U -~
nney Refuses Any Candidacy in '60
ing state politics in meeting the
current problems.I
The economic interest groups
are beginning to assess their own
roles in the political fabric, he
Gov. G. Mennen Williams ap-
proved the Junior Ciamber of
Commerce-League of Women Vot-
ers constitutional convention-pe-
tition plan over the opposition of
the Michigan AFL-CIO organiza-
tion. "Williams showed a degree
of independence not characteris-
tic to him previously," Romney
Wednesday, Romney said Citi-
zens for Michigan is planning to
make "definite recommendations"
on such issues as new state taxes,
expanded services and constitu-
tional questions.
"The voters will know our views
on these vital issues before the,
candidates begin campaigning for
the November election," he added.
"We have formulated a stream-
lined approach to studying state
problems. In our study, we will
deal with the most pressing prob-
lems and defer the others until
after the November election."
(Citizens for Michigan is or-
ganized around study committees
looking at problems of service
needs, finance and constitutional
Romney also reiterated his in-
tention not to run Wednesday,
though he admitted there was
pressure on him to change his
Freshm en
Voice Ideas
'U' To Lose
(Continued from Page 1)
ities. In reply to Gov. Williams'
accusations that "there is no
money available for needed re-
search tools," the Republican
leaders of appropriations commit-
tees point out that a physics and
astronomy building does not have
top priority on the University's
list -of needed construction.
This list was first drawn up in
1955, and the physics and astron-
omy building was then item eight
on the list. The proposed music
building held top priority.
Gave Plans in 1956
In 1956 the Legislature gave
$28,000 for "preliminary plans"
for the science building. The next
year the University told the legis-
lators it was ready to build the
But by 1958 no construction
funds had been allotted, and the
building was moved up to num-
ber four on the capital outlay re-
quest list.
The top priority-labeled music
school has not yet been built, nor
the physics and astronomy build-
ing, nor even the Institute of
Science and Technology.
Williams noted "the equipment
the scientist wants could be used
by him to make a contribution
vital to the United States."
He has been with the Univer-
sity 19 years, first as an assistant
at the McMath-Hulbert Observa-
Prof. Goldberg is presently
chairman of the National Space
Science Board's astronomy com-
mittee. He is also a member of the
American Astronomical Society.
Davis' Fight
Ends in ail
(Continued from Page 1)
As for the political views he has
so often refused to discuss before
investigating committees, Davis
frankly told newsmen on his stop-
over in Ann Arbor Monday, "I'm
as Red as I please - but not as
Red as somebody else tells me to
Prompts Actions
This attitude of intellectual
freedom has prompted all his ac-
tions, Davis indicated. "It's quite
pathetic to see Americans who,
after all, are my countrymen and
have been traditionally coura-
g e o u s, confident, independent
people worrying about contact
with an idea before they've found
out what it is, let alone come in
contact with it."
From the beginning of his case
in 1954, he said, he was working
to prove the investigating commit-
tee's activities unconstitutional
because they tend to single out
specific political philosophies as
inherently wrong - a process
which Davis terms "political here-
With the courts' failure to sup-
port his stand, Davis now sees
"more hope that pressure by the
people on Congress" will result in
the demise of institutions like the
House Un-American Activities
Committee than "that the courts
will reverse themselves."
... new history chairman
(Continued from Page 1)
friendly, and cheerful, in spite of
what one labelled "the usual in-
stitution food." One said of Jor-
dan, "it's got ivy, is there any-
thing else you can say about it?"
but added, "Oh yes, the people
are nice."
Neither of them found Orienta-
tion or the campus particularly
confusing, although they called
the first few days "rather trying."
"I can find my way to Angell
Hall, the bookstores, and the
Union," one claimed with a devil-
may-care grin. Both girls felt thatj
Orientation had helped them
learn their way around, even if
only by getting them here a week
Another boy, here because his
sister went to school here and in-
troduced the school to him, is
S"impressed by the whole place."
He likes the atmosphere of the
campus, the dorms and orienta-
tion, indeed, the only bone he had
to pick was with the counselling
"I went into counselling know-
ing most of the basic courses that
I had to take," he complained, "I
decided not to take a natural sci-
ence this year, but to take a social
science instead. My advisor said,
O.K., you'll take Sociology', and
I didn't find out until later that I
could have taken an introductory
political science course" that
would have fit in with his pros-
pective major. He felt that he was
given insufficient choice in this
decision, but this was his only
He heartily approved of the
mixers and the organized "coke
dates." He called them "a good
opportunity to get into some acti-
vities that you wouldn't go to un-
less someone arranged them."
plus many more
1332 Geddes NO 5-5700
Group Picks
New History
Prof. John Bowditch, presently
chairman of the University of
Minnesota history department
will be the new chairman of the
University history department, ef-
fective Sept. 1, 1960.
His appointment came after a
two-year search by a history de-
partment committee undre the di-
rection of Prof. Paul J. Alexan-
der. The Regents approved his ap-
pointment for a five-year term.
Prof. Bowditch will replace
Prof. William B. Willcox who
served as acting chairman for the
past two years,
"We were looking for a fresh-
ness of viewpoint that only an
outsider can bring," Prof. Willcox
said. He added that Prof. Bow-
ditch has a background as a fine
administrator anid should do an
excellent job building up the de-
To Retire
As several professors will be re-
tiring within the next five years,
"One of Prof. Bowditch's main
jobs will be to find capable men
to fill the vacancies," Prof. Will-
cox said.
"The University always needs
chairmen who will carry their de-
partments forward with the abil-
ity and leadership needed to work
with the personalities concerned.
Professor Bowditch 's appointment
is a ,very happy solution to a prob-
lem that has engaged us for the
past two years," Vice-President
and Dean of Faculties Marvin L.
Niehuss declared.
Prof. Bowditch, who has head-
ed the Minnesota history depart-
ment for two years, was born Oct.
15. 1914 in Youngstown, Ohio. He
spent several years of his early
youth in Hillsdale, Mich.
Received Degree
He received a bachelor of arts
degree, magna cum lade, in 1936
at Amherst College and is a mem-
ber of Phi Beta Kappa. He then
taght at Harvard University where
he attained a master of arts in
1937 and a doctor of philosophy
degree in 1949.
Prof. Bowditch has taught at
Harvard, Radcliffe and Minne-
sota. He specializes in modern
French history and the econoiic
history of World War II.
University To Lose Department Chi
State University Academic Council pressing his own opinions or mak- conteract the reeling,
and eight leaders of student groups ing judgements. larly of the draftee who
have aligned themselves with the The faculty feels the compulsory get to college, that college
backers of compulsory ROTC. curriculum supplies a training and unfairly privileged with i
The ROTC controversy arose discipline which most students military service.
after a spring rebellion of MSU need, and which they are unlikely Another faculty view
stdents aser againt wearinUto receive from other sources. the belief that decisions
students last year agaist wearg ' Other student arguments against this country on military
It is the general attitude that compulsory ROTC were: greator small, are careft
It i th genralatttudetha 1) 1 OTCabroad. A general shift fi
any discussion of compulsory and 1) Compulsory ROTC irequires ody A general e basis
voluntary ROTC should be con- the student who is uninterested in pulsory to elective basis
cernd wth rmy OTC Ths ~military affairs to devote much misrepresented by our e
erned with Army ROTC. This is i ld et u evidence of lack of syn
due to the fact that the Air Force time which cou be spent n p university circles with
has publicly stated that the pres- suit of an acad ic educaton. tional policy of maintai
ent compulsory program does not 2) The basic courses add little tary strength adequate fo
fit their needs. to the intellectual growth of the fense.
."The mission of the Army ROTC student. * * *
program is to produce reserve offi- 3) The basic course does not SALT LAKE CITY-"
ers, not. career officers. This mis-devote much time to instilling cant drop in number <
sion can not be accomplished ade- qualities of citizenship. commission has been repo
quately by West Point or officer 4) Students going to profession- the ROTC program has b
candidate school," the group of al schools have military programs elective instead of con
eight campus leaders said. available there. the Deseret News and
Many students have adopted the The faculty upheld its academic says, quoting University
attitude that the initiation of vol- interests during a controversy and Utah State Universit:
untary ROTC on a national basis which arose in 1955. They said The article further st
would produce a drastic decrease that the university and all other total enrollment in the
in the number of reserve officers; colleges, as a public service, should had dropped at both sch
see that students are informed as the compulsory requirer
detrimental to the best interests to the military situation and prob- dropped, but that the
of the United Statest lems of defense, and that these number of commissions
otUt t. students receive at least elemen- mained stable .
The group of eight campus lead- tary military training. "University of Utah off
ers believe that MSU should com- Along non-academic lines, the they have had no criti
ply with the Morrill Act of 1862 faculty proposed the argument ments from the military
which requires that all land grant that compulsory basic helps to dropped any compulsoir
colleges offer military trainingdredronts. o
courses. requirements."
This controversy has promoted 11 cAnrarticlepublished in
an army study. Two proposalsL quotes major J. LeRoy
have been suggested: the Army ROTC divisio
1) Eliminate technical training J arJt ing, "We pretested the
from basic ROTC programs and class two years in a row a
transfer this training to the sum- that on a mental bas
mer camp attended by cadets Jean Rey, a member of the approximately the same
electing to go into advanced ROTC European Common Market Com- cadets who could qualif
courses. mission, will speak on "The Euro- advancer program (fror
2) Allow courses regularly taught pean Community as a New Force untary program as from
by other university departments in World Affairs," at -4:15 p.m. pulsory program)."
to apply to ROTC requirements. Monday in Rm. 100, Hutchins Hall. Both Walker and Lt.
The Academic Senate, a MSU The lecture is being sponsored Hale of the AFROTC
thousand-member faculty legisla- by the University Law School, State agreed the quality
tive body, will consider Monday a business administration school, in the program has sk
proposal to replace the two years and economics and political science although total enrollmer
of required ROTC with a one- departments. creased greatly.
term mandatory orientation course
and the balance of the program on
an elective basis.
MADISON-The Regents of the DEL Rio RESTAURAl
Universityf Wisconsin were dead-REE DELIVERY
locked at their Jan. 8 meeting by
a 5-5 vote to change the present Aso
ROTC program to a voluntary STEAKS-CHOPS-CHICKEN
The faculty unanimously favored SPAGHETTI - RAVIOLI - LASAGNE
a shift to the voluntary program BEER and Wine - (in or Out)
at their Jan. 4 meeting. Under a Closed Monday
state law passed last summer,
ROTC at the University of Wis- 122 W. Washington Phone NO 2
consin can only be changed by ______________________
joint action of the faculty and
In addition to favoring volun-
tary ROTC, the faculty suggested
changes in the curriculum af Army BI L,
and Air Force programs next fall. 2 E
A four to six week orientation
course would be required for male 314 South State NO 3.24
At the end of the course, which
would have one lab hour weekly,
the student would choose whether nn Arbor's Headquarters for
to continue or to drop ROTC.
If the deadlock is broken 'and Sales and 24-Hour Repair Servic<
the Regents approve voluntary
ROTC and the separate colleges of World's Leading Pens
within the university go along with
curriculum changes, students will
receive academic credit for each PARKER SCHAEFFI
RITC science basic and each ad-
vance and supplementary course ESTERBROOK
Although the Air Force has ap-
proved Wisconsin's curriculum
changes for the ROTC program,
the Army has not made any deci- Giving Mornil Support
sions. The Army is expected to
decide within the next three To The Pen Industry For Over 50 Yea
Inonths. Army disapproval will
mean that the program will re-
main on a non-credit basis, even ________ ______
if it were changed to voluntary.
Col. Joseph Prall, the university
Army commandant, told the re- SCHOOL OF MUSIC DEPARTMENT OF S
gents Jan. 8 that he doubted the
Army would go along with the Richard Wagner's great opera
In an editorial in Wisconsin'sI
"Daily Cardinal," the faculty ex-
pressed its alarm over the regent's
disregard by the deadlock, and for Tues.-St., March 1-5
paying very little attention to the
almost-unanimous decision of the
faculty to change ROTC to a ORDER NOWvV!
.' * *
ITHACA - An overwhelming I
number of Cornell students have 1 Enclosed find $ for (number) - ticke
expressed their desire for a volun- 1 DAS RHEINGOLD at (check 1) $1.75 L, $1 .
tary ROTC program, while a ma- 1$1.00 Q. I have noted my I st and 2nd perforr
jority of faculty members objected Ipreferences below.
to any alternations in the present
compulsory system. I.Tue., Mar. I
The students oppose the com- Wed., Mdr. 2
pulsory program because they be- Thu., Mar. 3
lieve it to be an "injustice." It Tu Mar. 3
prevents each person from ex- Fri., Mar. 4 (sold out)
I St KMaer. 5f(soldu,t)
English Department Offers
New Approach to Literature
The English department is of-
fering a new approach to litera-
ture in a series beginning this se-
mester called "Interdisciplinary
Approaches to Literature," Eng-
lish 186.
The course is open to seniors
and grad students for three hours
of credit, and the approach this
semester will be psychology,
taught by Prof. John Hagopian of
the English department.
"The title ofdthe course as list-
ed in the time table is mislead-
ing," Prof. Hagopian commented.
"A better name for it this se-
mester would be "Literature and
Psychology," as it will entail an
exploration into the possible uses
of experimental and clinical psy-
chology in evolving a theory of
literature and in criticism of spe-
cific works."
Explains Course
The course will center around
two main problems: the way hu-
man experiences are structured in
literary symbols and the ways of
utilizing psychological theories
concerning learning, motivation,
and perception in the interests of
clear, unambiguous understand-
ing of literary texts.
Other departments of the Uni-
vergity have offered various inter-
disciplinary approaches to liter-
ature, he continued.
"For instance, the psychology
department has offered a course
in psychology in literature while
philosophy of literature is cur-
rently being taught by the phil-
osophy department." ,
"But such an interdisciplinary
approach to literature is a new
departure for the English depart-
"Prof. Frederick Wyatt, of the
psychology department, who
taught Psychology in Literature,
was a thorough-going Viennese
Freudian psychologist. I am not."
Organizational Meeting for
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