mtr4tgau Bait# seventy -maidYw EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNiVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDEK AUTHORMTY OV BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Tere Opinions Are STUDENT PUBLICATIONS &MD., AOW ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" ditorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. kY, AUGUST 30, 1963 NIGHT EDITOR: GERALD STORCH 1 A FACE IN THE CROWD By RONALD WILTON, Editor CHANGING TIMES: Prognostication: Progress at the'U' THE SHRINKING WORLD: Off-Campus Events: A Never Never Land? HE CURRENT CRISIS in South Viet Nam has the United States in an almost impossi- e position. For several years, our policy has en to'sink or swim with South Vietnamese resident Ngo Dinh Diem. During that period, e were barely treading water. Now we are in down for the third time. United States policy toward Diem is now ing reconsidered. Officially, we blame the cent demonstrations on Diem and his family. 'e do not call the army his accomplice. We not call the Buddhist and student demon-. rators Communists. The United States hopes to imply American pport for the army if it should decide to ove against Diem. At the same time, the State epartment is trying to combat the anti-Ameri- m feeling among the Buddhists and students 'oused by the use of American military equip- ent to suppress anti-government demonstra- ns. ;UT OFFICIAL statements are not enough. The American position in South Viet Nam precarious; it demands immediate action, At statements. The only way to keep the sit- tion from collapsing on us is to halt Ameri- n aid to Diem. Aid began in I954 when Viet Nam was divid- . into a Communist North and a Western- tented South. The French, who had controlled e whole country as a colony, pulled out. The nited States undertook the responsibility of aining and equipping the South Vietnamese my. This commitment grew until it included nerican military advisers, necessitated by a errilla war against the Viet Cong. This group, timated at 30,000, is composed of North Viet- xmese, South Vietnamese Communists and an creasing number of anti-Diem South Viet- ,mese. 'HIS LAST GROUP was not among the orig- inal members of the Viet Cong. It is a late rival, alienated by the Diem family which les the country as a personal fief. There yve always been people who asserted the re- ne was corrupt and anti-democratic; Wash-, gton had always claimed ,that these charges re exaggerated and, besides that, there was body around to replace Diem.,Thus the sink swim policy evolved. N'ow, widespread opposition to Diem has oken out all over the country. The crisis irted last May when the president refused to Buddhists fly their yellow religious flags )m pagodas. The Buddhists, who make up 70 r cent of the country's population, charged at this was one more in a long series of dis- minatory actions against them by the Ro- in Catholic Diem family and ruling elite. rhey-claimed that Catholics received prefer- tial treatment in army and government omotions and that Catholic priests have spe- ,1 privileges. This last charge is not surpris- i since Diem's cousin is the highest ranking tholic church official in the country. THE SUPPRESSION of Buddhist demonstra- tions protesting the discrimination led a 73-year-old Buddhist priest to commit suicide by setting fire to himself. As more demonstra- tions occurred, Buddhists were beaten and ar- rested. The number of suicides by self-burning rose to five monks and a nun, Last week, the conflict came to a head. More than 1000 students demonstrating in favor of the Buddhists were arrested and put in deten- tion camps. The government declared martial law and denounced both the student and Buddhist demonstrators as Communist-inspir- ed. THISTIME the charge fell flat. Washington voiced its strong disapproval of a govern- ment to which it had given its unqualified sup- port only a year ago. The reason for Washing- ton's unhappiness is obvious. South Viet Nam is considered the keystone in preventing South- east Asia from falling to the Communists. That the United States cannot support Diem any longer is emphasized by the fact that anti- American feeling in Viet Nam is also growing. Diem's police use American weapons against the demonstrators. They also use trucks bearing the seal of the American Agency for Interna- tional Development to carry demonstrators to the detention camps. If Diem stays in office and continues to alienate the people, he will drive them into the hands of the Viet Cong and Viet Nam will be lost. T HAS BEEN ARGUED that cutting off mili- tary aid to Viet Nam would only help the Viet Cong. It is true that the Vietnamese army would be seriously hampered without it. Yet this is precisely the situation that could pro- duce a desirable change. The army is definitely committed to fighting the Viet Cong. Halting aid would force the army to oust Diem and set up a civilian or military government based on popular support. Once this were done-and it could be done very quickly with this kind of an incentive-military aid could be resumed. BY DELAYING any action until it reconsiders its policy toward Diem, Washington is doing itself nothing but harm. Every day Diem re- mains in office, more and more people join the Viet Cong; more and more American aid is used to suppress demonstrations; and the secret po- lice, commanded'by Diem's brother, has more and more of an opportunity to track down and eliminate any potential successor to Diem. The United States should have abandoned, its policy of supporting any anti-Communist government no matter how undemocratic after the Korean and Turkish revolutions three years ago. Now a third opportunity presents itself. The lights in the State Department will burn through many a night while our policy toward South Viet Nam is "reconsidered." THE SOUTH VIETNAMESE may not be kind enough to wait that long. By GERALD STORCH City Editor THE UNIVERSITY of Michigan is gradually becoming an ex- citing place in which to experience one's educational growth and so- phistication. Two or three years ago, things were different. The only mental stimulation and eloquence students could turn to, aside from what- ever they could derive from their classroom work, was the product of an intense and brilliant group of campus liberals. These students fed on three is- sues-the House Un-American Ac- tivities Committee, fraternity bias and University paternalism-and made them alive. Listening to them speak and observing the heavy campus debate made intellectual issues for the first time become relevant and meaningful for one's own life and education. At the same time, however, there was the feeling that the Univer- sity didn't give much of a damn about its students-which, of course, was the reason for most of the critical questioning by the liberal campus leaders. TIMES HAVE CHANGED. The past academic year saw the emer- gence of first steps by the Univer- sity to institute some significant changes in its academic programs and attitudes. True, much of it 'was reflex reaction to the loud and often.-pointed criticisms of previous years, but there was a decent amount of initiative, too, parti- cularly in the Office of Academic Affairs. So new issues have taken over, academic as well as political. HUAC apparently has resigned from the motion picture business, fraternities are scrambling over one another to assure the com- munity that they are against ra- cial discrimination just like every- :ne else, and the University has been as unpaternalistic in almost all areas as it thinks the public will allow it to be. The liberals will still have plenty to do this year. The active partici- pation of University students to obtain a strong and effective fair housing ordinance in Ann Arbor undoubtedly will continue to flood the Diag with posters, pickets and pronunciations. The probable signing of the test ban treaty, however, might vitiate some of the other political pro- tests which occupied the campus last year. The most important local ques- tions which are likely to fill columns of sace in The Daily this year are these: the proposed in- residence literary college, the stu- dent-faculty government experi- ment, the workings of a less re- strictive , speaker bylaw, and the test of the true authority and in- tentions of Student Government Council. * * * NOWHERE IS THE SHIFT in University atmosphere more aptly demonstrated than in the resi- dence college proposal, which will be acted upon by the literary college this fall after being draft- ed by a professorial committee last May., In essence, its aim is to link more closely students' classroom and non-classroom lives through in-residence academic personnel, holding classes within the living unit and the adjustment of cur- ricula to fit the college. The pro- posal would try to instill a small- college atmosphere within a large university. During the past year, the Uni- versity carried out a pilot project along these same lines in East Quad and Mary Markley. In ad- dition, the launching of coed hous- ing, a much more diversified choice of living arrangements for women students in the Oxford Road project and the hiring of a director of housing (and making that post a prestigious and highly paid one, filled by an academically oriented administrator) also point up the University's attempts to enrich students' non-classroom existence. * * * ANOTHER undertaking worth watching is the placement of two students on each faculty com- mittee of the University Senate, the policy-discussion body for pro- fessors. Proposed by SGC in a rare display of unanimity and sub- sequently approved by the Senate Advisory Committee (which in ef- fect runs the Senate), this experi- ment hopefully will provide a strong student voice in academic Revolu WE ARE gathered here in the largest demonstration in the history of this nation. Let the na- tion and the world know the mean- ing of our numbers. We are not a presure group, we are not an or- ganization or a group of organiza- tions. We are not a mob. We are the advance guard of a massive moral revolution for jobs and free- dom. This revolution reverberates throughout the land, touching every city, every town, every vil- lage where black men are segregat- ed. onoressed and exploited. policy debate and sharply increase the contributions students can make to the welfare of their Uni- versity. Student latitude has been ex- tended in another direction-con-' frontation with controversial speakers. One year ago the Re- gents adopted\a bylaw which was billed as abolishing precensorship of speeches by visiting lecturers and encouraging "a spirit of free inquiry," although they somehow managed to include a clause which bans speakers from advocating il- legal actions. In spite of the unfortunate phraseology, however, the bylaw does appear to be an improvement (the previous one, after all, banned speeches that advocated "conduct which violates the fundamentals of our accepted code of morals"); a Communist spoke here last spring and there was no trouble. This year, the Public Discus- sion Committee, designed to fur- ther the University's role as a forum and arrange discussions "of important and controversial social issues," will go into effect. A FOURTH AREA of wait-and- see is just what SGC will do with its power to withdraw recognition from student organizations-a power reaffirmed by the Regents last spring in the light of a pros- pective test lawsuit by six sorori- ties. The question here is no longer affiliate bias; discriminatory clauses have been eliminated, some token cultural mixing has begun and any discrimination now ap- pears to be individual rather than institutional, Instead, the issue is one of SGC's authority per se and whether it should have power over student organizations. That right having been con- firmed, the next step is for Coun- cil to indicate just how far it is willing to use it if necessary The six sororities have refused to sub- mit their criteria for membership selection to SGC and whether any serious punitive action will be tak- en is still up in the air. THERE ARE the major trends in the University. In a n'utsnell, here are some of the other de- velopments likely for the coming year: -The Michigan Union and the Women's League might merge their governing boards as a first step towards, a single, all-campus student center. Eventually, the Union will probably be expanded and the League converted into an academic office building. -Gov. George Romney's glue- ribbon citizens' committee on high- er education will issue its first manifesto this fall on the general guidelines for future college ex- pansion and programs in Michi- gan. -The University perennially needs more money than it gets. With a moderate Legislature this year and with the state's economy in decent shape, it may get more. It is doubtful, however, if the Uni- versity will be appropriated the extra $1 million or so that it needs for complete conversion to year-round operations, so that a token calendar adjustment will probably remain in effect for some time to come. * * * -THE OFFICE of Student Af- fairs enters into its second year without a dean of men and dean of women (those posts were abol- ished in the summer of '62). Al- though some structural realign- ments can be expected, there is little hope that the OSA will re- vise some of its repressive and un- justified regulations that remain such as women's hours (the Uni- versity of Minnesota, for one, is more liberal) and not allowing students to view the personal evaluations made of them by var- ious counselors and dormitory per- sonnel. -The Center for Research on Learning and Teaching, established just last year, is expected to con- tinue efforts to improve the cali- ber of University instruction. Last spring it conducted a series of seminars in the Medical School on the betterment of teaching tech- niques there. -The emphasis here on re- search will continue to grow, and will also continue to play the starring role in the University's PR efforts. In a year or two, in fact, the University may be getting more money from the federal gov- ernment for sponsored research than it gets in appropriations from the state. -Will the new Unite I States National Student Association-run bookstore here take away a lot of business from the established stores? * , * -JOINT Judiciary Council, with some of its operational practices cleaned up, will sprout its wings, with a new constitution. A student brought before it now has the right to a public hearing and the right to see written charges against him; other changes were invoked to adhere to due process., -Some initial steps may be taken to beautify the campus along the guidelines suggested in a master-plan recently approved by the Regents. People who have seen some of the nation's other large universities find this one rather shabby-looking, and any progress towards making it a co- herent and esthetic architectural assemblage would do much to en- hance the academic atmosphere. The education school, general- ly considered one of the Univer- sity's weakest academic units, will continue its rather heated faculty self-appraisal meetings. Several technical changes in the school were instituted last spring, and such self-examination may well result in more strengthening. -The University will establish a ,ooperative program with Tuskegee Institute. For some time now ad- ministrators have been concerned about the relatively low number of Negroes on campus and will also probably make more vigorous ef- forts to recruit colored students. * * * THERE, IS one more trend ;in the University which needs to be mentioned. This trend itself will not be reported in Daily headlines, although some of its components undoubtedly will be. It is this: the University cur- ricula are becoming tougher each year. Incoming students are better qualified and more intelligent than the class above them, and the Uni- versity is making corresponding adjustments upward in its class materials. The academic pressure is be- coming more strenuous each year. There is less time for tomfoolery, less time even for legitimate and worthwhile campus activities. The competition for grades is becom- ing tougher and tougher and the classroom work is becoming in- creasingly intricate and challeng- ing. If not carried to crushing ex- tremes, this, of course, is a won- derful direction for the University to be going in. It heralds a year of initiative and innovation by the University to maximize the impact it can make to maturation and self-development of its students. By PHILIP SUTIN National Concerns Editor O THE AVERAGE University student, the world away from his classroom, apartment or fra- ternity house and home town is a misty never-never land with little relevance to his life. It produces a strange, some- times exciting, but mostly dull pro- gression of events that appears on pages one and three of his morning Daily or is briefly men- tioned on one of the local radio stations. Washington, Moscow or Saigon seem far away; news from there does not seem important. But the world is shrinking. American and Russian astronauts have circled this planet in less than 90 minutes. Hot lines link the major capitals of the world, both East and West, so that President Kennedy can pick up the phone and almost immediately confer with Prime Minister Macmillan in London. A teletype line now di- rectly links the President and So- viet Premier Khrushchev. At a grass roots level, the peo- ples of the world look to the Unit- ed States for leadership. Events in Washington, Birmingham or Ann Arbor will bring a response abroad. The United States is also linked so closely to the rest of the world that a riot in Saigon today could bring troop mobilization to- morrow. THE UNIVERSITY does not stand in an ivory tower. Its ad- ministrators and many of its fac- ulty are involved in projects that will have a profound effect on its students' future. These range from seismic studies of underground nu- clear explosions to campaigns against automation-caused.job ob- solescence. Events in Washington have al- most as much influence in shap- ing the University as events in Lansing. If current s p e n d i n g trends continue, the federal gov- ernment will eventually spend more.on sponsored research, schol- arship aid and, hopefully, general education aid than the state does. Federal funds largely finance the expansion of North Campus and the Willow Run research complex. They also make a significant im- pact on the social and life sciences. Federal funds are not spent so much to meet University needs as to fill federal needs in defense research and for trained manpow- er.e Asthe world changes, these needs change. As these needs' change, so does the University. How does the interrelationship' between the University and events elsewhere work? A look at a few major issues will show a rather tight fit. * * * CIVIL RIGHTS. The increasing demand of Negro Americans for a better place in society is reflected in several ways in this interrela- tionship. The University is seek- ing with renewed urgency talent among underprivileged youths, largely Negro. New programs are being considered to identify this talent and to support and train it here. The University is helping Tuske- gee Institute in Alabama to up- grade its liberal arts program. It will also have a role in President Kennedy's crash vocational train, ing program. The debate over a fair housing ordinance in Ann Arbor has al- ready involved the University, with its hundreds of non-white foreign. students. A committee appointed by University President Harlan Hatcher pointed up massive flaws in the draft ordinance and the Ann Arbor City Council's fair housing committee has heard the commit- tee's recommendations. The civil rights crisis will give a new push to the Student Gov- ernment Council drive to elimin- ate discriminatory membership clauses in fraternity and sorority constitutions. * * * COLD WAR. Undoubtedly, radar a n d photographic surveillance techniques and equipment devised by The Institute of Science and Technology's Project'Michigan helped United States intelligence planes spot Soviet missiles in Cuba and set off last fall's frightening crisis. The $5 million-a-year proj- ect is working to improve tech- niques further. The University was just awarded a $4.3 million con- tract to build an infrared observa- tory in Hawaii to conduct research on infrared missile surveillance techniques. The Vela-Uniform Project of IST's Acoustics and Seismics Lab- oratory has devised means of dif- ferentiating earthquakes from un- ,derground nuclear explosions. These were studied at the Geneva test ban conference and may have given the United States confi- dence to abandon demands for controls on underground tests. The University sponsored a ma- jor conference on disarmament last winter which included Russian as well as Western speakers. The conflict resolution center and sev- eral members of the Mental Health Research Institute are conducting studies that could lay a foundation for a disarmament treaty. The Peace Corps conducted a 10 day intensive recruiting drive here last May. Two contingents of corpsmen now in Thailand trained here. * * * FEDERAL SPENDING IN EDU- CATION. The federal government already is a large participant in higher education although no fed- eral aid to education bill has pass- ed Congress. Most of its money goes into specific research pro- grams. The University is the fourth largest' recipient of such federal funds. Other programs have expanded medical research and training of .,,scientists and mathematicians at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The National Science Foun- dation is the federal government's most education-oriented agency. Changes in federal policy di- rectly effect most graduate stu- dents outside the humanities. Fail- ure to renew or accept a research contract or grant means the cur- tailment or elimination of some graduate studies in the physical and life sciences. ** * * AMERICAN SOCIAL PROB- LEMS. The social work school is embarking on -a long-term study of juvenile delinquency both from sociological and psychological view- points. Dean William Haber of the literary college has warned for several years that lack of educa- tion and increased automation may create a new alienated, permant- ly impoverished class in the Unit- ed States. The Survey Research Center keeps a continuing watch over Detroit and has made in-depth surveys on social problems there. On the national level, its quar- terly survey of consumer attitudes is considered /an important eco- nomic indicator. THUS WORLD EVENTS have an impact on the academic and some- times the non-academic life of the University. One of The Daily's main tasks this year is to point up and explain these relationships and to place world events mean- ingfully in the readers' framework. The Daily receives the main na- tional-international news wire of the Associated Press, its main source of such news, but it is sup- plemented by a reading of the De- troit papers, "The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal and three library shelves full of magazines ranging from the John Birch Society's American Opinion to the Soviet's New Times. Daily reporters use these as reference work for gain- ing background and developing in- terpretations of world events. The. Daily is also a member of the Collegiate Press Service, a co- operative agency of college papers. CPS mails releases three days a week and serves as a means of gaining depth stories from other campuses. The Daily also exchang- es with nearly 100 other college papers. Aside from reporting significant student news from other campuses, The Daily will be increasingly in- terested in educational issues as it attempts to place the University in a worldwide academic context. Al- so, The Daily will send reporters to significant student conferences. * * * TO MEET the increasing job of correlating national-international news, the new position of national concerns editor wa sreantaA ol. L THE LIAISON 74.!~: David Marcus, Editorial Director DUCATION can be either perfunctory or worthwhile. The choice rests largely with individual student, not with the University the faculty. The University and the facul- can work to provide the best possible at- sphere for the educational process; but the ision of whether to work for a degree or an cation nearly always rests with the student. t is the student who must decide whether he hes to participate in his education or wheth- he wishes to be merely a passive receptacle. e student who chooses to participate faces tacles. The University is large and it is m difficult to make the initial contacts with ulty members capable of giving direction to interests. The University limits the range of as that can be personally presented by out- e speakers. At times, the University seems engrossed in research, publications, public itions and fund raising that it seems to have le interest in its students, particularly under- DESPITE THESE OBSTACLES and limita- tions, the only worthwhile education is an education which involves the student in more than a perfunctory way. It means internaliza- tion of knowledge. It means that the student involves himself in his studies and goes beyond them. Ultimately, it means the development of a belief in the function of the academic com- munity both for the ideals of scholarship and the benefits society derives from these ideals. The ideals themselves are quite complex; but they. ultimately involve some sort of personal belief about the way men live or ought to live their lives. Perhaps the simplest and most elo- quent statement is Socrates' maxim: The un- examined life is not worth living. CERTAINLY, Socrates' maxim is more diffi- cult to accept now than in the past. It has become almost trite to speak of the horrors of a possible atomic war. Most of the world's pop- ulation lives miserably while surplus food rots in government storage bins. Yet the only hope of ever solving these prob- lems lies in the academic world with its ideals of open examination. For Socrates' concept ex- tends to more than the individual life. It in- cludes the vital life of the society and the human race which must never go unexamined if it is to be worth living or if, indeed, it is to be. MOST STUDENTS, of course, will not spend their lives in a university community. Yet they will have learned much if they can leave the University with some concept of why the University is and what it can be. The academic world is a fascinating place for any student who allows himself the op- portunity to become involved in it. It has its stodgy side and sometimes it really is stifling. At the same time, it is in the academic com- munity that scholars are currently debatingr New Boy In School v° F T 7 '' "r "4. : ::r..:~: t ' ':a'.- :c 'y, t = jai i . =N "f ': ':i' E z. 7 s i '1! t _. r. Editorial Staff RONALD WILTON, Editor D MARCUS GERALD STORCH al Director City Editor RA LAZARUS............ Personnel Director SUTIN. ..........National Concerns Editor VANS ,... ............. Associate City Editor RIE BRAHMS...... Associate Editorial Director BOWLES .....................Magazine Editor )A BERRY............. Contributing Editor OOD ..............._ .....Sports Editor LOCK .................. Associate Sports Editor PGER ..........Associate Sports Editor INCK ..........Contributing Sports Editor +x U!", merameaILW..---me