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December 13, 1963 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-12-13

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Eye Revision
In Training
Of Teachiers{
Preliminary investigation of a
program which would take educa-
tion students straight through
their undergraduate, graduate and
doctoral training without inter-;
ruption is being conducted by an
education school committee,
Chaired by Prof. John S. Bru-
backer of the education school, the
committee is considering a three-
point program which would at-
tempt to eliminate the frequent
disruptions in a student's progress
toward the doctoral education de-
gree, Prof. Brubacher explained.
As one tangible goal of this
program, he expressed a hope that
the quality of student candidates
for higher degrees in education
would reflect marked improve-
The plan under consideration,
known as the "school within a
school" concept, would attempt to
attract high caliber students by
enabling them to complete their
training without interruption
caused by financial problems.
"We are doing the best we can
under the present circumstances,"
Paf. Bruchacher commented. "But
this program would enable us to
see what we could do under im-
'Proved circam tances."
Degree-seekers with high schol-
arship endowed with abilities in
several fields-"the Rhodes schol-
arship type"-are the class of stu-
dents which the program hopes to
"In the field of education," Prof.
Brubachersaid, "many people in-
terrupt the course of getting a de-
gree -omething never thought of
in medicine or law. The program
would be arranged so that a per-
son could go straight through,"
Foundation aid would be sought
to subsidize the students.
The new program of studies
would include more independent
study, courses of larger scope and
cognated study in other University
departments, Prof. Brubacher said.
After the bachelor's degree, Prof.
Brubacher estimates four years
would be needed to complete the
doctoral degree under the pro-
posed plan.

College Roundup


versity of Florida Board of Stu-
dent Publications recently dismiss-
ed David Lawrence, Jr., editor of
the Florida Alligator, on grounds
of "repeated irresponsibility and
violation of publications policy."
The removal came three days
after his front page editorial at-
tacked the board's choice for next
semester's editor.
Lawrence claimed that the stu-
dent-professor board made a mis-
take-"honestly or otherwise"--
when it chose a former sports
editor instead of the paper's pres-
ent managing editor.
Immediately following the
board's announcement, the paper's
managing editor resigned because
of what he termed "a vote of no
Martin Schram, a student mem-
ber of the publications board,
wrote a personal letter explaining
his view of Lawrence's dismissal
and noted that his editorial had
"no facts, no substantiation and
was Just libelous, irresponsible
"Lawrence was not fired for at-
tacking the board, nor for this one
gross example of irresponsibility.
This was the last of a semester-

long series of back-breaking
Schram said that both can-
didates were equally qualified but
that after careful consideration
the former sports editor was
finally selected. his support came
from "both the student and pro-
fessional elements of the board."
John Askins, former editorial
page editor, was named acting
Alligator editor for the remainder
of the semester.
Upon taking over, he said, "I
would rather see David continue
as editor. I think the board was
perhaps too strict in its action."
Bob Wilson, former managing
editor, said, "The Board in their
action today was unjustly harsh."
* *. *
VANCOUVER - The student
housing inspection service at the
University of British Columbia has
situated more than 2000 students
through its listing service. Seven
hundred rooms and apartments
have been inspected and a brief]
description circulated to students.
Apartments with very poor ac-
commodations and those engaged
in racial discrimination are un-

(Continued from Page 2)
you have accepted a position in order
that your records may be kept up to
date. If you are still available, let us
know where you can be reached hfter
Commencement, so we can notify you
of alumni positions.
Federal Service Entrance Exam-Ycu
must apply by Dec. 19 in order to take
the exam on Jan. 18.The Management
Intern portion of the FSE will be
given at this exam.
Abraham & Straus, Brooklyn, N.Y. -
Juniors & Seniors, if you are interested
in a department store career, come in
to see & hear all about it at the A & S
Christmas Vacation Career Breakfast
on Mon., Dec. 30, from 9 to 11 a.m.
at the Fourth Floor Restaurant. You
will hear talks by A & S executives
and if you wish, will be Interviewed for
Executive Training Prog. Make reser-
vations by noon, Sat., Dec. 28. Call TR
5-7200, ext. 2521 or write: Abraham &
Straus, Executive Placement Dir., 420
Fulton St., Brooklyn, N.Y.
Harris Trust & Savings Bank, Chica-
go, Ill.-Would like to interview men &
women nearing graduation who are in-
terested in the field of banking & plan
to visit Chicago during their Christmas
vacation. Will arrange an interesting &
worthwhile visit which will include a
tour of the bank as well as an eppor.
to talk with members of the div, in
whichkthe students may be interested.
If interested, should contact the Ass't.
Personnel Officer, Mr. John Stephens,
prior to arrival in Chicago. Bank is
located at 11 West Monroe St.tPerson-
nel Dept. is located on the 6th floo
& is open Mon.-Fri, from 9 to 5.

Michigan Civil Service - Electronic
Tech. I & II-BS in Engrg. of the Phys
Sciences with not less than 3 courses
in electricity, electronics or experimen-
tal stress analysis. Position level II
requires the above plus 1 yr. exper.
Veterans Admin., Dayton, Ohio-Seek-
ing Chemist (Biochemist) in the Ra-
dio-isotope Lab, Will be responsible for
all clinical radioisotope testing & sets
up, organizes & carries out assigned Re-
search projects. Work is such that it
requires understanding of the rela-
tionship between radioisotopes & the
chemical processes of the body. Must
have 24 hrs. of Chem, plus additional
credits leading to a BS degree. Also
must have 6 mos. exper.
Swift & Co., Chicago, 111.-Many &
various openings including: 1) Adver-
tising-man with 3 yrs. exper. in in-
dust, chemicals adv. Will consider a
recent, college grad if has strong educ,
bkgd. in Adv. & 2 yrs. college chemn. 2)
Automation Specialist-ME plus 8-10
yrs. exper. 3) Manager Trainee-any de-
gree, 4)Economist-MS & MBA nly,
5) Hotel, Restaurant & Instituitional
Sales. 6) Investment & Financial An-
alyst. 7) Ops. Res. Div.-Major in Math
combined with trng. in the phys. sci-
ences, stat, or business & econ.8)
Frozen Foods-Sales--any degree. 9)
Mktg. Trainee-any degree,
For further information, please call
General Div., Bureau of Appointments,
3200 SAB, Ext. 3544.
212 SAB-
Glacier National Park-Application
have arrived in the Summer Placemen

Extra Special Savings
S.U N DAY, Dec. 15th ... 12 Noon to 6 P.M.
di ntrecords,
300 S. STATE


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Mon. thru Fri.
There is no nicer gift for a man than a fine
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ARROW and VAN HEUSEN in popular styles. $5 up.
DACRON NECKTIES of soup-proof (may be wash-
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Deluxe finish-walnut or black,
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WELDON designs a sh ve
coat of terry that any
man would like for
Christmas. For it's proc-
} .tical and comfortable,
styled in a thick cotton
terry perfect after
//shower, for shoving or
lounging. Good-looking
Stoo,in a wrap style with
contrast trim.
White, blue, maize.
Please send me the following Weldon Terry
Shave Coats
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Add 4% Michigan Sales tax.

3663 Washtenaw Rd., Ann Arbor, Mich.
Name ...........................
City...........Zone.... State..... .




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