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December 03, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-12-03

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ltfrt a

:43 t'1

Considerably cloudy
and cold

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom


Establish Faculty Study Group

Tribunal Rules on

Work Law

The literary college faculty
agreed yesterday to set up a com-
mittee to study the procedures and
problems in establishing a resi-
dential college at the University.
In addition, the faculty con-
firmed-this time by a "substan-
tial majority"-its Nov. 18 en-
dorsement of the concept of the
residential college, Dean William
Haber of the literary college re-
Yesterday's wide margin sup-
porting the new college contrast-
ed with a much closer vote at

_ -

the last meeting. Dean Haber at-
tributed the changed vote to the
solution of a "parliamentary prob-
Unanswered Questions
He said that many faculty
members, while favoring the resi-
dential college, voted against the
Nov. 18 motion because they still
had unanswered questions about
how it would operate. But yester-
day's motion, both endorsing the
new college and setting up the
faculty group to study these ques-
tions, won much wider support, he

Sutherland, Cliburn
To Star in Festival

... at Festival

To Convene
The Legislature will convene its
second special session of 1963 to-
night to consider implementation
of the state's new constitution,
which goes into effect Jan. 1.
Gov. George Romney and legis-
lative leaders of both parties have
agreed to limit the work of the
special session to the most vital
phases of implementation.
Romney will spell out the action
to be taken by the Legislature in
a written message, thus preventing
action on items which he con-
siders as non-essential.
Prefers Legislative Decision
Sen. Garry E. Brown (R-School-
craft) said that he would have
preferred to have the Legislature
make the decision on which mat-
ters are the more important in-
stead of having the governor and
a few legislators decide.
Rep. Joseph A. Gillis (D-
Detroit) indicated that although
he expects the session to be quiet
for the 'most part, there will be
several controversial issues, in-
cluding a proposed two-year mor-
atorium in =the election of county
officials; recommendations for a
budget for the new Civil Rights
Commission, which takes office
Jan. 1, although its members have
already been appointed; and dis-
tricting for the new State Court
of Appeals.
Few Party Issues
Both Brown and Gillis agreed
that there are very few issues that
will be divided on party lines, al-
though Gillis noted that there
would probably be, some party
split on the appelate court issue
because of its sectional nature.

Joan Sutherland, soprano and
prima donna of the Metropolitan
Opera Company, and Van Cliburn,
concert pianist, will be soloists at
the annual Ann Arbor May Festi-
val April 30-May 3 in Hill Aud.,
the University Musical Society an-
nounced yesterday.
The six programs of the May
Festival will be built around the
Philadelphia Orchestra with Eu-
gene Ormandy conducting. Special
guest conductors will be composer
Igor Stravinsky, who will conduct
his own work "Persephone," Rob-
ert Craft, Thor Johnson and Wil-
liam Smith.
Philippe Entremont, pianist, will
be seen in his Ann Arbor debut as
well as Charles Treger, violinist,
the first American to win the Wie-
niawski competition in Poland.
Opening Program
The opening program of the
MayhFestival will feature Miss
Sutherland with Ormandy and the
Philadelphia Orchestra. The arias
"Sempre Libera"and "Ah, Forse
Lui" from Verdi's "La Traviata"
and the "Mad Scene" from Doni-
zetti's "Lucia di Lammermoor"
will be performed by Miss Suther-
Treger, Johnson and the Uni-
versity Choral Union will present
Bach's "Sleepers Awake" and Pou-
lenc's "Gloria" as part of the sec-
ond performance.
Third Performance
The third performance will fea-
ture Entremont witn Smith con-
ducting in a program including
"Trois Gymnopedies" by Satie an:.
"Polovtzian Dances" from "Prince
Igor" by Borodin.
Ormandy and the Philadelphia
Orchestra will be heard in an all-
Strauss program as the fifth pres-
entation of the May Festival. In-
cluded .on the program will be
"Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks"
and "Don Quixote."
Orders for series tickets for the
May Festival are being accepted
now at the Burton Memorial
Tower box-office.
Study Day s
There will be no classes next
Friday, Dec. 13, and Saturday,
Dec. 14.
Though it was included in
the University's announcement
and schedule for the fall semes-
ter, this fact went unnoticed by
the Union-League Calendar,
many students, and some fac-
ulty members-who have plan-
ned lectures and exams for
these days.
But it's true. Secretary of the
University Erich A. Walter af-
firmed last night that next
Friday and Saturday have been
set aside as "study days," in
preparation for the final exam
period beginning Dec. 16.

"This special committee, to be
appointed by the dean and execu-
tive committee, will be charged
with the responsibility of working
out the necessary arrangements
for such a college-considering
particularly the special problems
raised by the faculty," Dean Ha-
ber explained.
"It will be especially concerned
with questions having to do with
(1) how the college would func-
tion, (2) how its faculty would be
selected, (3) whether it should be
an integral part of the literary
college and (4) what autonomy it
would have f'or curricular experi-
mentation," he said.
Report Back
When its study i completed,
the new committee will report its
findings to the faculty, "probably
in February." Then the faculty will
give its final opinion on whether
or not the new college should be
The final decision will rest
with the administration and Re-
gents. However, supporters of the
residential college consider faculty
support essential to its successful
Study Urges
Fast Action
A report released by the Uni-
versity's Institute of Science and
Technology last week challenged
Michigan's $120'. million a year
machine tool industry to step up
the broadening of its market cov-
erage and improve its techrical
The report was the result of a
two-year study made by IST's In-
dustrial Development Research
Program headed by Frank R. Ba-
con, Jr.
Bacon cited the report as "a
concerte example of how a state-
supported institution can take ac-
tion to promote economic growth
in industry in a region such as
Early Leader
He noted that the IST was "one
of the first to undertake this kind
of study in depth in an attempt
to understand how science and
technology could aid industry in
a region."
The study surveyed 36 of the 59
Michigan companies engaged in
metal cutting and metal forming
as well as a cross-section of non-
Michigan and European firms for
the purposes of comparison.
Bacon pointed out that the
study was an interdisciplinary
one involving people from many
departments of the University.
Needed Approach
An interdisciplinary approach
was needed, the report noted, to
best facilitate concentration on
new product and process develop-
ment activities within the machine
tool industry.
"Work on this particular study
was begun two and one-half years
ago after the Legislature had the
foresight to establish the IST at
the University to coordinate the
scientific and technical resources
within the state to enhance the
growth of the state's eqonomy. The
results of industrial development
research are now just beginning to
show," Bacon commented.
Three Points
The 105-page report recom-
mended a three-point program for
the machine tool industry to "meet
increasingly sharper national and
foreign competition:"
1) Use of full-time personnel
trained in market research tech-
niques, whose efforts would be
co-ordinated with technical per-
sonnel and directed especially to
industries and markets not now
See 'U', Page 2

Allow States
To Continue
Justices To Consider
Bans on Passports
preme Court ruled yesterday that
state courts may enforce their own
right-to-work laws, rejecting an
argument that this is a domain
reserved for the federal govern-
The justices also agreed to hear
arguments on another touchy
question-the constitutionality of
the 1950 congressional ban on
passports for Americans who are
members of the Communist party.
The right-to-work ruling was
unanimous, 8-0 with Justice Ar-
thur J. Goldberg, former secre-
tary of labor, abstaining. It ap-
plied specifically to a Florida Su-
preme Court ruling that the state
right-to-work law bans the agency
Require Employe Join
Union shop contracts between
labor and management require an
employe to join the union after
being hired. Agency shop agree-
ments do not require union-mem-
bership, but employes who don't
join must pay the union the equiv-
alent of dues and fees. The theory
is that the union acts as the agent
for all workers in negotiations
with the employer.
The decision apparently puts
the agency shop on the same foot-
ing with the union shop in right-
to-work states.
Florida is one of 20 states with
right-to-work laws, which override
federal labor laws on this one is-
The AFL-CIO contended in the
Miami case that the National La-
bor Relations board should have
paramount authority in deciding
whether the agency shop is per-
missible in right-to-work states.
Passport Appeal
The passport appeal which the
Court agreed to hear wa filed by
Mrs. Elizabeth Gurley Flynn,
chairman of the Communist Par-
ty of the United States, and by
Herbert Aptheker, editor of "Poli-
tical Affairs" described as the
theoretical organ of the party.
Mrs. Flynn and Aptheker sought
in 1962 to travel abroad, but were
denied passports. This was under
a 1950 Subversive Activities Con-
trol Act which did not go into ef-
fect until 1961 after a lengthy
court battle.
AFL-CIO President G e o r g e
Meany announced that the labor
organization would use all its re-
sources to fight right-to-work laws.
Report Shows
'' Standing
Both the University and Michi-
gan State University were named
among the nation's 30 largest
schools in a report recently re-
leased by Garland G. Parker, Uni-
versity of Cincinnati registrar.
In his annual report for School
and Society, an educational jour-
nal, the University ranked 11th
in enrollment of fulltime students
with 22,058 and 12 in total en-
rollment with 30,799.
MSU ranked eighth in full-time
enrollment with 26,170 students,
and 10th in total enrollment with
31,538. Parker's figures were com-
piled from a survey of 1,097 ac-
credited universities and four-
year colleges in the United States
and Pureto Rico.






B oiling

To Push Speedup,

On Civil Rights Proposal


City Council
Sets Negroes
Ont Board
Ann Arbor City Council last
night approved appointments of
three Negroes to the Human Rela-
tions Commission.
The appointments were submit-
ted to council in a communication
by HRC Chairman Paul Wagner.
The HRC now has four Negroes
out of a total membership of 12.
Local civil rights groups had
previously been picketing city of-
ficials for the lack of Negro repre-
sentation on the HRC.
The appointees are Rowena Rey-
nolds, Harry Mial and Honorable
C. Curry.
Well Qualified
The HRC statement said seven
candidates were interviewed and
that "the three who have been
selected seem to us to be partic-
ularly well qualified to be of spe-
cial service to the community at
this time.
"Each has the invaluable back-
ground of having personally lived
the experience of being a member
of a minority race. Each has
qualifications of education and ex-
perience in the field of human re-
Miss Reynolds received a mas-
ter's degree in clinical psychology
from St. Louis University. She has
worked with the University's Insti-
tute of Social Research and is
presently a clinical psychologist at
the Boy's Training School at
Whitmore Lake.
Active Worker
Mial, school psychometrist in
the Ann Arbor school system, is an
active worker in civil rights for
minorities and "has applied his
energy and talents in a vigorous
and fair manner," the communica-
tion said.
Curry, a skilled carpenter and
for eight years a member of the
Board of Trustees of Carpenters
Local 512, is a deacon of his
church. He is also a member of the
local's examining board of mem-
bership applicants and "has clear-
ly evidenced his interest and abil-
ity in the field of human relations
by not only preaching but by be-
ing a living example of practicing
good human relations."
Other Action
In other council action a re-
quest for a joint traffic study be-
tween the University and the city
was delayed until next week.
Council members wanted more
time to consider the appropriation
request by the planning commis-
sion for $2500. The study would
evaluate the campus traffic pat-
tern in relation to the city's
thoroughfare plans.
The University would match the
city's funds with an additional
$2500. The study area would gen-
erally include the Huron-Observa-
tory-Hill-Division area with spe-
cial attention given to a Univer-
sity request that Washington St.
between Fletcher St. and Forest
Ave, be abandoned by the city.

OPPOSING VIEWS-Rep. Howard Smith (D-Va) (left) and Roy
Wilkins, executive secretary of the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People seem to be headed for a clash.
Smith's rules committee threatens to choke off the proposed
civil rights bill while the NAACP has vowed to oust all congress-
men opposing the bill.
SIN CC .Describes Steps
Tow~fard Racial Equality
The massive retraining of Negroes and poor whites along with
sweeping programs of public works to create new job opportunities
were cited as major steps toward equality by the Student Nonviolent
Coordinating Committee's Fourth Annual Leadership Training Con-
ference held at Howard University last weekend.
SNCC Chairman John Lewis opened the conference by calling
for no let up in the struggle for civil rights in the face of the


To Attempt
Rules Group
Circulate Petitions
Seeking To Bypass
Smith Committee
Events on many fronts of the
civil rights movement yesterday
were highlighted by the calling of
a special session of the House in
an attempt to force action on the
proposed civil rights bill now be-
fore Congress.
In Washington, Rep. Richard
Bolling (D-Mo) said he will force
the House to hold an unusual Sat-
urday session this week in an ef-
fort to hustle the administration's
civil rights bill to a vote.
Bolling said the maneuver will
allow him to get a petition rolling
next Monday to by-pass the House
Rules Committee, headed by Rep.
Howard W. Smith (D-Va), a lead-
er of the Southern forces opposed
to the bill. It is understood that
Bolling's move has the approval
of the House Democratic leader-
Bolling said in an interview that
he hopes to collect enough signa-
tures on the petition in one or two
days next week, as a show of
strength. He needs 218 signatures,
a majority of the House, to force
the civil rights bill past the rules
But even if evrything works out
perfectly from Bolling's point of
view, the rules are such that the
earliest day the bill could be
brought before the House is Dec.
But the Christmas-New Year re-
cess is expected to start not later
than Dec. 20 so Jan. 13 appears to
be the earliest practical date for
House consideration of the bill.
NAACP Opens 'Purge'
Meanwhile in New York the Na-
tional Association for the Ad-
vancement of Colored People has
opened a drive to "purge" all
members of Congress from office
who oppose civil rights legislation.
According to NAACP Executive
Secretary Roy Wilkins, the orga-
nization will end its policy of list-
ing a candidate's previous voting
record on civil rights without en-
dorsement and will specifically
urge voters to defeat candidates
opposed to civil rights legislation.
Rustin Sees Impasse
In Washington Bayard Rustin,
one of the leaders of last sum-
mer's march on Washington, stat-
ed that the civil rights movement
had reached an impasse with its
current tactics and in some areas
was retrogressing to conditions
that existed before the recent
rights upsurge.
Rustin commented that the
movement had gone as far as it
could go and needed broadening
in order to escape "sectarianism."
Negroes in New York have
chosen a new weapon-money-
See TO FORCE, Page 3



changeover in government, al-O
though some people have propos-
ed a moratorium on civil rights
demonstrations while President
Lyndon B. Johnson attempts to
gain support in Congress for the
passage of a strong civil rights
Both the government and labor
unions participated in the con-
ference. In a series of workshops
representatives of the Industrial
Union department of the CIO sug-
gested that SNCC and the labor
movement combine forces for the
organization and expansion of the
southern labor force as. a means
of breaking down the employment
discrimination which now exists.
It was noted that in some areas
up to 50 per cent of the Negro
working force is unemployed.
These and the whites with them,
who are mainly migratory labor or
sharecroppers, are being displaced
by automation and are not able
to find retraining, even if job op-
portunities were available to them,
The conference emphasized the
inadequacy, because of a lack of
scope and funds, of the existing
government programs-the Man-
power Retraining Act and the
Area Redevelopment Act. A call
was made for far more massive
programs for retraining this labor
force and providing opportunities
for it in a greatly expanded pro-
gram of public works, paid for by
money diverted from the defense
budget. The present need for a
larger relief program was cited.

DAC Asks 'U
For Meeting
University officials will today
receive a letter from the Direct
Action Committee asking them to
come to a "special policy meet-
ing" tomorrow night.
DAC released the letter yester-
Administrators invited include
University President H a r 1 a n
Hatcher, Vice-President for Stu-
dent Affairs James A. Lewis, Vice-
President for Business and Fi-
nance Wilbur K. Pierpont.
"Failure to comply with this
invitation shall result in DAC de-
manding President Hatcher's, and
his entire staff's resignations," the
letter said.
The letter detailed purported
University property holdings in
Detroit and Ann Arbor. It said the
University pays 17.3 per cent of
Ann Arbor police salaries. It ac-
cused the University of being
"slum lords" in the first case and
of supporting "tokenism" in the
DAC added that if the Univer-
sity refused to deal with them,
"We shall send more detailed in-
formation about your holdings to
the United States Attorney Gen-
eral and demand a full scale in-

:Football Fades Out as Basketball, Hockey Come O,


Sports Editor
Ohio State, Coach Bump El-
liott's old nemesis, stopped the
1963 version of Michigan's foot-
ball team seven yards short of a
winning season last Saturday in
Michigan Stadium.
The Buckeyes extracted a 14-10
victory when the Wolverines mis-
fired on two straight passes in the
Ohio endzone after they had driv-
en 53 yards to the seven with less
than tworminutes to play.
The first pass never had a
chance, going incomplete from
1Rnh i'nmherl1D tn Craicr Tirhv

Michigan opened its home basketball season at Yost Field House
last night by rolling over Tulane, 73-47, as Coach Dave Strack
shuttled players in and out of the lineup as if he had an inexhaust-
able supply of players and combinations.
Strack kept All-Big Ten center Bill Buntin on the bench at the
start of the game and stuck with the winning combination from
Saturday night's Ball State contest. Ball State fell 90-76 in Muncie,
Ind. as Strack started sophomore Jim Myers at center, juniors Larry
Tregoning and George Pomey at the forwards and sophomore Cazzie
Russell and senior Bob Cantrell at the guards.
Buntin Back
Buntin didn't play at all in the Ball State game, having been
suspended from the team for "disciplinary reasons." However, by
lg nih h mras h ak in goo dstanding nn the team and suited

Looking beyond Saturday's re-
gionally televised hor ofanguish,
Michigan's athletic teams had
quite a successful weekend.
Cazzie Russell's debut was high-
lighted by a 30-point splurge and
a 90-76 victory over Ball State.
The basketball team played with-
out the services of star center Bill
Buntin who was suspended in-
definitely by Coach Dave Strack,
but had his ban lifted in time for
last night's victory over Tulane.
The hockey team was not to be
outshone by anyone as it romped
over Queens College twice by
scores of 9-5 Friday and Saturday.

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