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December 10, 1963 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-12-10

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Seventy-Third Year
ruth Will Prevail"
'itorials printed in The Michigan Daily exfpress the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in al reprints.


Y. DECEMBER 10.21963


New President May Stir
Liberal Activities

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THE DEATH of President John F. Ken--
nedy grieves the nation but it has cre-
ated exciting possibilities for the liberal
position in American politics. Lyndon B.
Johnson in the presidency may prove to
be the vital stimulus needed to focus
the nation's attention on its own prob-
Kennedy offered the nation a varied
and progressive bracket of programs.
However, he was unable to communicate
to the nation the immediate importance
of these programs. Kennedy was unable
to create a national will.
MHERE ARE A NUMBER of reasons for
this. Kennedy offered too. many pro-
grams at once and thus was not able to
put sufficient political pressure behind
any single one. Apart from Kennedy's
proliferation of the congressional agenda,
the radical nature of any one of his pro-
grams strained the possibilities of Its
passage. A conservative can munch on
progress, not gulp it.
In addressing himself to the public -he
was never able to get across the content
of his programs.
America was charmed by Kennedy's
personality, but not by his ideas. Thus the
nation has witnessed the defeat of Medi-
care, tremendous damage to foreign aid,
the ;cancellation of tax reforms, and the.
postponement of civil rights and tax-cut
IT IS CONCEIVABLE that some of these
measures would have been passed un-
der Kennedy in the coming year. How-
ever, with Johnson at the helm there is
much greater,, hope for their passage.
Johnson stands closer to the mainstream
of America's political and public desires.
If predictions on the basis of past per-'
formance are possible Johnson will no
doubt narrow the focus of programs of-
fered to Congress. Johnson will maintain
an interest in foreign aid although he
has never shown the keenness in this area
that Kennedy felt.
Johnson has indicated that he is not
happy with the tremendous defense bur-
den the United States is bearing in
Western Europe. He will remain firm in
the cold war but the image he will pro-
ject in this area will not be as soft as
Kennedy's. Johnson's philosophy leans to-
ward a stress on the ultimate incompat-
ibility of ends rather than toward the
compromising nature of Kennedy's last
year (i.e., wheat trade, suggestion of a
joint space mission, immediate resump-
tion of cultural exchange after Prof.
Frederick C. Barghoorn of Yale was re-

JOHNSON WILL TURN the political fo-
cus in on the United States, a direction
that will be well received if one can inter-
pret the recent blow to foreign ai4as an
expression of congressional hostility to-
ward Kennedy's crusading desire to re-
make the world. Johnson will turn the
focus in on the United States at a time
when it is most needed.
The campaign for civil rights is tum-
bling. Johnson, brings a demonstrated
concern in this area. This concern is tem-
pered by the wisdom of Johnson's south-
ern experience which has taught him that
racism is A deeply ingrained phenomena.
Transformation of the southern view de-
mands an approach more measured than
the South has seen until now.
If any words are going to get through
to a Southern racial bigot, these words of
caution and concern from a fellow south-
erner surely will. They come from a re-
cent speech of Johnson's.
"To ask for patience from the Negro
is to ask him to give more of what he
has already given enough. But to fail
to ask of him-and of all Americans-
perserverance with the processes of a
free and responsible society would be
to fail to ask what the national inter-
est requires of all its citizens."
The passage of the pending civil rights
bill depends ultimately upon the same
moderate southerners' votes that are an-
tagonized by the government's deficit
spending. Johnson has indicated in the
past that he favors more closely balanced
THERE ARE TWO additional qualifica-
tions Johnson possesses. He has been
intimately associated with the forces un-
derlying Congress since 1937 when he en-
tered the House of Representatives. His
accumulated experience combined with
that of Speaker of the House John W.
McCormack's will certainly be useful in
getting enacted into law the programs
that are placed on the congressional
Finally, Johnson commands an effec-
tive approach. He does not have Kenne-
dy's image. The public will be more likely
to hear the words coming from his dou-
ble-chinned face. Johnson has a person-
ality which is more familiar to the Ameri-
can people, a personality which the pub-
lic is more capable of understanding than
Kennedy's was.
LYNDON JOHNSON may not become a
great president, but he will come much
closer to spearheading great'national leg-
islation than John F. Kennedy did.

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Johnson Holds Decisive Edge,

THE TRAGEDY of President
John F. Kennedy's assassina-
tion probably will not affect the
overall results of the 1964 elec-
tions as much as many people
seem to think. The chances are
that President Lyndon B. John-
son will be nominated and re-
elected and that the Democrats
will maintain their present bal-
ance of power.
There are several reasons for
this. Very importantly, the assas-
sination has cast a pall in the
minds of many over the leading
Republican Presidential contender,
conservative Sen. Barry Goldwater.
Despite the fact that the prime
suspect in Kennedy's murder is a
declared Communist sympathizer,
the fact remains that the Presi-
dent was killed in Dallas - the
strongest citadel of the conser-
vative movement in this country.
It is in that city that the money
behind the right wing - money
such as that of oil hiililonaire
H. L. Hunt- is concentrated. It
is there, too, that the backbone
of far right sentiment is located.
Evidence of this sentiment was the
harsh treatment Adlai Stevenson,
American ambassador to the
United Nations, received in Dallas
one month before the assassina-
All this will be enough to crip-
ple seriously what chances Gold-
water had of obtaining the Repub-
lican nomination, or if he is nom-
inated, what hopes he had of win-
ning the election.
IN- ADDITION, each of the
other leading Republican con-
tenders for the Presidential nom-
ination-Nelson A. Rockefeller and
Richard M. Nixon-has made him-
self unpalatable to a large section
of the citizenry.
Rockefeller's divorce and re-
marriage have for obvious reasons
alienated a large segment of the
electorate including many house-
Nixon's public image-liked by
some, hated by others-has made
him disliked by many in the large
section of the electorate which

focuses on the candidates' personal
attributes rather than on the
These factors-each of the ma-
jor opponents hobbled by grave
liabilities - will cause serious
struggles within the Republican
party and, particularly, at the
to the
1 DON'T BELIEVE I have re-
cently read a display of min-
imum intelligence quite as sad as
was Miss Gail 'Evans' editorial,
"The Age of Efficiency." Certainly
we are at an institution where
higher learning is not prospering,
if an associate city editor of the
student newspaper can blatantly
criticize the hand that feeds the
institution for demanding effi-
ciency of operation./
Supposedly, the goal of this
University is to educate its stu-
dents in literature, science and the
arts; but I do not consider it too
much to ask of the state Legis-
lature that it try to instill, in the
students and administration the
meaning of the value of a dollar.
* * *
IN FACT, this University should
now be more, not less, concerned
with the aptness of spending
money for services which do not
directly relate to the advancement
of higher education itself. And, in
fact, the facilities of the Union,
League, Health Service, Fresh Air
Camp and the new alumni camp
do fall into the category of ex-
penditures superfluous to actual
acquisition of a higher education.
In these days when we are con-
stantly reminded that universi-
ties will soon be flooded with more
students who will need a "basic"
education, it is high time that
intelligent and well-educated
people should begin to demand
more education and fewer fringe
benefits.,from their institutions of
higher learning.
-Joy C. Sinelser, '64

nominating convention. Such in-
fighting will further weaken the,
Republican position,
1* * *
IN THIS light, an important in-
gredient of President Johnson's
strength is that he will with no
difficulty obtain the Democratic
nomination. Johnson was. the
most powerful and effective ma-
jority leader in the history of the
Senate. As a natural leader com-
parable in charismatic and intel-
lectual ability to the late Presi-
dent, Johnson will solidify the
ranks of his party behind ,him. in
addition to his natural leadership
qualities, Johnson has in his favor
the fact that he is President.
Every word spoken in public
by the President of the United
States receives blanket TV, radio
and newspaper coverage, while
the statements of a presidential
hopefulare often ignored or given,
token attention.
TRUE, MANY Northern Demo-
cratic liberals are wary of John-
son because his overall Congress
record was more conservative than
that of Kennedy. But the fact re-
mains that Johnson backed Ken-
nedy's program in all its aspects,
including the all-important civil
rights issues. It has been said that,
conservative Southerners will re-
sent Johnson as they did Kennedy
because of the Kennedy Adminis-
tration's civil rights stand. How-
ever, an overbearing fact -is that'
Texas is the Presid'ent's home
base, and that Texas is part of
the South. Area loyalties such as
this are a dominant factor in
national elections.
Speculating cautiously on the,
form and results of next fall's
Presidential campaign, the Repub-
licans, with their three major
contenders hampered by major
liabilities, will most likely be torn
by debilitating intra-party strug-
gle. On the other hand, the lead-
ership of President Johnson will
. most likely overcome any inner
struggles the Democrats may en-
counter. As a result of this con-
trast of party unity against intra-
party strife, the Democrats will
probably carry the election.

The Real Savior
And the Student
LAST SUNDAY as I went to the Campus Chapel. (of the Christian
Reformed Church), I wondered if Mr. Donald Postema, the pastor,
would preach as well as he had when I heard him the Sunday between
the assassination and the funeral of President Kennedy.
That quiet morning, as he himself observed, people had come to
church because, having discovered the Inadequacy of merely human
and mortal perspectives for facing that death, they had nowhere
else to go. People attended worship to find the perspectivesof eternity.
Responsive to their needs and faithful to his Calvinist heritage, Mr.
Postema spoke of the God who inhabits eternity, who abides when
all things are shaken and fall, and who leads those within transitory
existence to participate in a glory that endures unendingly. That
quiet morning he did not disappoint us but spoke of our condition.
MR. POSTEMA. did not do so well last Sunday; his sermon was
better made but less satisfactory.
The careful craftsmanlike construction of the sermon was con-
spicuous in several ways. After stating the hypothesis that in a wold
of uncertainty mankind has always wanted a savior to make existence
secure, Mr. Postema opened his theme of saviors and the Savior by
quoting speeches of the three wise men in "He Who Should Come,"
a play by Dorthy Sayers. Almost, at the end of the sermon, he closed
his theme by again quoting from the same play.
The quotations at beginning and end illustrated the 'two stages
of argument. At the same time they gave the sermon a composure
or equilibrium of symmetry. The play title also supplied Mr. Postema
with both his sermon title and the insistent refrain of the second
Mr. Postema devoted most of the time to the first division of
the sermon in which he presented a whole range of pseudo-deliverers.
Each elaborated example (Hercules, Alexander the Great, technology,
education or wisdom) stood not only for itself but also for its type
(god, man, thing, idea or system or cause), and, by way of contrast, It
prepared for its antithesis, the authentic Redeemer (Jesus). False
saviors cannot bestow, create, or evoke power enabling us to love.
THE SECOND, and concluding, division of the sermon was both
brief and clear because, according to Mr. Postema, the authentic
Redeemer was the opposite of the bogus saviors. Repeating the clause
of the play title, "He who should come," reviewing and advancing at
once, Mr. Postema went down the list of pseudo-savious: he who should
come was not man made God but God become man; he who should
come was not jerrybuilder of cold-war peace among those who fear
mutual annihilation but establisher of peac and goodwill-toward-men
in the hearts of men. Neatly arranged, such rhetorical economy had
a maximum logical and emotional impact.
Yet the sermon was not addressed to the needs of the worshipers,
who, at the Chapel, are almost altogether University students. Perhaps
all of us are given to idolatry; but those who come to the Chapel have
no doubt already discovered the unreliability of natural and historical
forces as saviors-otherwise we would not have come.
Our question was not "What claimant to being savior is the
authentic Redeemer?" but "What is the relation between theRedeemer
and such finite powers as influence and shape our lives?" For example,
we know technology cannot forgive sin or enable us to love. But it
touches our lives intimately and, upon occasion, heavily. Persons in
the midst of four or eight years of service to knowledge and a few
days before our first trimester exams, we have found out that educa-
tion is not divine and that knowledge cannot save us.
* * * *
BUT WE ARE vocationally given to being students. Does the birth
of the Redeemer have anything to do with education and technology?
Does his power and concern extend beyond the privacy of the sin-
absolved, love-quickened heart? Is he omnipotent over subjectivity but
impotent amid education and technology Is he deeply interested in
our "attitudes" but indifferent to atomic bombs and automation?
Is he Savior of individual persons but not of whole societies?
Most in the congregation last Sunday acknowledged Jesus as
Redeemer. But we did not know whether or not he is irrelevant to
much of our education-oriented, technology-dominated lives. And we
weren't told.
-Tony Stoneburner
Presidential Succession



The Seeds of Doubt

ti K _

Gerald Storeh, City Editor

THOUGHT-STIRRING remarks by pro-
fessors on student culture seem to
come out with the apprpximate frequency
of Haley's Comet so it is refreshing to
say the least to read the comments of
one Mulford Q. Sibley, a political science
professor at the University of Minnesota.
He wrote a letter to the Minnesota Daily
this week urging, in effect, that students
need a good kick in the posterior.
"If we don't sow seeds of doubt and
implant subversive thoughts in college,
when and where in Heaven's name (if
there be a Heaven) will they be implant-
ed?" Prof. Sibley dared to ask. "Personal-
ly, I should like to see on the campus one
or two Communist professors, a student
Communist club, a chapter of the Ameri-
can Association for the Advancement of
Atheism, a society for the promotion of
free love, a League for Overthrow of Gov-
ernment by Jeffersonian Violence (LOG-
J V) , an anti-automation league, and per-
haps a nudist club," he continued.
Arbor's weather rules out the last sug-
gestion for this campus, and I must con-
fess to never having heard of LOGJV.
However, the spirit of Prof. Sibley's let-
ter is what counts.
We can take a look at our own Univer-
sity and find few signs of anybody trying
to poke at student 'minds with unortho-
dox, radical, even weird ideas. Two stu-
dent groups used to do this: Voice and
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and Ross Barnett this fall, a Communist
last spring and that's about it. An enor-
mous disparity exists between the as-
pects of our lives which need reexamina-
tion and the range and number of cam-
pus lectures and programs which at-
tempt to provoke such reexamination.
As additions to the list of Prof. Sibley,
I would make the following suggestions
for speakers whose topics might sprout
"seeds of doubt" in students at this Uni-
-An advocate of dope addiction.
--An advocate of homosexuality.
-An anarchist.
-A Mennonite.
-An advocate of bigamy.
-A Nazi or an anti-Semite.
-A publisher of some sort of hate lit-
would be a great turnout for these
speakers, as people who tried to hear
Malcolm X or Barnett can testify. The
biggest problem, undoubtedly, would be
that most students would show up just
for the experience of seeing something
I had a more serious intent in mind. It
is very important that people constantly
examine their own basic assumptions and
habits of living--and even laugh at them-
selves occasionally. It is very easy to
settle down into how you live your life,
and as this continues even harder to

LITTLE TIME should be lost in
substitutin some more satis-
factoryjmod of establishing the
succession to the Presidency than
the unfortunate order that Con-
gress established in 1947. Under
this act, if there is no vice-
president at the time the President
dies, the speaker of the House
becomes President; the president
pro tempore of the Senate is next
in line. Following these, the suc-
cession is as follows: secretary of
state, secretary of defense, at-
torney general, postmaster general,

stituencies that elect them can
be, and often are, narrow and un-
representative. Moreover, either
might well be of different party
and hence quite out of sympathy
with ,the deceased President's pol-
icies and program.
* * *
THERE IS NO easy or entirely
satisfactory solution to the prob-
lem (the alternatives were ex-
plored during the hearings on the
1947 act), but the present arrange-
ment is not desirable and should
be changed. An order of succes-

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Wil ., I RENVk. -A

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