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February 23, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-02-23

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teto dirn
Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


Occasional snow flurries,
continuing in the evening.



Officials To Confer
On Chrysler Taxes
Brazer Cites Property Tax Question
As Central to Company's Complaint
Gov. G. Mennen Williams will invite Chrysler Corp. officials to
meet with him in Lansing Friday for a discussion of the company's
tax problems.
At the same time, Detroit Mayor Louis Miriani has asked Chrysler
President L. L. Colbert to review the Detroit tax budget "item by
The invitation came as a result of a statement by Chrysler exec-
utive vice-president W. C. Newberg that the company cannot guar-
antee to maintain the majority of its operations in the Detroit area
unless the state's tax structure is overhauled.
Williams met yesterday with state revenue officials, State Con-
troller James W. Miller, and Prof. Harvey E. Brazer of the economics
<'department, who was research di-
rector of the citizens' tax study'
"We agreed we can't get an
answer to the Chrysler situation
yet, because none of us really
knew what their problem was,"'
Williams said.
Major Complaint
"As far as state taxes are con-,
cerned, there isn't anything the
state could do that hasn't been
done under our present tax struc-
Prof. Brazer said the major
C h r y s 1 e r complaint must be
against the personal property tax,
levied by Detroit and other local
communities. The big question is,
how the schools and cities will fi-
nance operations, if these taxes
are drastically reduced, he saia.
Another problem is that Detroit
has suffered a relative population,
BARLEY H. BARTLETT loss since 1950, so it faces de-
emeritus professor creased state aid.
Chrysler now pays about $5 mil-
lion in state taxes and just over
P$16 s r $18 million in Detroit and other
P V local taxes. The corporation also,
adds in another $10 million for
unemployment insurance and
workmen's compensation.
Tax Fees
"I do not count them as taxes;
ies H re the census bureau does not and
neither does the state." Prof.

Ik e S
Sees Value
In Journey
Of President
Predicts Reception
Will Be Favorable
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
will get a favorable reception in
South America, Prof. Irving A.
Leonard of the history department
predicted last night.
It is significant Eisenhower is,
visiting only east coast countries
and Chile, because these countries
are better off economically, and



e I0

... questions U.S. policy
U.S. Polic
Special To The Daily
NEW YORK - Sen. John F.

Krennedy UD-Mas) took sharp the population is mostly European,
issue Sunday with the Eisenhow- Prof. Leonard said. The countries
er administration on both foreign Vice-President Richard Nixon vis-
relations and defense planning. ited have large sub-marginal pop-
The United States should "err ulations and are in serious eco-
on the side of safety" in deter- nomic straits.
mining the strength necessary to "Eisenhower should have made
defend itself, Kennedy declared the visit long before this," Prof.
on "College Press Conference,"' a 'Leonard said. "The trip, in a sense,
television panel, arises out of Mikoyan's visit to
He favors neither defense of Cuba. For sooner or later Russian

Quemoy and Matsu nor continu-
ance of the Baghdad Pact
(CENTO), he told college editors
gathered at the Overseas Press
Independence for Algeria
Asked at the press club if he
would reaffirm -his 1957 position
on independence for Algeria de-
spite objections of NATO-partner

influence will be expressed in
Latin America, and Eisenhower
will try to neutralize it or head it
This danger of Russian influence
arises from past United States
policies in Latin America, Prof.
Leonard continued.
Cultivate Nations

-Associated Press Wirephoto
REVIEWS GUARD-President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Puerto Rico's Governor Luis Munoz Marin
inspect a unit of the Puerto Rico National Guard at the San Juan airport Just after the President's
arrival. This is the first stop on Eisenhower's Latin American tour.
Sukarno Seeks ore Summit Bids

Harley H. Bartlett, 3-year-old'
professor emeritus of botany and
director emeritus of the Univer-
sity Botanical Gardens died Sun-
day morning.
He had been ill for some time.
"Prof. Bartlett's death ends the
work of a great scholar and lead-
er. His leadership of the depart-
ment as chairman and scholar
over a period of 25 years was an
extremely powerful influence,"
said Prof. Kenneth L. Jones, chair-
man of the botany department.
Continues Activity
Since his retirement in July
1956, he had continued to be active
following up research on fire in
primitive agriculture. This interest
began in his last faculty year
when he presented a paper at
Princeton University.
Prof. Bartlett took particular in-
terest in the botany of tropical
countries. He conducted botanical
explorations in Formosa, Suma-
tra, Mexico, the Philippines, and
South America.
From 1940 to 1944, he served as
the principal botanist in the gov-
erment-sponsored rubber inves-
tigations in the Philippines, Haiti,
Argentina, Uruguay, Chile and
Worked in Philippines
As an exchange professor of
botany at the University of the
Philippines, 1934-35, he established
a relationship which had far-,
reaching effects in rehabilitation
at that university after World
War II.
In recognition of his interests
in his fellow men and especially
in students, the Harley Harris
Bartlett Plant Exploration Fund
was established by his friends and
students in 1955.
"In many ways he was a pro-
fessor-at-large stimulating crea-
tive scholarship in the younger in-
vestigators," said Prof. Jones.
MSU Print's
'eore' Issue
Birthday George" read the front
page caption in the holiday edition
of the Michigan State News, stu-
dent publication at Michigan State
University officials approved the
spirit of the greeting but not the
picture of Washington under the

France, Kennedy said he would. Just before and during World
"The only change I would make War 11 the United States "assidu-
would be substitution of the words ously"' cultivated Latin American
"self-determination' for inde- nations, only to drop them im-
pd ncmediately after the war.
le noted that since the 19 Their economies were dislocated
statement, the Fourth Republic then, but the United States helped
has collapsed due to the Algerian only slig"htly. The United States
Snfli t and th Fifth R li played "footsie" with the

1Brazer said."I suppose hurysler
counts them on the ground they
are government imposed costs."
The unemployment insurance

. F

SURABAJA, Indonesia () -
President Sukarno yesterday de-
manded seats for Asia and Africa
at the May Summit Conference in
He challenged the ability of his

costs, Prof. Brazer explained, "de-
pend on the corporation's own
record. The higher the rate of
unemployment, the higher the in-'
surance costs. The 'automobile in-
dustry's unstable employment rate
adds to their own unemployment
insurance costs and to the costs
of the rest of Michigan industry."
Sets HPlans
Rep. George Sallade (R-Ann
Arbor) Will probably announce this
weekend his plans for the August
Republican primary and nomi-
nating convention.
Sallade said friends have en-
couraged him to seek an office, but
he still has not decided whether it
will be Lieutenant Governor, which
requires nomination in the pri-
mary, or a lesser office, which only
requires convention approval.

o 111CL, e u e u r 1Mc jJU
had been similarly threatened.
Prove Supremacy
President Charles de Gaulle
deserves support for his firm
stand in favor of Algerian self-
"But in 1957, France w a s
In attacking the present Amer-
ican approach to defense - Ken-
nedy favors "a greater effort than
this Administration seems willing
to undertake" - he pointedly
avoided aligning himself with Sen.
Stuart Symington (D-Mo.).
Symington has charged the Ad-
ministration with willful decep-
tion of the nation as to the state
of its defenses.
Kennedy told the television
panel he is convinced the Presi-
dent has acted "in good faith."
"Therefore I should err on the
side of safety. Men who have the
same information as the President,
Power, Ridgway, Gavin and Tay-
lor - come to the exact opposite

dictators that came to power, and: host, Soviet Premier Nikita S.
excluded Latin America from the Khrushchev, and three Western
Marshall Plan. All this has caused leaders to settle the issues of the
bitterness experienced by Nixon, earth among themselves.
which Eisenhower may not en- "Let all the leaders who are
tirely escape. going to attend the Summit meet-
Consequently, the Russians have ing be convinced that there will
a good chance in the "depressed not be world peace without a real
conditions in which so many solution of the Asian and African
people live," Prof. Leonard said. problems," Sukarno told 50,000
Indonesians at a rally for the visit-
Encourage Communism ing Soviet premier.
The dictatorships also encourage This Communist-run city is a
Communism, since they drive op- Re Thistroh in t abut
position underground where Com- Sukarno's ringing speech drew
munists can infiltrate them, Prof. greater applause than the words
Leonard added. of Khrushchev, who once more
If the dictator is then toppled, made light of United States
there is danger of a "Communist strength and endurance in the
explosion." Cold War. He compared the United
Eisenhower's trip expresses "the States to a worn-out marathon
hone we can show them we are runner.

The Soviet Premier spoke first
in the public square, smiling out
from the palm-fringed platform
at a sea of cheering, flag-waving
"The Soviet Union openheart-
edly is prepared to extend to coun-
tries in the East not only moral
or political support but also ma-
terial support which will grow
every year," Khrushchev said.
The Premier sai'd the supremacy
of the Soviet Union was proved by
the launching of a rocket to the
moon and next would come Soviet
rockets to the planets.
No~tes Higher
S tan dard's
Admission to the University
graduate school will be increas-
ingly difficult in coming years,
Dean Ralph A. Sawyer said yes-
Higher overall a d m i s s i o n s
standards, including higher stand-
ards for outstate students than
in-staters, have been necessary in
recent years.

with them, in order to discourage
these tendencies."
Prof. Leonard suggested the
United States could have showed
a "little imagination" by coupling
Eisenhower's trip with that of
Adlai Stevenson.

Gets Big Welcome
Khrushchev, however, got the
biggest welcome of his Indonesian
tour on his arrival from Jogja-
karta. Officials estimated 300,000
turned out to cheer his ride
through the city's streets.

"Our competition in the eco-
nomic field with the United States
can be compared to a marathon
race," he said. "We are still trail-
ing the United States but this
does not mean anything because
they started first. Now the speed
of the United- States is slower.
They are exhausted."
After the 65-year-old Russian
sat down to, applause, Sukarno
took over with an arm-waving
speech that had the crowd ap-
,plauding thunderously and yelling
until his words were all but lost
in the din.
Not Invited.
"I am surprised no representa-
tives Of Asian and African nations
have been invited to the Sum-
mit," he said. "I am very sur-
prised indeed that only four big
nations will participate in these
peace talks.
"You know the first atomic
bomb was exploded in Asia. Where
are the most troubled spots in
this world? In Viet Nam, in Al-
geria-I tell you all are In Asia
and Africa.
"I tell you Korea is divided, Viet
Nam is divided. Now let me ask
you: why are we not invited to
participate in the talks for world
Replies to Khrushchev
At one point, Sukarno seemed
to reply to Khrushchev's attacks
on the United States and to the
Soviet Premier's invitation to stu-
dents at Jogjakarta Sunday to
visit the Soviet Union and learn
from it. Sulkarno said Indonesia
will follow its own road to so-
cialism, maintaining friendly rela-
tions with both East and West.
Then he added:
"Indonesia is friendly with all
nations. It invites and receives
presidents of all countries with
equal warmth and open heart."
Once Sukarno gently kidded
Khrushchev, and the crowd
laughed. He had replied to those
who criticized hin for inviting
Khrushchev to Indonesia by say-
ing Communists were not devils.
Protest Bias
In Virginia
RICHMOND MAl-Negro students
from Virginia Union University
tried to resume their sitdown pro-
test against segregated lunch

Calls People 1
In Address
Demonstrators Seek
Independent Status
For Commonwealth
Puerto Rico VP)--President Dwigl
D. Eisenhower, off on a visit I
Latin American neighbors, stoppe
in the United States' only con
monwealth yesterday and haile
Puerto Rico as an example.1
other aspiring peoples.
He declared in an arrival speec
that Puerto Rico is "truly unique
and said he was happy it is
"proud, free, self-governing con
monwealth, joined to the Unit
States of America by her o
Two bands of demonstrato
both dissatisfied with Puerto Ricc
status as a commonwealth, clan
ored outside San Juan's airpoi
One demanded independence, ti
other statehood.
Flashes By
But the President could ha'
caught only a glimpse of them
his jet plane flashed by to
landing on the other side of t
terminal at the Puerto Rican ca
One red I0-foot banner 4
manding "Independence now" we
stretched across the airport bouil
dary by two men. They we
luckier than other would-be der
onstrators. Security police hl
most outside the airport and co
fiscated their placards.
An automobile earavan orgai
ized by those who want Puer
Rico to become the 51st state ke
moving past the airport admini
tration building. Signs readi
"fifty-one"-meaning 51st state
had been erected in San Juan a
elsewhere in preparation for tl
President's coming.
Greet President
A crowd of about 5,000, limit
by police who closed some roa
to the airport, greeted the Pre
dent as his silver and oman
plane touched down.
"Your program of development
rooted in self-confidence, self-he
and self - achievement - h
aroused tremendous interest
every area of the free world," t
President said. "To other peop]
now struggling to realize. th
aspirations and ambitions, t
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico h
demonstrated that courage, pe
sistence, faith in one's fellow mi
and a God-given destiny can op
up ways through barriers and o
stacles that might appear to
To Close Soor
Petitions for the March 15 a:
16 campus elections must be r
turned at 6 p.m. tomorrow.
There are still no petitioners I
the senior crass officer elections
the education school, none for t
secretaries of the literary colle
and business administration cho
only two for the three open poi
tions on the Board in Control
Student Publications, and no
for either the Law School or ket
cal or dental school representatIi
on the Union Board of Directo
There are 12 petitioners for t
six open full-year terms on St
dent Government Council, five f
the four campus-wide Union at
dent directorships, six presidenti
three vice-presidential, and 0
petition for treasurer in the lit

ary college, two presidential, t
vice-presidential and one petltii
for secretary-treasurer of the e
gineering school, and two pre
dential, two vice-presidential, a
one petition for treasurer in t
business administration school,
Three students, M. A. Hyd
Shah. Grad.. James Hadley, I

Administrators Criticize 'Overcrowded' City Hall

Ann Arbor's City Hall is useless as far as age and space are con-
cerned. We can't even find any contractors who are willing to repair
the roof," says one of the guides who conducts tours through the
Built in 1908, Ann Arbor's main administrative edifice was in-
tended to accommodate 54 civil administrators in all of its depart-
The City presently employs 500 people in its departments.,
Can't Decentralize Further
"We have decentralized and partitioned as much as we possibly
can," said City Administrator Guy C. Larcom, Jr. "Two years ago we
even divided and partitioned part of the council chamber. Even with
this maneuvering, however, we had to move the water department
and the Comptroller's Office to the City Hall annex, a converted
apartment building, part of which is still rented for housekeeping
The City was forced to add still another building, the Parish an-
nex, under a three-year lease, to accommodate the departments of
Building and Safety and Parks and Recreation.
Police Department Jammed
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