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PAGE IX Tl 111MTCVi .. .A13 fLATT .U7 J.'LE'T 1 W 'A
Wh"'Nr. UAY, IPLUL31131r1G 4, 1963
'M' Winds Up 3-4-2 Season
Keating and O'Donnell
Chosen in Both Leagues
Home Meet Tests Swimmers
It was a season of almost but
not quite, that. is perhaps the best
way to describe Michigan's 19631
gridiron performance.
While the 3-4-2 record and a tie
for fifth place in the Big Ten
is nothing to really get excited
about, most Michigan followers
would be quick to admit that the
team's showing this fall was by far
an improvement over 1962 when
the Wolverines managed only two
victories in nine contests.
In commenting upon the season,
Michigan Coach Bump Elliott said
he was "pleased with the prog-
ress and the way the team played."
'Our regret is that the record
couldn't be better," he added.
Upsets Satisfying
Elliott called the upset wins
over Northwestern and brother
Pete's Illinois team the most satis-
fying moments of the year. On the
other side of the coin, the losses
to Minnesota and Ohio State were
"extremely disappointing," he
The latter two contests are espe-
cially indicative of Michigan's grid
plight in '63. Against the Gophers,
the maize and blue pushed Min-
nesota all over the field in the
second half but couldn't erase the
big "zero" on its side of the score
board. As a result Michigan drop-
ped a 6-0 contest and lost a
chance to claim the Little Brown
Jug for the first time since 1958.
Last Saturday's 14-10 defeat at
the hands of Woody Hayes' Ohio
State Buckeyes was another case
of a determined Michigan squad
falling just short of victory. It was
no secret that Elliott and the
squad were anxious to revenge the
50-20 and 28-0 beatings handed
to them by the High Street boys
in the last two years. However,
the old hand of fate was again
cruel to the Wolverines.
Although there were disappoint-
ing moments during the season,
two accomplishments made an
otherwise drab season fairly suc-
cessful. The 14-8 victory over Big
Ten titlist Illinois was the only
blemish on the Illini's record, oth-
er than a tie with Ohio State.
Equally gratifying was the 7-7
deadlock with Michigan State, who
finished second in the Big Ten
race. No other club in the confer-
ence came close to achieving that
Lacking the breakaway speed of
a McRae or a Raimey, Elliott
shifted his emphasis this fall to
power football. The'shift began to
pay big dividends in the later
half of the season as Mel Anthony
developed into a powerful running
fullback and quarterback Bob
Timberlake displayed some excit-
ing moments on pass-run option
Anthony ended the season as
Michigan's top ground gainer with
399 yards in 103 rushes for a 3.5
average. The Cincinnati junior
also scored five touchdowns.
Certainly a cheerful note for
Elliott and his staff was the emer-
gence of Timberlake as a top
notch Big Ten quarterback. After
spending much of his time in the
first three games nursing a
shoulder injury, the lanky signal
caller came off the bench in the
second half. of the Purdue game
to direct the Wolverines to a pair
of touchdowns. He was an impor-
tant cog in Michigan's 27-7 upset
over Northwestern and played ex-
tremely well in both the Iowa and
Ohio State games.
Nebraska Tickets
Student and faculty tickets
can be obtained at the athletic
ticket office for coupons on
Thursday for Friday night's
game with Nebraska.
On the season Timberlake com-
pleted 47 of 98 passes for 593 yards
and three touchdowns. He also
racked up 231 yards on 98 carries
and scored 27 points on two touch-
downs, 12 extra points and one
field goal.
One of the most exciting players
on the Michigan squad this fall
was junior end John Henderson.
After sitting out last season due to
ineligibility, the speedy flanker
picked off 24 passes for 301 yards
and four touchdowns.
While the 1964 season may seem
a long way off, Elliott is optimis-
tic about next year. "Generally
speaking," says the Michigan
coach, "there is a solid nucleus
to begin with next year."
Returning next fall will be a
core of over 20 lettermen, includ-
ing 9 of the 11 starters from this
year's squad. The big losses will
be tackle Tom Keating and guard
Joe O'Donnell. "You don't lose
two ball players the caliber of
Keating and O'Donnell and not
feel it," says Elliott.
Although a lot of things can
happen ,between now and next
September, things definitely look
bright for Bump Elliott and his
Wolverines in 1964.
Michigan captain Joe O'Donnell y
and standout tackle Tom Keating players
both figured in the draft choices 'rounds:
of both major football leagues.
The National Football League's DETRO(
Minnesota Vikings took the 242- Matt Sn
pound Keating in the fourth din-simm
round of choices, and the Ameri- from Ph
Iowa g; D
can Football League's Kansas City SAN F]
Chiefs chose Keating in the fifth as Tech
round. Keating was later traded qb; Dav
to the Buffalo Bills, who also Mudd, H
chose O'Donnell. braska g
Green Bay picked O'Donnell for lege qb;
their third choice in the excep- PurdueH
tionally long draft sessions. O'- zona Sta
Donnell and Keating were out- 3rd choi
standing players for the Wol- Dame b;
verines, and were the only seniorsT DALLA
on the starting team. LMel Ren
Michigan's John Houtman was traded.
also picked by Cleveland in the t; Hal
14th round, and former Wolverine Auburn
end Doug Bickle was chosen by LOS A
Detroit, after closing out his State qb
senior year at Hillsdale in De- Brown,
trop. Texas b;
(4 choic
Given below are the drafting round ch
choices through the first three son, MSU
rounds, plus choices of Big Ten, b; Tony
Notre Dame, and Michigan school, choice t
Roger Lo
Keating Chosen 1963 Herschel
Most Valuable Player Notre Da
Standout senior tackle Tom PITTSB
Keating has been chosen Michi- Jim Kelly
, Penn sta
gan's most valuable player for the Tom Jen
1963 football season by his team- CLEVEL
mates. statehb;
Keating developed into an out- traded; J
standing tackle during the 1962 Nicer; J
season after having played 127 homa h;
minutes in his sophomore year. 3rd choi
Keating captained his high school state b.
team at St. Mel's in Chicago dur- Jon Mor
ing his senior year. He came to Mississip]
Michigan weighing 225, but by the MICHIGA
beginning of fall practice this year Christian
Costa, N
he was up to 242. Wisconsi
He made exceptional progress Michigan
during last year's spring practice 'CHICA
and became one of the few seniors Bill Mar
to have received the Myer Morton Clemson1
trophy which is presented to the Blanks, ',
most improved player in spring hb; Fran
Jones. V
practice. Northwes
Keating and captain Joe O'Don- George B
nell were the only seniors on the -
starting team this year. Both have Ci
been named to the All Big Ten Navy 7'
rosters. Okaho
through the
first 16
OIT-Pete Beathard, USC qb;
orton, MSU e; Pat Batten, Har-
mons hb (3rd round choice
iladeiphia); Waly Hilgenberg,
Doug Bickie, Hillsdale e.
RANCISCO - Dave Parks, Tex-
e; George Mira, Miami (Fla)
e Wilcox, Oregon e; Howard
illsdale g,
DELPHIA - Bob Brown, Ne-
; Jack Concannon, Boston Col-
3rd choice traded; Tom Boris,
INGTON-Charles Taylor, Ari-
te hb; Paul Krause, Iowa hb;
ce traded; Jim Snowden, Notre
iGene Donaldson. Purdue b;
cDonald, Notre Dame b.
S - Scott Appleton, Texas t;
nfro, Oregon hb; 3rd choice
ESOTA-Cari Eller, Minnesota
Bedsole, USC e; George Rose,
b; Tom Keating, MICHIGAN t.
ANGELES-Bill Munson, Utah
bJohn Mims, Rice t; Willie
;SC b; Jerry Richardson, West
; Roger Pillath, Wisconsin t
es in third round after 3rd
;oice traded); Herman John-
U b.
(MORE-Marv Woodson, Indiana
Lorick, Arizona State b; 3rd
raded; Ed Lothamer, MSU t;
pes. MSU b.
LUIS-Ken Kortas,Louisville t;
Turner. Kentucky t; Rene
me, LSU t; George Bednar,
me g; Bob Johnson, Wisconsin
BURGH-Paul Martha, Pitt hb;
y, Notre Dame e; Ralph Baker,
ate hb; Bob Sherman, Iowa b;
kins, Ohio State g.
,LAND - Paul Warfield, Ohio
Bill Truax, LSU e; 3rd choice
Dick Van Raaphorst, Ohio State
ohn Houtman, MICHIGAN t.
YORK-Joe Don Looney, Okla-
)Steve Thurlow, Stanford hab;
ce traded; Matt Snell, Ohio
BAY-Lloyd Voss, Nebraska t;
ris, Holy Cross c; Ode Burrell,
pi State b; Joe O'Donnell,
AN g; Tom Crutcher, Texas
a b (3 3rd-round choices); Paul
otre Dame b; Ken Bowman,
n c; Jack Mauro, Northern
t; Tom O'Grady, Northwestern
GO-Dick- Evey, Tennessee t;
tin, Ga. Tech e; Pat Crain,
b; (2 2nd round choices); Sid
Texas A&I b; Mike Reilly, Iowa
nk Budka, Notre Dame b; Jin
Wisconsin e; Chuck Logan,
stern e; Cloyd Webb, Iowa e;
Burman, Northwestern t.
sota 61, Iowa State 54
7, Baltimore University 60
ma State 83, So. Illinois 54
Michigan's Gus Stager and
Michigan State's Charles McCaf-
free are conducting a two part
swimming experiment, the first
half to be staged this Saturday
afternoon in the Matt Mann Pool.
The event is known as the Mich-
igan College Swim Meet. A sec-
ond Michigan College Meet has
been scheduled for East Lansing
on March 12.
It is an experiment for two rea-
sons. First, the competition is de-
signed for all swimmers, freshman
and varsity, at all junior colleges,
colleges, and universities in Mich-
Second, there will be no separ-
ate preliminary and final heats.
Places in all events will be decid-
ed on a time basis with the fastest
swimmers seeded together in the
same heat.
MSU Adds Interest
"Spectator-wise this meet will
be interesting for everyone," Sta-
ger said. "With just our varsity
and freshmen alone this would be
a good meet. But with all the
Michigan State swimmers coming
and the other swimmers from
around the state the meet should'
be outstanding."
Because freshmen are competing
along with varsity swimmers
without AAU sanction in the meet,
Stager and McCaffree checked
with William R. Reed, Big Ten
athletic commissioner, to see if
this was in accord with the con-
ference rules. Reed consulted with
Walter Byers, NCAA executive di-
rector, to find out the NCAA regu-
lations on the subject.
Both Reed and Byers agreed
that freshmen could compete in
the meet without jeopardizing
their eligibility if two conditions
were met. The first was that the
meet has to be closed to just
swimmers from Michigan junior
colleges, colleges, and universi-
mers in the state added oppor-
tunity for competition. Stager for-
sees no federation movement to
seize control of the sport from
the AAU like the attempt that has
been made in track. One reason
Stager gave is that women and
the younger swimmers in the age
group programs depend almost en-
tirely on the AAU for support.
Continue in AAU's ,
The Michigan squad will con-
tinue to compete in AAU events
in addition to its participation in
the two college meets. On the
weekend before last S t a g e r
brought his varsity and freshmen
to the Michigan AAU Champion-
ships outside of Detroit.
Stager pointed out that there
are few AAU meets that have good
enough competition to challenge
the Michigan swimmers. Even the
state AAU Championships were
somewhat disappointing since all
the Michigan State swimmers did
not enter the meet.
This defect will be remedied in
Saturday's meet. The inclusion of
Michigan State swimmers in the
meet makes it the toughest event
that the Wolverines have entered
so far in the young season.
(Box office opens Monday)
...swim coach
B thus, Eller Named AP
Co-Linemen of the Week
ties. Secondly, no team scores
could be kept. Also Reed cautioned
that mixed relays of freshmen and
varsity swimmers would not be al-
The two Michigan College Meets
were designed to give college swim-
By The Assotiated Press
The best lineman in college foot-
ball last week turned out to be
In a rare occurence, Lineman
of the Week honors are shared to-
day by a pair of behemoths from
the Big Ten Conference - line-
backer Dick Butkus of Illinois and
tackle Carl Eller of Minnesota.
Both were so outstanding in
leading their teams to important
Thanksgiving Day victories that
it was impossible to award one the
edge. So for the first time this
season they were selected by The
Associated Press to share jointly
the mythical laurel wreath that
goes to the normally unsung de-
One Man Gang
Butkus, 6-foot-3, 234-pound jun-
ior center from Chicago, was de-
scribed as a "One Man Gang" in
Illinois' 13-0 triumph over Michi-
gan State at East Lansing that
brought the Illini the Big Ten
championship and a trip to the
Rose Bowl.
Eller, 6-5, 245-pound tackle from
Winston-Salem, N.C., proved to be
a ton of dynamite in Minnesota's
14-0 triumph over Wisconsin at
Eller proved a titan of defensive
strength in the Minnesota-Wis-
consin game. He was the princi-
pal figure in a Minnesota goal-line
stand that smacked down three
Wisconsin rushes from the one
near the end of the first half. He
threw quarterback Harold Brandt
for an eight-yard loss when the
Badgers were threatening on an-
other occasion.
Deflected Pass
The big tackle also deflected a
Brandt pass which teammate Bob
Bruggers intercepted to end Wis-
consin's last threat. He capped
his performance by grabbing a 12-
yard pass on a tackle eligible play
late in the game.
"I don't believe there's a better
football player in the country,"
said Minnesota Coach Murray
Warmath. "He's tremendous."
Warmath might be slightly prej-
udiced, but not Coach Milt Bruhn
of Wisconsin, who said :
"He's great-he and Dick But-
kus of Illinois are the outstand-
ing players in the Big Ten."
Butkus Stops Lopes, Lewis
Butkus lived up to this praise in
the game against Michigan State.
He was given a large share of the
credit for Illinois' fine defensive
performance against one of the
nation's more explosive offensive
Every time MSU fullback Roger
Lopes pounded into the line he
found Butkus waiting for him.
Speedy Sherman Lewis was limit-
ed to 58 yards on 13 carries.
Mr. Richard D. Crable, Director of Recruitment and Placement
will be available for interviews regarding the Michigan Civil Ser-
vice Commission College Graduate Training Program on Decem-
ber 5, 1963.
$5,805 and $6,118 annually, increasing at the end of one year
to $6,473 and $6,849 annually, respectively.
To be scheduled for interview, contact Placement Office.
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ALL BIG TEN CHOICES-Pictured is the first team of the AP 1963 All Big Ten Team. Michigan is represented by captain Joe 0'-
Donnell, while tackle Tom Keating was picked for the second team. In reverse fashion, the UPI picked Keating to the first squad
berth in their poll, and placed O'Donnell on the second team. The two seniors paced the Wolverine line this season.
- - -- - - °_" ° j
Alouettes Hope for Bork;
Alou Sold to Milwaukee
Sign up at the
offered by the Michigan Union
By The Associated Press
MONTREAL -Coach JimTrim-
ble of the Canadian Football
League Montreal Alouettes said
yesterday he hopes to sign North-
ern Illinois passing ace George
Trimble said he had been in
Excelsior Springs, Mo., Saturday
to see Bork pass his team to a 21-
14 victory in the Mineral Water
Trimble said chances of landing
Bork improved when both the
American and National Football
Leagues failed to claim him in
their drafts. Trimble said the U.S.
teams apparently aren't too in-
terested because of his size, 170
Pounds, 6-foot-2.
Alou Traded to Milwaukee
SAN DIEGO - "The perfect
This is what baseball observers
It's attention to details that
called the seven-player swap that
sent Milwaukee catcher Del Cran-
dall and pitchers Bob Hendley and
Bob Shaw to the San Francisco
Giants for star outfielder Felipe
Alou, catcher Ed Bailey, pitcher
BillyHoeft and a fourth player to
be named later.
Giants and Braves officials ex-
pressed complete satisfaction with
the trade, which they claimed fill-
ed in all the empty spots.
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