanor Cook, '62, Don Corriere, '61, David Cristy, James Hadley, '61, Paul Heil, Constance Kreger, '60, Robert l\ lay, '63, Frederick Riecker, '63, Arthur Rosenbaum, '62. Petitioning also closed vest NEW ADDITION-Mane of plastic internal organs and a plastic skin, the new addition to the School of Public Health looks fragile. - Actually he is able to absorb doses of gamma, beta, and x-rays which would kill a flesh and blood man in days. Phantom Skeleton Haunts Public Health School Coffin By SUSAN HERSHBERG The University population, long-known for its diversity, now includes a phantom man. He lives in a wooden coffin in the school of public health, and he is fully prepared to take doses of gamma, beta and x-rays which would kill any mortal in a matter of days. The phantom cannot keep a secret very well though, for he consists of a human skeleton enclosed by a plastic which is trans- parent to the vision and to radiation. He is five feet, nine inches tall, the median height for the United States Air Force. He is built like a "man weighing 162 pounds. Inside, he boasts foam plastic lungs, a Lewis Talks plastic empty heart, spleen, stom- - Uiesa ach and other organs. His limbs On U niversalI are Jointed so he can stand, sit or Fire Hoses Scatter Crowd In Chattanooga Race Riot CHATTANOOGA (P)-A tense crowd of several thousand whites and Negroes was scattered with fire hoses late yesterday in Chat- tanooga's second day of race violence. Ignoring the pleas of school officials to remain away from down town, hundreds of youths converged on the area as classes were dismissed for the day. Whites lined the sidewalks and all available police were mobilized when about 50 Negro high school students approached the down- ^town area. The number of Negroes swelled as they walked along the street. Police attempted to keep 1 h w r u ssp rt ,N m r u the two groups separate, Numerous scuffles broke out, and a dozen or xv~la tted ore whites and Negroes were xnlainedted. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY: History, Function of Bureau E Speech Plan "The world movement toward a common language is splintering," James A. Lewis, University vice- president for student affairs, de- clared recently. This splintering almost parallels movement for inter-faith religions which the impact of World War I diminished, he continued. Lewis spoke before nearly 140 college and high school repre- sentatives at the midwest regional meeting of the College Entrance Examination Board Tuesday, He returned to the University Feb. 15 after six weeks in the Hear and Far East. "Ance there wac hone nf nnr- lie down at will. The phantom's job is to aid scientists' study of radiation haz- ards. Investigators can fill each organ and body cavity with an or- ganic chemical solution which has the exact density and composition of human tissues. Measuring devices, such as ioni- zation counters, can then be placed in his body to record the amount of radiation reaching each part. He will work in front of a 30,000- volt x-ray therapy machine or while digesting radioactive iso- topes. When the phantom is subjected to routine chest, dental, and other ex-rays, scientists will be able to dpfnprinpe kth-. n, ' # 'Ip (Y / 1 ! v DIY' * By SANDRA JOHNSON "Over two million documents containing information for the intelligence agencies flow, into Washington each month," Lyman Kirkpatrich, inspector-general of the Central Intelligence Agnecy said yesterday. It is the job of the Central Intelligence Agency to carry out the vast screening process needed to sift out and evaluate all this material," he said, adding that at the time of Pearl Harbor the need for such an organization became apparent. Had Necessary Data "Investigations after the war have proved that the United States had all the data necessary to predict the attack; but since there was no central group to bring all the facts together, the disaster resulted." "At last on Jan. 20, 1946," Kirkpatrick related, "President Harry S. Truman issued the executive order to establish the present Central Intelligence Agency." Allen W. Dulles, brother of the past Secretary of State, is now direnor no the exectivo hAdv and the ther members are th he ea Keep Crowd Moving Police tried to keep the crowd moving as it spilled over into the street. Cars could barely move. When the crowd refused to dis- perse, a fire hose was hooked up. "If they don't move, throw it on them," ordered Mayor P. R. Olgiati. The firemen turned on the water, sprayed the crowd, and the soaked men, women and youngsters scattered. Variety and department stores closed their lunch counters early. The stores remained open, but were almost deserted when the people crowded the streets. Few words were spoken as the Negroes walked 'past the white owds. A loud shout went un