AC E E t '! T THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1963 A 13afswrl~ ~UUU.T, aIHIAN D IL FIDY DCEBR 1. SGC Volunteers To Aid Vroman ......._...... Mir .., . . .., sLe. . . . . . . . . "v,.. :;J-. ;.":;?: ~i~~rRJ4tiwi i,,. ' . .. n,4 r2vt . "."::::...r".VflAS..W.'.SW;...V., ..... eVfl ~.. . .......... .:3<,. .. ..,... . . ... ..IL..........:................. ..... .....................::::::LLM::,MM:::. ...,,.. ...,............m um 3-5 yrs..:;.:exper.:.:in:.the..:design:::of..Dev."::.Raynolds.:..Co.,..rI: c.-O pen.:lng . i By NANCY FOX I programs to present information C iil J t thU ivrit to hi h aT udenT uovernmen v uouncii Wednesday night passed a mo- tion proposed by SGC Executive Vice-President Thomas Smithson, '65, expressing SGC's interest in offering assistance and support tt the Office of Admissions in its a ouT TieUniver' s y 119g school students. In a corollary motion proposed by Smithson, the Council voted to send a letter to Clyde Vroman, director of admissions, conveying SGC's interest. h.. Heavenly Consort of Artists,... on Angel Records The letter will explain that in- dividual SGC members have vol- unteered to participate on Uni- versity panels as part of the Uni- versity's program-high school college days and nights. The Committee of Student Ac- tivities was mandated to report to, SGC by Feb. 1, 1964, on the high school information program of the' Student Governors of the Alumni Association. In other action Council ap- proved the appointments of three alternate delegates to the Blue Ribbon Student Committee on Higher Education conference to be held this week-end at the Uni- versity. They are Jonathan Ben- sky, '67E, John Eadie, '65, and Suzanne Orrin, '65. The committee will be beginning its exploratory work in framing a recommendation to go to Gov. George Romney's "blue ribbon" Citizen's Committee on Higher Education early next fall. A motion to approve the Inter- Quadrangle Council Constitution, proposed by IQC President Curtis Huntington, '63, was passed by the Council. The dates of Oct. 23 and 24, 1964, were approved for next year's football homecoming weekend. The Minnesota game is scheduled for that weekend. The first SGC meeting of next semester was scheduled for Jan. 15, at 7:15 p.m. (Continued from Page 2) Adopted: That SGC appoints as al- ternates to the Blue Ribbons Students Conference on Higher Education: John Eadie, Jonathan Bensky, Susanne Orrin. Received: Report of Health Insurance Coordinator. Adopted: That SGC adopts the report of the Committee on Calendaring and if a calendaring committee as outlined in the report of that committee is es- tablished Council indicates its willing- nessto-delegate its calendaring powers to such a committee. However, SGC reserves the function to recommend and negotiate late per- missions with the Office of Student Af- fairs. Approved: The changes in the consti- tution of Inter-Quadrangle Council. Adopted: That SGC expresses its in- terest in cooperation with the Office of Admissions in its efforts to present information about the University to high school students. SGC offers the participation of its individual members on University pan- els participating in high school college days and nights. Further, that a letter be sent to Dr. Clyde Vroman, director of admissions, expressing SGC's interest and willing- ness to be of assistance. Further, thatiSGC's Committee on Student Activities be mandated to re- port to SGC by Feb. 1, 1964. on the high school information program of the Student Governors of the Alumni Asso- ciation. Events The following sponsored student events are approved for the coming weekend. Social chairmen are reminded that re- quests for approval for social events At last they are available again -on Angel's "Great Recordings of the Century!" All thirty-two Sonatas on thirteen discs, with extensive notes. A limited num- ber of these magnificent boxed sets are specially priced at $4900 GRM 4005 (mono only) All ANGEL Operatic Reodns now 333* each L.P. All other ANGEL L.P.Fs sale priced .*"(Stereo Slightly Higher) DISC SHOP RECORD CENTER 1210 S. University 304 S. Thayer NO 3-6922 NO 5-485 Side 1- News Coverage Ambassador Adlai E. Stevenson Senator Barry M. Goldwater President Dwight D. Eisenhower Sir Alec Home His Holiness Pope Paul VI President Lyndon B. Johnson Eyewitness account of assassination Pre-election speech of Kennedy Election speech of Kennedy Taking of oath of office for Presidency by Kennedy Inaugural address of Kennedy i A Profile of Courage A documentary Side 2- Presidential Press conference Address to National Women's Press Club President Kennedy on Peace Corps President Kennedy on space flights President Kennedy on Alliance for Progress "Jackie" Kennedy speaking in Spanish in South America President Kennedy on Cuban crisis President Kennedy on Berlin President Kennedy in Houston, Texas President Kennedy in Dallas, Texas are due in the Office of Student Affairs not later than 12 o'clock noon on the Tues. prior to the event. DEC. 6- Adelia Cheever, Oxford, Christmas Dance, 603 Oxford Road; Alpha Chi Omega, Christmas Dance; Alpha Omi- cron Pi, Rose Ball; Collegiate Sorosis, Dance; Delta Delta Delta, Fall Party; Delta Gamma Sorority, Informal Xmas Party; Evans Scholars, Band Party; Gamma Phi Beta, Christmas Dance; Jordan, Christmas Dance; Kappa Alpha Theta, Christmas Dance; Phi Mu, Christmas Party; Pi Beta Phi, Christmas formal dance; Thronson House, Open Open; Tyler-Prescott, Open Open; Win- chell House, After Nebraska game- Open Open. DEC. 7- Alpha Delta Phi, Band Party; Allen Rumsey, Open Open; Beta Theta Pi, Pledge Formal; Chi Phi, Party; Cooley House, Open Open; Delta Tau Delta, Pledge Formal; Geddes House, Christ- mas House; Henderson House, Christ- mas Party. Hinsdale, Open Open; Lambda Chi Alpha, Winter Formal; Phi Sigma Delta, Band Party; Phi Sigma Kappa, Red Party; Psi Upsilon, Pledge Formal; Sig- ma Alpha Epsilon, Pledge Formal; Sigma Alpha Mu, House Party. Sigma Chi, Pledge Formal; Theta Chi, Christmas Party; Triangle, Dance; Tri- gon, Dance; Tyler-Prescott, Open Open; Winchell House, Rec. Room Party; Zeta Psi, Shipwreck Party, DEC. 8- Adams, Tree Decorating Party; Helen Newberry, Open Open; Tyler Prescott, Open Open. Placement ANNOUNCEMENTS: Public Admin. Internships-New York State Program of advanced trng. for grad. students, including on-the-job trng. (Sal. approx. $6,000) for 1 yr. start- ing July 1, '64. Leads to perm, app'ts. in state govt. without further exam. REQUIRE: MA degree in Public Admin., Pol. Sci., Govt., etc. OR MA in other field (or LLB), including 18 hrs. course- work pertinent to Govt. Admin. Appli- cations fr Oral Exam avail, at Bureau of Appt's., 3200 SAB. Apply now, lim- ited number. (note: BA degree candi- dates should apply for Professional Ca- reer Tests instead.) Peace Corps Exam-The next Peace Corps placement test will be given Dec. 7 at the Main St. Post Office. Qualified candidates who take the test and submit their application in Dec. can be considered for one of the spring training programs. Applications are available at the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 3200 SAB. POSITION OPENINGS: Washington State Civil Service - 1) Chief, Div. of Nursing-MS in Nursing, including or supplemented by approved curriculum in public health nursing; plus 5 yrs. exper. 2) Veterinary Meat Inspector-Doctor of veterinary medi- cine degree. 3) Therapies Supv.-BS with major study in occupational ther- apy, phys. therapy, hosp. rec., manual arts, vocational counseling or psy- chiatric social work plus 5 yrs. exper. Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, Mich. - Openings for Tabulator Operators. Will be thoroughly trained in use of IBM tabulation operations. Up to 2 yrs. col- lege with major in Math. Exper. not re- quired. Age: early 20's. Prefer military obligations fulfilled. Div. of National Firm, Mich. Location -1) Secretary to Public Relations Mgr. Individual must have initiative & be capable of assuming responsibility. Du- ties include scanning of papers, articles & other publications for referral to mgmt. Will write some copy. 2) Secre- tary to Ass't. Analyst. Should be famil- iar with office organization, procedures & work flow. Duties will involve com- pany studies. Requirements for both positions: Female, degree pref., at least 2 yrs. college. Typing of at least 50 wpm. Shorthand pref. Contact Bureau of Appts. for further information. New York City Civil Service - Ass't. Architect-BS in Architecture plus 2 yrs. exper. Citizenship has been waived. Apply now. Management Consultants in Calif.- Client firm seeking: 1) Sr. Electronics Engnr.-BSEE or Physics degree. Mini- "Promenade" mum 3-5 yrs exper, in the deign of electronic circuits for industrial vse. 2) Sr. Mech. Engnr- BSME or equiv. de- gree. Electro-mech-optical bkgd. with mnimumn yrsexper. in instrumenta- tion, pref. in the data acquisition field. * * * For further information, please call General Div., Bureau of Appointments, 3200 SAB, Ext. 3544. SUMMER PLACEMENT: 212 SAB-- 0 CAPITOL Series 1/:4 PRICE r P-8295 Guitar Music of Spain (Almeida) (D) P-8296 Starlight Encores (Hollywood Bowl) (S) P-8312 Favorite Classics for Piano (Pennario) (D)P-8314 La Danza (Hollywood Bowl) (D) P-8324 Folk Songs of he Frontier (Roger Wagner) (S) P-8326 Conceros Under the Stars (Hollywood Bowl) P-8329 Peer Gynt Suites, & Caucasian Sketches (Hollywood Bowl) (D) P-8332 Folk Songs of the Frontier (Roger Wagner) (S) P-8335 Fiesta (Hollywood Bowl) P-8338 Concer Piano Encores (Pennairo) (S)P-8342 Gypsy (Hollywood Bowl) (S) P-8343 Rhapsody in Blue/American in Paris (Hollywood Bowl) PBR-8345 Folk Songs of the Old World) - (Roger Wagner) (S) P-8347 Grand Canyon Suite/Mississippi Suite (Hollywood Bowl) (S) P-8351 L'Italia (Hollywood Bowl) (S) P-8353 Joy to the World (Roger Wagner) (S) P-8357 Espana (Hollywood Bowl) (S) P-8363 Nocturne (Hollywood Bowl) P-8367 Vistas D'Espana (Almeida) (S) P-8369 Symphonic Dances (Hollywood Bowl) (S) P-8371 Chopin by Starlight (Hollywood Bowl) (S) P-8380 Overture (Hollywood Bowl) (S) P-8384 Russkaya (Hollywood Bowl) P-8387 Folk Songs of the Old World-Vol. I (Roger Wagner) P-8388 Folk Songs of the Old World-Vol. II (Roger Wagner) (S) P-8390 Starlight Chorale (Hollywood Bowl) P-8391 Keyboard Fantasies (Pennorio) (S) P-8393 Music of Christmas (Hollywood Bowl) (S) P-8399 Landmarks of a Distinguished Career (Stokowski) (S) P-8404 Nutcracker Suite, Midsummer Night's Dream (Hollywood Bowl) (S) P-8405 Gaite Parisienne (Hollywood Bowl) P-8406 Duets with the Spanish Guitar (Almeida) P-8408 Songs of Latin America (Roger Wagner) (5) P-8412 A World of Music (Dragon, Capitol Symphony (S) P-8413 Serenade (Dragon, Capitol Symphony) (S) P-8416 Swan Lake (Ballet Theatre Orchestra) (S) P-8421 Strauss Waltzes (Holywood Bowl) P-8422 Introduction o the Piano (Agi Jambor) (S) P-8427 La Belle France (S) P-8471 Swan Lake/Sleeping Beauty Suites (Ballet Theatre Orch.) (S) P-8476 Melody (Dragon, Capitol Symphony) (S) P-8479 Marche (Hollywood Bowl) (S) P-8482 Songs of Enchantment (Terri-Almeida) (S) P-8487 Tempo Espanol (Dragon, Capitol Symphony) (S) P-8491 Reflections (Roger Wagner) (S) P-8494 Rhapsody UnderwtheSars (Hollywood Bowl) (S) ADO-8496 This is the Hollywood Bowl (Hollywood Bowl) (S) P-8501 Stephen Foster Melodies (Dragon, Capitol Symphony) (S) P-8503 Sabre Dance (Hollywood Bowl) (S) P-8509 Silhouettes (Virgil Fox) (S) P-8510 The Magic Bow ( Hollywood Bowl) (S) P-8511 A Contcert Gala (Dragon, Capitol Symphony) (S) P-8516 Love Scenes (Hollywood Bowl) (S) P-8519 Voices of the South (Roger Wagner) (S) P-8521 The Spanish Guitars of Laurindo Almeida (Almeida) (S) P-8522 Songs of the American Land (Terri) (S) P-8523 Americana (Dragon, Capitol Symphony) (S) P-8527 Bless This House (Dragon, Capitol Symphony) (S) P-8529 Hallelujah! (Hollywood Bowl) (S) P-8351 Hark the Herald Angels (Virgil Fox) (S) P-8540 Danube Waves (Hollywood Bowl) (S) P-8542 Romantique (Dragon, Capitol Symphony) (S) P-8543 A Song at Twilight (Roger Wagner) (S) P-8547 Over the Waves (Dragon, Capitol Symphony) (S) P-8553 Starlight Fantasie (Hollywood Bowl) (S) P-8554 Vive La France (Roger Wagner) (S) P-8556 I Know My Love (Terri) (S) P-8557 Vale of Dreams (Virgil Fox) (S) P-8559 Concert Brilliants (Dragon, Capiol Symphony) (S) P-8561 Chopin Preludes (Pennario) t (S) P-8562 Viking! (Hollywood Bowl) (S)A-856$ Medolies of he Masters, Vol. 1, Music of Romance (S) A-8564 Melodies of the Masters, Vol. It, Rhythms of Spain (S)A-8565 Melodies o fthe Masters, Vol. Ill, Dances of the Old World (S) A-8566 Melodies of the Masters, Vol. IV, Mysteries of Night (S) A-8567 Melodies of the Masters, Vol. V, Mysteries of the Night (S)A-8568 Melodies of the Masters, Vol. VI, Music of Reflecion (S) A-8569 Melodies of the Masters, Vol. VlI, Music of Imagination (S) P-8571 Reverie for Spanish Guitars (Almeida) (S) P-8575 Nightfall (Dragon, Capitol Symphony) (S) P-8578 God of Our Fathers (Warfield, Fox) (S)P-8581 Gershwin by Starlight (Hollywood Bowl) (S) P-8587 Songs at Sunset (Virgil Fox) (S) P-8591 Favorite Melodies for Orchestra (Pennorio, Robin, Hollywood Bowl) (S) P-8592 Treasured Moments of Melody (Pourcel) (S) P-8593 Concert Promenade (Pourcel) 12.99 RECORD CENTER 304 S. Thayer NO 5-4855 0 SDevoe Rtaynolds Co., Inc.--Openings in Detroit, Louisville, & Newark re- search centers for male Chemists & Chem. Engnrs. Come to Summer Place- ment for details & applications. Male juniors & seniors only. If Interested in Eastern Camps for summer work, come to Summer Placed ment for applications to the New York div. of the American Camping Assoc. Also available is a list of camps in the East that will interview during the Christmas holidays. i f .. (S) P-8431 (S) P-8440 (S) P-8444 P-8447 (S) P-8453 (S) P-8456 (S) P-8461 (S) P-8462 (S) P-8466 JOHN ROY CARLSON speaks on "Hate Fronts Around The World" Monday, 4:10 p.m. Michigan Union 3R-S (Dragon, Capitol Symphony) Virtuoso (Roger Wagner) The Orchestra Sings (Dragon, Capitol Symphony) Strings by Starlight (Hollywood Bowl) Contemporary Creations for the Spanish Guitar (Almeida) Orientale (Dragon, Capitol Symphony) Starlight Waltzes (Hollywood Bowl) For My True Love (Almeida) Sea Chanies (Roger Wagner) Invitation to the Dance (Dragon, Capitol Symphony) 12.49 DISC SHOP 1210 S. University NO 3-6922 4 I DISC SHOP RECORD CENTER 1210 S. University 304 S. Thayer NO 3-6922 NO 5-4855 p, ;AEI ,I ,L 1I 1 ,, , :", 'I i E a 11 ____________________________________________________ I DINE OUT at Ann Arbor's Finest Restaurants 91w VIRGINIIiY RESTAURANT i , , OLD HEIDEL BERG State Street on Campus Phone 'NO 3-3441 ONEJHALF ROAST SPRING CHICKEN THE ROMANOFFS TAKE OUT 2 BREADED VEAL STEAKS German potato salad, applesauce, 35 9 roll and butter...................... 300 S. Thayer 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Mon.-Fri. 665-4967 7 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday STEAK AND SHAKE GOLDEN FRIED CHICKEN potatoes, salad, roll and butter $1.25 CHAR BROILED HAMBURGER 35c 1313 SOUTH UNIVERSITY 211-213 N. Main St. NO 8-9753 Friday, Saturday, Sunday Special Dinner Specializing in GERMAN FOOD, FINE BEER, WINE, LIQUOR PARKING ON ASHLEY ST. Hours: Daily 11 A.M.-2 A.M. Closed Mondays Homemade dressing, chicken gravy, whipped potatoes, tossed garden salad; roll and butter, hot delicious coffee. $135 HOURS: 7 a.m. 'til 8 p.m. Daily CLOSED TUESDAYS F-I THOMPSON'S RESTAURANT offers you a taste treat of a traditional Italian dish I P IZZA. will be served daily from 12 Noon to 2 P.M. and 5 P.M. to Z A.M. 'Ii For a delicious lunch, dinner, or snack bring your date or the whole family to -- PREKETE'S SUGAR BOWL Oh, (i &serving children's portions) serving your favorite COCKTAILS, CHAMPAGNE. BEER, or WINE k, ..:o- ;' +.f + i i. I'm sure you'll enjoy our famous PANCAKES You'll find there are so many to choose from, plus delicious waffles, too! also serving: STEAKS, SEA FOODS and wonderful PIZZA -' o 0 Enjoy the Finest CANTONESE 0 Take-out Orders Anytime Open Daily from 11a.m. to 10 p.m. Closed Monday Vi ri V V i I t ,; L I PREKETES' SUGAR BOWL III II I!1 II } it !1',1 I '- till