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December 11, 1963 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-12-11

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Sev'enty-Third Year
Truth Will Prevail"'
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in al, reprints.

Toward Higher Education Coordination


'U' Employinge eudergrs:
Benefi to Student, School

FIGHTING INCREASED enrollments and
substandard budgets, the University
has tried to meet the demand for its
standard product of education by belt-
tightening. But in undergraduate educa-
tion it is not putting some of its most im-
portant resounrces to use: the variety of
on-the-job experience, especially in re-
search, that can be gained in the natural
and social sciences and in other sectors of
the University.
The usual justification for tying such
a tremendous research complex as the
University's to what would otherwise be
just a teaching institution is that a uni-
versity's goals extend beyond teaching.
They extend to the general "pursuit of
knowledge" by both faculty members and
students-and research is considered an
integral part of this pursuit.
This justification is sufficient. Research
must be done somewhere, so why not put
research and teaching together so that
each may benefit from the proximity-
in organizational as well as - physical
distance-of the resources and facilities
of the other.
FOR THE BENEFITS of this proximity
to be realized, research units and stu-
dents must recognize certain obligations
to each other. In most cases, graduate
work has become so involved with re-
search that the two are inseparable.
But why isn't this exchange of work for
experience carried down to the under-
graduate level? Except for a few scatter-
ed and limited courses, undergraduates
are at most asked to participate as sub-
jects in psychology experiments when
they enroll in certain psychology experi-
One could say that the difference arises
because graduate students are capable of
more sophisticated work than undergrad-
uates. There are only a limited number of
paying jobs open to undergraduates in re-
search units or other divisions of the Uni-
versity. And this is probably because the
money that such units have is best spent
hiring graduates, who can produce more
than undergraduates.
HOWEVER, institutionalizing on-the-job
experience for undergraduates is both
practical and educationally sound.
The University could give credit, though
perhaps without grades, to students work-
ing at specified jobs. Students could work
not for pay but for credit.
But would suitable jobs be available?
Recently, several student organizations
contacted the Survey Research Center to
see about possibilities for the center to
run surveys on their particular activities.
The costs were prohibitive, so the group
did its own survey as well as it could.
Certainly students would be fit to run
such a survey for an organization under
the guidance of the SRC; furthermore,

then the costs would be reduced to a
more reasonable level.
Another possibility is working as a
grader. The mathematics department
hires undergraduates to grade papers for
some undergraduate courses and does not
have as many graders as it would like.
Grading papers is of value to both stu-
dents and faculty. Finally, if given the
free raw materials of undergraduate stu-
dents,' most research units could find
some meaningful jobs that would be of
value to the students as well as to the
unit itself.
How about having a member of a stu-
dent organization work part-time for the
administration? Sometimes members, of
the administration must (or should)
gather information about student opinion
or conditions. How about giving the job to
THE WILLINGNESS of students to par-
ticipate in such jobs in lieu of a course
will vary according to job, student and
field of concentration. A student in so-
ciology may have opportunities open to
him, whereas a student inone of the hu-
manities may not.
Further, for many students participat-
ing in research and other work might de-
stroy much of the feeling of aimlessness
and uselessness that some students have
whose sole function is studying.
One very serious objection to the insti-
tutionalization of unpaid job experience
into the University program is that many
students depend on jobs to pay part of
their way through college. Clearly, if they
could not find paying jobs, some financial
assistance would have to be provided.
incorporated job experience could be
attacked on the basis of being education-
ally unsound. One could say that stu-
dents are expected to get any job experi-
ence they want or feel they need outside
the University, perhaps through summer
jobs. This limited view of a university's
function fails to work because the most
valuable job experiences lie within a uni-
versity community. Also, the employer
who is not associated with an educational
institution does not necessarily consider
the educational value to be derived by
the employe.
Job experience is not necessarily equat-
ed with the classroom. I do not even wish
to say that such experience can replace
classroom teaching. But I do maintain
that for many students a university pro-
gram in which job experience is an inte-
gral part would give a better education.
For the University, less demand would be
placed on its faculty and classroom facili-
ties. Finally, divisions of the University
offering jobs would benefit from the in-
creased personnel at their disposal.

fund shortages have pushed
college administrators of Michi-
gan's state-supported schools to
turn their thinking toward more
effectiverutilization of available
This mining for resources has
taken an ironic twist. Almost pro-
phetically, the educators recently
realized that the only way to de-
termine how to achieve effective
resources utilization is the same
panacea for achieving it-through
With this discovery, citizen and
educator groups have unleashed
a flurry of activity aimed at get-
ting institutions to act in con-
cert wherever possible.
CO-ORDINATION has become
a higher education keynote as
never before in Michigan, spurred
on by the activities in Washington
which yesterday produced a $1.2
billion education bill that will
award grants to the nation's col-
leges and universities-on a co-
ordinated statewide basis.
But co-ordination has also been
the catchword of Michigan higher
education for other reasons besides
federal incentives.
Pr'oof of this development has
become strikingly clear in the last
few weeks as the coordination
seekers have watched their most
constructive efforts reaching frui-
tion. These efforts are reflected in
two important documents which
have come before the public eye:
--The interim report of the
governor's "blue ribbon" Citizens
Committee on Higher Education
assessing the immediate finan-
cial needs of Michigan's 10
state-supported collegesrand
universities. The blue ribbon
group is now assembling a de-
tailed assessment of the state's
long-range educational needs.
-A report adopted by the
Michigan Coordinating Council
for Public Higher Education
which charts a medical educa-
tion blueprint for the next five
years and provides machinery to
set up coordinated medical edu-
cation through 1975.
In addition, the current special
session of the Legislature has
served to heighten the new con-
stitution's education article. Start-
ing in 1965, it will provide strong
coordinating machinery for the
financial arrangements of all 10

THESE BURSTS of cooperation
and harbingers for future collab-
oration have largely outmoded the
question of how to achieve effec-
tive resource use. It now becomes
a matter of to what extent.
Here, educator, citizens and law-
maker must be careful, in their
flurry of co-ordination, to work
from each university's existing
individuality and contribution

for the birth that year of the
Michigan Council of State College
But more important than its
meager progress, the Council in
recent years became the founda-
tion of a series of voluntary co-
ordinating groups such as the Co-
ordinating Council for Public
Higher Education and the Council
of Michigan College Presidents.

versity and WSU, the adopted re-
port set as top priority the cur-
rently-committed construction
funds to maintain the 200-student
class entering the University and
the 125-member class entering
TheUniversity is owed $10 mil-
lion from the Legislature, promis-
ed 12 years ago, for the construc-
tion of its Medical Science Build-
ing Unit II,
ONCE the University had its
funds and WSU was assured of
being properly supported, the re-
port gave MSU what it wanted-
a program in basic medical
sciences. This would send 50 M.D.
candidates into the MSU Institute
of Biology and Medicine for their
first 18 months of graduate train-
ing by 1968 at the latest. The re-
maining six months of the medical
training in the second year would
be taken in a transfer program at
the University or WSU.
While key Michigan State ad-
ministrators have indicated their
disapproval of the 18-month trans-
fer plan (they would have pre-
ferred a two-year program), the
voluntary pact shows early signs
of permanence, partially because
provisions for an implementation
committee are made.
This group will be formed to
coordinate deviations from the
original report as it sees fit.
cocted the medical school agree-
ment, it was citizens who just last
month surprised many skeptics
with a well-substantiated short-
term assessment of the total fi-
nancial needs of the 10 state-
supported schools.
To meet growing capital outlay
needs, the "blue ribbon" Citizen's
Committee on Higher Education

urged legislative allotment of $48-
49 million per year "for at least
the next several years."
The capital outlay appropria-
tion made this year will allow
about $22 million to the 10 schools.
To covererising unit costs and
expanding enrollments, as well as
maintain a competitive position
with other states, the committee
urged a $25 million increase in
the operational appropriation next
The current level is $110 mil-
BUT PERHAPS the most sig-
nificant development in higher
education coordination is yet to
come. The new State Board of
Education, which goes into effect
Jan. 1, 1965, will be given the
specific function of coordinating
the institutions' requests to the
With this occurrence, an edu-
cationally-oriented body will in-
terpret the financial requests of
the institutions in a context of
total state needs as well as in-
dividual institution's desires. Pre-
viously, the governor's budgeting
crew had processed and the Legis-
lature then passed a financially-
oriented higher education appro-
* * *
left coordinated higher education
sitting, as 1963 concludes, in 'a
breatheraperiod In which each in-
stitution must vie for itself in
Lansing to get a bigger slice of
the legislative appropriation.
As one legislator put it, "It's
about time the universities began
thinking 'us' instead of 'me'."
From the examples of coordina-
tion in the past few weeks, it
would appear the "us" has receiv-
ed some very worthy consideration.

former University President Alexander Ruthven's (left) participa-
tion in 1947 in forming the Michigan Council of State College
Presidents, coordination became an active concern of state legis-
lators and educators. The University, under President Harlan
Hatcher, has continued the progress toward coordination.

within the current state educa-
tional framework.
Each institution's individuality
should not be modified to conform
to newly-fabricated standards. At-
tempts to co-ordinate have his-
torically brought out the "sur-
vival of the fittest" attitude in
each institutionsand this must be
avoided, using as much voluntary
concession as possible.
co-ordination occurred as early as
1947. Then, educators began to
feel themselves pushed at one end
by prospects of rising student
enrollment while impeded at the
other end by lack of state funds
to accommodate them.
Although not merely making a
definite manifestation of this
pressure, University President
Alexander G. Ruthven wrote a
letter to other state college presi-
dents in 1947 planting the idea

Gargoyle' Not Half Bad

The latter group adds the pros-
pect of coordination between its
public, private and religious school
These groups have, previous to
this year, come up with decisions
only on such issues as uniform
state speaker bans for the state-
supported schools.
RECENTLY, financial pressures
have been the predominant theme
and catylyst of coordination. Leg-
islators indicated their dislike of
weighing individual appropriation
requests from each school and of
having to put up with the un-
educational lobbying tactics. Grad-
ually, school administrators have
realized that when each institu-
tion presses for its own needs, all
the schools are suffering finan-
In the third medical school con-
troversy, a strong and specific
agreement was reached. For the
"blue ribbon" group, presidents
such as the University's Harlan
Hatcher and Michigan State Uni-
versity's John Hannah were in-
strumental in seeing that this
group giveha strong recommenda-
tion to the Legislature to give
twice as much in capital outlay
funds and four times the opera-
tional funds.
was primarily a triple entente be-
tween the two state schools cur-
rently providing graduate medical
education-the University and
Wayne State University-and the
one which will soon be opening its
medical doors-Michigan State
It was adopted by the Coordi-
nating Council for Public Higher
Education, a group composed of
the college presidents and board
officers of the state-supported
colleges and universities. In ad-
dition, two representatives from
the community (junior) college
system are members of the group
along with the State Superinten-
dent of Public Instruction.
To the satisfaction of the Uni-

has returned to the campus.
In the interests of combating evil,
there must be a retort.
With that out of the way, there
still remain a few comments that
must be made in regard to the
current Gargoyle. Embarrassing as
it may seem, and ignoble as it
turns out, it is time to pass the
Kiss of Death upon the humor
magazine. It's almost funny.
ONCE AGAIN the high spots
are few but this time they are
fairly good. "Going on About
Town" is easily the funniest and
most clever portion. The review
of the foreign film to end all
foreign films "7%," the biblical
classic "Why Not" and "Bugs
Bunny Meets Tom and Jerry" are
But the peak of humor lies in
the beginning sentence of the ar-
ticle "A Christian Looks at Han-
ukkah." This one line is the fun-
niest comment to appeartin Gar-
goyle yet. (One only wishes Garg
would tell where it stole it from.)
M X. *k .
BUT ENOUGH of this kindness
and misplaced Christmas spirit.
Now is the time to really give.
The drawings in Gargoyle are
as cluttered and miserable as ever,
having all the talent and imagina-

tion of a six month old un-house-
broken Generation artist behind
them. (By far the funniest ad was
that belonging to Folletts.) "Fly-
ing Home" wasted three pages as
did "Harry and Charlie," Garg's
answer to Mary Worth. Both
might be somewhat explained
away if they weren't such an
atrocious artistic mess.
The captioned photos had none
of the clever thought behind them
that accompanied theprevious
issue; in fact they were pretty
bland. So was the column "Gar-
goyle's Readers Speak," whose
funniest moment is in the title
FAR BE IT for a member of the
Daily's reviewing staff .to mention
taste (often), but the article
"Khrushchy-Klatch" was neither
funny nor clever. It was extremely
crude and offensive. No leader,
political or spiritual, is beyond
satire or criticism but the com-
ments in the Gargoyle on the Pope
were not only disrespectful but
vulgar. Graffetti can be humorous
if clever but only sickening when
By placing the good against the
evil, the balance still bangs nega-
tive but the odds are increasing
in Gargoyle's favor. They can't go
on losing forever . . . or can they?
-Hugh Holland

Truth Must Be Sought
In Kennedy Inquiry

To the Editor:
the facts regarding the mur-
ders of John F. Kennedy and Lee
H. Oswald are more ambiguous
than the statements of federal and
Texas investigators convey.
We are told that Oswald, a pro-
Communist, shot Kennedy two
times; that Jack Ruby, a night-
club operator friendly with the
Dallas police, appeared myster-
iously in a well-guarded room and
killed Oswald; that in neither case
is there any evidence of a con-
spiracy of any kind.
I DO NOT have a counter-
explanation of this business; like
many others, I am prepared to
believe nearly any story. How-
ever, I am suspicious and worried
by the burial of serious specula-
tion since the interrment of the
late President. Dissident com-
ments, as varied as those of Os-
wald's mother and the French
press, receive scant attention in
the news compared to the daily
reassuring pronouncements of
police and government officials.
In fact our leaders have all but
said that the stable continuity of
our economy and perhaps even of
the Free World depends on the
safe and sure closing of this case.
Unfortunately, if these needs come
first, the Presidential Commission
led by Justice Warren is likely to
serve only as an agency which

establishes further legitimacy for
the official truth.
This has to be resisted. Truth
in this matter is more important
than the vested interests in Dallas,
Washington or elsewhere. If a so-
ciety cannot survive the death of
its leader without tranquilizing
mechanisms, then it is suffering
a great ill: dependence on truth as
writ by the men of power.
* * *
DESPITE this danger there is
good hope that the American
people have not abdicated their
finest resource: the common-sense
ability to suspect that the phony
is passing for the true. Indeed,
one of the given reasons for the
Presidential Commission's inquiry
is the widespread public sentiment
that all the truth is not yet
This sentiment that all is not
well receives a coherent and
thoughtful expression in an essay
released this week by two re-
sponsible Atlanta citizens, Jack
Minnis and Staughton Lynd. Part
of their study of the killings is
contained elsewhere in The Daily,
the rest may be obtained from 350
Leonard Street SW., Atlanta, Ga.
They have no answers, but they
make a beginning: the first use
of plain dispassionate analysis,
and the best sign of our possible
sanity, since the murders three
weeks ago.
-Thomas Hayden, Grad



Report Points to Weakness
Of Evidence in Kennedy Case

far from closed. It well may never be
closed; Jack Ruby probably removed the
only person capable of answering the
myriad of questions surrounding the late
President's death.
The FBI has just completed a report on
the assassination and has forwarded it to
the special commission investigating the
crime. Its contents have not been fully
revealed, but bits and pieces are leaking.
The FBI now considers a palm print of
Oswald on the murder rifle, threads of
cloth from his shirt in the rifle mechan-
ism and his fingerprints on wrapping pa-
per which allegedly concealed the weap-
on as solid evidence that would convict
Oswald. Other evidence, some circumstan-
tial, has mounted up against the ex-
Marine, ex-Marxist.
BUT THE EVIDENCE is far from con-
vincing. A report, appearing on pages
two and three of this morning's paper,
points up the inconsistencies in the thus
far publicly-released evidence. These in-
consistencies cast grave doubt upon the
evidence, yet they are not strong enough
to disprove totally the FBI's contentions.
The major weakness found by Prof.
Staughton Lynd's and Jack Minnis' me-
+;azntct rneripitfrnmimwnf; 4c t+I-hnt

FURTHER, there is an unexplained bul-
lethole in the windshield of Kennedy's
car. If the first bullet was fired from
in front of Kennedy, then it is possible
that Oswald was not a loner but part of
a conspiracy, and that someone else fired
the first shot.
This remains the major unexplained
fact. Also, Prof. Lynd and Minnis point
out several changes of stories that cast
doubt on the FBI's accuracy. The estimate
of the speed of the motorcade has been
cut several times. The time interval be-
tween the assassination and Oswald's ap-
pearance at his apartment has been
lengthened. All bullets and bullet frag-
ments have not been closely accounted
for. The price and mode of purchase of
the Italian rifle were first reported one
way, then another.
to grind and no alternate theories to
offer. All they insist is that all inconsis-
tencies be explained so that the guilty
party or parties can be found and pun-
ished. They demand a thorough investi-
gation, not one beginning with conclu-
sions, not one that is attempting to es-
tablish Oswald's guilt. They want one
free of political implications, not one that

Weak Performance
T[HE SESTETTO Italiano Luca Marenzio, under the direction of
Piero Cavalli, last night gave a concert mostly devoted to Renais-
sance chamber music.
The opportunity to hear a substantial representation of the most
venturesome 16th century secular music by singers to whom the words
and the sense of the music are native is rare, and I am thankful for
it The music that the Sestetto presented was of unimpeachable
quality and very great interest.
AS IF IN deliberate recognition of the nature of the music of
Luca Marenzio, the great madrigalist under whose name they appear,
the Sestetto Italiano has accepted the premise of music linked to
the words by means of vivid, willful and extreme musical characteriza-
The group made an unfortunate beginning, however, in a group
of religious and sacred compositions. "Alle Psallite cum Luya," a
13th-century English motet, should be sung at the top of the voice,
with lots of foot-stomping. The Sestetto rendered this in such an
affected manner that they sounded collectively strangled.
Such details are perhaps a matter of opinion. On the other hand,
any group of singers that consistenly has as much trouble with
intonation as these did should not feel honor-bound to sing without

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