THE MICHIGAN DAILY Hits British Obsolescence Committee Recommends Investigation of Congress cation is all but closed to 80 out of every 160 children. The remain- ing 20 are selected for specialized, privileged schooling which brings them to the gates of colleges and universities, but only 8 of the 20 get in." London announced last month that it would drop a test known as the 11-plus, which determined at the age of 11 whether pupils would receive academic prepara- tion. Most other school districts, however, retained the test. Late Bloomers Critics have pointed to instanc- es in which pupils channeled into vocational schools later demon- strated academic skills and even won scholarships. He said British selection meth- ods for higher education assumed that "out intellectual resources are limited by genetic factors." He added, "We have abundant evidence that it is not genetics but inequalities in our society and inadequacies in our educational system which at present limit our investment in man. And this is true even in the most affluent nations." Behind Times Turning to the techniques of education, Ashby charged that Britain had "scarcely been touch- ed by the scientific revolution." "This is especially true," he said, "of universities which, al- though dedicated to pursue knowl- edge, are reluctant to pursue knowledge about themselves." Spending on studies of British university teaching and learning is "negligible," Ashby commented. Research on education accounts for less than one-twentieth of penny on the pound (less than one cent in $2.80) in British education school budgets, he said. "Any industry which devoted so little to research and development would collapse." Copyright, 1963, The New York Times Jal 'Useless' To Hurt Spies, Sprott Claims ABERDEEN (P)-A British psy- chologist thinks it's useless to jail spies because lengthy sentences won't prevent anyone else from selling secrets to a potential en- emy. Prof. W. J. H. Sprott said in Aberdeen, Scotland, yesterday that "such persons as are favorably disposed to the regime of a foreign power may think they are doing a public service by furthering its interest, and they are not likely to be deterred. "And a person who is in des- perate financial straits and is of- fered large sums of money is likely to take the risk." Prof. Sprott, who is head of the Nottingham University psychology department, said loss of his job handling secret information is punishment enough for an expos- ed spy. He was talking to the annual meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. WASHINGTON - A congres- sional "streamlining" study has been recommended unanimously by a three-man Senate Rules sub- committee, the Washington Post recently reported. The modernization study model- ed after the Monroney-LaFollette investigation of 1946, would be handled by a joint Senate-House committee. The subcommittee rul- ed out any action in the Senate's so-called"anti-filibuster rule, as well as would be consideration of certain other touchy "parliamen- tary procedures and precedents." The subcommittee, headed by Senate President Pro Tenipore Carl Hayden (D-Ariz), in a sur- prise action approved the "reor- ganization" study along with two other resolutions designed to speed up congressional business. Other Ideas Other subcommittee resolutions provide for a rule listing Senate debate, shorter committee meet- ings while the Senate is meeting and extending former *presidents the privilege of speaking on the Senate floor, after advance con- sultation with the vice-president. The subcommittee's actions are subject to approval by the full Sen- ate Rules Committee and the Sen- ate. The surprise was that the sub- committee, mainly reflecting con- servative views, acted at all in this delicate area. The final res- olutions did not go so far as steps recommended by liberals as Sena- tors Joseph S. Clark (D-Pa) and Clifford P. Chase (R-NJ). Modernization Clark's proposal dealt mainly with the anti-filibuster rule and like the subcommittee he proposed that a House-Senate committee do the modernizing task. Case also suggested a close look at "congressional rules and floor procedures" be made by outside experts as well as House and Sen- ate members. Case is reported as being "pleas- ed that some action was taken," but wanted to examine the sub- . A. S. MIKE MONRONEY ... congressional reform PREVENT HYDROGEN EXPLOSIONS: May Use Bacteria in Space Ships committee report more fully before commenting further. Clark was not available for comment. Proceduries Scrapped Hayden said the subcommittee "gave weight to the argument and experience" of Sen. A. S. Monron- ey (D-Okla) in eliminating par- liamentary and floor proedures from the study. Monroney, co-author of the 1946 act, served as chairman of an "ad hoc" committee recently set up to look into the matter of speeding up congressional business. He claimed the sweeping reforms approved 17 years ago never would have been possible had the 1946 study tampered with basic pro- cedures. Fixed Views Hayden said, "Most (members) have fixed positions of long stand- ing which would not measurably be affected by any recommenda- tions forthcoming from this com- mittee." The limiting debate resolution, called the "germaneness-in-de- bate" rule, was originally recom- mended by Sen. John 0. Pastore (D-RI) and 31 other senators. By FRANK CAREY Associated Press Science Writer AMHERST-A team of space scientists yesterday foresaw possi- bilities of using certain bacteria- which thrive on a diet of hydro- gen-to prevent possible explosions aboard spaceships of the future. These same microbes, they told the annual meeting of the Ameri- can Institute of Biological Scien- tists (AIRS), might double in brass as helpmates in the onboard dis- posal of urine and other human waste products. . Researcher Max D. Lechtman presented the report authored by himself and two colleagues. Oxygen Supply He said one possible means of supplying oxygen for future space voyagers on long interplanetary hauls would be by the electrolysis of water-that is, breaking down water into its oxygen and hydro- gen constituents by running an electric current through it. But, he said, in such a system there would remain the problem of safe handling of the hydrogen which could be explosive ifit later came in contact with oxygen in the presence of an accidentally releas- ed spark or a lighted match. Lechtman therefore predicted that the ultimate system would consist of one in which certain bacteria would be made to grow in association with the hydrogen prodding electrode-so they would tap off the hydrogen as it was made. Hydrogen Lovers. In the microbe world, he indi- cated, there are a number of these hydrogen-lovers whose technical family name is "hydrogenomonas." Two in particular were selected for study, "H. Eutropha" and "H. Ruhladi." He declared the studies were concerned primarily with other nutritional and environmental fac- tors that would be required to have such microbes grow well in a space ship so as to put them in shape to gobble up the hydrogen. Grow in Urea "It was learned," he said, "that these organisms would grow with urea-a constituent of urine--as a source of nitrogen. "This observation has led to a consideration of the atmosphere control system for urine disposal, and possibly a disposal of other human waste material." He added that several studies have shown that one of the mi- crobes, H. Eutropha, when cultured in urine, and in urine supplement- ed with a water extract of human fecal matter "will grow and utilize hydrogen and carbon dioxide." Clear Atmosphere By utilizing carbon dioxide as well as hydrogen, such microbes would therefore help clear the space ship's atmosphere of un- wanted carbon dioxide-perhaps helping convert it to other prod- ucts-the scientist indicated. In another report to the meet- ing at the University of Massa- chusetts, Prof. Donald J. Nash of Rutgers University reports evi- dence indicating that the life span of female mice exposed to X-rays while still in the embryo state in SAVE MONEY ON BOOKS at the USNSA COOP BOOKSTORE (see large ad) their mother's wombs, are short- ened to a greater extent than those of male mice exposed to similar doses. He declared there is a possibility --although as yet unproved-that unborn human females also may be more sensitive to radiation than males., If this were proved, he said, it would have particular significance since a mother, during her preg- nancy, might take drugs, for medi- cal treatment, having effects sim- ilar to radiation. I U ACCESSORIES INSTRUMENTS, used & new INSTRUCTION, class & private What we don't have we make. HOOTS DAILY We will make and repair guitars, banjos, marimbas, lap harps, dulcimers, lutes, harpsichords, clavichords, and most any stringed instrument for you. ' " Today's most interesting students read The New York Times Why don't you? 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