SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1963 THE MICIGAN DAILY XU tt * .. u UW*w ,. YALE F RIVE 9 LDAILY OFFICIAL BU LLETI N ?? {.:v:::.:::::: q.}ยข:~tN.A+".,," w,{{t ,.Vf^r:}rr .;r r, %," {:.WA'y{.a{"{ ,fl y 1Vf"tl"{A1 Q:{'" ." flV.:"""AMA61Y;A r YAfXl. . .Yr: } For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone NO 2-4786 from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, and Saturday 9:30 'til 11:30 A.M. The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be written in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Building before 2 p.m. of the day preceding publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and Sunday. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8 Day Calendar Univ. Musical Society-Handel's "Mes- siah" with Univ. Choral Union and soloists: Hill Aud., 2:30 p.m. . Professional Theatre Program - APA in Gorky's "The Lower Depts": True- blood Aud., 3 p.m. Cinema Guild-The original "4Cabinet of Dr. Caligari," plus three Mack Sen- nett shorts: Architecture Aud., 7 and 9 p.m. General Notices Ali Teacher's Certificate Candidates: Everyone receiving a teacher's certifi- cate must secure a health statement in the junior and senior years. This serv- ice will be free during the January orientation and registration period only: There will be a charge at all other times. Plan to attend the Health Serv- ice between Jan. 13 and 18. Further information can be obtained in Room 1203 Univ. High School. Newcomer's Reception for faculty and staff, originally scheduled for Sun., Nov. 24, will be held Sun., Dec. 15, ORGAN IZATION NOTICES Congr. Disc. E & R Stud. Guild, Sem- inar: "Interpretation of the Old Testa- nent," Dec. 8, 7 p.m., 802 Monroe. Gamma Delta, Lutheran Stud. Org., To the Messiah Concert, 2:30 p.m., Sup- per & Fellowship, 6 p.m., Dec. 8, 1511 Washtenaw. Graduate Outing Club, Hike, Dec. 8, 2 p.m., Rackham Bldg., Huron St. En- trance. Hillel Foundation, Faculty Meeting, Dec. 8, 8 p.m., 1429 Hill. Speaker: Prof. Raul Hilberg, "Destruction of the Jew." * * * La Sociedad Hispanica, Tetulia, lunes, Dec. 9, 3-5 p.m., 3050 FB. from 4 to 6 p.m. at the President's House, 815 S. University. Events Monday Short Course for Assessing Officers-- Registration, Rackham Bldg., 9 a.m. School of Public Health Assembly-G. J. Wherrett, M.D., Dir, of Research, Canadian Tuberculosis Assn. (Henry Brooks Baker Memorial Lecture), "Tu- berculosis-A Worldwide Problem" : School of Public Health Aud., 4 p.m. Dept. of English Lecture - Zdenek Stribrny, chairman, Dept. of English, Charles University, Prague, Czechoslo- vakia, "War and Peace in Henry V": Aud. B, Angell Hall, 4:15 p.m. Univ. Senate Meeting-Aud. A, Angell Hall, 4:15 p.m. Naval Reserve Research Company Drill --G. W. Sharp, Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Forestry, "Natural Resources Develop- ment for Outdoor Recreation": North Hall, 7 p.m. Dept. of Philosophy Lecture-Michael Dummett, Reader in the Philosophy of Math in the Univ. of Oxford and Re- search Fellow, All Souls College, "Bring- ing About the Past": 447 Mason Hall, 4:15 p.m. Engrg. Mechanics Seminar: In Room 305 W. Engrg. Bldg at 2:15 p.m. Prof. James W. Daily, Massachusetts Inst. of Tech., will speak on "Fundamental Re- search in Fluid Dynamics with Engi- neering Motivation." Placement OVERSEAS TEACHING: On Dec. 13 and 14 a representative of the Air Force will be in our office to interview candidates for teaching posi- tions in the Dependents Schools over- seas. For appointments contact Miss Marjorie Fuller, Overseas Placement Officer, at Selfridge Air Force Base, Mich. On Jan. 13 and 14 representatives from the combined Army, Air Force and Navy Dependents Schools will inter- view teachers for overseas positions. Requirements include U.S. citizenship, a bachelor's degree, a valid teaching certificate, and two years teaching ex- perience in the last five years. Married women, or women with dependents, will not be considered. For additional in- formation contact Mrs. Flynn, Bureau of Appointments, 3200 SAB, NO 3-1511, Ext. 3547. PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS, Bureau of Appointments-Seniors & grad students, please call Ext. 3544 for appts. with the following: TUES., DEC. 10- Commission on Professional and Hos- pital Activities, Ann Arbor, Mich.-In- terviewing for the following positions: 1) Statisticians-Male or female-At least BA with minor in math and/or stat. Knowledge of basic math stat. procedures, ability to communicate well with both tech, colleagues & with non- tech, public (in terms of research re- ports). 2) Research Project Dir. Male or female-No specific degrees required. Exper. in some phase of local Health Dept. admin. necessary. Applicants from Engrg., Biostat., Public Health Nursing, Systems Analysis, & other disciplines welcome. Position expected to be of 3 yrs. duration, with probable permanent position with the Commission on some other prog. at termination of the grant for Information System. Would be re- sponsible for managing the dev. of an Information System for Community Health Services. 3) Educational Direc- tor-Male or female-Degree not neces- sary. Should be exper. in some aspect of hosp. admin. or operation. Some knowledge of- computer operation & stat. helpful but not necessary. Will head educ. sect. of a Medical Info. Research Computer Center. Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, Texas-Men & women, Dec. & May grads. General Liberal Arts majors-esp. Econ., Poll. Sci., & Public Admin. Posi- tions: Management Intern Program. WED., DEC. 11- National Security Agency, Washing- ton, D.C.-Men & women. Seeking ma- jors in Math & Engrg. who are interest- ed in the NSA. These people are not subject to the Entrance Exam & may make an appointment for an interview. Non-tech. students-only those who passed the Oct. qualifying exam are eligible to interview. Students who pass the Dec. 7 exam will be interviewed on Feb. 6. Harvard Univ., Grad. Sch. of Bus. Ad., Boston, Mass.-Men & women. Dec., May & Aug. grads. Seeking degree in any area of study including engrg. Positions: the interviewer would like to talk with students planning managerial careers who might be considering grad. study in prep, for their work. SUMMER PLACEMENT: 212 SAB- State of Michigan Civil Service Com- mission-Open Competitive Exam to be given Jan. 25, 1964 for Rodman. Men only & 18 yrs. old at least. Application deadline is Dec. 23. Further information may be obtained at the Summer Place- ment. Part-Time Employment The following part-time jobs are available. Applications for these jobs can be made in the Part-time Place- ment Office, 2200 Student Activities Bldg., during the following hours: Mon. thru Fri. 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30 til 5 p.m. Employers desirous of hiring students for part-time or full-time temporary work, should contact Dave Lowman, Part-time Interviewer at NO 3-1511, Ext. 3553. Students desiring miscellaneous odd jobs should consult the bulletin board in Room 2200, daily. 1-Receptionist to work in dentist's office 9 a.m. to 12 Mon. thru Fri. Must be able to work with people. Will be doing general office work, some typing. 1-Stenographer needed for work on Sat. mornings, for 4 hours. Good typing and shorthand ability neces- sary. 1-Female to operate ozalid machine. Will be working 20 hours per week. --Several Babysitting positions open. 1-Programmer. Must have at least one year's experience programming MAD. Must be familiar with statis- tics, and U. of M. Computing Cen- ter procedures. Duties: execute data analyses which require the use of the 7090. Includes discussing an- alyses with personnel of this lab., writing necessary programs, etc. Will work 5-10 hrs. per week. r USED CARS 1961 VW Sunroof sedan. Radio, white- walls and seatbelts. GL 3-2456. N51 SAAB 1960-New motor, excellent body, priced reasonably. NO 2-8309. N50 1962 BUICK SPECIAL Convertible, red bucket seats, stick shift, like new, factory serviced. $1995. Call 665-6811. N49 1957 FORD-Excel. mech. cond. Body and tires very good. $450. NO 2-1291 after 5:30 p.m. N4 HOT BARGAINS ! at December prices! 1962 1962 1961 1953 1961 1960 1960 1961 1954. 1959 Austin-Cooper Sedan MG-A MK II Roadster Triumph TR-3 Roadster MG-TD Roadster. Classic! Vauxhall Sta. Wagon. Sharp! MG-A 1600 Roadster. Sportyl Alfa-Romeo '2000 GT Conv. Austin-Healy Sprite Austin-Healy 100-4 Roadster Morris.'-000 Sedan. Nice! FOR RENT ATTRACTIVE 2-bedrm. furnished apt. for 2nd semester for 3 or 4 adults. $180 per mo. Utilities included. 1 mile from campus. Call 5-4214 or 428-2664. Ci1 CAMPUS LOCATIONS: Bus. Ad, Law school and Hospital. 2 bdrom furn. for 3 or 4 people. Heat & water furn. Off street park. Laundry facilities. CAMPUS MANAGEMENT 662-7787 663-9064 C16 FOR SPRING TERM-2 very pleasant furnished rooms for grad or sr, wo- men. 1 double, 1 single. 2 blocks to campus. Call 3-1460 or 2-0215. C14 TWO LAW students need 3rd roommate for 3 bdrm apt. Off campus. NO 3-3031. C15 MALE ROOMMATE Wanted. Modern duplex with cooking facilities. Near campus. $37.50/mo. plus utilities. Call NO 3-7387. C NEED ONE MORE ROOMMATE FOR SPRING. Nice pad. Cheap to right man. NO 3-0222. C50 SADLY LEAVING-Completely furnish- ed apt. 4 blocks from campus. Park- ing facilities. Utilities paid. Days, NO 2-6383. Eves., 3-6159. C34 FURNISHED STUDIO apt. Central lo- cation. Avail. Jan. 1. 2145 S. Ingalis, Apt. F. 3-8140 or 2-2223. Cl1 ROOMMATE WANTED to share mod., 2 bdrm. apt. with 3 other girls. Rea- sonable. Call 662-0048 after 5 p.m. C28 FURN. MOD. APT. for 3 or 4. Avail., sub-lease 2nd sem. Good loc., 1 blk. from bus, ad. and law. NO 8-7152. C12 2 MAN APT. 2nd semester. 1 block from campus, cooking facilities, parking lot, $110/month, utilities included. 668-8538. C2 ON CAMPUS-Lot parking space avail- able for 2 months. NO 2-1443. C44 WANTED-2 or 3 men to share or 4 to take over State St. luxury apt. 2 bed- rooms, double bath, balcony, carpet- ed, air conditioned, new this year. Reasonable. 665-2719. C3 LI NEB 2 3 4 .70 .85 1.00 1 DAY 3 DAYS MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Figure 5 overage words to a line. Phone NO 2-4786 1.95 2.40 2.85 All cars carry the 1-year G/W Warranty. Be ready for Winter. Why walk! Bank financing avail- able. We take trade-ins. OVERSEAS IMPORTED CARS, Inc. 331 S. 4th Ave. NO 2-2541 Ann Arbor RADIO REPAIRS, MUSICAL MDSE. HI FI, TV, RADIO, and Phono service. TV rentals, speaker reconing. Free pick-up and delivery service. Campus Radio and TV. NO 5-6644, 325 E. Hoover. X2 A-1 New and Used Instruments BANJOS, GUITARS, AND BONGOS Rental Purchase Plan PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR 119 W. Washington BUSINESS SERVICES TYPING IN MY HOME-Term papers, themes, outlines, briefs. Mrs. Robert Feuster, NO 2-1260. J28 WILL DO TYPING AT HOME - Have taken University qualifying tests. Have dissertation experience. 25c a page, 5c a copy. Marilyn McGuire, 663-5328. J19 482-0191 Typing of manuscripts, theses, disser- tations and terms papers. Duplicating done by mimeographing or offset printing. GRETZINGER BUSINESS SERVICES 320 S. Huron J 665-8184 MANUSCRIPT typing, transcription, medical, legal, technical confer- ences, mimeographing, offset. Quick, Accurate, Experienced. FOR RENT ON CAMPUS Spacious, furnished apt. Available for 2 months. NO 2-1443. C43 CLOSE TO State Theater-Furnished apt. $85 month. One room, kitchen, private. 2-7274. C6 BEAUTIFUL, new 4-person apt. avail- able. Call NO 5-0384. C8 APT. FOR 2-3. 2nd semester. Near cam- pus. NO 5-2767. C36 SPACIOUS APT, for 3 or 4 on campus. All modern furnishings. Available Jan. 1. Call 3-1511, Ext. 3672 during day and NO 2-4875 after 5 p.m. C9 NICELY FURN'D. 2 bdrm. apt. Conven- ient to campus. Ideal for 3 people. $160. Lease. NO 3-4435. C30 HELP WANTED MALE LAB TECHNICIAN Permanent, full-time, semi-technical position, requires 2 years of college, majoring in chemistry. Biology courses helpful, or equivalent exper- ience. Liberal salary and benefits. Apply in person. Parke-Davis & Co., 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 2800 Ply- mouth Rd. H19 DENTAL HYGENIST for 1 or 2 days a week in Plymouth. Write Box 7, Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard. H14 PERSONAL CHARTER AIR FLIGHT to California Christmas vacation. Call Mr. Gary Miller, NO 3-7665, 5-8 p.m. F50 6 DAYS 3.45 4.20 4.95 LOST AND FOUND REWARD-Brown spiral notebook lost in Mason Hall Tuesday. Contact Carol J., 914 Hill St. All LOST-Women's Elgin wristwatch in or near Angel Hall. Please call NO 5-2484. A10 REWARD for return of black bound SKETCHBOOK. Call NO 56315. A5 CAR SERVICE, ACCESSORIES SPORTS CAR ACCESSORIES Custom Order Service HONDA, 1906 Packard Rd. 665-9281 Si BIKES AND SCOOTERS VESPA-LAMBRETTA Owners-Save on Parts and Accessories. Custom Order Service. HONDA, 1906 Packard Rd. 665-9281 ANNOUNCING WHIT'S TRUCK RENTAL Ann Arbor 202 W. Washington St. Call NO 5-6875 Pick-ups Panels Small Vans 1958 Cushman-$150 1959 Vespa-$110 1963 Vespa-$235 Z i ; ..... : GIRLS WANTED to share beautiful FOR SALE-Used carpet 11-18. Call Al, new apt. Call NO 5-0384. C7 NO 3-3392. F33 NICHOLSON MOTOR SALES 223 S. First 662-7400 Z36 WANTED-1 or 2 senior or grad stu- dents to share modern furnished apt. 3 blocks from campus. Call 453-3287. C41 CAMPUS-3 BLOCKS AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Furnished, 1% bdrm. apt. (entire 1st floor of bldg.). $115 per month in- cludes garage and heat. NO 3-7268. SINGLE ROOM for xent. $8 per week. ROOMMATE WANTED to share apt. Avail. 2nd sem. 663-1511, Ext. 3088. C13 with 3 girls. Luxurious, ideal location. ___ NO 3-6069. C42 HURON TOWERS sublet. Remarkably reasonable rent. 2 bedroom, furnished. Ready Jan. 1. 663-7954. C33 CAMPUS APTS. available for 2nd mester for 1, 2, and 3 people. Apartments Ltd., NO 3-0511 se- C4 ORDER TOiDAY It's an Easy Way to Solve Your Christmas Shopping { SEND RUSSELL STOVERS CANDIES 1 1.60 2 1b. box 3.15 4 3 1 4.50 5lb. box 7.50 . This "Always Favorite assortment will please everyone on your list. Perfect for family gifts, toot A choice selection of chocolates and butter bons...elegant for gift giving. ORDER TODAY We will mail for you on December 18th or Deliver in Ann Arbor on December 23rd ON-CAMPUS APT, for 2 or 3 available February 1. Call NO 2-1443. C47 ROOM FOR Male student. On Campus. $30/mo. 913 E. Huron. NO 8-9379. C25 SAVE ON SUB-LEASE Huron Towers Studio Apt. Unfurnished or Furnished. Avail. Dec. 15 or Jan. 1. High living at low cost! Call 663-6958, 6-9 p.m. WANTED-One male roommate to share modern luxurious apt. close to cam- pus with 2 other students. Phone NO 2-1902 anytime. C46 FURN'D. 4 room apt. $110, Call NO 2-7274 C49 ANN ARBOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICE ASSOCIATES 334 Catherine B2) I FOR RENT-Half of large double room for congenial male grad. student. Must be seen to be appreciated. 2- 4738. C32 1000 OAKLAND APTS.-Available Jan. 1-Modern 3-bdrm. furnished apt., double bath, private balcony, laun- dry room, reserved parking. Ideal for 3, 4 or 5. Minutes from campus. Rea- sonable. Phone 453-3287. C40 TIFFANY APTS. 2nd semester openings. A new concept in apt. living. Split levels and studios for 1, 2, and 3. 3-8866. C35 BEL-AIR APTS. Campus, 2-bedroom, completely furnished, wall to wall carpeting, balcony, air conditioning. Call 2-5780, Eves. 2-5140. C19 FOR SALE CHRISTMAS TREES-Special price for students, table tops, $1.50 and up. 537 Detroit St. 665-9815. B8 FOR SALE-Thoreus T.D. 124 Turntable with Audio Empire arm and cartridge $1.30. Also: Fisher X-100 stereo ampli- fier, $100. Call Ext. 1179 WQ or 663- 7541. B7 CHRISTMAS TREES -- Large Select Assortment at Kate Bandrofchak's., Long Shore Dr. and Pontiac Rd. at R.R. track. "I don't want all the busi- ness-just yours." B6 COAT AND DRESSES, sizes 8-10. 3-5362. SLIDE RULES and Drawing Sets, new and used, $5-$18. Call 665-0012. B2 FOR SALE-Microscope "Zeiss" mono- cular-binocular, excellent cond. Ph. 542-6431, Detroit. B9 NATURAL GREY Kilskin full length coat and detachable-hood. Size 12. Like new: $100. NO 2-0031. B42 AT DARWIN'S HOUSEHOLD Furnishings, appliances,y tables, glassware, books, antiques. 2930 S. State NO 8-7744 HI-FI STEREO tape recorder. Concert tone, professional 510 series--3 motors, 4 heads, every deluxe feature includ- ing reverse-a-matic, self contained stereo speakers, 6 months old-like new. Cost $600. Sacrifice $500. May be seen at Hi-Fl and TV Center, 1301 S. University. B3 DIAMONDS-Highest quality at com- petitive prices. Call G. K. Reaver Co. of Ann Arbor, 309 S. Thayer. NO 2- 1132. Fib APT. FOR RENT-Large 4-room apt., conveniently located near campus, new refrigerator. 1032 Vaughn, Apt. 9. Phone NO 8-8335. F2 WEINER SCHNITZEL with German potato salad-$1.35. German meat pat- ties-.30. ROMANOFF'S, 300 S. Thayer. JOYEUX NOEL, ma chere Debbie vos cheves amies, Diane, Karen, Margie. F10 $1.25 HAIRCUT, Mon. thru Thurs. 347 May- nard, near Arcade. $1.50 Fri. and Sat. ROOM FOR 2 girls in Osterwell Co-op for 2nd sem. $263/sem. Call Flo or Bonnie, NO 2-4449. Fl GIRLS-Get your apt. for next FALL NOW. The SUMMIT HOUSE, 8-8723 or 5-8330. F3 AUSTIN DIAMOND CORPORATION- "Where marginal prices buy quality diamonds!" 1209 S. University. 663- 7151. F73 BEEN FOLLOWING your Playboy late- ly? Come hopping to 1917 Washtenaw on Dec. 8 at 7:30 p.m. to launch on a pseudo-mystical journey into the Twilight Zone with the Unitarian Student Group's discussion of hallu- cinations anal LSD 25. Dr. John Pol- lard of the Mental Health Research Institute will be telling us about his creative experiments in this exciting new field of psychochemicals. Brave New World may be tomorrow. Will you be ready to accept it or challenge it? See you there. F38 Meet the Right People The purpose of our organization, using established techniques of personality appraisal and an IBM system, is to introduce unmarried persons to others whose background and ideals are congenial with their own. Interviews by appointment. Phone after 9 a.m. NO 2-4867. MICHIGAN SCIENTIFIC INTRODUCTION SERVICE TRANSPORTATION WANTED--Ride to New York City for Xmas. 3-7541, Ext. 1072. 027 RIDE WANTED to Muskegon-Grand Rapids area for Dec. 20. Call 5-9761, Ext. 104. G26 DRIVER WANTED, 1963 car, from Washington, D.C., to Ann Arbor as soon as possible. Call NO 3-6576. G25 BARGAIN CORNER SAM'S STORE Has Genuine LEVI's Galore! "WHITE LEVI'S" SLIM-FITS 4.49 FOR "GUYS AND DOLLS" Black, brown, loden, "white,' cactus, light blue SAM'S STORE 122 E. Washington HONDA of Ann Arbor 1906 Packard Road 665-9281 1963 SILVER EAGLE Motor Scooter- Fully equipped, 4 months old. Co $616. Will take $400. 2740 Tim, Wood land Lake, Brighton, anytime aft 5 p.m. Z ACCESSORIES AND PARTS, All Make Custom Order Service. HONDA, 1906 Packard Rd. 665-9281 I.PBLSE FOUR TIMES A YEAR 9 a t 0 the inter-arts magazine I- )st d-- er 29 Bs. Z MISCELLANEOUS Ai HUNGRY? Ralph's Market is OPEN Now! Try some bagels and lox or coffeecake. You'll find Ralph at RALPH'S MARKET 709 Packard Open every Sunday morning Wtoc to P4r e tovr ClritMc I are featuring MUISIIC BOXVES made by Thorens of Switzerland beautifully encased in wood or silver inlaid boxes. i;r.ocn, 910,9100n