THE MICHIGAN DAILY fr wr^i ,r r . rr w. ,. iMIASN UNION SURVIVAL: ,. Smith Sees Life, Death' Issue in Rail Work Rule Dispute Testimony Supports Test Ban Document ti MARY LOU BUTCHER principal issue in the rail concerning jobs for fire- a diesel freight locomotives fe or death .matter for the rhood of Locomotive Fire- id Enginemen, Prof. Russell .th of the Law School said sday. of 15 members of President D. Eisenhower's Rifkind ssion created in 1960 to ey issues in the dispute be- the five railroad brother- nd the carriers, Prof. Smith zat the firemen's brother- worried both about the loss for its members and the iat the brotherhood itself go out of existence should s of 32,000 firemen be elim- possible that some of the 1 whose jobs are jeopardiz-. he railroad's proposed work hanges can be relocated in ositions with the railroads, I The Rifkind Commission rec- ommended a retraining program for displaced workers, with costs to be shared by the railroads. "I feel that the parties can set- tle the rest of the disputed issues through collective bargaining once they get these manning issues re- solved," Prof. Smith noted: The bill passed by Congress Wednesday puts the two major is- sues-firemen's jobs and the size of train crews-in the hands of a seven-member arbitration board, whose settlement will be binding. Secondary Issues Thesecondary issues such as pay scales and management's right to introduce technological advances are to be left to free collective bar- gaining with no strike permitted for 180 days. Recent negotiations between the unions and carriers attempting to avert congressional action have re-1 sulted in a virtual deadlock with the railroads insisting on effecting1 its proposed changes and the five AR- brotherhoods representing engi- neers, firemen, conductors, switch- men and brakemen threatening to strike the minute they do. A provision of the Railway La- bor Act allows the government to act as a third party in any rail- road dispute to protect the na- tional interest. "The original com- mission was set up by 'the agree- ment of both parties with the un- derstanding that the commission was in lieu of the provision of the Railway Labor Act," Prof. Smith pointed out. Not Binding "The commission's findings were not binding and when the unions reacted adversely, President John F. Kennedy felt he had to go ahead with the emergency Rosen- man Commission," he said. The current stalemate in nego- tiatigns dates back to 1959 when the railroads first announced plans to institute revised work rules to offset a loss in profits due to in- creasing competition from other transportation facilities. The carriers claimed that the work rules, outdated by technolog- ical innovations, required the out- lay of $600 million a year in salar. ies for unnecessary workers. Brotherhoods Resist But the brotherhoods were un- willing to make the required con- cessions. A year of unsuccessful bargaining ensued and in late 196( both sides requested Eisenhower to create a commission to study the conflict. Eisenhower appointed former Secretary of Labor James Mitchel: head of the commission which held hearings and on-the-rails inves- tigations for 14 months. When Mitchell resigned, President Johr F. Kennedy appointed former fed- eral Judge Simon Rifkind chair- man. The Rifkind report recommend- ed fundamental revisions both in work rules and wage-base formu- las, a solution accepted by man- agement but rejected by the un- ions. Bargaining Sessions Thirty-two bargaining sessions, twelve of which were directed by the National Mediation Board, were held from April to July, 1962, and again all meetings terminated inconclusively. After the railroads announced they would begin to implement the Rifkind recommendations, the brotherhoods sought a permanent injunction against rules revisions in the Federal District Court in Chicago., When the injunction was denied,, the unions went to the Federal Court of Appeals and then to the Supreme Court, which last March rejected the brotherhood charge that new work rules would be a 'violationof the Railway Labor Act. Set Deadline Following the court's decision, management announced an April deadline for instituting the rules changes. To avert a strike, Kenne- r .I a NOW ON CAMPUS! 1s ntrecordS,. has opened a new and beautiful branch at 300 SO. STATE ST. (at the corner of Liberty St.) SAME TREMENDOUS STOCK- SAME LOW PRICES. as at our first store--still at 337 So. Main St. AT BOTH STORES-ONE WEEK ONLY n all records! III RAIL LEADERS--In July rail leaders (left to right) E. H. Hall- man of western carriers, J. E. Wolfe, C. A McRee of southeastern carriers and John Gaherin of eastern roads predicted that there would be a rail strike unless Congress enacted legislation to solve the controversy. dy created. an emergency board and appointed former Judge Sam- uel Rosenman of New York as itsi head.4 When the Rosenman commis-j sion substantially reiterated the Rifkind findings, the carriers and the unions maintained their pre- vious positions. With a strike sure to follow the implementatiorn of rules changes, Kennedy again persuaded the car- riers to delay their July 11 dead- line for 19 days to allow a new six- man presidential panel to study the dispute. After reviewing the issues, the panel made a 15-page report but, submitted no recom- mendations with it. At the same time, Kennedy pre- pared to ask Congress to intervene by enacting legislation to prevent a rail strike which' would affect commerce and transportation in every section of the country. Kennedy's Answer' Meeting with congressional lead- ers, Kennedy came up with an un- expected proposal: to pass a bill which would require the Inter- state Commerce Commission to re- solve the four-year-old dispute. The bill proposed that the ICC prescribe interim work rules which would be in effect for two years, concerning firemen's jobs and the makeup of train crews. The move came as a surprise to congressmen who had been expect- ing an unwelcome choice between compulsory 'arbitration and fed- eral seizure of the railroads. Ask Time Immediately, the House and Sedate Commerce Committees be- gan hearings on the proposed bill. Although the plan appeared to have widespread support, Demo- crats and Republicans alike agreed that more time was needed in or- der to act on the measure. Congressional leaders and Ken- nedy requested the railroads to postpone once more the change in work rules, which was sure to bring on a rail walkout. On July 30, the carriers accepted one more "final" delay in employ- ing the new work rules. Wednes- day, 12 hours before the deadline, the House passed a bill calling for compulsory arbitration of the work rules issues and rushed the meas- ure to Kennedy for his signature. The arbitration board of two members each from the railroads and unions and three "public" members chosen by the two sides or the President if they fail to agree will be selected late this week or early next. A heavy preponderance of en- dorsements marked the now- completed Senate foreign relations committee hearings on the nu- clear test ban treaty with Britain and the Soviet Union. The committee Is expected to vote on the treaty and reportdit out favorably this week. Floor de- bate is tentatively scheduled with- in the next two weeks. - Former President Dwight D. Eisenhower was one of the last to add his name to the list of those who endorse the nuclear test ban signed late last July by Russia and the United States. Reveal Letter Sen. J. William Fulbright (D- Ark), chairman of the Senate for- eign relations committee, made public a letter from Eisenhower saying, "I believe that, with one specific reservation, the ratifica- tion of the treaty is desirable." Eisenhower advocated a reser- vation that would state that the United States was free to use nu- clear weapons in the event of war. Several administration spokesmen have argued that. the treaty ap- plies solely to testing and would not hamper the use of such weap- ons in military action. The foreign relations committee has been holding hearings on the treaty for the past several weeks, prior to a vote by the entire Sen- ate on ratification of the docu- ment. Varied Supporters Included among the supporters are Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Secretary of State Dean Rusk and Glenn T. Seaborg, chair- man of the Atomic Energy Com- mission. The principal opponent of the pact has been Edward Teller, the so-called "father of the H-bomb." The distinguished nuclear phys- list. At present advocates of -the treaty appear to hold the upper hand. It is expected that the Sen- ate will ratify the treaty by a margin of 80-20, well over the re- quired two-thirds vote. Advocates of the treaty main- tain -that it will signal 'a halt to at least one aspect of the arms race-the pollution of the atmos- phere. Slow Weapons. In addition they hope that the agreement will slow the prolifera- tion of atomic weapons to other countries. This in turn will help to maintain the present American nuclear superiority and lesson the chances of war in the future. Opponents of the bill have argu- ed that the treaty will leave the United States dangerously behind Russia in the development of anti- missile missiles.. They also argue that the USSR will be able to whittle away the American lead in other fields of nuclear weaponry through work in the laboratory, underground tests and cheating. The Senate committee has been concerned primarily with experts' answers to these charges. McNa- mara said that the United States itself will continue underground testing and will be prepared to resume atmospheric testing im- mediately should the Soviets vio- late the treaty. Gen. Maxwell Taylor, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, testi- fied that the major anti-missile missile problems are in areas not. affected by the treaty. After hearings before the foreign relations committee, the debate will continue in the Senate Armed DEAN RUSK sigps treaty Services Committee and the JAin" Congressional Committee on Atom- ic Energy. Several urged varied reservations to the treaty. They mainly sought to make it clear that the treaty in no way limits the United States' armed forces, especially in their use of nuclear weapons. Those urging reservations fear that the treaty would seriously im- pair, by implication the United States'strategic position. Unusual Hours Could Disrupt Famil Life " '' disIcount recordsic e St. 337 S. -3579 Phone DWIGHT EISENHOWER ... first study' 300 S. Stag Phone 665- Main St. 665-4469 , Men who work unusual hours may experience problems in main- taining stable family and social relationships, University sociolo- gists Paul E. Mott and Donald P. Warwick told members of the American Sociological Association- at a recent meeting in Los Angeles. The fact, that a ma~n may be a shift worker is often neglected in sociological studies; however this condition may have .important ef- fects on himself, whis family and his social life, the researchers in- dicated. This, report was based on find- ings from a more comprehensive study by Professors Floyd C. Mann, program director of the Institute of Social Research,. and Quin Mc- Loughlin of Eastern Michigan Uni- versity. The project, entitled, "Shift Work and Health," was supported by the United States Public Health Service. Studies show that one out of five manufacturing industry em- ployes work evenings or nights, the University researchers report- ed. The analysis indicated that the worker's absence in the evening raises barriers to companionship between husbands and wives and between fathers and. school-age children. Shift workers feel that they are excluded from social activities either because they are actually unable to participate or because friends think that they will be at work. "Shift workers belong to fewer organizations than do day work- ers" and they are less likely to hold organizational positions be- cause "shift schedules make it very difficult for him to accept the responsibility attaehed to these roles," the report stated., HAIR STYLISTS FOR MICHIGAN COEDS Michigan coeds have found that for hair styling at its best, Marilyn Mark's- is the beauty salon best suited to their needs. At Marilyn Mark's you, too, will find inter- ested, talented people to help you keep your hair at its best. For a haircut . . . a set . . . hair color- ing ... or a permanent... come to Mariln Mark's for individual- ized hair styling. Marilyn Mark's is conveniently located in the cen- ter of Campus Village, on Church Street near South University. Why not stop in loon? RUSSELL A. SMITH rail dispute Good Haircuts! come from U-M BARBERS near Kresge's W. WILLARD WIRTZ ... negotiations i. . NEW STYLES FIRST AT WILD'S - *1-A- 4 i* WILD' Alan * '. ,.* wrnw " r ' 4 . I t- Those gentlemen who brook no compro- mise with tradition in style find their de- sires catered to admirably in this estab- lishment. Autumn selections are now on view and for sale.1 Vested Suits All Wool Comet Color - Short coats roles, the eporttated THE GUILD HOUSE 802 MONROE STREET (across from Law School) I We invite all freshmen and new, students to DESSERT and OPEN HOUSE I Friday, August 30thx 7:00 P.M. Written invitations will be sent you but come anyway, phone your reservation: NO 2-5189 To all Students AN INFORMAL Sunday, September 1st 7:00 P.M. 11 Every Friday noon beginning September 6th: LUNCHEON DISCUSSION Excellent lunch, 25e, cafeteria style - mt/ a II 11 ,