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August 30, 1963 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-08-30

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ax-Stars Return To Coach

New NCAA Rule Prevents
Return to Two-Platoon Ball



Major League Standing


W L Pct.


Sports Editor
Dave Martin and Dennis Fitz-
gerald, the two newest additions to
Michigan's athletic department,
will be taking on coaching duties
this fall just two years after fin-
ishing out" their varsity careers
But while Martin, Don Can-
ham's new track assistant, re-

turns to campus after spending
two years on the West Coast,
Fitzgerald, new coach of Bump
Elliott's freshman football squad,
has been here all the time.
Martin is a 26-year-old middle-
distance veteran from Canham's
championship team of 1960 and
replaces Elmer Swanson, who de-
parted this summer to take over



The First Hurrah
It's fall again and thoughts naturally turn toward football. In-
coming freshmen (and their fathers). and returning upperclassmen as
well as graduate students all want to know: WHAT KIND OF A TEAM
One sure way not to find out is to ask Bump Elliott. He'll only
tell you what the news releases say. Michigan is working on developing
a good, heavy line and a breakaway threat in the backfield. Elliott says
Michigan is going to emphasize defense and let the offense take care
of itself.
Another sure way not to find out is to scan the multitude of
'V3 Gridiron Guides, Football Picks, etc. These will only give a
paraphrase of the news releases. Many an All-American has been
created by an agressive college publicity man.
Since a football team is made by its personnel, here is the logi-
cal point to begin the analysis. Elliott is in the fortunate position
of having 28 returning lettermen, no drop-outs, no ineligibilities, and
no serious injuries to date. In addition, what has been called the sec-
ond-best freshman team in the conference returns to Michigan.
If Michigan had any kind of record last season, they would be a
cinch to be top runners for the Big Ten title. However, the Wolverines
with a dismal 2-7 mark (1-6 in the conference), naturally have a long
way to go.
Looking at Michigan's tentative depth chart, and knowing El-
liot it's quite tentative, many familiar names are aparent. Bob
Timberlake who did everything but collect tickets last season re-
turns older and wiser. Joe O'Donnell, Wolverine captain, and a
possible pick for All-American honors, and Tom Keating, winner
of the Meyer W. Morton trophy as the most improved Wolverine
during spring, both return for their last year to help form an im-
pressive left-side of the line.
A position-by-position scanning of the depth chart reveals a
young but deep Michigan squad.
THE ENDS-Jim Conley and Bill Laskey are Elliott's choices for
left and right ends, respectively. Both are junior lettermen with much
experience. Conley proved himself to be a competent pass catcher as
well as an aggressive defender. Laskey, who was converted from a half-
back to an end last season, is figured to be more at home. this season.
Backing up Conley are Ben Farabee and Steve Smith. Farabee,
the hero of the win against Illinois, showed pass catching ability while
Smith, a sophomore, had a good spring. Sophomore Jeff Hoyne and
junior John Henderson are out to challenge Laskey on the right side,
Henderson was a highly touted freshman who was ineligible last sea-
son while Hoyne was a favorite target in spring drills.
Plenty Off-Weight ...
THE TACKLES-Two seniors, Keating (245) and John Yanz
(222) on the right side add plenty of weight to the line. Behind Keating
is Charles Ruzika (235) and Don Blanchard (240) while Bill Yearby
(220), Jerry Mader (222) and Arnie Simkus (230) back up Yanz.
Mader and Simkus are both lettermen juniors while Yearby is
one of Elliott's hottest sophomore prospects. Blanchard, a junior, and
Ruzika, a sophomore, should be adequate replacements for Keating.
THE GUARDS-Barring injuries it's most unlikely that any-
one will beat out O'Donnell, but right guard is wide open. Junior
Rich Hahn (200), currently at the number-one spot, will have good
competition from Dave Kurtz (215), a senior, John Marcum (210),
a junior, and last but by no means least John Boutman. Houtman
(240), a starter for two seasons who suffered a knee injury in last
season's opener has been shifted from tackle, and figures highly in
Michigan's plans.
Sophomore Dick Reis (225) and junior Dave Butler (220) will
both battle to be Elliott's number-one substitute for O'Donnell.
CENTER-Here is another wide open position with a sophomore
getting the preliminary nod. Tom Cecchini (195) must have had a
marvelous spring to beat out two junior lettermen, Jim Green (215)
and Bill Muir (200).
QUARTERBACK-Elliott has four lettermen and an outstanding
sophomore vying for this top spot. Timberlake, a runner, passer, re-
ceiver, kicker, and defender, returns to the signal caller spot after a
fling at halfback. The 6'4", 210-1b. junior is especially strong as a roll
out passer. Senior Bob Chandler, a good passer, who started the last
few games last season, is out to prove himself in his last season. A vic-
tim of serious knee injury his sophomore year, Chandler finally hit
his stride last season.
Frosty Evashevski and Tom Prichard, both of whom saw much ac-
tion last season, are working for the top role. Sophomore Jack Clancy,
who impressed Elliott in the spring, will also be trying.
Breakaway Threat?..
THE UALFBACKS-Here is where Elliott must find his breakaway
threat and is counting on two sophomores. John Rowser, a speedster
from Detroit and Rick Sygar- of Niles, Ohio, will have to prove them-
selves in the fall. Behind Rowser is junior Dick Rindfuss, sophomore
fDick Wells and junior Dennis Jones while senior Bill Dodd, a former
fullback, and senior Harvey Chapman back up Sygar.
None of the lettermen proved to be THE breakaway threat. But
who could have broken away with the blocking of last year's line. Ask
Dave Raimey.
FULLBACK-After having the top spot at last season's outset,
junior Mel Anthony suffered an ankle injury and was never the same
until last spring. Senior Wayne Sparkman, who looked brilliant in
spots last season and Chuck Dehlin, a sophomore, with a good spring,
will keep Anthony on his toes.
Elliott can't complain about depth, but he can complain about
experience. Seniors are at a premium, and sophomores do make

That Michigan will be better this season, there's no doubt, but how
much better is a big question. Forming a team that will be that much
Improved over last year would be a difficult task for any coach. How
Michigan will do will depend on the strength of the Big Ten, and pre-
liminary reports have it a little weaker than usual.
Look for a 4-5 season from Michigan.
michigan tec
------- -L- .--

the head coaching job at Wesleyan
Runs on Coast
A sandy-haired ex-Flint native,
Martin spent his first year after
graduation training with the Los
Angeles Track Club..
There he studied under the cele-;
brated Hungarian expatriate, Mi-
haly Igloi, who is tutoring Ame-
rica's new school of distance run-
ners, including Jim Beatty, Jim
Grelle and Max Truex.
Fitzgerald, a 27-year-old ex-
Marine from Ann Arbor St.
Thomas, lettered three years each
in football and wrestling and
climaxed his competitive career by
winning the Pan-Americandwrest-
ling title at 171.5 pounds last;
April and then touring Europe in
the summer with the U.S. Greco-
Roman wrestling team. He had
won Big Ten titles at 167 and 177
pounds during his undergraduate
Romps Against Spartans
As starting right halfback on
Elliott's 1960 Michigan team, Fitz-
gerald ran back a kickoff 99 yards
against Michigan State a n d
emerged with the team's most
valuable player award.
He has spent the last two years
in residence, earning his master's
degree in physical education. In
1962 he helped Don Dufek with
the freshman squad and also
assisted Cliff Keen and Doug
Blubaugh with the wrestling team.

Football rules over the last 50
years have undergone many revi-
sions, but none has had a greater
frequency of change than the sub-
stitution rule.
Not unlike Detroit cars, each
year brings out a new revision oft
last year's model.
Last year a coach could changej
his entire team between any two
downs, but the referee had to go
through the tedious process of
checking each man into the line-
up, since a player was permitted
only one entry per quarter.
Rule Yields Platoons
On the field this rule resulted
in the Chinese Bandit type of pla-
tooning as developed by Paul
Dietzel of 'Louisiana State and
briefly tried here at Michigan by
Bump Elliott. The idea was to
have a good two-way team backed
up by an offensively slanted team
and a defensively slanted team,
any of which could be used as the
game strategy dictated.
This year the official National
Collegiate Athletic Association
rulebook (rule 3, section 5, article
1, paragraph a) sets forth a new
system for substitution.
This rule states, "Any number
of substitutes may enter the game
before the ball is next put in
play .. ." and then comes the big
"... Except: During the interval
prior to fourth down and during
the interval prior to the down
when team B has been designated
as team A, no more than two sub-
stitutes of each team may enter
the game before the ball is put in
play, whether the clock is running
or stopped."
Rule Confuses
First reaction to this rule is
typified by that of Elliott-it is
confusing. Another general con-
clusion is that the day of the
Chinese Bandit is ended. After
this everyone can give vent to the
same sentiment: "Why don't they
bring back two-platoon football?"
Elliott expects the new rule to
affect the game just as its authors
hoped it would when they set it
down. More players will have to
play both ways, with one or two
specialists entering the game when
the ball changes hands.
Being an optimist and an ideal-
ist, as shown by his smiling face
as he prepares for the Big Ten
Ann- Arbor's
Only Midnite
Drug Store
corner of

season once again, Elliott approves
of the purpose of the rule change.
"I like to see a boy coached both
ways," he admits, after first say-
ing that he prefers to play by the
unlimited substitution rule.
Actually there are very few in-
dividuals capable of playing great
football two ways for 60 minutes.
By playing two-platoon football
the general level of performance
is higher than it is with two-way

New York 86 47
x-Chicago 74 58
Minnesota 74 58
Baltimore 73 61
Detroit 64 66
x-Cleveland 64 71
Boston 63 70
Los Angeles 60 75
Kansas City 58 73
Washington 48 85
x--Played night game.

players not able to go full out
both ways.
Since it's easy to be an idealist
when writing rules, those in charge
of this department have tried var-
ious ways of getting the two-way
man into the game more. Since it's
hard to be an idealist when half
of your football stand is empty
Saturday afternoon, an equally de-
termined group has tried to liberal-
ize substitution more.

.647 -
.561 ll,
.561 ll!
.545 13?4
.494 20
.474 23
.474 23
.444 27
.443 27
.361 38

WV L Pct.
x-Los Angeles 78 53 .595
x-San Francisco 73 59 .553
St. Louis 72 60 .545
Philadelphia 72 62 .537
Milwaukee 71 62 .534
Cincinnati 71 65 .522
x-Pittsburgh 67 63 .515
Chicago 68 64 .511
Houston 49 84 .368
x-New York 41 90 .313
x-Played night game.
Chicago 2, Philadelphia 1
San Francisco at Los Angeles, n
New York at Pittsburgh, night
(Only games scheduled)
Los Angeles at Kansas City (n)
Detroit at Cleveland (n)
Washington at Boston (n)
NeiYork at Baltimore (n)
Chicago at Minnesota (ni)

l .=r: \ I

Boston 4; New York 3
Detroit 6, Los Angeles 1
Minnesota 14-10, Washington 2-1
Chicago at Cleveland, night
(Only games scheduled)
San Francisco at Los Angeles (n)
St. Louis at Philadelphia (n)
Cincinnati at Pittsburgh (n)
Milwaukee at New York (n)
Houston at Chicago


1 -9



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. ..track assistant

This fall, he is taking over Du-
fek's job with the freshman team,
while Dufek moves to the new po-
sition of defensive backfield coach,
Staff Now Six
This leaves Elliott six assist-
ants, the largest number since he
took over Bennie Oosterbaan's
head coaching job for the 1959'
season. The other four holdovers,
besides Dufek, are Hank Fonde
(offensive backfield), Jack Fouts
(interior li n e), Jocko Nelson
(ends) and Bob Hollway (line
As an undergraduate, Martin
transferred to Michigan from.
Miami of Ohio and proceeded to
place in all six Big yen meets he
ran in. His senior year he placed
second in the indoor 880 and mile
and then third in the outdoor 880
and mile.
He also participated on five
Penn Relay - "'ners and still holds
varsity records of 4:06.9 in the
mile and 9:07.5 in the 3000-meter
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