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December 06, 1963 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-12-06

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Seventy-Third Year
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in al reprints.
Post-Thanks1V1ng Push:
Suggestons for Relief
ADMINISTRATORS have known all that classes end Thursday, not next Fri-
along the transition to a shorter calen- day as had been falsely assumed, much
dar semester would be difficult; only last of the faculty rose up in arms. One de-
month one of them expressed surprise at partment chairman told his faculty that
the few number of complaints from stu- the administration had no business "can-
dents and faculty. celling" Friday classes-even though they
His optimism was p r e m a t u r e. As had never been planned; he "suggested"
Thanksgiving approached the community they hold classes anyway. Many Friday
began to realize that finals were only two classes are planning to meet. The student
weeks off. The post-Thanksgiving atmos- would lose either way.
phere around campus is one of grumbling When the semester is a week from its
and worry. end, and a professor has a third of his
Papers and hourlies are piling right on course yet to cover, who suffers?
top of the compressed, one-week final
exam period. Many professors, hopelessly STUDENTS ARE ALREADY haggard as
behind in their lectures, are telling their they try to finish papers and exams in
students to cover the material on their the next six days and then make the quick
own. jump into finals. It's hard to say who's
doing more business-the libraries or
WHILE THE FACULTY is suddenly curs- Health Service.
ing the new semester, students are Whether or not these problems could
really the only losers. have been anticipated is irrelevant.
In many courses the grades on hourlies Whether or not faculty and administra-
have been significantly lower this semes- tion are concerned-as most of them are
ter. Some professors have called meetings -is equally irrelevant. Something must be
of their teaching fellows to discuss the done.
problems and have even adjusted class
curves. But lower curves do not hide the IF IT IS AT ALL POSSIBLE, the Under-
fact that the student is learning less be- graduate Library should be kept open
cause he has too little time to assimilate. 24 hours a day from next Monday through
When the administration reminded us Friday of exam week. On such short no-
tice this proposal may be impossible to
implement; but many students are al-
rdistrust nready pulling "al-nighters" and the Uni-
versity could at least show some compas-
sion by giving them a place to study. The
'THE "CHICKEN WAR" has ended with steps would have to be taken quickly, and
hardly a squeak, but in terms of in- we wish the proper administrators would
ternational trade it laid an egg. consider them.
President Lyndon B. Johnson levied $26 Second, the University might be wise to
million in compensatory tariff raises tod
offset the cost of increased Common Mar- delay issuing final grades until it can
ket tariffs on United States poultry. This study their significance. If they are uni-
decision followed an international panel formly below averages of post years, the
ruling settling cost issues in dispute be- departments should make some conces-
tween the United States and the market. sions. Otherwise, the student will bear the
full material burden of the shorter semes-
ALTHOUGH THE DECISION means that ter-and he will bear it alone.
French wines and German trucks will
be more expensive, its real impact is psy- THE CAMPUS is not in a panic; students
chological. The whole controversy has are not ready to fall apart. But the
generated an atmosphere of mistrust and pressures are heavy and the concern is
revenge-seeking. Such attitudes will not deep. The administration and the faculty
speed the West toward its goal of close must understand this. All elements of the
economic and cultural integration. It is community have had difficulty adjusting
another unfortunate example of the gap to the new semester-but only students
between the ideal and the real. will suffer its tangible effects.

Ex-Officios Lend Expertise

THE VALUE of ex-officio mem-
bers on Student Government
Council was seriously challenged
last spring when a campus refer-
endum sought to unseat them. The
referendum's failure, however, re-
flects the popular campus feeling
that ex-officios, by virtue of their
position of leadership in student
organizations, are qualified to par-
ticipate actively in SGC decision-
In the recent decision by SGC to
expand itself by adding another
ex-officio, the highest officer of
the International Students As-
sociation, two considerations were
involved. In general, Council had
to evaluate the contributions of
ex-officios to SGC and, in par-
ticular, the possible contributions
of the ISA president.
* * *
THE RESULTS of the referen-
dum last spring may wvell have
been generated by the dearthaof
qualified candidates seeking elec-
tion to Council in recent years.
With ex-officios on SGC, the cam-
pus is at least assured of a few
knowledgable students who are
able to make a significant con-
tribution to Council.
When SGC was set up in 1953,
seven ex-officio members were
seated on the 18-member Council.
These were the highest officers of

the Union, the League, Panhel-
lenic Association, Interfraternity
Council, Assembly Association, In-
terquadrangle Council and The
Although these students un-
deniably have the interests of a
particular group of students to

...new ex-officio

consider, it was felt that they
were proven leaders and that they
had actively participated in cam-
pus life. Thus, they were regarded

The Massire Shift
Technology Brings

as being able to lend experience to
However, ex-officios may be
considered representative, even
though they are not elected, in
that they are spokesmen of large
segments of student opinion and
are capable of exerting influence
on student opinion. Moreover, they
are in direct and continuous con-
tact with the student body and,
in fact, hold their offices due to
a particular need of the student
OF THE LEADERS of the many
student organizations on campus,
the seven selected were singled out
because of special qualifications.
It was felt that the leaders of
the four residence systems repre-
sented students most directly and
reached everyone except those whoI
lived in apartments and were un-
affiliated. The leaders of the Un-
ion and League were included be-
cause of their continuing involve-
ment with student activities. The
Daily editor was included to insure
completely open meetings. It was
also felt that he would be aware
of student opinion and in contact
with many sources of information
relevant to University life.
In light of this reasoning, the
membership of ex-officios on SGC
does indeed seem worthwhile. The
argument that ex-officios are not
"democratically elected" is hardly
persuasive when the number of
informed SGC candidates having
a real concern for the University,
is apparently diminishing with
each election.
* *, .
IN CONSIDERING the qualifi-
cations of the ISA president to
sit on Council, SGC raised ques-
tions as to the specific consti-
tuency he represented, the goals
and activities of his organization
and the possible significance of his
contributions to Council debate.
A two-thirds vote of the Council
decided in favor of the addition of
the ISA leader. Questioning of
Isaac Adalemo, the current presi-
dent, left little doubt that ISA is
a unique and constructive part of
campus life and that its president
would offer a new viewpoint to
While ISA itself has a member-
ship of about 500 (40 per cent of
whom are American), it is the
coordinating body for 19 nation-
ality groups totaling almost 1600
Moreover, ISA works with the
international committeesof many
different student organizations,
thus attempting to integrate
American and foreign students
and to promote mutual under-
* * *
this campus often has had little
incentive to be concerned with
University affairs, and commonly
has received little encouragement
to become concerned. Yet, these
are the very people who can bring
different attitudes and opinions to
the student body and who can ob-
Jectively criticize the deficienciesj
of "American" campus life.
Hopefully, the seating of the ISA
president on SGC will bring about
two effects. In the first place,
foreign students may receive the
encouragement to participate more
freely in campus activities. Sec-
ondly, Council members and the
student body as a whole may grow
to understand a new point of view
and to take note of constructive
suggestions springing from this

turning out about the same
number of cars it did six years ago,
with about half the number of
The Chrysler Corporation came
back with a bang in 1962, making
$60 million. At the same time it
laid off 30,000 workers.
With production and sales of
automobiles booming, unemploy-
ment in Michigan increased almost
10 per cent in February, 1963. The
Michigan rate was far above the
national average.
Seventy-eight per cent of De-
troit's Negro youth is unemployed.
You need 17 years seniority to be
reasonably sure of your job at the
Ford plant in Detroit.
THESE FIGURES are from a
study by Harvy Swados published
in the current issue of the maga-
zine "Dissent."
John L. Snyder Jr., president of,
United States Industries, which
makes automation machinery, says
that his earlier estimate that auto-
mation is costing 40,000 jobs a
week may have been too low. At
first glance, this seems to mean
that we need at least 2.08 million
new jobs a year just to stay where
we are.
But Mr. Synder points out that
in the current decade more than
three times as many young work-
ers will be entering the labor
force as between 1950 and 1960.
The figure will rise from 7.5 mil-
lion to 26 million.
At a time when we are losing
2.08 million jobs a year, we shall
need, merely to keep unemploy-
ment where it is, an average an-
nual increase of more than two

Lithograph by Sandra Zisman

Christmas 'Generation'
Shows Varied Poetry

million additional jobs than we
have now.
Willard Wirtz has said that tech-
nology has reached- the point
where machines have, "on the
average,"ability equivalent to a
high school education.
At current drop-out rates, more
than a third of the 26 million new
workers who will enter the labor
market in the next decade will not
have finished high school. They
will not have the ability Secretary
Wirtz attributes to the average
In 16 states of this country,
more than 10 per cent of the pop-
ulation 18 years of age and older
has had fewer than six years of
schooling. In 11 states, more than
15 per cent is in this educational
condition. In Georgia, Mississippi,
South Carolina and Louisiana, the
proportion rises above 20 per cent.
People who are thrown out of
work by automation cannot get
other jobs. Unemployment in-
creased 40 per cent between 1957
and 1962. But the number of
workers who wereunemployed for
15 weeks or longer increased 100
per cent. The number unemployed
six months or longer increased
150 per cent.
mour and Co. workers laid off in
East St. Louis reported that 42
per cent of the operatives, service
workers and laborers had been
unable to find work.
Economic predictions which do
not take into account this massive
shift that technology has brought
about are not worth the ticker
tape they are printed on.
(Copyright, Los Angeles Times)

Get Away from It All
Gail Evans, Associate City Editor
"GETTING AWAY FROM IT ALL" for a them as an esca
semester might be a real answer to prepare now for
trimester-phobia. applicants seek
Fortunately, the University offers stu- away from ant
dents some tempting alternatives for a University shoul
change of scene, and soon additional ex- to escape, but s
change programs will be available. portunity for st
Right now a student who knows some experiences.
French can spend a year in the south of
France at Aix Marseille University and NOW IS THE T7
wind up with a year of University credit. proposed Ge
Education students can take a semester despite the chai
of work at the University of Sheffield and partment's objet
next fall education juniors or first se- funds from norn
mester seniors will be able to study at the Now is the ti
University of Keele. bilities of starti
Next year the student with a yen to tra- in the Far East.
vel may also be able to attend the Uni- choice since th
versity of Freiburg, if the University's helping that co
newest exchange program gets final ap- institutions and
proval. The proposed student-faculty ex- ment. Another p
change program with Tuskegee Institute stitute cooperat
will allow undergraduates to study at can university.
another American institution in a totally In addition to
different cultural environment. versity's summe
travel in the So
THE UNIVERSITY'S increasing interest panded to inch
in exchange programs demonstrates a since in the fut
concern for broadening the educational regular academi
base of the school. This approach is one
of the ways for a basically conservative STUDY ABROA
university to provide individuals with the in terms of cul
opportunity to lead rather than follow so- ever, inter-insti
ciety, which is a vital educational goal. exchanges with:
A fringe benefit of these programs is also be very ber
that students who may be sick of the tri- society, there is
mester push by their junior year can use can't spend a y


THE CHRISTMAS issue of Gen-i
eration offers a generous va-
riety of artistic expression in sev-
eral modes-drawings, photogra-
phy, prose and poetry, and the
chiefest of these is the poetry.
The poetry is as varied in kind
and quality as the most catholic
taste could wish. The range is from
the brief aphoristic little items by
David Rosenberg to the epic frag-
ment by Jerome Badanes. Mr. Ba-
danes' piece from a long poem,
"Enkidu from the Underworld,"
has the strength of the quasi-
primitive form of expression that
he has appropriately given his
hero, an Orson-Beowulf creature;
the simplicity and force of some
of the passages are admirable.
The elliptical narrative line and
the naive flatness of statement,
reminiscent of ballad and epic,
suitably augment the impression.
J. V. Parbrake's "Strickland and
the Horn" makes good use of
mechanical imagery to express the
nature and experience of his jazzy
mainliner hero "lost in a tunnel
of distended gold." In the ac-
companying poem, "Age in a Poor
City," his sense of appropriate im-
agery-"Lashes splinter, caught in
wax. Lids flex/ And scan the dry
identity of sex"-combines with
his sharp sense of the noise of
wordsto produce the effect.
Many of the lyric poems in this
issue are (suitably) Christmassy
in subject, and the group is un-
even. Meryl Johnson's idea in "The
Angel" ("Among the glitter and
tinsel, behind the mewing/ Mer-
chant, an angel . . .") is marred
by a heavy touch. There is a ten-
dency to overemphasis, to obvious-
ness and prosaic utterance: "A gift
for a family with everything. He
costs seven-fifty./ . . . I do not
have everything. Seven-fifty!." And
her story "The Coat," which is in
some ways very moving, suffers
similarly from heavyhandedness
and a rather too explicit pointing
of its effect sharply at the read-
er's eyeball.
PERHAPS the most satisfactory
are the poems by Nancy Willard,
Tony Stoneburner and Lillian
Hoffman. If the general impression
given by the poetry is somewhat
depressing in its gloomy greyness,
its preoccupation with the grim-
ness of life, there is some joy in
Stoneburner's obvious delight with
the materials of poetry, with his
felicity in managing words. His
"Lambing Season" is seriously
playful as it clicks words tastefully
IF YOU NEVER had the oppor-
tunity to see "The Mouse That
Roared," don't worry-it doesn't
make a bit of difference. "The
Mouse On The Moon," now at the
Campus Theatre, billed as a se-
quel to that movie, retains rela-
tively little of the plot and a fair
amount of the subtle British hum-
or of the earlier "Mouse" epic.
Instead of the trio of stellar
actors which distinguished "The
Mouse That Roared"-Peter Sell-
ers, Peter Sellers and Peter Sell-
ers-"The Mouse On The Moon"
depends for much of its comic con-
tent upon the drollest member of
European royalty to grace the
screen in some time: Gloriana
XIII, Duches of Grand Fenwick.
She is played by Margaret Ruth-
erford as only Margaret Ruther-
ford could.
THE PLOT revolves around the
attempts on the part of the Grand
Fenwick Parliament (which in
general level of efficiency is
quaintly reminiscent of the state
Legislature) to find a way of sav-

ing the country from ruin when
its major (and only) livelihood,
the wine industry, goes up in a
puff of smoke. Count Rupert de-
cides to ask the United States for
a loan for rocket research as a
ruse to get enough money to in-
stall modern plumbing in the
There are several delightful mo-

together and wrenches them into
useful puns. The subject is faint-
ly that of Blake's "Lamb"-but
the noise is different:
... crooked hireling shepherds
who woolgather while to fleece
employer or hobnob together at
guffaw or snigger ...
He has similarly managed his ma-
terial in the moving and econom-
ical "To Find Tongue," but per-
haps has overdone his dexterity
in "Axiom and Idiom."
Lillian Hoffman's sensitive "An-
niversary Poem for J. H." and
"The Ides" exhibit a fairly sure
control and a maturity that give
a gentle but firm strength to her
lyrics. But probably even more
effective is "The Voyage" by Nan-
cy Willard: it is a controlled com-
ment on our anxious age, focusing
on the traveller who had "been/
the shortest route to everywhere,"
and who "hastens home, only to
find/ nothing he knows, and noth-
ing to do but run ..." Miss Wil-
lard makes effective use of an
intricate pattern of rhyme and
off-rhyme, and with that her sen-
sitive handling of rhythm accounts
for the impression of unobtrusive
but strong control.
I WISH I could comment effec-
tively on the drawings and photo-
graphs which alternate with the
literary offerings of this Issue. I
would say only that I found two of
Stuart Klipper's photographs par-
ticularly interesting-two heads of
young women on facing pages,
which are individually striking and
benefit from their fortunate jux-
taposition. And Sandra Zisman's
lithograph strikes me as com-
pelling and dramatic.
Finally, one is grateful for the
spare but rich lines of Mr. Lardas'
translations from George Seferis,
which do what I suppose good
translations ought to do-make us
regret that we cannot read the
original. And we should be grate-
ful also for the thoughtful inclu-
sion of the moving "I Have a
Dream" by the Rev. Martin Luther
King. The issue is a generous one.
-Lyall Powers
At Home
"NcLINTOCK," now showing at
the State Theatre, is an Ayn
Rand-up of a western providing
that old cowboy stars never die
they just Wayne away.
Yup, you guessed it pardner, it's
the master himself. Every star
dreams of that picture written
about him for him by him.Luckily
few ever get the chance. As usual
John Wayne proves the exception.
Wayne (alias McLintock) rides
range on a serious director's night-
mare with all the fury of a charg-
ing buffalo. In spite of himself,
the picture gives foal to a large
fat donkey.
prevents internal strife (stops a
range war from beginning),
soothes the foreign element (Com-
manches), befriends mothers and
widows, provides for his daughter,
dedicates a park to the nation and
tosses his hat for an all time new
He also damns government in-
tervention, preaches, self-depen-
dence and stresses individual
rights. If it weren't for the fact
that hie drinks straight whiskey
straight through the movie and
spanks Maureen O'hara in her
underwear, one could guess an-
other identity is "buried" under
the mud. Even so, the archangel
John rights wrongs, solves prob-
lems and preaches homespun logic
and brings he-man peace to the
once wild west.
Oh, lament for the once wild

west for "McLintock" proves con-
clusively that it is gorse forever.
Miss O'Hara, a perennial victim in
Wayne movies, is more matronly
than any mistress. Chill Wills dod-
ders like an old Walter Brennan
and the Idol itself shows cracks.
Wayne is good proof that heroes


pe. The University should
the inevitable increase in
ing a year or semester
educational factory. The
[d not deplore this desire
hould curry it as an op-
udents to diversify their
IME to give priority to the
rman exchange program,
irman of the German de-
ztion that it would divert
mal teaching.
me to explore the possi-
ng an exchange program
India would be the logical
he University is already
untry develop educational
has ties with the govern-
possibility would be to in-
ion with a South Ameri-
new programs, the Uni-
er program of study and
iviet Union should be ex-
ude the other semesters,
ure the summer will be a
ic unit.
D has definite advantages
tural sophistication; how-
tutional cooperation and
in the United States can
neficial. In a very mobile
no reason why students
ear at another American
out actually transferring.
been several attempts at
operation over the past
;he graduate level there is
on Institutional Coopera-
Big Ten and on the West
n experiment in coopera-


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Editorial Staff

university witho
There have b
institutional co
few years. On ti
the Committeec
tion within the
coast there is a

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