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December 03, 1963 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-12-03

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give him
breathin' brushed pigskin by Wolverine
olive green, houn' dawg, grey, sage brush
He'll love their carefree, breezy looks, their light-as-air
casualness (they weigh only 12 ounces each), and the
way they shrug off dirt and water. So easy to keep clean,
too. A simple brushing does it. Comes with springy
crepe sole, steel shank support. Sizes and widths to fit
itleccia Brothers
1109 South University in Campus Village

Spices FlavorDecors, Too
cherry peppers and garlic bulbs with chicken wire and stuff it
An apple a day keeps the doctoi from the top shelf of your cup- with pine cones and ooloredleaves.
away. And if you stick cloves in board and attach them to a sty- Wall Tree
yhapr it lens dholiday cheer rofoam ring with hairpins or paper If you can't find room for a tree
Christmas this year can mean clips on the floor or a table, hang one
a chance to get rid of the spices That parsely you bought the on the wall where the paper is
and herbs you brought in Septem- other day on sale can grace your starting to peel. Simply shape wire
ber to flavor the exotic dishes you table even if your apartment mates into a hollow half cone, attach
planned to experiment with. won't eat it. They can feast their cedar branches with florists wire,
Hang the clove-covered apples, eyes on a Christmas tree center- and decorate with paper clip
called spicy pomanders, in strate- piece, made by shaping the greens chains.
gic places around your apartment. on a pipe cleaner form set in a To build-in a tree, clear out
A medieval superstitution saysr t small flower pot. Cranberries pro- one side of your book shelves.
that the decorations guard against vide the trimmings. Outline a tree with colored tape
infection. While you are in a tree-making extended from the top to the
Make a Wreath mood, construct an ultra-modern bottom level. Small candles and
An herb wreath on your door one. Start by nailing three long pine cones set on the shelves or
will scare away the evil spirits. poles to a plywood disk so they ribbon balls taped on the under
Take bay leaves, oregano, dried meet at the top. Cover the form sides provide the trimmings.
77-_Making ribbon balls is as easy
as making mud pies. All you do is
blow up a balloon and wrap
w stick-to-itself" ribbon around it,
leaving spaces. Soak the ribbon
LAYAWAY SHOPPING to stiffen it and, when dry, pun-
LA AI A S O PI Gture the balloon. Use the vari-
W EAQS SIIIOPPING ! colored balls on your tree or to
dress up your naked light bulbs.
Has Christmas got you up a tree has gifting Window Decorations
got you guessing? Then take a tip from smart While you're still feeling like a
Santas who know we're sparkling with Christmas kid in a third grade art class,
give vent to your creative urge
ideas. Bring your gift list and take full advantage with scissors and coloredtissue
of our lay-away plan . . . it's easy shopping . . paper. Cut out snowflakes and
other abstract designs and glue
and so convenient! We'll be open the following them to your windows with diluted
nights before CHRISTMAS: rubber cement.
Mon., Dec. 2 Fri., Dec. 6 Different colored shapes pasted
over one another achieve inter-
9:30 AM Mto 8:30 P.M . Mon. thru Fri. esting effects. If you're really am-
Dec. 16 Dec. 20 bitious, try covering a whole win-
M Dec. 23 dow for a stained glass look.
on., eIf you're lucky enough to re-
ceive Christmas cards, an unusual
BARNA D' CasPway to display them is to tape
them to the wall in the shape of
S111 S. University Ave. aa Christmas tree. Or you can
cover up that dark, ugly wood-
~ -- ' work with colorful cards. Some
students string the cards across
the ceiling on string or thin wire.

Plan To See
Historic Sites
The International Center will
sponsor a 17-day tour of the east-
ern United States over the Christ-
mas holiday.
The tour, called a "Holiday
Through History," is designed to
give participants an insight into
the historical heritage of the Unit-
ed States.
Starting from Ann Arbor the
tour will swing down through
Philadelphia to Williamsburg, Va.,
where the first representative as-
sembly was instituted in the West-
ern Hemisphere. It will then pro-
ceed to Washington where talks
with congressmen on current is-
sues will occur.
Other points on the itinerary
will be Gettysburg, New York City,
the Erie Canal and Niagara Falls.
Sandy Adams of the Interna-
tional Center will conduct the
tour. Adams says that it will meet
a real need of foreign students-
that of getting an informal view of
the formative factors of our na-
The cost is $162.50 for each stu-
dent which may be eased in cer-
tain cases through a travel sti-
Other activities the Internation-
al Center will sponsor over the
holidays are shorter trips to Lans-
ing and Detroit. Students who are
interested in travellingacross the
United States independently can
find help there in arranging ac-
commodations with local families
at their various stops.
"Foreign students will be re-
turning to their homelands and
will have to talk about America
for the rest of their lives," he said.
In January the Center will be
holding a weekend conference on
"The Problems of the Multi-Cul-
tural State."

ti TIul At' i 'u'1mT 91fL9L x J.S 8, A'JUJ. d1VDh lEb3L~U J U
Boy's Eyes Show Joy


CHILD'S HOPE - To the child Christmas is a time of joy and
expectation. An hour or two in toyland fills this boy's mind with
eager thoughts of the toys he hopes to find beneath the tree on
Christmas morning.
Ann Gwirtzman and Margaret Lowe,
Edward Reynolds John Kenny and
Karen Weinhouse
13507 Michigan Avenue 214 S. Fourth Avenue
Dearborn, Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan
LU 1-6366 665-5644
10% Bonus on Knitting Supplies
with this ad!



the newest idea in a ski jacket ... the QUILTED STRETCH
One of the best ideas we've seen too ... it was the sensation of the ski show. The stretch is actually quilted in to the
100% nylon fabric, it hugs you but never binds, moves with you in every motion. It's feather-light, water-repellent, with

Also black-loden-cactus
light blue-brown......


hidden hood and Dacron fill, and McGregor makes it. We're


Black or White.. ..

Pnthiisintic Annt thkiwqikpt- wp have it for Him and Her. In hlack E:RM, M I


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