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CJ r
, ir r tgaxt
Slow warming trend,
scattered snow flurries
Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
VOL. LXXIV, No. 77
SGC Backs Plan
For Calendaring
To Establish Central Committee;
Appoint Interviewers for Tribunal
Student Government Council last night endorsed a proposal to
create an all-campus central calendaring committee and expressed
a willingness "to delegate SGC's calendaring powers to such arcom-
Council members agreed, however, that "SGC reserves the func-
tion of negotiation for and recommending late permissions to the
Office of Student Affairs." The
... asks new board
v iew Test
At Harvard
Harvard University faculty mem-
bers hold a broad range of opin-
ions concerning the educational
value of examinations and grades,
a recently-published booklet in-
In the 135-page publication,
"Examining in Harvard College,"
20 professors variously character-
ized the exam as "a silent teach-
er," a "teaching tool in its own
right," a "high fence" designed
to pare away students unable to
survive it and "a device for sim-
plifying academic bookkeeping.''
All agreed that-whatever they
actually are-exams should be
valuable educational devices.
Prof. David Riesman of Har-
vard's sociology department said
"grades play in the academic sys-
tem something of the same role
that money plays in the economic
system: providing comparability
for often incommensurable per-
Prof. Riesman said that "like
money, grades may serve to sug-
gest that all worthwhile perform-
ances are in principle the measur-
able ones."
However, he added, "It seems
possible that we are too large a
college to dispense with this kind
Sof money."
Short Cut
But he warned that the grading
system "is a short cut, not a sub-
stitute for more qualitative and
more differentiated judgments."
Prof. George Wald of the Har-
vard biology department asserted
"there is no way to get along"
without exams. "They are the
point at which what is otherwise
a student-teacher relationship de-
voted to learning enters the mar-
He said that the student is to
an extent a "commodity" which
must be evaluated so that people-
such a graduate schools and em-
ployers-will have criteria for se-
lection in competitive situations.
Eytplains Purpose
Prof. Leon Bramson of the so-
cial relations department, editor
of the volume, said its purpose is
"to stimulate reflection among the
faculty concerning the nature and
potentialities of examinations."
He noted that "the .results of
examinations are frequently of
greater moment to Harvard stu-
dents than in the past."
Commenting on the writings in
the booklet, Prof. Bramson said
some cqntributors "are interested
in potential uses of the examina-
tion which remain as yet unex-
plored. Others try to assess the
utility of time-honored forms" in
the light of recent changes.
Hospital Gets
Kellogg Grant
composition, functions and opera-
tion of the proposed committee
were outlined in a report presented
by Michigan Union President Ray-
mond Rusnak, '64.
Settle Conflicts
The report noted that the com-
mittee would "settle conflicts aris-
ing between different segments of
the University, administer and
coordinate all University calendar-
ing and classify the nature and
priority of events calendared."
It would also "establish rules
concerning granting of permission
to groups for use of University
grounds, buildings and display
areas for purposes of advertising
and promotion" and "coordinate
calendaring of auditoriums."
The composition of the com-
mittee as outlined by Rusnak in-
cludes two students, members of
SGC; two faculty members, named
by the University Senate; and the
vice-presidents for academic af-
fairs and student affairs or their
Under OSA Veep
"The committee should be
placed under the vice-president
for student affairs due to his
"accessibility to needed informa-
tion on student calendaring."
Rusnak pointed out that the in-
clusion of the vice-president for
academic affairs on the committee
would insure that its concerns
would be with the events'of entire
University and not just those of
"The committee shall determine
rules defining and regulating
inter-group events affecting the
entire University," he said.
Last Fling?
Student Government Council
last night approved a 1:30 a.m.
late permission for this Satur-
day. The Office of Student Af-
fairs has already indicated it
will approve the late per.
Following the establishment of
all priorities and related rules, an
administrative secretary to be in
charge of all calendaring would be
Propose Late Pers
SGC would propose late per-
missions on the basis of events
calendared by the committee.
After receiving OSA sanction, the
late permissions would then be
calendared as any other event.
On the basis of Council's ac-
ceptance of the report, Rusnak
will negotiate with Vice-President
for Student Affairs James A. Lewis
and Vice-President for Academic
Affairs to establish formal pro-
cedures for the committee.
In other action, Council ap-
proved the following appoint-
ments to the interviewing com-
mittee for the Membership Tri-
bunal: Gary Cunningham, '66;
Panhellenic Association President
Patricia Elkins, '64; Wilton and
the Executive Committee.
Interviewing will take place at
9 p.m. today.
MSU Eyes
Michigan State University is ex-
ploring the possibility of establish-
ing a two-year graduate medical
school in 1965 which would not
follow the guidelines set up by a
coordinating group of top state
educators last month.
The guidelines had called for
MSU to initiateonly an 18-month
medical education program in
1965, providing for students to
take the final semester of the
second year at the University or
Wayne State University.
However, the contemplated
change from the original guide-
lines would be made only with the
approval of medical educators
throughout the state, MSU Trus-
tee Warren Huff explained.
Co-Ordinating Chairman
Huff is also the chairman of the
Michigan Co-ordinating Council
for Higher Education-the group
of key state educators which es-
tablished the prospective medical
education guidelines contained
within a report unanimously
adopted last month.
The report gave immediate
priority to the Iegislature's meet-
ing earlier commitments to the
University and Wayne State Uni-
versity before any program could
be established at MSU.
However, once the $10 million
promised funds for the Univer-
sity's Medical Science Building
Unit II and commitments to WSU
were met, the 18-month MSU
program could be launched to
help expand enrollment opportun-
ities, the report noted.
125 Slots
Part of a plan to provide for
125 new first-year places in medi-
cal school by 1971, the report ad-
vised MSU to offer a program for
50 M.D. candidates in its Institute
of Biology and Medicine-for 18
WSU expansion would accom-
modate the remaining 75 addition-
al entrants.
The last six months, or more
direct clinical training, would be
offered at the University or WSU,
but an 18-month graduate would
not have to transfer to those
schools, the report said.
In trying to arrange its In-
stitute program-starting with a
class of 25 in 1965-MSU top ad-
ministrative officials do not want
to rule out the possibility of es-
tablishing a full two-year pro-
gram, William Kinsely, the insti-1
tute's director, revealed.
He explained that the advice of
many medical experts and his as-
sessment of the state's graduate
medical education needs have
combined "to make me lean to-
wards the formulation of the full
two-year setup."
It'll Take Time
But Huff emphasized that this'
formulation, including the, selec-
tion of a medical director and
other staff personnel for the pro-
gram as well as the establishment
of curriculum will all take time.
The medical director will be re-
sponsible for the 50 students en-
tering each year in the MSU In-
stitute who are seeking MD de-
grees. The Institute -through a
novel combining of curriculums-
will also offer training to PhD
candidates and veterinary science
students at the graduate level.
They would not transfer after 18
months, however.
In the meanwhile, Huff revealed
his intention to appoint within 30
days a standing medical commit-
tee that will continually evaluate
both the need for change in the
report guidelines and the need for
additional medical facilities. I
Present Research Propo
... hearty endorsement
.Ban Delay
FAt Auburn
By The Associated Press
NEW ORLEANS - The Federal
Appeals Court here refused yes-
terday to deny court-ordered de-
segregation at Auburn University.
By a 2-1 vote, the panel of
the Fifth United States Circuit
Court of Appeals turned down a
motion seeking a delay in effec-
tiveness of the order pending an
United States District Judge
Frank M. Johnson, Jr., issued an
order Nov. 5 barring Dean Wil-
liam V. Parker of the Auburn
graduate school from rejecting the
application of Negro Harold A.
Franklin on grounds he lacked a
degree from an accredited college.
There Isn't Any
However, Johnson overruled
that on grounds that Alabama
does not maintain an accredited
college for Negroes. That ruling
came after a lengthy court hear-
ing in Montgomery.
The court's refusal opens the
way for Franklin now to become
the first Negro ever to be admit-
ted to Auburn.
Auburn President Ralph Draug-
hon warned some 9000 students
in the university's football stad-
ium Tuesday that the school will
put up with no rabble rousers. He
said the school would accept the
court order with dignity.
Board Meeting
In Chicago, the school board
refused by a 4-3 vote to go on
record now in favor of promoting
integration in Chicago public
The board, accused by some
Negroes of fostering segregation
in its schools, met in a long-await-
ed meeting with civil-rights lead-
ers. But the meeting erupted into
a shouting match between a
board member and a civil-rights
Members expressed individual
approval of school integration, but
the majority said there should not
be a policy statement until there
is a program to implement the
And the program, the majority
said, should wait the report early
next year of a panel of outside
experts now studying the problem.
The University and six other
Michigan colleges and universities
bid yesterday for $416,555 in state
funds for research programs cal-
culated to stimulate the Michi-
gan economy and create hundreds
of new jobs.
Representatives of the colleges
and universities presented 11 pro-
posals to accomplish this aim yes-
terday in a public hearing before
the House Committee on Economic
Development and other state leg-
The 11 proposals, selected from
more than 100 originally submit-
ted, are bidding for part of the
$750,000 appropriated by the Leg-
islature to be used for projects de-
signed to stimulate the Michigan
Action Soon
Rep. Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann
Arbor) who heads the committee
which must review the proposals
and then recommend action by the
Legislature, said he expects legis-
lative approval during the current
special session.
The University was represented
at the hearings by Prof. Daniel
B. Suits of the economics depart-
ment and Prof. Alfred W. Swin-
yard of the business administra-
tion school.
Prof. Swinyard commented that
he hopes for prompt approval of
the proposals by the committee
and the Legislature and endorse-
ment from the governor within a
week to 10 days.
Two Projects
The University is asking approv-
al for two projects.
The first, to be headed by Prof.
Swinyard, who is director of the
Bureau of Business Research, in-
volves a detailed study of eco-
nomic development programs so
that these in Michigan can be
made more effective.
Prof. Swinyard explained that
the program would be conducted
by the Bureau of Business Re-
search as a two-fold proposition:
-It would investigate and eval-
uate the "nature and character-
istics of economic development
programs in general at the state
and private-firm level," he said.
-Using the results from this
research, it would then seek to
train Michigan people engaged in
e c onomic development work
through a series of conferences. In
addition, it would encourage other
areas to initiate economic develop-
ment programs of their own.
Econometric Model
The second project will be con-
ducted by the University research
seminar in quantitative economics
and will be headed by Prof. Suits.
It will seek to create an econo-
metric model of the state econo-
my to aid in forecasting trends for
the state which could encourage
Prof. Suits explained that the
research seminar in quantitative
economics has for 12 or 13 years
forecast and analyzed the nation-
al economy from an econometric
model similar to the one it hopes
to establish on the state level.
"The results from our forecast
and analysis have attracted much
attention on the national level
and have been used by business
economists in sales forecasting,"
Prof. Suits commented.
"Our success in doing this has
been so great that now we want
to extend these same statistical
procedures to the state level. The
degree of success we could expect
in this endeavor is unknown, for
it has never b
he added.
He said that
ect has already1
cial backing f
Science Found
asked the Legis
up budget to co
he added.
Farnuin Charges 'M:
Of Michigan Tech f
By The Associated Press
LANSING-State Auditor General Billie Farn
terday an audit shows "misuse" of $29,000 in o
refurnish the president's home at the MichiganC
and Technology at Houghton.
In addition, Farnum said, audits also disclos
totaling $12,364 at three other institutions-Centr
versity, Western Michigan Uni- -
versity and Ferris State College.
Farnum said the audits had
been referred to the attorney gen-
eral's office for action there.
Referring to the irregularities
which he reported uncovered by
the audits, Farnum said, "The sad
oommentary is that they (the in-
stitutions) do not practice the
business methods they teach. We
wish they would."
He reported the $29,000 alleged-
ly misused at Michigan Tech was
paid out of operating funds to
maintenance workers to renovate
a home acquired for President
James R. Van Pelt. Farnum said
the renovating proje.ct never was
approved by the State Board of
Van Pelt replied, "My inter-
pretation of Farnum's exception
is that a work order was not se-
cured. This was a procedural
He said the renovation "was in-
tended to utilize the house until
a mechanical engineering build-
ing was built on the site, which is
quite a few years away."
The auditor general said an
$8,640 shortage was found in
vending machine operations at
Ferris, where, he reported, a hous-
ing accountant involved has ad-
mitted taking the money, has pro-
duced $2,715 and is awaiting
sentence. -
State police are investigating
what Farnum said was a $2,999
shortage in the library account at
Central Michigan. The auditor
general said a woman employe at
Western had paid back $725 miss-
ing from the payroll deduction
account and had been fired.
In revealing the alleged misuses,
Farnum called for the colleges to
adopt a uniform accounting sys-
tem. The legislature has also is-
sued repeated requests that the
higher education institutions work
out uniform accounting methods.
The Michigan Council of State
College Presidents, of which Van
Pelt is chairman, is currently in-
vestigating ways to achieve uni-
form procedures. The major draw-
back to establishing these pro-
cedures has been the inability of
the state - supported schools to
reach standardized definitions on
such terms as credit hours, en-
rollment, and full-time students.
Security Council
9Adopts Move
sals To Condemn
een done before,"
O o the proj-Se r g to
begun with finan-
rom the National Unanimous Resolution
ation. "We hake Takes Stringent Stand;
lature for a back
mplete the work," Receives U.S. Backing
* rare show of unanimity the United
isuse pNations Security Council yesterday
called for a worldwide arms em-
bargo against South Africa to curb
hw Ic enforcement of that country's
U11US . white-supremacy laws.
The 11-nation Council approved
a Norwegian resolution represent-
ing the toughest stand in United
um reported yes- Nations history against South Af-
perating funds to rica's policy of apartheid, or rigid
College of Mining segregation.
Objections by East and West to
;ed cash shortages various portions of the draft were
rd MchisagUni- dropped at the last minute to clear
ral Michigan U the way for the unanimous appro-
val which previous resolutions on
apartheid failed to receive.
Halt All Shipments
The Norwegian resolution asked
all nations halt shipments of sup-
plies to South Africa's arms in-
dustry as well as arms themselves.
United States Chief Delegate
Adlai E. Stevenson gave the draft
unqualified support. He said the
United States would have agreed
to the arms embargo independ-
ently, even without Council ap-
The United States has agreed to
halt all arms shipments to South
Africa by Dec. 31.
Stevenson recalled that "Presi-
dent Lyndon B. Johnson's first
message to our Congress featured
a moving call for action to wipe
out the remnants of racial dis-
crimination in this country. No
less is our opposition to racial dis-
crimination anywhere."
E HAUNRelease Prisoners
*iF HroaThe Norwegian proposal also in-
eive proposal cluded an appeal to South Africa
to release prisoners arrested and
held without trial for opposing
apartheid. In addition, it reflect-
ed the Scandinavian concern for
Its constructive steps by calling for a
U.N. committee of experts to visit
South Africa and smooth the way
ine Role for a peaceful transition to a mul-
tiracial society.
South Africa has ignored 27
LYN KORAL previous General Assembly and
sidents of Oxford two Council resolutions on apar-
sked the Office of theid in the past.
s to define their The Soviet Union and independ-
ear delineation of ent African states objected to the
hority and auton- provision for a study group as a
delaying tactic. Britain supported
we couldn't stay the embargo on arms used for
tion because we're enforcing apartheid but defended
1 and weren't one the right to supply arms for
e halls chosen to South African defense from out-
eley House Presi- side aggression.
eyes, '64, said yes- All Shelved
All reservations were shelved,
ivileges have been however, at the appeal of Norway,
rounds that Seeley to pave the way for unanimous
ent building, she adoption.
The 32 African and Asian states
Requests which brought the issue to the
Council preferred harsher meas-
submitted Friday, ures such as a total embargo on
committee and its trade with South Africa.
s cosonantdwthe But they relented when it be-.
sonsnterprati came apparent that South Africa's
ments: leaving the major trading partners - the
United States and Britain-viewed
or vaction periods; s
deliveries, and al- tuch action as illegal and ineffec-
ly facilities due to
in each apartment.
was sent to Uni- SGC Refuses
Director Eugene
assistant Director To Dec y ij lov
he relativeauton- Against Unon
nent women and
art states, "A dis-
arisen concerning Student Government Council
House is an 'apart- last night voted against sending
r an 'apartment- a telegram to B. J. Vorster, minis-
hall. We are told ter of justice of the Union of
licies are in effect South Africa, protesting the ex-
a residence hail, pected curtailment of activities of
sing of Seeley dur- the National Union of South Afri-
he participation in can Students.
cil and other resi- The proposed telegram, submit-
ities, and the pro- ted by the Committee on the Unit-
veries. ed States National Students Asso-
ter hand, we can ciation, read as follows: "The Stu-
e rooms, purchase dent Government Council of the
~University of Michigan strongly
ORD, Page 2 protests any action by the South
African government to curtail the
.t Plan freedom of association of South
African students. As members of
... to rec
To Def
Apartment re
Project have as
Student Affairs
role through cl
residential auth
"They said
opened for vacw
a residence hal
of the residenc
keep open," Se
dent Priscilla K
But other pr
denied on the g
is an apartm
In a proposal
Seeley's steering
graduate adviso
specific request
the residents'o
of Oxford Apart
building open fo
permission forE
location of stud
the small spacei
The proposal
versity Housing
Haun and A
Charlene Coady
Concerning t
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Seeley, the rep
crepancy has
whether Seeley.I
ment house' o
type' residence.
that certain po.
because this is
such as the clos
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Assembly Coun
deuce hall activ
hibition on deli
"On the oth
have men in ou:
Back Me
Cover Reflects Generation's Venturesome Poetry
::.:. . :. . .By GAIL BLUMBERG
The starkly simple cover of Generation, the campus inter-arts
magazine, is representative of the tone of the December issue which
goes on sale today.
The same sort of clarity and precision as are evident in the cover
seem to be in all of the art and poetry of this issue, editor George
White, '65, commented.
"We had a great deal of art and poetry that was both precise
and venturesome and so we decided to place the emphasis on them,"
White remarked.
Definite Emphasis
There will also be a definite field of emphasis in the coming
issues of Generation, he added.
The main substance of the magazine is poetry. A translation of
three poems by this year's Nobel prize winner, George Seferis, is!
included in the collection as well as works by former Hopwood award
winners, Jerome Badanes and Nancy Willard.
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