DECEMBER 12, 1963 THE MICHIGAN DAIIv 11 Taa.E MI flhEaav flaitJ'V PAGE TEREE PRETIGE TOUR: Chou To Visit African Nations Constitutional Implementation Postponed <4 LONDON A Premier Chou En-Lai of Red China will punctu- ate his prestige tour of Africa with a side trip to Communist Albania, Peking's ally which is high on the list of Moscow's ene- mies. This disclosure by diplomatic sources yesterday came as Red China renewed its public feud with a broadcast accusing Soviet lead- ers of collaborating with the Unit-. ed States "for the domination of the world." The twin developments show Red China has no intention now, at least, of calling off the public war of words despite pleas of Russian Premier Nikita S. Khrush- chev to keep the dispute away from the ears of the Western world. The veteran Communist leader is due in Cairo Saturday. His week-long stay in the United Arab Republic will begin a tour that will take him through nine non- aligned African states. His homeward journey around mid-February will be broken by a stop in Karachi. There the Pakistan government-a member World News Roundup By The Associated Press ORURO, Bolivia-President Vic- tor 1az Estenssoro's government yesterday ruled out a military settlement of its dispute with tin miners who hold four Americans among 15 hostages they want to trade for two jailed union leaders. The defense ministry issued a statement saying that, on orders of the president, troops will not move against the dissident miners, a pro-Communist group under the leadership of Vice-President Juan Y Lechin. ADEN--Politicians and labor leaders suspected of ties with Ye- men's revolutionary regime were. rounded up yesterday in a hunt for perpetrators of a bombing at Aden's airport. * * * UNITED NATIONS-The Unit- ed Nations political committee yesterday voted a new appeal for a unified, independent Korea and called upon the Communist gov- ernment of North Korea to accept UN objectives. * * * BONN-German Chancelor Lud- wig Erhard's government refused yesterday to accept the Dec. 31 deadline sought by French Presi- dent Charles de Gaulle for agree- ing on Common Market agricul- tural policy. De Gaulle warned last summer that unless agreement is reached by the end of the year the six- nation Common Market might cease to exist. NEW YORK-The New York Stock Exchange closed with a slight loss yesterday. The Dow- Jones 30 industrials were down 2.04, the 20 railroads up 2.33, the 15 utilities up .14 and the 65 stocks up .46. of the anti-Communist Central and Southeast Asian Treaty Or- ganizations-are likely to give him a big welcome. In Washington, the State De- partment called Chou's visit to Pakistan unfortunate. it said Red China is an advocate of violence in international relations whereas Pakistan is a United States ally "against Communist aggressive aims." The Chinese will visit every country in Africa where they have diplomatic missions except Ethio- pia and Sudan. Chou's expedition seems to have+ three purposes: -To extend Peking's sphere of influence by strengthening rela- tions with newly independent and nationalist-minded countries in Africa. The Chinese already have. many aid and technical missions in Africa, and would like to ex- pand propaganda work. -To carry Peking's bitter poli-! tical feud with Moscow into the field. This could make Africa a battlefield for the Chinese-Soviet world war. One of Peking's bitterest com- plaints is that Khrushchev spent too much money wooing uncom- mitted countries, thus cutting aidI to Red China. Now Chou looks as though he intends to do some wooing himself and this could provoke a vigorous Soviet re- sponse. Khrushchev has a standing in- vitation to visit several African countries and may now accept them next year. -To prop up Enver Hodja's Red regime in Albania. That little1 country, defying Moscow's fury, supports Peking. (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last in a four-part series on the new Michigan Constitution.) By THOMAS COPI With the exception of the civil rights commission, implementa- tion of. the new constitution's executive reorganization provisions has been put aside for later execu- tive and legislative action. In his special message to the Legislature's second special ses- sion of 1963, Gov. George Romney explained this postponement by saying that "many matters of im- plementation must be covered in the next few months, but are not of the emergency nature" of the ones being covered in the current special session. Under the heading "administra-: tive reorganization," the constitu- tion requires the consolidation of executive and administrative agen- cies, except for the governing bodies of institutes of higherl learning, within and among not more than 20 principal depart- nments. Set Time Limit This organization must come within two years Hof Jan. 1. The governor will also have con-f tinuing initiative in executive re- organization by executive order, subject to legislative disapproval. However, temporary commis- sions or agencies for special pur- poses with a life no longer than two years may be established by law and need not be allocatedI within one of the principal de- partments. The heads of these departments will be single executives unless otherwise provided for in the con- stitution or by law. Four Year Maximum The terms for the members of these boards and commissions will not be longer than four years. The majority of the members on a professional licensing board or professional examining board must be members of that profession for which they are examining. Also included in the "executive" section is a definition of advice and consent: confirmation of ap- pointments by a majority of the members elected to the senate without a time limit. Under this system, however, an appointee may serve indefinitely without senate approval if his ap- pointment has not been rejected by the senate. Emphasizes Power The part on the executive branch of course includes an em- phasis on the governor's broad power as executive of the state, stating that each principal de- partment, unless otherwise pro- vided in the constitution, shall be under the governor's supervision. The governor also will have special power to initiate court ac- tion to enforce constituted or sta- tutory mandates, except against the Legislature. He may also re- move executive officers, except legislative and judicial, for such causes as gross neglect of duty, or for corrupt conduct in office, and may also make appointments re- placing officers so removed. For executive funds, the gov- ernor must submit a budget to the Legislature. Every item on this budget must be included in ap- propriations bills. The governor must submit amendments to ap- propriations bills of either house. Also in the proposed constitu- tion. is a provision which would have the governor as well as the lieutenant governor, secretary of state and attorney general elected for four-year terms in non-presi- dential years. Also, the governor and lieutenant governor shall be elected on a joint ballot, instead <"7 '_" of separately as they are under the 1908 constitution. Of the two more controversial measures in this section, the least disputed of the two, according to Lansing sources, is that which establishes a state highway com- mission with four members "not more than two of whom shall be members of the same political party." The commission will ap- point and could later remove a state highway director who must be a "competent highway engineer and administrator." The highway commission is also the principal executive officer of the committee. This provision, by establishing a highway commission, abolishes the elective post of State Hiyh- way Commissioner. The most controversial issue in this section and indeed in the en- tire special session is that which establishes an eight-man civil rights commission, no more than / M ...,, ~) /L \ - 1 four of whom can be of the same The highway commissioner is also are to be appointed by the gov- ernor. The civil rights commission is required in a manner prescribed by law to investigate "alleged dis- scrimination against any person because of religion, race, color or national origin." The constitution sets the civil rights commission up as a self- ruling body, and outlines its powers. This is the major argu- ment being used by Atty. Gen. Frank J. Kelley to battle the Leg- islature who seemingly want to have final say over the actions taken by the commission. Read this * list * for Igreat I gift' ideas' TAKE A STUDY BREAK! (see schedule of EXAM WEEK Movies) i! i'. t 3'+55 y+5mwz.*fsI 9 MOVA5de } 532M.-a 3",IT.-AS951 mama 749S V-*CxT " via V-*P-% I orit r r + .'Ahr ~.v. 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