THE MICHIGAN DAILY .. nomney Views On Ref o END SEGREGATION: Rig hts Groups Push Action By ANDREW ORLIN More than 100,000 marchers are expected Wednesday to enter the nation's capital to urge legislative action by the federal government, climaxing a summer of racial pro- tests, demonstrations and general unrest throughout the country. Here in Ann Arbor, pickets have demonstrated Monday nights in front of city hall for a "strong Fair Housing Ordinance." An or- dinance, much milder than the one hoped for, was passed on first reading on July 29. For this pro- posal to become law it will have to 'be passed on second reading in September. Detroit was also the scene of demonstrations. In one, approxi- mately 250,000 persons turned out to hear speakers protest segrega- tion in the South and urge for more action in the North. It was one of the largest of its kind to date and was entirely peaceful. Other Action But while demonstrations in Ann Arbor and Detroit have been of an orderly nature, this has not been true in many other sections of the country. The cities of Charleston, Sa- vanah, Cambridge, Farmville, Bal- timore, New York and many others have made headlines for civil dis- orders. Cambridge, Md., was put under martial law on two separate oc- cosions in as many months. Biracial Group Charleston was hit by violent protests and tempers only. eased when a biracial committee was formed to act on the protests. In Farmville, Va., Negroes were arrested after a kneel-in at a Baptist Church. Farmville is situ- ated in Prince Edward County, where public schools have been" closed ever since the federal courts ordered them to integrate. New York saw demonstrations, pickets and civil protests calling Ladies' & Men's Hairstyling & Cutting A SPECIALTY- The Dascola Barbers Near Michigan Theatre -Associated Presi CONFLICT-An integrationist demanding an end to segregation and a member of the Ku Klux Klan represent two sides of a struggle for an increased place for the Negro in American life. Ideas Faxes' To Narrow Eight Plans To Proposal To Seek Revisions At Special Session Eight fiscal reform plans will be narrowed to one as Gov. George Romney prepares to over- haul the state's tax structure at a special session of the Legisla- ture in mid-September. It won't be easy. With the auto- mobile companies having , two good years in a row, the sales tax has poured in enough money to slash the state's $85 million deficit to $30 million. Optimistic estimates predict that the'deficit could be wiped out next year. Further, the income tax, the base of any akely fiscal reform program, stil -has many powerful enemies in'he Legslature Sen. C ly d e Geerlings (R-Holland), chairman of the key Senate tax- ation committee and a long-time foe of the state income tax, has already declared he would vote against one in committee. ieer- lings favors expanded taxing pow- er for local governments. Tax NeedsI The increasing tax needs of cities and school districts also imperil fiscal reform plans. South- eastern Michigan school districts, reeling after a series of damaging millage election defeats, are par- ticularly looking for a cut of any new state income tax. A referendum petition calling for the Legislature to limit De- troit's city income tax to its 1esi- dents also complicates fiscal re- form consideration. The Vigilance Tax Committee of suburban De- troit mayors is angry at the levy- ing of the city tax on non-resi- dents who work in the city. Romney's political machinery in the Legislature is also not in per- fect working order. GOP caucus leader Sen. Stanley G. Thayer(R- Ann Arbor) has quelled a minor revolt of freshmen Republican senators who asserted they were not being sufficiently heard in party councils. Need Votes Five of the six are moderate Republicans counted on in any in- come tax showdown. Their votes also , prop up Romney's Senate leadership. In the House, neither Speaker Allison Green (R-Kingston) nor tax committee chairman Rep. James Folks (R-Horton) a r e known for their enthusiasm either about fiscal reform or an income tax. Romney spent the summer con- ferring first with state civic and pressure group leaders then with GOP legislators. He held a final round of conferences with the GOP legislative leaders and the Senate and House taxation com- mittees Aug. 7 and 8. Tentative decisions were made there, but nothing final is ex- pected until Romney returns frcm a European trip in late August, early September. Eight Plans Romney's eight alternative pro- posals include: 1) Repeal of the business ac- . tivities tax and reduction of the franchise tax by two mills and an imposition of a six per cent busi- ness income tax bringing a net gain of $11.6 million to the state treasury; 2) A local option plan to allow counties or cities t? initiate an in- come tax of up to two per cent to be used for schools and the run- ning of local governments. By lim- iting state support in these areas, See ROMNEY, Page 8 A proposed fair housing ordi- nance, designed to end housing discrimination in Ann Arbor, has been the main issue of a quiet.local summer. Two proposed drafts of the measure have been presented to city council. The first was merely a set of suggested revisions pro- posed by the council's fair housing committee. The second was a final revision of the March, 11 draft and replaced that draft as the first read version of the ordinance. Federally-assisted housing was dropped from ordinance coverage as the fair housing committee asserted that President John F. Kennedy's order of last November forbidding discrimination in fed- eral housing funds covered this area. Add Coverage Rooming units, real estate brok- ers and salesmen and "person," as defined in the city charter, were added to the ordinance coverage. So was discriminatory advertis- ing practices. The document now includes five or more housing units owned by the same person or firm, financial institutions, as well as these new provisions. However, some opponents of this draft say that the ordinance would only cover 20 to' 30 per cent of housing in Ann Arbor and would afford no real protection against discrimination. No Coverage? They charge that the ordinance does notinclude the types of hous- ing that should be covered. Exemptions have also b e e n changed in the revised draft. Only tenants who live in the same build- ing as the owner are exempted. This provision limited to struc- tures with six or less units. The enforcement section of the ordinance has been revised con- siderably in each draft presented to council. The ordinance is de- signe dto conciliatory rather than punitive. Complaints would be filed with Human Relations Commission who would attempt to enforce the ordi- nance by negotiation. If this ap- proach failed, the commission would' turn the complaint over to the city attorney for court action. If the city attorney has a case, it would be taken to municipal court where the offender could face a $100 fine. No Jail Term In the suggested revisions to the March 11 draft, the offender would face also a jail term and the city attorney could seek an injunction preventing any action that would nullify the case-such as renting the disputed housing unit-until it was closed. The new first-read draft drops provisions and limits injunctions to second offenders. The enforce- ment section would not become effective until six months after the ordinance takes effect. This has brought charges from supporterssof a stronger ordinance that the ordinance protects the prejudiced interests more than the discriminated that it is designed to help. Council Review The ordinance would also be subject to council review a year after it goes into effect. Every Monday night during the summer, the Ann Arbor Area Fair Housing Association-Congress on Racial Equality has picketed city DRAFT ORDINANCE: City Council Debate s Fair Housing Bill RESERVE NOW FOR TIHE 1963-64 SEASON! " * . THEA COMPANY r ~IN A FALL FESTIVAL OF FOUR PLAYS TRUEBLOOD THEATRE OCTOBER 7-DECEMBER 15 .izo "One of the Nation's Great Companies- Brilliant Broadway PlayersF' DETROIT FREE PRESS hall for a stronger ordinance and asked council to hold an ad protesting delays in its passing vote on the question. and secret council meetings on the Council is a 1 s o atteim subject. whether to limit new apar The Washtenaw County - Ann construction to the campus-t Arbor Council of Churches, the town area or allow such bul Washtenaw Conference on Reli- in all parts of the city. No gion and Race, 31 local clergymen sion as yet has been made. and the local Democrats have The new city hall was oper spoken out for a strong ordinance, late May and by mid-summf The Ann Arbor Board of Real- entire city government mov tors has opposed the ordinance, the six-story structure. citing a 10-point property owner's The new building houses a "bill of rights," stressing the '.departments, except fire an "right" to sell property to whom- ities. It also contains an+ ever the owner pleases, issued the gency civil -defense comman national board of realtors in late in the basement. It can hou June.dcity officials for two weeks Fifteen-hundred residents have event of an atomic attack. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS! Regular Festival Members: 20l f Student Festival Members: 40% off CHOICE SEATS & DATES! Now at P.T.P. office Mendelssohn Theatre $5.00-PLEDGE NOW! Holds Fall Reservation. or Send for Brochure With Schedules & Prices PROFESSiONAL THEATRE PROGRAM MENDELSSOHN THEATRE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN Gentlemen: Please send Fall Festival information. Name: Address: for more jobs for Negroes and Puerto Ricans. Work at construc- tion sites was disrupted as pickets paraded in front of them. Amusement Park The Gwenn Oaks Amusement. Park outside of Baltimorenwas the scene of another. violent racial demonstration whichiwas settled when the owners agreed to inte- grate. Meanwhile in Washington, Pres- ident John F. Kennedy presented an expanded civil rights program to Congress. The bill with its con- troversial public accommodations provisions caused many Southern governors to make comments be- fore Congress to win them votes at home and scorn elsewhere. A Senate filibuster is expected when these measures reach the floor. The bill calls for the end of racial discrimination in places of public accommodation; addition of $400 million to next years budget in training and expanding em- ployment for young people; au- thorization of the attorney gen- eral to institute court actions to desegregate public schools; crea- tion of a federal community re- lations committee in local com- munities to ease racial tension; and enactment of a law which makes it clear that the federal government is not required to furnish funds for any program where discrimination occurs. Southern Governors Governors Ross Barnett and George Wallace of Mississippi and Alabama respectively blamed the entire racial conflict on the ad- ministration. Gov. Wallace had already made a -name for himself by "standing in the schoolhouse door," much to the dismay of University of Ala- bama officials, to prevent the en- trance of James Hood and Vivian Malone, j two Negroes, onto the campus. With the approach of the national guard, Wallace and his cohorts walked briskly to their waiting cars and the two students were admitted without incident. Some legislators seek to enact the accommodations section under See picture page, Page 5. provisions of the Fourteenth Amendment, others wished to place it under the Commerce Clause of the Constitution, while still others wished to employ both. IN REPERTORY Introducing to Ann Arbor, the system of the Old'Vic, the Comedie Francaise, the Lincoln CenterRepertory Theatre,, the Stratford Festivals, and the Tyrone Guthrie Theatre. I I- and Looking for New Men I MICHIGAN CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Chapter of Inter-Varsity invites you to a Get Acquainted PICNIC Saturday, August 31 FUN- FOOD - FELLOWSHIP The Michigan Men's Glee Club is looking for- TENORS, BARITONES, BASSES If you enjoy singing, attend the General Meeting MICHIGAN MEN'S GLEE CLUB I