v PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, __ Does Dexedrine Stimulate Concentration? By STEVEN HALLER Surprising as it may seem, there have been fewer requests for stay- awake pills from Health Service this year than in the past - tri- mester or no trimester, its direc- tor, Dr. Morley B. Beckett, said yesterday'.f He hastened to add, however, that any number of requests for such pills, especially around exam time, is a bad sign; as they are no substitute for good study habits. Dr. Beckett explained that only two such drugs were obtainable at Health Service, neither of which could be acquired without a doc- tor's prescription. Of these drugs, one - Dexedrine - is a stimu- lant, while the other - Dexamyl - is Dexedrine with a sedative added. Dexedrine is often used to promote one's ability to stay awake, whereas Dexamyl contains just enough sedative to relax the nerves without putting the user to sleep, Discourage Prescriptions The dispensing of such pills by Health Service is not a simple case of supply and demand. "We try to discourage the use of both Dexe- drine and Dexamyl," Dr. Donald L. Schaefer, director of the Health Service Mental Clinic, added. He pointed out that the student should try to get through the exam period on his own motiva- tion. "Only with a good medical indication that such pills will ease him from a state of severe emo- tional tension should he be given Dexedrine, Dexamyl or any similar drug." Dr. Beckett noted that Health Service dispenses about 400 pre- scriptions for these drugs a se- mester; but of 25,000 students on campus, that is not a large per- centage, he added. If a student requests' a stay- awake drug from a doctor in Health Service, the doctor first sits down and talks with him to find out why he wants it, Dr. Beckett explained. If the student is desperate and would be terribly upset if he had to rely on his own drive to get through the exam per- iod, the physician will allow him to have a few tablets with explicit instructions regarding their proper use. Psychological Problems If the problem seems to be a psychological one, the student is referred to the Mental Health Clinic of Health Service, Dr. Shaefer added. Dr. Beckett noted that the stu- dent who takes Dexedrine for a quick pre-exam pickup tends to feel quite tired after the effects of the drug wear off. "In fact, he will feel more exhausted after the effects of the drug wear off than he would if he hadn't taken it in the first place," he said. If these drugs are taken cor- rectly and for a limited period of time, they are not especially harmful; but if the student con- tinues to take the pills indiscrim- inately, he soon gets to the point where he is psychologically unable to do without them. Dr. Shaefer explained that this is not a case] of addiction but one of habit. The difference is that an addict must continue to take increasingly greater amounts of something as his body tries to build up a toler- ance to it. Unpleasant Effects Dr. John S. Wyman, director of the Health Service Medical Clinic, doubted that any student would want to keep taking Dexedrine anyway, as its effects are not pleasant. An overdose of the stim- ulant results in "rapid pulse, quickening heartbeat, a feeling of being unable to breathe, cramps in the stomach and intestinal tract, and 'shakes'." Dr. Beckett' added that it is a "matter of de- gree" as to how much of the drug constitutes an "overdose" which would touch off these reactions. Taking an overdose of a seda- tive generally defeats the purpose, as the muscles tend to become fully relaxed and the student falls asleep. Many students decide to buy pills such as No-Doz through1 drugstores; no prescription is nec- essary for these drugs. One No- Doz tablet has roughly the caffein content of one cup of coffee. "Most pills that can be bought without a prescription don't have much harmful physiological effect; but if a student took too many of them, it might be a different story," Dr. Beckett said. Pills and Grades Dr. Wyman noted that a study of the correlation between schol- astic averages and the use of stim- ulants or sedatives could prove to be highly interesting. "No good study thus far has shown that a student performs better under the I -1 To Suggest State Locate for NASA (Continued from Page 1) of the larger engineering schools" and that "its graduate student output ranks among the top schools." The second criterion establish- ed by the committee is that the] site selected must display a high degree of cooperation between uni- versities and industry. On this point, Burroughs noted that this University has a "long- established relationship with in- dustry as far as research is con- cerned," dating back to 1920 when the Engineering Research Insti- tute was made a part of the engi- neering department. Business Standing "This also puts us in the front in having established a relation- ship of the type needed for the NASA program," he commented. The third criterion named by the NASA committee states that the location must have a favor- able climate for recruiting person- nel. "The climate here is very favor- able for employment of profes- sional personnel. The three area universities - Michigan State, Wayne State and the University- plus available cultural activities in Southeastern Michigan make a definite contribution to a desir- able climate," Burroughs said. Area Exceptional "There are very few areas that can offer as many advantages and at the same time be as readily ac- cessible as this one," he added. After hearing presentations from the 25 areas seeking the NA- SA center, Simpson will narrow the choices down to five or six. The site-selection committee will review the relative advantages of these areas, send its representa- tives to view them and ultimately report to James E. Webb, NASA director. Webb and NASA will select the site and Congress will issue the ultimate approval. The final deci- sion should be made by February, University officials predict. Other officials accompanying the Michigan delegation on Tues- day will include University Vice- President for Research Ralph Sawyer and representatives from Wayne State and Michigan State Universities and Michigan indus- tries. They will not participate in the formal presentation but will be present to answer questions Simpson and NASA officials may raise. WASHINGTON (0P) -- The No. 1' federal housing official said yes- terday that the coming year should see the start of a signifi- cant dispersion of Negro families from "the segregated ghetto into the general community." Robert C. Weaver, administra- tor of the Housing and Home Fi- nance Agency, in a report on the first year following the late Pres- ident John F. Kennedy's anti-bias housing order, said: "The first essential to make housing available to all, without ning discrimination in federally financed housing Nov. 20, 1962. Weaver summed up what followed: Predictions False "Predictions that the President's non-discrimination order would result in a sharp downturn in home-building . . . proved false, as we thought they would. Home- building has risen, and 1963 prom- ises to be one of the biggest home- building years on record." There were protests by civil rights leaders last year when Ken- influence of such pointed out. Dr. Wyman added students who have night and sit in a their test, writing END TO NEGRO GHETTOES: Weaver Sees More Housing Integratio drugs," he that tales of been up all daze during nothing but Weaver put it this way: "Non- white homeseekers are like all others. They do not move en masse. Buying or renting a home is an individual decision as to tim- ing and type and location of the housing desired. "As more housing comes on this racially open market, we can ex- pect an increasing number of mi- nority families, able to afford to do so, to go shopping for better homes." Negligible Resistance Weaver said resistance to the equal opportunity order in the first year has been negligible. The Federal Housing Adminis- tration has received only 12 com- plaints during the first year on housing that was subject to the order, he said, with six of these resulting in agreements by the builder to sell without regard to race. Weaver said three of the cases await fact-finding hearings; the sellers in two of the cases have said they will sell to qualified buyers and the other case awaits a final decision. "As more minority families move into the growing market for this housing," Weaver said, "we expect the number of complaints will increase. We hope, however, that they will continue to be the exception." Military' Base Cuts Scheduled (Continued from Page 3) "I've been preaching economy for all these years and I'm not going to start screaming now just because they shut down something in my backyard." Before the Pentagon announce- ment was made, there had been speculation, arising from Congres- sional sources, that Navy ship- yards would figure big in the cut- back. This didn't happen-now. But there were definite indica- tions that cuts were coming later for Navy yards. McNamara said: "There are 12 Navy yards, 11 of them large; the small San Diego facility now is scheduled for closing; studies of the other yards are under way. "There is no question but that we have excess capacity," and the studies of the remaining 11 yards will be completed "sometime in the next 12 months." Identification of the seven bases to be closed overseas was with- held in yesterday's announcement. si~79tj hi6emihatk tO e.. f For your bike, r 1".That is! . ....-. STORE IT THIS WINTER at 605 Church St. NO 5-6607 their name over and over again, demonstrate the harmful psycho- logical effects the student might experience because he has used an overdose of these drugs. Dr. Shaefer noted that use of the pills can indeed cause the student to think faster than he can write, because of the state of unreality such drugs could induce. Sometimes a student will begin writing on on6 idea and suddenly switch to another, because his thought process has become "dis- oriented" through use of a seda- tive or a stimulant. CULTURE & LIFE Monthly from USSR. Illustrated. English or Russian or Spanish. All aspects of Soviet culture, science, humanities. One year subscription $2.50. Send order and payment to: IMPORTED PUBLICATIONS & PROD. I Union Square, N.Y.C. 3 (CH) BOY NEXT DOOR-Scenes like this will become more common- place as the anti-bias housing order of the late President John F. Kennedy becomes effective. Robert C. Weaver, administrator of the Housing and Home Finance Agency, said that as of the first anniversary of the housing order, there has been significant progress and very little resistance. ;° discrimination, is to provide the, housing. This is being done, on the private and public market and in the redevelopment of our urban areas." Avail Themselves The next step, he said, is for thej Negro families "to avail them- selves of the choices provided."j Weaver said there presently are some 600,000 housing units, com- pleted, under construction or in application form, and about 800 urban renewal projects under way or in planning that come under' the executive order's requirement that they be open for occupancy; regardless of race, creed or color. Kennedy signed the order ban-' nedy limited the order to federally financed housing. The late Pres- ident, however, told a September news conference that there would be no change in the order any time in the foreseeable future. Presumably, President Lyndon B. Johnson has no plans to make a change, although he has given no indication of his views. White House sources indicate they have received no word from the Presi- dent of his plans along these lines. Some government sources have said privately that housing is be- coming available, but Negroes are slow to move into new communi- ties among strangers of a different race. 0 'I -i We re ...and having you're an Open House invited We're celebrating the opening of our new Plymouth Road Office this coming week with a gala open house celebration . . and you're invited to attend. We'll have an array of free gifts for you, including, while the supply lasts, a set of four "Glade" design, deluxe Libbey glasses for each visitor. If you open a new savings or checking account in the amount of $25 or more, you have your choice of a special gift. You may choose between a "Decor" weighted rubber-base Scotch Tape Dispenser with tape, or a $4.95 retail value Parker- Eversharp convertible pen and pencil set. While you're visiting us, we want to show you our full- service office, where you can have any banking service from renting a safety deposit box to on-the-spot loans of all types. It's one of the most modern facilities in this area, with drive-in windows and parking. Be sure to drop in. Open house hours are 9:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. for this coming week only (Monday through Friday, De- cember 16-20). Limit: One new account gift per person, while the supply lasts. 1 3 FREEI A Parker-Eversharp pen and FREE! pencil set with the opening of a $25 checking, special checking or savings account. Optional new account girt . "Decor" Scotch Tape Dis- penser, with tape. I Lns, f 0.0.8. = OFFICE Iea~ FtyNN U liiiiiiiiiiiii - I .I N® _ I1 a t