THE MICHIGAN DAILY p For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone NO 2-4786 from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday,and Saturday 9:30 'till11:30 A.M. (Continued from Page 4) and make available to Council members information relevant to present or past proceedings in the area. 4) Letters would be sent by the Ex- ecutive Committee to the following in- terested parties inviting them to sub- mit a written statement of their posi- tion, point of view, or information they feel the Council should consider. They would also be invited to participate in the Council discussion of their state- ment. a) Vice-President for Student Affairs; b) Dean Of Men; c) Dean of Women; d) Student Rtelations Corn- mittee of the Faculty Senate; e) In- terfraternity Council; f) PanheleniC As- soclation; g) Presidents of all regis- tered student organizations; h) Other interested parties. 5) A general statement to be pub- lished in The Daily inviting other in- terested partas to submit briefs and, if they so wish, further to petition the Council Executive Committee for an opportuntly to discuss their brief with the Councl. (Because of possible dup- lication of point of view and limita- tion af time the Executive Committee will decide which individuals are to be allowed to sit with the Council and which will be allowed to speak only during constituents time.) 6) The Executive Committee or in- dividuals of its designation Will make personal contact with the Student Re. ations Commnittee of the Faculty Ben- at and with the offices of Student A- fairs, Dean of Men, Dean of Women, Advice, recommendations, and opinion would be solicited and appropriate cor unication maintained through- oulCouncil" deliberation. -1 The Executive bommittee shall is)re that there are available suffi- cient copies of any concrete proposal before the Council so that all inter- ested parties will have access to it. 4) The Executive Committee will schedule the following hearings to take place before the full Council; a) ad- ministrative officials; b) faculty sub- committee, other interested faculty members; e) representatives from in- terested groups, eg., student group pres- idents, financial advisors, alumni On motion, revised rules for Count- Ing Ballots under the Haas System were adopted. '. wes moved and seconded that Stu- dent Government council sponsor a in having a Constitutional Convention. Motion carried. It was moved and seconded that Stu- dent Government Council declare its intent to take some form of action toward implementing the 1959 Regents By-law on Discrimination in the area of restrictive practices in student Or- ganizations. The motion was adopted twithout dissent. The chair explained that as provid- ed in the adopted procedure 2) Restric- tive practices, above, the Council will "receive and consider proposals with- out coming to a vote." Consideration Of a motion presented in three parts (Miller and Haber), pro- viding fir 1) rescinding the 1949 res- lution, 2) adopting a statement "no recognized organization may prohibit or otherwise restrict. membership or membership activities on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, national origin or ancestry," and 3) adoption of administrative procedures was post- poned until the next regular meeting. Consideration of a motion presented in two parts to adopt regulations gov- erning student organizations relating to 1) restrictive practices, 2) control of membership selection as presented by Phil Zook was postponed until next week. The following student-sponsored so- cial events have been approved for the coming weekend. Social chairmen are reminded that requests for approval for social events are due in the Office of Student Affairs not later than 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday prior to the event. Feb. 19: Allen Rumsey Hse., Alpha Delta Phi, Alpha Epsilon Pi, Chicago Hae., Chi Phi, Delta Chi, Delta Tau Delta, Delta Upsilon, Lambda Chi Al- pha, Mich. Christian Fellowship, Phi Delta Phi, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Sigma Delta, Sigma Alpha Ep- silon, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Theta Chi, Theta Xi, Zeta Beta Tau. Feb. 20: Nu Sigma Nu, Phi Delta Phi, Scott Hse., Trigon, Taylor Hase. Recitals Student Recital: Charles Walton, tenor, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor of Music in Aud A, on Fri., Feb. 19 at 8:30 p.m. Mr. Walton will be accompanied by pianist Joellen Bonham, and assisted by Carol Jewel, vi'iolin, 'and Marjorie Ramsey, cello. Letr: Lectures Leetwe: Prof. Peter D. Arnott, Dept. of Classics, State University of Iowa, will speak on "Some Practical Consid- erations in Staging Ancient Drama" on Fri., Fab. 19 at 4:10 p.m. Prof. Arnott will also present a Marionette perform- ance of Plautus' Menaechml at 8 p.m., Fri. Both events will take place in the Arena Theater, Frieze Bldg. No tickets are required for the lecture. Tickets for the evening performance are avail- able in the Speech Office, Frieze Bldg. Zoology Lecture: Dr. Eugenie Clark, Director of the Cape Haze Marine Lab- oratory, will speak on "Sharks as Ex- perimental Animals," on Fri., Feb. 19, at 4:00 p.m., in the Rackham Amphi- theater. The Museum of Art is sponsoring a lecture in conjunction with the open- ing of its exhibition "Gandhara Sculp- ture," on Sun., Feb. 21, 2-5 p.m. The speaker will be Benjamin Rowland, Jr., Acting Curator of Oriental Art, Fogg Museum, Harvard University, at 4 p.m. in Aud. A, on "Gandhara and Rome." Thomas Spencer Jerome Lecture: Prof. Richard Krautheimer, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University will speak on "ACassical Renaissance in Rome Under Pope Sixtus IIn' on Mon., Feb. 22 at 4:5 p.m. in Aud. B. Lecture: "The Construction and Problems of Learning Machines," Prof. Norbert Wiener pof M.I.T., Tues., Feb. 23, 4:15 p.m. in Trueblood Aud., Frieze Bldg.- Lecture: Dr. Harlan Hatcher will speak on "The Role of the Profession- al School at the University of Michi- gan," on Mon., Feb. 22 at 4 p.m. in the School of Public Health Aud. Academic Notices Psychology Colloquium: Prof. James Deese of Johns Hopkins University will speak on "Recall and Some Properties of Words," on Fri., Feb. 19 at 4:15 p.m. in Aud. B. Coffee at 3:45 p.m. in the Mason Hall Lounge. Automatic Programming and Numer- Ical Analysis Seminar: "Iterative Cir- cuit Computers (continued)" by Dr. John H. Holland on Mon., Feb. 22 at 4 p.m. in 3209 Angell Hall. Placement Notices Summer Placement: Interviews: Fri., Feb. 19: Birch Trails Camp. Jerry Baer will interview women counselors for all types of jobs in the camp, Fri. morning. Camp Easton for Boys, Ely, Minn will'be interviewing Fri. morning for counselors for next summer. Salvation Army Camp in N.Y. will be here to interview students for coun- seling jobs. Sat., Feb. 20: Jerry Hakes of Camp Mowglis in New Hampshire will interview men coun- selors for all types of camping. Alex Canja of Camp Flying Eagle will interview counselors. NOTE: The Summer Placement Serv- ice will be open Sat., Feb. 20 in D528 of SAB. Come in and look over the new and old jobs. Personnel Requests: The following vacancies have been reported by these companies. The com- panies are not coming to interview on the campus at this time. Albion College, Albion, Mich., will have an opening in Sept. for Hostess and Ast. Director for a Freshman Men's Dormitory. Requires an interest in young people. Will be living-in eight months out of year. Woman. Crowni Zellerbach Corp., Portland, Oregon, has an opening in the Chemi- cal Products Div. in Camas, Wash. for young man in its Sales Dept. Should be 30-35 yrs. Old, have a B8 or better degree in chemistry or chemical Engrg and some experience selling chemicals. City of Detroit announces examina- tion for Resident Dentist (Oral Sur- gery) with final application date not to exceed July 29. Also examinations on alternate Fridays for typists and sten- ographers. Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y., has openings for: Economics and Math. majors; Chemists - men and women with BS or MS; and other arts majors pointing to sales, advertising, writing occupations, or general business. Call the Bureau for complete information. City of Brookfled, Brookfield. Wis., has an opening for newly created posi' tion of Park and Recreation Directo? for the city.-' U. S. Graphite Co., Saginaw, Mich., is interested in hiring a graduate Engr. for sales position in the engrg. ma- terials dept. Would like a single young man who has completed his military training and sales personality. P. F. Ptelster Co., Detroit, Mich, manufacturers, representatives in the food business, has a sales position open and is interested in hearing from can- didates. Organization in New York City has vacancies for women to enter training program In research. New or recent graduate with a BA or MA in Bus, Admin., Economics, etc. WOOD-TV, Grand Rapids, Mich., has opening for a Copy Writer, and would prefer a woman and some experience, but will consider an outstanding new graduate with BA in Speech, English, Journalism, etc. Clothing Store in Ann Arbor area has need of an Asst. Manager - must have good personality, meet people easily, willing to work, and under 30 yr. of age. Man, degree not absolutely necessary. City of Gaylord, Mich, has an open- ing for the position of City Manager. Would prefer Public Admin. graduates with some experience. Time, Inc., 'Chicago, Ill, has job op- portunities for women college gradu- ates in their Subscription Service Div. An interest and aptitude for detail work is necessary, and courses in sta- tistics, economics, acctg., etc. are par- ticularly appropriate, but not neces- sary, Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., Roches- ter, N.Y., has openings for Physicists, Engineers, Draftsmen, Procurement En- gineer, Chief Inspector, and Sales Engrs. Gall Bureau for complete infor- mation.+ Morris Bean & Co., Yellow Springs, Ohio, producers of engineered castings, has opportunity for recent Engrg. grad- uate in their Tool Engrg. Dept. Madigan Corp., Long Island, N.Y., has two openings for Sales Personnel: a Sr. Technical Sales Engr. with an Engrg, degree in electronics and at least 5 yrs. of experience, prefer some- one with a background in govt. sales; Jr. Sales Engr. with an electronic Engrg, degree, with preferably one year experience in sales correspondence. Marathon, Div. of American Can Co., Menasha, Wis., has job opening for an Asst. Forester - to assist Forester in the planning, establishment and ad- min. of good forestry programs. Degree in Forestry from accredited college or equivalent in experience is required - headquarters are in Menominee, Mich. Zurich Ins. Co., Chicago, Ill., has va- cancy for Methodsand Procedures Ana- lyst with BS or BA degree with courses in Engrg., Philosophy or mathematics with a minor in Bus. Admin. or Acctg. and at least 1-3 yrs. of methods and procedures work. Gibson Refrigerator Co., Greenville, Mich., has need of additional person-t ne lin the IBM section of their Acctg. Dept. and is interested in college grad- uates with mathematical background or training, or similar education in In- dustrial Engrg. Printing Developments Inc., Racine, Wis., has openings for a Project Engi- neer requiring a background of Me- chanical Engrg. and a minimum of 2 yrs. experience. ') YWCA, Youngstown, Ohio, is seek- ing staff members for Sept. in the field of physical education, health and rec- reational majors.' County of Kalamazoo, Mich., has sev- eral openings for persons interested in the position of Juvenile Court Proba- tion Officer. Reeve Darling & Associates, Manage- ment consultants In Pasadena, Calif., is searching for personnel to fill the following positions: Power Supply De- sign and Development Sup.; Servo- Mechanisms Design Sup.; Section Sup.- Digital Data Processing and Display; Optics Systems Specialist; Chief Esti- mator; Manager of Digital Systems ar 4 Equipment and many other simili' positions. Cali the Bureau for complete information. Bureau of Public Roads, Washington, D.C., is seeking several psychologists for the conduct of research in the area of Human Factors in Driving and Traf- fic Operations. Requires MA or PhD de- gree. Standard Oil Co. (Ohio) has current list of technical and non-technical openings on file at the Bureau. Executive Manpower Corp., N.Y.C. consulting firm, is seeking to fill posi- tion of General Manager for high level position. For further information concerning any of the above positions, contact the Bureau of Appts., 4001 Admin. Bldg., Ext. 3371. ROOM AND BOARD SOUTH DIVISION AND BENJAMIN- Furnished large living room with fireplace, dining room, bedroom, kitchen, and bath. Full basement. All, utilities paid. $125 to a couple. Call NO 2-8372. Eli 2 ROOM furnished apartment with pri- vate bath. 518 S. Division. E12 GOOD FOOD at reasonable prices-- Call House Manager at NO 2-8312. Ego ROOM AND/O4 BOARD for men stu- dents. Meals $16 per week with re- bates. Room $7 per week. Linen fur- nished. 1319 Hill, corner of Forest. Call manager, NO 2-6422. E9 BOARDERS WANTED: Good food at reasonable prices. Breakfast $0.45, Lunch $0.70. Dinner $1.25. Contact: Lee Marriott, Trigon Fraternity. NO 5-6169. E7 THE INTER-COOPERATIVE COUNCIL now has rooming and boarding vacan- cies for men and graduate women. Charges are $10.00 per week for board. ing, $15.00" per week for rooming and boarding. Contact the I.C.C. office at 2456 BAB or call NO 8-6872. E19 LOST AND FOUND WILL THE PERSON who took disser'ta- tion notes from Carrell desk 322 in the Main Library please return same. NO questions asked. , A8 BLACK clutch purse found in vicinity of Dent School, Sunday. Call NO 2-7820 after 5. A7 FOR SALE. SONY 3 band transistor short wave, $60. Ski boots size 10%. VM enclosure with speaker. Cherry wood table 14"x3'; low, perfect condition; ideal for room, apt. etc. Call NO 3-4853 after 2 P.M, for grisly details. B13 ONE GIRL'S BIKE; two boys' bikes. 611 Church-manager's office., B12 1958 LAMBRETTA 125 - Buddy Seat, windshield, duals. $190. Call NO 2-3191. B3 STUDENTS-I will give you d 25% dis- count on a name brand portable type- writer, backed by Ann Arbor's most reputable office supply company. For demonstration, call Ralph Frederick, 3-3839, 5-9 evenings. B44 BARGAIN CORNER ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords-$7.95; socks 39c; shorts 69c; military supplies. Sam's Store, 122 E. Washington, W1 USED CARS 1958 VOLVO. Fine condition. Price $1,450. Call NO 2-7750 after 5:30. N2 PHOTO SUPPLIES CONTAFLEX II, F2.8, 45 mm. lens Com- pur MXV shutter. Pre-set peratives, W. A, Tele. Lens, Wantie Lens, Filters, flash, and etc. Call GR 9-3702 toll free. WANTED TO RENT VISITING PROFESSOR here from Aus- tralia for three months needs one bed- room apt. completely furnished. NO 3-1511, ext. 2495. L6 CAR SERVICE, ACCESSORIES NEW ATLAS TIRES "Gripsafe" in sets of 4; 4--70x15, $58.75; 750x14. $74.95; (plus recap- able tires and tax). Other sizes comparably low. Tune-ups. Brake service. HICKEY'S SERVICE STATION Cor. Main & Catherine NO 8-717 84 C-TED STANDARD SERVICE Friendly service is our business, Atlas tires, batteries and accessor- ies. Warranted & guaranteed. See us for the best price on new & use dtires. Road service-mechanio on duty. "You expect more from Standard and you get it11" 1220 S. University at Forest NO 8-9168 81 WHITE'S AUTO SHOP Bumping and Painting 2007 South State NO 2-3350 82 SMITH AUTO UPHOLSTERING Auto and Furniture Refinished -Reupholstered Convertible Tops NO 3-8644 YAIR'S MOTOR SALES Bumping and Painting Used Cars Bought and Sold NO 3-4510 Both at 507 S. Ashley 89 Protect your car ! ! * Fall Changeover * Antifreeze " Winter Lubrication Complete Tune-up Service Available. GOLDEN'S SERVICE STATION MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES LINES 1 DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS 2 .80 2.00 2.96 3 .96 2.40 3.55 4 1.12 2.80 4.14 Figure 5 average words to a line' Classified deadline, 3 P.M. doily Phone NO 2-4786 NEW CARS BEST DEAL IN MICHIGAN MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAJ RS GRINNELL'S Used electric piano, like new, only $299 Used Baby Grand, Geo. Steck mo completely reconditioned only $495 Make Grinnell's your sheet mu headquarters 323 S. Main NQ 2- PIANOS AND O 1GANK. String inst ments, guitars and banjos. Other struments also available. We have n moved to 209 E. Liberty. Quality Service A Must IDEAL RADIO Presents the finest TV by GE RADIO BY G.E. MUSIC BY V. Service by LINCOLN MERCURY EDSELx ENGLISH FORD FITZGERALD, INC. Ideal Radio & TV 1521 Miller Rd. phone No 2- Complete line of HI Fl EQUIPMENT at catalog prices. AVCOIros1ey CINCINNATI, OHIO interviewing on Campus FEBRUARY 23, 1960 601 Packard 9o 8-9429 83 3345 Woshtenow Phone NO 3-4197 IIf Employment' Student art-Time The following part-time jobs are available to students. Applications for these jobs can be made in the Non- Academic Personnel Office, Rm. 1020 Admin. Bldg., during the following hours: Monday through Friday, 1:30 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. Employers desirous of hiring students for part-time work should contact Jim; Stempson, Student Interviewer at NO1 3-1511, Ext. 2939. positions available for Electrical and Mechanical Engineers at all levels and Physics Majors at the MS and PhD level. CONTACT YOUR PLACEMENT OFFICE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION _ FOR RENT ATTRACTIVE ROOM for woman. Linens furnished. Use of modern kitchen fully equipped. Laundry facilities. Near E. U. and Hill. Call NO 2-1394. C52 CUSTOM DESIGNED contemp. studio apt., sublets available with purchase of fittings and furniture, Location- Liberty & State St. area. Phone in- quiries NO 3-1511, Ext. 2018, 9-5 only, C48 FOUR Grad, students. Campus location. Wilmot St. 5 rooms furnished. $160 per month until June. NO 2-7700. Evenings call NO 3-8842. C51 FURNISHED APT., modern, living room, bedroom, twin beds, pullman kit- chen, ceramic bath, $90 a month in- cludes all utilities. Inquire Knob Hill Apts., 1126 Norman Place, Apt. 2. Phone NO 2-3952. C49 PARKING SPACE. Near campus and Bus. Ed. School. Call NO 2-0515. C50 APT. FOR RENT. No lease, R.N. 24 yrs. old & would prefer girls to be under 30. $26 monthly. Call NO 5-7028. C47 MAVERICK would like this apt.-newly furnished, near campus, reasonable rent. Graduation left space for one man in this triple without restric- tions. Call after 6:00. NO 3'-7761. C46 APARTMENT on campus, 5 rooms, nicely furnished, private bath, for 4 or 5 adults. Please call NO 2-5255 or NO 3-5698. C44 SINGLE ROOM-East Side for employed woman or woman graduate student. Close to University and hospitals. Many privileges. Call NO 3-5483. C39 709 Packard NO 2-3175 J27 . MALE 2 Waiters (11:30 to 1:30 p.m. Monday. Friday.) 4 Meal jobs (3 fraternity, 1 sorority,) 1 Shipping and inspecting films (15 hrs. per week, 3 hrs. per day be- tween 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., job located in Wayne, Mich.) 2 Graduate students to work at in- formation desk Mon., Wed., and Fri. practically all day. 1 Technician asst. (Should have elec- trical or Audio background and be proficient in at least one foreign language.) FEMALE 1 Executive director of Jackson YWCA (full-time, may include evenings, $5,600-7,000.) 2 Typists (full-time temporary.) 4 Typists (afternoons, 20 hrs. per wk,) 12 Tour guides for research labs. (10-15! hrs. per week, hrs. are flexible, back- ground or interest in natural sci- ence. 1 Steno-typist (15-20 hrs. per week.) Organization Notices (Use of this column for an- nouncements is available to offi- cially recognized and registered organizations only. Organizations planning to be active for the spring semester should register by Feb. 29. Forms available, 2011 Student Acti- vities Bldg.) Mich. Christian Fellowship, skating_ party, Feb. 19, 7:30 p.m., Lane Hall. Univ. Christian Fed., Study Day -- The Meaning of Prayer, Feb. 20, 1-9 p.m., Lane Hall, Speakers: Dr. Welch; and Sandro Sarti; World Student Day of Prayer Service, Feb. 21, 7:30 p.m., 512 E. Huron. Speaker: Dr. Welch of Whea- ton College. BUSINESS SERVICES STUDENT seeks stenographic position 15 hrs. weekly. Efficient, experienced. Charlaine Ackermax, NO 2-3121. J26 GIRLS - you' say you don't like the food served at rushing parties? Well then, head down to RALPH'S MARKET TYPING SERVICE--Offering expert typ- ing on dissertations, manuscripts, etc. All work done on I.B.M. electric type- writer. Phone NO 2-7605. J20 TYPING. Phone NO 8-6685. J18 WILL EXCHANGE board and roon* for light baby sitting and minimal house- work. NO 3-6618. Coed preferred. J12 Reconditioned Vacuum Clean rs $15.00 and up J. LEABIJ SALES AND SERVICE 322 E. Liberty NO 3-3604 )J39 ONE-DAY SERVICE AT SANFORDS... Shoe Repairing Hat Cleaning Tailoring Pressing Shoe Shining 119 East Ann Street Open 'Til 8 P.M. - Also Sundays & Holidays (Opposite court house since 1927) NO 8-6966 J2 LAST CHANCE February only specials STUDIO 1319 So. Univ. Ave. We take trades-Best deal anywher . : PIANOS-ORGANS NEW & USED Ann Arbor Piano & Organ Co. 213 E. Washington NO 3-3109 Service on All. Radios, T.V.'s and Hi-l's All Work Guaranteed STOFFLET'S RADIO AND TV SERVI( 207 E. Ann NO 8-816 A-I New and Used Instruments BANJOS, GUITARS and BONGOS Rental Purchase Plan PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR 119 W. Washington NO 2-1834 X14 PERSONAL SGC CINEMA GUILD announces ope ing of petitions for spring film spon sorshtp. Petitions available Tuesds February 23, SAD Bldg. SC office. WE ARE recklessly throwing our mon around scrounging for off-beat, weird greeting card ideas and are design by and for college students. It hurt but we pay well! Write College Ha Cards. Hickory Grove, Larchmon New York.,F CAMPUS CLOSEUPS Do you know? Elayne Rotkow............3-1381 John Brown...........-.... .2-441' F LATIN AMERICAN Carnival Masquera Ball, Friday, February 26, 1960. 9 u til 12 P.M. Michigan Union Ballroon $2.50, per couple. P A SPECIAL inducement to all cool guy Show your date that you aren ashamed of her. Let the campus on the latest "bell" party. Help yo roommate get his first date of t: year. The D'aily Classifieds are yo best way of being really COOL. Ca NO 2-4786. Make life enjoyable I the rest of the depressed students. WANTED: An attractive woman for-t weekend - Requirements: informer worldly, liberal. Call Carlos NO 5-731 '. IP If you can't find it, stop looking ! BEAVER'S BIKE AND HARDWARE 605 Church NO 5-6607 BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL WOMEN'S CLUB OF ANN ARBOR RUMMAGE SALE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20 V.F.W. HALL -314 EAST LIBERTY DOORS OPEN 8:30 P.M. AD COURTESY OF RAMSAY PRINTERS, INC. 19 E. LIBERTY ST. ANNOUNCEMENT Student Discount Tickets for Performances by the METROPOLITAN OPERA in DETROIT May 23 to 27 will be available to students presenting their ID cards at GRINNELJL'S MUSIC HOUSE 323 South Main Street Ann Arbor (Mr. Arthur Kane, Mgr.) Beginning Monday, February 22 IMPORTANT: Limited number of seats avail- able. No more than two tickets to any perform- ance will be sold to any student of the Univer- sity of Michigan. No tickets may be sold to persons other than students. Discounts apply only to $6.50 and $4.50 seats, balcony and lower floor of Masonic Temple. MONROE STREET furnished apt. for Esquire $2.00 -- 8 months- rent. 1 room plus kitchen and bath. New Yorker $3.00 - 8 months $80. NO 2-5035 after 5 P.M. C31 New Republic $3.00 - 9 months Sat. Eve. Post $4.79 - 60 weeks LARGE ROOM. Linens furnished. 1315 Ladies' Home Journal $2.80 - 16 mos. Cambridge Rd. Call NO 2-8718. 028 Holiday $3.75 - 15 months Atlantic $2.50 -- 8 months ACTUALLY on campus, clean 5 rooms tice, 2.5, --w8eonhs Ifurnished. NO 3-5947. C20 Time, Life, Newsweek, and ;Sports nl-I I ___rnshed. ____- __47.__ 2_ lustrated-for less than 8 cents a copy COZY SINGLE RQOM for man student, Your authorized student representa- walk in closet, ample street parking. tive-Student Periodical Agency. Call Close to campus & Ferry Field. $7:50 NO 2-3061. J16 per week. 1133 White St., NO 3-2242. C21 PERSONAL DATA SHEETS lithographed with or without picture. Reasonable. ATTRACTIVE single rooms for men in The Edwards Letter Shop private home near campus. $8. 1011 J23 East University. Call NO 8-8681. C26 DO YOU HESITATE TO BUY SUB- CAMPUS ROOMS for men, reasonable. SCRIPTIONS TO YOUR FAVORITE Linens furnished. NO 3-4747. 017 MAGAZINES BECAUSE YOU HATE ONE BLOCK FROM CAMPDS-Modern TO PAY "THAT KIND OF MONEY"? ONEBLOK FOM AMP~JSModrn IF SO, CAST YOUR EYE ON THE apartment, 514 S. Forest. Also room. I CSTQUOTEDELO N DH NO 2-1443. C25 PRICES Q UOTED, BELOW. AND YOU'LL FIND THAT YOU NEED LARGE ROOM, single 8 per week. HU HESITATE NO LONGER. 2-4959, 5643 Geddes Road. 035 Nat'l You Retail Pay APARTMENT for four, one block from Magazine Price Only campus. Large, parking, fireplace, American Heritage ....$15.00 $12.50 basement storage. Call NO 3-6039 af- American Mercury .... 4.00 3.00 ter 5. )C61 Argosy................ 4.00 3.00 Audio................4.00 3.00 FOR RENT: Quiet, pretty, furnished Better Homes & Gar. ... 3.00 2.70 apt. for 2, 1 bedroom, good heat, near Camera 35 ............. 2.50 1.75 campus. NO 5-8516. C53 Catholic Digest........ 4.00 3.20 Christian Herald....... 4.00 3.00 GIRL WANTED to share spacious apart- Downbeat.............7.00 5.60 ment close to campus next semester. Ebony............... 3.50 2.75 Call NO 5-7616 after 5 p.m. C67 Electronics Illus. ...... 4.00 3.00 Field & stream ....,.... 3.50 2,75 DO YOU HAVE boarders moving out- Flying (U.S.)..........5.00 4.00 Rooms for rent? Apartments for rent? Forbes ..).......... 7.50 5.75 Do you want a cheap, convenient, Glamour (Charm in.) 4.00 3.00 widely read source to publish this in- Harper's Magazine......6400 4.50 formation??????????? then - try the Hi F Stereo Review . 4.00 3.00 MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED High Fidelity........ 6.00 4.50 NO 2-4786°'ihFdlt . ..* .0 45 C42 Horizons ..............18.00 15.30 House & Garden....... 5.00 4.00 FURNISHED University operated apart- Look.................4.00 3.00 ments available immediately at Uni Popular Electronics 4.00 3.00 versity Terrace and North" Campus. Reporter ............ .00 4.50 Available to married students and Rudder -........... 4.00 3.00 married faculty. Efficiency, $85; One Sports Car Guide ...... 5.00 3.75 bedroom, $97; Two bedroom $112. Call Sports Car Illus. ....... 5.00 4.00 NO 3-1511, ext. 3311, or apply 1056 Ad- True (U.S.) ...........4.00 3.00 ministration Bldg. C40 U.S. Camera ......... 3.50 2.50 Venture... ............7.00 4.90 HELP WANTED Vogue Pattern Bk. ...... 3.00' 2.25 (All prices shown are for 1 year sub- PART-TIME service station attendant scriptions; we have even better dis- who will also be available for the counts for longer periods.) summer. Write Box H-i5, Michigan (The magazines listed above are only Daily. H15 random examples of the more than 2,900 periodicals that we handle.) BLIND STUDENT wants a reader be- CALL STUDENT PERIODICAL AGENCY, tween 1-5 P.M. Pay $1.00 an hour. If NO 2-3061 before 5:00 P.M.; NO 2-3018 interested call only between 6-7 P.M. after. Place your order now; we will NO 8-8156. H13 be glad to bill you. J14 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED discovers 'that students play an in portant role in the work of ti Development Council through th Student Relations Board. WANTED: one or two girls to sh nicely furnished modern campus a 702 E. University. NO 2-0515. YOU SAVE 15 pitchers of beer by renting a tux when you go to Paul Bunyon Ball. BEFORE you buy a class ring, look the official Michigan ring. Burr Pati son and Auld Co., 1209 South Uni1 sty, NO 8-8887. FOR THE BEST IN MUSIC it's Joh: Harberd - Bob Elliot - Boll Weevi Andy Anderson - Dick Tilkin - Blaser - Kingsmen - Ray Loui Larry Kass plus many others. Ph THE BUD-MOB AGENCY. NO 2-6 LESSONS in piano, singing and spe ing. Carol S. Westerman, 715 Gran NO 8-6584. Have YOU heard all about the wond ful results from advertisin~g in7 Michigan Daily Classified Colur Try it yourself and see. Call 2-4786. KINGSTON TRIO appearing in Det Sun. - Feb. 21 - Masoiic Tem Tickets at Bob Marshall's. BEFORE YOU buy a class ring, look the official Michigan ring. Burr P terson and Auld So., 1209 South U versity, NO 8-8887. EUROPEAN TOURS, '60. 45 days countries including Oberammer Passion Play & Olympics, if desk All ror $705. For details write WE ropa, Box 2053, Ann Arbor. TISK III University Christian Federation Study Day The Meaning of Prayer for * 11 ....Tko WXArlrl cqti r,,v'tIkrictinm AAJtvvrrint I i i