S ~~tyThird Year
Truth WI. Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in at; reprints.
DAY, DECEMBER 13, 1963
A Foreast of Doom
For Kelley's Rights Ruling
occasion noted that not one of his
$'more than two hundred rulings" has
been changed by the courts. However, on
his Oct. 3 opinion on the new Civil Rights
Commission, he may be in for a first.
At that time he ruled that the new
commission, the first one ever created
under a Michigan constitution, would vir-
tually pre-empt every local civil rights
Eut many people feel Kelley is wrong.
Qver the last two months there have been
numerous statements and complaints
lodged against the ruling. Sen. Stanley
G. Thayer (R-Anni Arbor) commented re-
cently that "the ruling may be challenged
right here in Ann Arbor."
AMONG THE MANY complaints issued is
one by the Detroit branch of the
American Civil Liberties Union which
rather accurately sums up all the others.
It presents four points where Kelley is
-His ruling makes no reference to the
Constitutional Convention but if it did
there would be no support from Con-Con
proceedings. The ACLU report states that
it was the direct intention of Con-Con
not to pre-empt local units.
-The attorney general does not con-
sider Section 34, Article VII of the Con-
stitution which says "the provisions of
this constitution and the law concerning
counties, townships, cities, and villages
shall be liberally construed in their favor."
-The court cases upon which his rul-
ing is based are either obsolete or not
pertaining to this case.
-The Civil Rights Commission would
be the only agency in the state controlling
the field of civil rights. If it chose not to
take action in some local civil rights is-
sue, there would be no local commission
which could step in to regulate specific
local problems. The report concludes by
saying the local units could provide added
insurance for civil rights.
As CIVIL RIGHTS begins changing from
an issue to recognize to one to do some-
thing about, there are going to be more
questions such as the one Kelley's ruling
has raised: where should the power be
vested and who should decide how to ad-
minister it?
These questions are for the people of
Michigan to answer. If the people of this
state want a strong civil rights commis-
sion on the state level but also want
strong local units, they must act to do
something about Kelley's ruling. If in fact
it is upheld, which many think unlikely,
then the people of Michigan, whether
they have a statewide CRC or not, have
no local power to administer civil rights.
After the new constitution is effected,
it remains for the courts to decide the
constitutionality of Kelley's ruling. If the
number of people against it is any indica-
tion of the courts' final decision, then
Kelley will have his first ruling changed.
Award to Carson Merited
N GIVING this year's National Audubon
Society medal to novelist Rachel Car-
son-the first time in the organization's
history that the medal has been given to
a woman-,the society has bestowed its
highest honor for conservation achieve-
ments upon the best available recipient.
Probably not since the early days of the
national conservation movement in this
country has any one person so aroused, so
angered, and so inflamed a large segment
of the population over a subject in which
the average man-on-the-street generally
has no interest: the perils posed by an
indiscriminate use of pesticides. In her
book, "The Silent Spring," she called for
more judicious handling of all such toxic
THE AUDUBON SOCIETY citation point-
ed out this fact with clarity, praising
her book as one that had "alerted and
aroused the public about needless and
dangerous pollution of the natural en-
Such a statement has the ring of ac-
curacy, whether each separate statistic
quoted in the book is fully documented.
For an end to "needless and dangerous
chemical pollution of the natural environ-
ment," and not the use of any and all pes-
ticides, is what Miss Carson called for in
"Silent Spring." Her sentiments are shar-
ed not only by the majority of conserva-
tionists in this country but even by a
number of clear-thinking pesticide spe-,
Miss Carson's work has borne fruit al-
ready, with intensified public support for
her views strongly in evidence. Hopefully
the Audubon Society medal is not the last
honor that will accrue to this crusader for
conservation. For in the end it is Rachel
Carson who has shown what perils may
lie ahead for this country and its natural
resources if further action is not taken,
and for making the facts known in a
manner readily understood by scientist
and layman alike.
National Concerns Editor
a year of change-often violent
change. It was a year of 11 coups
d'etat and two major assassina-
tions. It began with de Gaulle's
jarring rejection of Britain's en-
trance into the Common Market
and closes with Lyndon B. John-
son aggressively taking over as
head of state.
In this year, the worldwide
struggle of the Negro for a bet-
ter place in society was brought
home to comfortable, smug Ameri-
It was also the year that the
United States signed a major trea-
ty with the Russians-the first
one in eight years-and, at least
for the moment, atmospheric nu-
clear testing has been curbed.
This year of change dealt large-
ly with old problems, some of them
urgent and pressing, which cried
for solution. But the events of the
year have left them largely unan-
* * *
year with a new administration
and soul searching on why such
violence happens as would kill a
President or four children in a
Birmingham church.
Continuity, not change, is John-
son's watchword. But he is an ag-
gressive, dynamic personality who
will certainly work change on
Washington. In his first days in
office he has prodded Congress
harder than Kennedy did to get
the administration's legislative
program moving. He has also
made unpopular and major deci-
cions In efforts to trim the fed-
eral budget for next year.
Johnson could have easily
stalled without much criticism in
the first weeks of his administra-
tion. But feeling the stresses of a
rapidly changing world, he has
taken strong action immediately.
Johnson has all the marks of a
strong President, but 1963 will
only see the faintest glimmer of
the character of his administra-
The biggest problems facing
Johnson and the nation - civil
rights-became much more acute
during 1963. Negro efforts through
mass demonstrations have what
has often been called "revolution-
ary" implications.
The Rev. Martin Luther King
has escalated the level and effec-
tiveness of Negro protests through
mass demonstrations. Birmingham
will be long marked as a major
turning point in the civil rights
movement as King-led mass dem-
onstrations so disrupted a city
'M agician':
Its Vices
INGMAR BERGMAN is an exas-
perating film maker. His vir-
tues-willingness to deal with
serious subjects and ability to
create powerful visual images-
often become his vices.
The specific vice which threat-
ens to mar "The Magician," show-
ing tomorrow and Sunday at Cin-
ema Guild, is excessive intellec-
tuality. Bergman is dealing too
self-consciously with Important
Themes such as illusion and real-
ity, good and evil, the existence of
The film as an art form rests
upon an immediately felt visual
experience. Themes and ideas
should flow spontaneously from
the images presented, but they
must always be secondary. When
they become primary, when the
characters begin to talk about
them with sophomoric profundity,
the magic spell of the cinema is
In "The Magician," Bergman
eventually manages to control his
vices and the final reel constitutes
a magnificent evocation of horror
and humor.
THE STORY falls into three
parts. In the lengthy initial sec-
tion which constitutes the rising
action, a fraudulant magic troupe
is forced to perform for a skep-
tical, bourgeois audience. Berg-
man's control is weakest in this
section. There is a good deal of
irrelevant material and an excess
of intellectuality. The characters
are constantly waxing profound
with aphroisms such as "God is
ilent, men babble"; and "Men who
speak the truth are branded
liars." It is hard to escape the
idea that Bergman is Saything
Something Important about Great
Philosophical Questions. The ap-
proach is simply too heavy-handed
and it never convinces.
To alleviate the oppressive ser-
iousness of this section, Bergman
tries his hand at ribald humor.
This was a mistake, for the man
is simply too cold and intense to
create the illusion of passionate
* * *
AS THE FILM moves toward its
climax in the second section, Berg-
man is in his element. Here, intel-
lectual pretensions are cast aside
and the emphasis is solely on the
that its barriers against the Ne-
gro began to crumble.
A behind the scenes truce in
Birmingham was shattered in
September as Alabama Gov.
George Wallace interfered with
the integration of three local
schools. Still unidentified bombers
incidents of protest such as this one in Birmingham, Ala., where
Police Commissioner Bull Connor directs the arrest of Negro
dynamited a Negro church, killing
four children and bringing more
horror and shock to that city.
The Negroes used non-violent
mass tactics. But often they were
violently met as when a sniper
killed Mississippi NAACP leader
Medgar Evers.
* * * ~
THE NORTH, long smug that
civil rights was a Southern issue,
found that integration demands
are national in scope. New York,
Chicago, Detroit, and Los Angeles
are just a few of the major cities
hit by non-violent demonstrations
and sharp demands for improving
the Negroes' housing and employ-
ment opportunities.
The mass demonstration phase
of the civil rights struggle cul-
minated in a peaceful March on
Washington in August by nearly a
quarter million Negroes and white
supporters. Attention now has
turned to civil rights legislation
before Congress. In June, Kenne-
dy added a strong series of new
proposals to the mild civil rights
program. The House Judiciary
Com'mittee: took five months to
consider the legislation and a sub-
committee drafted a strong meas-
ure, containing federal protection
of equal rights, equal access to
public accommodations and new
federal powers to intervene in civ-
il rights cases.
But, it was felt that this bill
would never pass even the House,
and Kennedy in his last days in
oifice managed to get a milder
one through the judiciary com-
mittee and to the rules committee
where it how sits.
The Kennedy administration
strove to bottle up the civil rights
movement, putting out fires of
protest before they became dan-
gerous. It tried to soothe Negro
frustrations, intensified by the
partial successes of mass demon-
strations, but not work any radi-
cal change that would cost the
administration its white support.
It tried to keep both the peace
and political favor.
MEANWHILE, Congress has re-
fused to budge. The major Ken-
nedy legislative proposals have
not moved much further than
cal year 1964--now six months
old--have not yet passed, leaving
the government to limp for six
months without a clear flowing
of revenue.
Civil rights riveted American
attention at home while the Unit-
ed States and Russia moved to-
ward an international dotante. But
meanwhile, explosive events were
occurring in the underdeveloped
nations and in Western Europe
that could soon shatter the big
power calm.
Cuba, Russia found itself facing
a two-front attack. The militant
Communist Chinese took advan-
tage of the failure of Khrush-
chev's Cuban gambit to launch
vitriolic attacks on the Soviet
leadership and to enter into full-
fledged competition for Commu-
nist supremacy. The result has
been a wide split in the interna-
tional Communist movement and
Soviet approaches for calm with
the West.
Russian ambitions for 1963 were
further curbed by a disastrous
wheat harvest, forcing Russia and
the Communist bloc to buy wheat
from the West. This caused a se-
vere dislocation of Communist
hard currency resources and fin-
ally a readjustment of Soviet al-
locatibns to provide more food and
consumer goods.
The "spirit of Moscow" that
the Communists see reigning since
the test ban treaty last August
has been punctuated, however, by
two incidents: one, the incident on
the autobahn connecting West
Germany and Berlin and the oth-
er, the arrest and subsequent re-
lease under pressure of Yale Prof.
Frederick Barghoorn.
There was more politics than
action in Cuba. Congressmen de-
manded sterner United States
measures against the Castro re-
gime, but hostile co-existence was
the policy.
For his part, Castro limited him-
self to harangues against the
United States and some subver-
sion in other Latin nations. In
October, hurricane Flora dallied
four days over Cuba, devastating
the island, crimping Castro and
the committee stage. Only men-
tal health and some education
measures have passed. But civil
rights, the tax cut (passed by the
House), Medicare and other key
items lay in committees of one
house or the other.
Most the appropriations of fis-
his hard-pressed Russian backers
* * *
progress against democracy in
Latin America as many began to
write the United State's Alliance
for Progress off as too little, too
The governments of Guatemala,
Ecuador, the Dominican Republic
and Honduras were toppled by
their armed forces. The Dominican
coup was particularly tragic since
Juan Bosch's freely-elected gov-
ernment was in power only a few
In Syria and Iraq, coups chang-
ed the governments. In January
and February, the Ba'ath party
seized both governments, raising
brief hopes for their merger with
the United Arab Republic and
some regional stability. But the
Ba'athists did not want the UAR's
Abdel Gamal Nasser as the strong
man and backed out.
Then in November, Iraqi Ba'-
athists fought among themselves
for an entire week as governments
changed daily. Finally, the more
militant Gen. Abdel Salem Aref
came out on top. But the links
forged by Iraq and Syria this
year, while strained, did not snap.
* * * .
deep in the mire of South Viet
Nam although the hated and
ruthless Diem regime has been
tossed out. Catholic President Ngo
Dinh Diem, his brother Ngo Dinh
Nhu and his acid-tongued wife
launched a crackdown against the
Buddhist majority of that coun-
try that lost him favor in the
world and among his United States
supporters. Buddhist monks burn-
ed themselves to death in the
streets of Saigon and students and
teachers struck against the repres-
sive measures. In August, the gov-
the bitter Algeria-Morocco border
The continent also united to
force United Nations sanctions on
the Union of South Africa and
Portugal, the major anti-African
powers left on the continent.
* * *
MEANWHILE, the stable West
was undergoing a change of lead.
ership, although largely an un-
planned one. The old leaders, born
in the last quarter of the 19th
century, are being replaced with
leaders of this century.
The Christian Democrats final-
ly got Chancellor Konrad Ae-
nauer to retire last year and in
October, he fulfilled his promise,
Economics Minister Ludwig Er-
hard, credited with that nation's
"economic miracle," took his place.
Three days later, illness forced
out the much embattled Harold
Macmillan in Britain. Macmillan,
his party losing elections and
rocked by sex and secuity scan-
dals, was succeeded by his personal
choice, Foreign Minister Lord
Home, a peer unpopular with
many elements in his party. Home
shed his title, was elected to Com-
mons and began working on
changing his image of an an-
chronism in egalitarian Britain.
In Italy Aldo Moro fashioned
an "opening to the left" with the
Socialists and Christian Demo-
crats in hopes of maintaining a
stable government.
faces a new crisis in Europe.
France has demanded that the
Common Market set an agricul-
tural policy, something it has fail-
ed to do in its six year history,
or it will back out. The imperious
French president, Charles de
Gaulle, first blocked British entry
into the market, then spent the
rest of the year accentuating
Franco-American differences. Now
he is threatening the market, a
key to Western European integra-
Bringing more coherence to
Western Europe will be one of the
major problems in the coming year
-not only because France is ob-
stinate, but also because alliance
problems have been too long put
The Vatican, which often moves
slower than a turtle, has under-
gone rapid change. Pope John
XXIII's Ecumenical Council-the
first since 1870-has been carried
on by his successor, Pope Paul VI.
He not only continued the coun-
cil's work, but also envigorated it.
The Pope has sided with the pro-
gressive wing of the church, re-
sulting in major changes in liturgy
and doctrines.
FEW SURE THINGS ca be said
about the coming year, butsome
general trends may be'spotted he
United States, barring an unex-
pected foreign crisis, will be more
concerned with domestic than for-
eign affairs. The November presi-
dential elections, the pressing civil
rights problem and Johnson's own
inclinations point that way.
There is much to be done here.
The justified Negro demand for
his rights must be met. Vital do-
mestic programs for medical care
for the aged, education, reducing
taxes and mitigating the impact
of automation must be adopted.
Abroad, the new leadership of
the United States and Western E-
rope must fashion new policies to
meet inter-alliance bickering and
to take best advantage of the
Sino-Soviet split and internal
Russian weakness.
New peace proposals to the Rus-
sians are opportune and now be-
ing discussed. In a changing world,
a temporary d6tante may be all
too short.
Nineteen sixty-three was a year
of dramatic events and change.
Nineteen sixty-four should not be
much different.
-A Time of Violent Changes
... new leaders in Europe
ernment raided Buddhist pagodas,
beat up monks and jailed their
With almost overt United States
prompting, the military overthrew
Diem, murdering him and his pow-
erful brother.
But the Viet Cong continually
attacked Viet Nam while this sec-
ond war was going on. American
soldiers, assisting anti-guerrilla
forces, were being killed in in-
creasing numbers. The war has
not subsided, but American offi-
cials, reassessing the situation, are
pulling some troops home.
* * *
INDEPENDENCE, development
and unity are the themes of Afri-,
ca. The independent African
states have formed the Organiza-
tion for African Unity, a group
similar to the Organization of
American States, designed to
keep the peace and promote con-
tinent-wide unity.
The OAU passed its first crucial
test when it arranged a truce in
Life with Lei
David Marcus, Editorial V
calendar can be easily settled within
the next few years. Teachers will adjust
their methods to the shorter semester.
Students will become accustomed to the
idea that the trimester schedule affords
fewer lulls and that they must start work-
ing when the semester starts.
Yet the new calendar has one major
disadvantage: it allows no opportunity for
leisure. I think both student and faculty
member need an opportunity to pause,
collect their thoughts and organize the
experiences of a semester. Some adjust-
ment will have to be made in the fall
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
BARBARA LAZARUS............Personnel Director
PHILIP SUTIN.............National Concerns Editor
GAIL EVANS.................Associate City Editor
MARJORIE BRAHMS .... Associate Editorial Director
GLORIA SOWLES............... .. Magazine Editor
IMALINDA BERRY ............... Contributing Editor
DAVE GOOD........... ,... ,........ Sports Editor
JIM BERGER..............Associate Sports Editor
MIKE BLOCK ................. Associate Sports Editor
BOB ZWINCK............,Contributing Sports Editor
NIGHT EDITORS: H. Neil Berkson, Steven Haller,
Edward erstein,MarilyngKoral, Louise Lind, An-
drew Orlin. Michael sattinger, Kennett Winter.
John Bryant. Robert Grody. Laurence Kirshbaum,
semester s
can escape
academic w
3 , *}l
o that students and teachers
from the tension of constant
cWonder Drug' Proved Useless
that could be put into practice. The
simplest would be to extend Thanksgiving
vacation to a full week. Or perhaps the
University could simply carve out the
last week of October and send the stu-
dents home. Or there could be a week or
two reading period before exams which-
although by no means a vacation-would
at least give students an opportunity to
catch up on all the little things they
ought to have done.
Of course, any of these alternatives in-
herently means a little less time spent in
the classroom. But lafter all, the idea of
spending a certain amount of time in the
classroom is no more than an academic
dogma and is in itself of dubious value. I
do not mean to say that class time is
worthless; but the difference between one
or two weeks of class more or less seems
to me hard to measure. And even if these
few days of class did make a significant
difference, this difference-whatever it
might be-has to be balanced against the
advantages of allowing the student some
additional free time to read and think.
A FIFTEEN WEEK semester-the length
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
final part of a two-part series deal-
ing with the controversial cancer
drug Kreblozen. The more recent
developments in the drug's history,
including the research that exposed
it as worthless, are discussed.)
WITH THREE separate agencies
-.the Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, the Food
and Drug Administration and the
National Cancer Institute-plus
the majority of the doctors of the
country engaged in finding out
the truth about Krebiozen, it
would seem that Dr. Andrew C. Ivy
and Dr. Stevan Durovic would
have been worried. Yet all indica-
tions are that they were only de-
fiant about what they considered
an impingement on their rights.
But the worst was yet to come
for the Illinois doctors. It came in
the form of a report by the FDA
that the so-called "wonder drug"
was not a cancer cure-all after all,
but merely a common amino acid
called creatine, available from the
meat in one's daily diet. This sub-
stance, a common constituent of
blood, is found in all vertebrae
ada. wam.-a nrpspean in
in treating cancer if used in such
small doses, he added.
THE FOUNDERS of the Krebio-
zen Research Institute were as
voluble as before when news of the
FDA findings was announced. Dr.
Duroyic's general attitude that he
was being "framed" by the gov-
ernment did not change; and Dr.
Ivy termed the findings "ridic-
ulous." He added, "They are ap-
parently willing to do anything
to get out of performing clinical
tests of Krebiozen . . . We have
been trying to get such a test-
using Krebiozen on cancer patients
-from the National Cancer In-
stitute for 10 years, and we still
haven't got it."
He went on to claim that crea-
tine and Krebiozen were two dif-
ferent chemicals, noting that "one
sure way of distinguishing the two
is that Krebiozen is soluble in
mineral oil, while creatine is not."
He added that neither creatine
nor Krebiozen were amino acids
after all. Yet what the Illinois doc-
tors had given the FDA to analyze
was clearly creatine, and creatine
is clearly an amino acid as far as
many scientists are concerned.
ported, a month later, Drs. Ivy
and Durovic must have wished
they had not attracted such pub-
licity to the institute. The com-
mittee of 24 experts reported
unanimously that the drug was
not in any way effective as a
treatment for cancer.
The institute's director, Dr. Ken-
neth Endicott, released a state-
ment noting that there was "no
justification" for the clinical trial
requested by Drs. Ivy and Durovic,
and "from a scientific standpoint
we regard the case closed."
As might have been expected
from Drs. Ivy and Durovic, they
now proceeded to lambaste the
very institute whose findings they
were so ready to accept before.
"The verdict was reached in a se-
cret proceeding that should not be
allowed in the government of the
United States. The opinions of
committees have been notoriously
wrong throughout scientific his-
tory," Dr. Ivy declared.
* * *
these two doctors might be better
than the collective decision of 24
cancer experts no doubt came as
a shock to the National Cancer
who had received other treatment
while they were taking Krebiozen,
50 who had no diagnostic evidence
of cancer to begin with, 49 who
had no residual cancer at the time
they began to use the drug and 16
whose data was inadequate for
miscellaneous reasons.
Of the 288 cases that were con-
sidered at length, 273 showed no
significant reduction in the size of
the cancer. Dr. Endicott attribut-
ed two of the remaining 15 cases
to the natural ability of the body
to destroy tumorous growths. The
rest were easily dismissed on other
valid grounds. One person had a
type of cancer that gets smaller
when no treatment is applied, an-
other had a cancer that had
shrunk at the primary site but was
spreading elsewhere, and so on.
* * *
committee that the nature, degree
and number of effects noted are
what one might expect in any
large random sample of cancer
patients," Dr. Endicott concluded.
That the drug serves no useful
purpose was one thing. That it
could in fact be harmful was an-
other. A cancer-stricken Illinois