he United States' Legacy: Sorrow; Its Future: Uncei rtain & Lost Youth T HE VIOLENT DEATH of President Ken- nedy represents the end of a symbol for American youth-a symbol proving that hard work, vitality and youth can attain the highest office in the land. For many years the presidency seemed to be open only to those older men who had proved themselves after many long years. But the New Frontier swept in with an energy and enthusiasm that cap- tured the minds of younger America. With Kennedy's death all this will end. Johnson is taking the helm and he is not and never was really a part of this youth- ful spirit. THE ASSASSINATION also more deeply affects young students than the gen- eration of the 1930's because we had never before lived through a major crisis and national mourning comparable to this last weekend. While parents can cushion their grief with memories of President Roose- velt's death, the younger generation has no such memories. This weekend has strengthened and matured students as citizens and has taught us the first feel- ing of national crisis and unity. Finally, the brutal events have showed young America that the country is not in- sensitive to open violence and injustice. Many times youthful idealism makes young people believe that in this advanced age of education and technology the United States is immune to injustice. Kennedy and Oswald's deaths prove this is not true. THE AMERICAN TRADITION will go on as it always has. There is a new Presi- dent who will handle legislative problems, hit domestic snags and 'keep the United States active in world affairs. It is both morbid and unrealistic to keep our eyes turned to the past and become lost in what was or could have been. But one cannot help but feel that some- thing has been lost, and it will not be re- captured for a very long time. -BARBARA LAZARUS Personnel Director C1zesh1p WE HAVE PAID John F. Kennedy our final respects. We have buried him with honors, amidst prayers and eulogies. We have praised his humaneness and his leadership. Yet, when the late Presi- dent was alive, most of us restrained our praise and spared him our assistance. We acclaimed the ideals he stood for and then sat back while he waged battle with the forces of inertia and reaction, Now that he is dead, we can go through all the motions of reverence. After an appropriate monument has been built to his memory (legislation has already been introduced to this effect) and after sev- eral biographies have appeared and dis- appeared, we can forget what John F. Kennedy was all about. And the greatest tragedy of his administration will be that we failed to learn anything from it. LIFE IS A learning process. The nation that has ceased to learn, has ceased to live. We have too long enjoyed the benefits and privileges of citizenship while fail- ing to accept its more essential responsi- bilities. We must learn that a democracy demands a politically informed and ac- tively interested citizenry without which any new frontier will perish. CITIZENSHIP in the United States de- mands more than a willingness to go to war when the country is threatened, more than the ability to spout passages from the Declaration of Independence verbatim, more than a fluency with the latest GNP figures demonstrating the "superiority of the American way of life." Citizenship demands concern, under- standing and work; understanding of the problems of the aged, of economically de- pressed areas, of the underdeveloped na- tions, concern for the Negro's dignity, for world peace and a willingness to work to- ward the solutions to these problems. ULTIMATELY, and this is the most diffi- cult lesson to learn, citizenship must acknowledge its primary obligation to mankind: not to any particular entity, be it state, nation or the Western world. President Kennedy realized this and we can admire him for it. But admiration will not be enough. Nor will it be suffi- cient merely to close ranks behind Presi- dent Johnson. While we hope that he will be equal to his task, we must not forget to be equal to our own. -ALAN Z. SHULMAN 'U's Memorial H AD IT BEEN a day for pride, we would have been proud of the University Monday. The streets were still, the build- ings closed. Words were useless, but some- how the community could sense the enor- mity of what had happened. Late in the afternoon the University held its own memorial service at Hill Au- ditorium. What, just one week before, had been a scene of hatred, turned Monday into a scene of remorse. The crowd was overflowing, and silent. It wasn't a long service. Less than an hour. But it served its end. UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT H a r 1 a n Hatcher delivered the University's tri- bute to the man who "represented the precious attributes of faith and humility before God, co-mingled with valor, com- passion and courage as a leader among men." "Surely these tragic events must teach us again that evil, violence and hatred breed on each other, leading to destruc- tion," President Hatcher said. We had little room for pride, but the University and its President acquitted themselves well Monday. They deserve to know it. -H. NEIL BERKSON Mlass=Man TOMORROW'S HISTORIANS will write about the Age of Unreason, the Age of War and Brotherly Hate. To them, con- temporary American society will be the Society of Self-Delusion, whose people thought themselves elevated above "the other half of humanity" culturally, social- ly, morally, and most of all, politically. , We are the people who sneer when we read of revolutions in Iraq, and violent religious persecution in South Viet Nam. The great tragedy is that we need a President's assassination to shake us from our happy-happy world into reality. The United States today is not the paragon of constitutional democracy and political stability that too many of us thought it was. We aren't perfect: we, too, have assassinations. WE CONDEMN Lee Oswald, unaware that society murdered President Ken- nedy. We tried to mold Oswald after our own image and failed. Mass-man left one man behind, forgot about him, re- jected him. Socially stable we are. So stable that the man who stands just a little outside of society's boundaries is alienated. And because we alienated Lee Oswald, we, too, are in part responsible for the President's death. Unfortunately, mass-man doesn't learn from his mistakes. If he did, he wouldn't have murdered Lee Oswald. Whether or not Oswald was Kennedy's assassin is ir- relevant. Jack Ruby was one of them. He was no social outcast, no Oswald-type misen- thrope as such; he was the man-on-the- street who demonstrated that our society, just like any other, is thrust into confu- sion and cannot function constitutionally during times of crisis. It is time to re- shape our society and ourselves in many dimensions. -NELSON LANDE Mourning NO ONE SHOULD BE condemned be- cause he didn't view last weekend's events in the same light as most people seem to have. He should not be censured just because he sought his diversion at a movie theatre instead of by looking at-but not really seeing-his television, or by smoking cig- arette after cigarette in sorrow and utter disbelief. He should not be blamed for a lack of feeling if the assassination of the Presi- dent did not affect him in precisely the way that others thought that it should. NO MAN CAN FORCE another to feel sorry for something if, deep in his heart, the person really doesn't harbor a feeling of sorrow. Mourning can't be forced on a person, even by taking away movies, football games or other entertainment and diver- sion. Everyone should have been and should be free to treat the situation that existed last weekend in whatever manner he him- self believed to be correct. This is one of the basic freedoms John Fitzgerald Kennedy stood for and fought for-and perhaps died for. -THOMAS COPI Sur face Solemnity By GERALD STORCH City Editor WASHINGTON - Thousands of people streamed into the na- tion's capital over the weekend to pay their respects to the late John F. Kennedy. They jammed the curbs and sidewalks to observe the flag- d r a p e d casket being drawn through the streets to be placed inside the Capitol; they then lined up for 22 blocks to file past the President's bier. THE ATMOSPHERE of the whole affair, it seemed to me, was a surface solemnity. The crowd was quiet, forte emost part, dur- ing the brief ceremony at the ro- tunda when the casket was re- moved from the horse-drawn car- riage and carried up the Capitol steps by an honor guard. But therewas little grief. From what I could see, the spectators were there because something im- portant, something historical was happening, and they wanted to see it. The people came, and they were silent and respectful; but they were not deeply moved. A Washington reporter ex- pressed it best: it was a national loss, not a personal loss. There had been no deep affection for Kennedy before his death. He was competent, energetic and eloquent, and Americans probably were aware of all this. But the masses did not love him as they had Franklin Roosevelt, and. if the people in Washington were an ac- curate, enough index, they were numbed by his death but not grieved by it. PERHAPS the reason was that Kennedy had been in office for too short a time; perhaps it was because he was a pragmatist, of- fering no consistent goals toward which the country could strive. A more basic explanation for the popular reaction, however, could be that America is middle class. The right thing to do after the death of our leader is to feel sorry; and after the initial shock wears off, we must say things like "What a terrible tragedy, but somehow we must carry on." In more gilded prose, this was about all that three days of around-the- clock television coverage said. These were my thoughts as I stood among the crowds in Wash- ington. To tell the truth, after a while the whole spectacle became a bit boring. Letters to the Editor View Assassination 1 TWO PRESIDENTS - The question many are now asking is if President Lyndon B. Johnson will carry out the late President John Kennedy's policies: will he be able to continue the vigorous administration of his predecessor? Has Death Ended A Vigorous.Ntin By STEVEN ZARIT WITH THOSE SUDDEN and dreadful gunshots last Friday, the United States may have lost more than its leader. When John F. Kennedy acceded to the presi- dency in January, 1961, he took over a nation demoralized by the Soviet advances in technology and world affairs of the '50's, and in- spired Americans with his youth- ful vitality to take up with re- newed energy the banner of free- dom in the world and at home. With his youthful fire Mr. Ken- nedy captured the imagination of the American public, inspiring our nation to cast off the lethargy which had gripped it, and to make daring advances in foreign af- fairs and in national issues. Through forceful action in world affairs, Mr. Kennedy re-assured the American people and our allies that the sagging American posi- tion was no longer and that once more our nation was moving ahead in a vigorour pursuit of the prin- ciples of democracy. At home he awakened Ameri- cans to the many unsolved prob- lems in our land of plenty. New and intensive attempts were ini- tiated for the solution of these problems. All political factions, not the liberals alone, took up an active program. On all fronts, from civil rights to medical care for the aged to an unflinching stand against totalitarian forces, Ameri- cans were taking stands and look- ing for solutions. , * * * INSPIRED by the physical strength of our President, Ameri- cans took up the challenge that we were becoming soft. New energy and enthusiasm burst forth in our country. A nation of spectators became aware once again that physical activity and mental ac- tivity wvent hand-in-hand. A spirit of adventureand achievement, reminiscent of the old frontier, was again elevating America to greatness. It was not by chance that America's downhill plunge was arrested in the '60's. It was the youth of our President that once more made us young and con- cerned. It was his vitality that made us strong and forceful. It was the sight of his relentless pur- suit of noble principles that gave us new life and inspired new at- tempts to throw back the coldness and darkness of the world, as we again were striving for fulfillment of the American ideals. THIS WEEK or next, the Unit- ed States will launch its first Saturn rocket, more powerful than any missile the Soviet Union has. This marks a climax in America's long climb back-back from the days when the hapless Vanguard sat still and silent on its launch- ing pad. This climb, begun dur- ing the last years of the Eisen- hower administration, gained spark and speed under America's youthful 35th President. While the Kennedy administra- tion did not solve the problems facing us, it made Americans aware of the problems and got attempts to solve them going on all fronts. Are we now going to sit back once again, to slip back in front of our television sets and be content to see what other people-and most of them imagin- ary-are doing, because Mr. Ken- nedy is no longer our tonic? The old frontier which allowed American democracy to grow and prosper has long since died. Is the new frontier, which rejuvinat- ed a complacent people, to die with its innovator? Or are all Americans, right wing andleft, going to carry on with the vigor and youthful zeal which charac- terized our late President and made our country great? The success of American ideals in world struggles and, at home can only be achieved if the bold, new frontier as characterized by John F. Kennedy continues to inspire Americans to action. To the Editor: YESTERDAY MORNING follow- ing this most tragic weekend. Prof. Arnold Kaufman of the phi- losphy department came to class and spoke of America, and he spoke of her people. 35 minutes later, when this professor had con- cluded, his students slowly, quietly, departed from the lecture hall. Most of them will never forget this abbreviated lecture. Some shall never be the same people again. Prof. Kaufman spoke of man, expectations, frustrations and man's disconcern with his fellow man. As if looking deep into a vessel of tropical fish, Prof. Kauf- man singled out Lee Harvey Os- wald and viewed him critically, trying desperately to see what made. him swim so feverishly. Then looking through the bowl of fish, this academician observ- ed for all of us our world of ir- rationality where irrational people do irrational things which result in equally irrational and some- times tragic conclusions. He re- told of American ideals, American expectations, and the frustrations that we build into our system. * * * THE DEATH of our respected and beloved President is the man- ifestation of the frustration which surrounds America. Lee Oswald and his most dastardly deed is the highest degree of that manifesta- tion. His deed, of course, was an act without reason. But this irrationality is mani- fested today in America in all forms. Emotions rule our actions. Reason plays the lesser role. Radi- cal groups of both the right and left display this tendency and America, as a whole, uses this "tactic" in dealing with many problems. The segregationists, Ross Barnett and Malcom X; the extreme peace groups and Pen- tagon officials; the "Better dead than Reds," and the "Better Reds and deads.' We are non-thinking. We are irrational. We all share the guilt. A great man lies dead, his hopes for bettering the world' entombed within his now peace- ful body. And we ask why. * * * WE ASK WHY this dreadful act as we sit at home in our segregat- ed neighborhoods, or in our racial- ly, nationally and religiously di- vided work groups and social clubs. We ask why while we carve our Thanksgiving turkeys and re- fuse even to think of the millions of deprived Americans and billions of poverty stricken world citizens. We ask why while we allow others to be denied their rightful freedoms. We ask why while we allow the expectations of Amer- ica's creed recede into nothing- ness and allow frustrations to grow within our country's and our world's bosom. And we do this asking as we sit and read and watch television and maybe even cry. But we do not act. And I ask, shall we ever learn our lesson? And when will we begin to use our greatest asset, our reason? I thank Prof. Kaufman for his words. His service to me, as my instructor, is beyond praise. I thank him for I shall never be the same again. And I pray our world heed his teachings. -Barry Bluestone, '66 Society . .'* To the Editor: THE SINCERITY with which virtually every American ex- perienced disbelief, then sadness and a personal sense of loss, is unquestioned. We all felt tragedy in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. And immediately we had a scapegoat, Oswald, on whom to take out our frustrations. But in a very real and meaning- ful sense, werare all, perhaps, re- sponsible for the crime. There is, it would seem, something derang- ed about a society that can as- sassinate four presidents in 100 years and foster other infamous events of hatred and violence. Per- haps the murder of the innocent Oswald-innocent until proven guilty in a court of law-was an even more dramatic indication of the state of American sanity than the slaying of the President. Nor can we pass off these events as the isolated and meaningless acts of sick individuals; it is individuals who, for better or worse, speak for a society. * * * THE MASS MEDIA last week- end created the greatest circus this country has even witnessed. We Americans, however, enjoy great spectacles, and the way in which the situation was handled could hardly have surprised any- one. The question remains, though, whether such an event, in fact, should become a spectacle. We like to think America has come a long way since the wild frontier days. But we still seem to find ourselves uncivilized in the days of the new frontier. Thus, the first tribute we can pay to the late President is thoughtful reflection. The grim events of last weekend have given us something to think about: about our society and about ourselves. -Joseph Sinclair, '64 Aanreness .. To the Editor: IN REVIEWING the events of the past few days, I have become aware of something arising within me. Too young to have felt the full impact of Pearl Harbor or President Roosevelt's death, I feel now, for the first time, the weight of a national consciousness on my shoulders. Our nation has weathered many crises since I was born, yet none of the impact of Friday's event I speak for myself, and many others of my generation, when I say that I now realize the full implications of being a citizen of the United States. EACH INDIVIDUAL is affected by President Kennedy's death. Yet aside from our sincere grief, I think we realize that this is not a time to give way to hysteria. We must act now with strength and fortitude as we have on similar occasions in the past, looking toward the future, not with mis givings, but with confidence and hope. And as we in this university pursue our educational endeavors, I believe that we now are more fully aware of our duty not just to ourselves but also to our nation and to the world. For my genera- tion this is the first, but certainly not the last, crisis we will face as a nation and as members of an international community. -Sue Curtis Bunting, '65 Sympathy . . - To the Editor: THE PAKISTAN Students' As- sociation of the University joins with the American nation in its sorrow and bereavement at the sad, gruesome assassination of John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States of America, and expresses its sincere sym- pathy for Mrs. Kennedy and his bereaved family. -Badar Uddin Kadri, 64L President In Common . . To the Editor: PEOPLE OF THE WORLD who might not have possessed any- thing in common, now for the first time share deep in their minds a great sorrow. Even God must have wept for His choice to summon a man with a high ideal; Mr. John F. Ken- nedy, to His Kingdom. -Hirokuni Tamura, Grad Learning.., To the Editor: W HEN I FIRST left home for college in 1953, an older friend encouraged me not to let study- ing interfere with my college edu- cation. I thought then that such a statement was pretty clever and had adult overtones. Today, I was shown exactly what it meant. Jeffrey Goodman in an editorial, "To Honor the Dead," has very sadly confused the classroom with the place of learning, the profes- sor with the vehicle of education and the world with the place in which knowledge is applied. The classroom and teacher should serve only as guides and motiva- tors. The world is the source of I LENYA STARS: 'America on Brecht' Avoids the Intention BRECHT ON BRECHT" was performed to a mournful Hill Aud. audience Monday night, and must be considered ultimately in its relation to the macabre assassinations of John Kennedy and Lee Oswald. The performance, considered by itself, was a brilliant selection of songs, poems and theatre by the great German Marxist. Lotte Lenya exhibited the throatiness and power, especially in her songs from "The Threepenny Opera," which make her the world's greatest player of Brecht. Micki Grant's work, too, was eloquent though limited because of the dominant role assigned Miss Lenya. And though the three other players in the touring New York cast were less stirring, in general there could only be praise for the overall coherence and variety of the production. There were moving moments: Miss Grant's rendering of the tale of Marie Farrar, a poor prostitute who murders her baby for whom there is no hope in a society of inequality and privilege; Philip Sterling's version of Galileo attacking the conformity of scholars to the ruling class; Miss Lenya as the Jewish wife who sees the self-deceiving hypoc- risy of the German intelligentsia before Hitler. *, * * BUT THE TOTAL production abused Brecht's real intents as writer and teacher. Brecht did not mean his theatre to be sensationally dom- inated by players and techniques - as is the American theatre. His work is functional, sparse,, meant to force the audience into critical participation, a dramatic means of examining our social relationships and social structures. The failure of this production was the tendency to erase Brecht's communist perspective as if it were irrelevant to his art. Brecht be- comes a bawdy and unconventional critic with sympathies for "the people" as they are snared in evil. His poetic and polemic ironies remain, but their social context of dialectical contradictions virtually disappears. THIS STILL makes wonderful theatre, indeed a theatre more rich and radical than anything on stage today, but it is not "Brecht on Brecht" - it is "America on Brecht." I believe Brecht's unique and complicated Marxism, a synthesis of materialism and cynicism, was the framework determining his aesthetics. Only a biased selection of his work - as were most of the selections from his plays Monday - could produce the new American characterization of him as a liberal with elusive existentialist tendencies. The genuine Brecht would attempt to make our theatre social - which means making an audience alive and integrated into the prob- lems of the drama. He would not provide easy solutions, but he might aid us to think with less helplessness about the commercial and bureaucratic system which enhances the logic of assassination to its discontented lurkers. He would attack an order which quietly assassinates meaning and new possibilities wherever they are dangerous to the current social system. The distortion of Brecht is part of the American tendency to smother conflict for the sake of an artificial consensus, a process which generates the very parodies of protest - crime, suicide, fantasy, de- linquency - that occur in Dallas and, in less spectacular ways, daily in this society. * * * LETHARGY OR LIFE: Returning to Normal By LEONARD PRATT THE ASSASSINATION of Presi- dent John F. Kennedy is one of thegreatest of social tragedies and deserves to be mourned as such. Cancellation of University activities and announcement of a national day of mourning illus- trates the length to which this mourning has gone; it is only fitting that this should be the case when our President has died. And yet, there is a problem in- volved in that there is a point beyond whichdmourning cannot be carried with dignity. We as a na- tion have two options: we may either give ourselves over to a vast sense of dismay andlethargy oc- casioned by the death of our President; or we may sadly turn from the past and make the at- tempt to reconstruct a workable government and world. INDIVIDUALLY, we are hor- rified at the premeditated bru- tality of the President's assassina- tion. Photographs and news re- _ ._. . e... . .......~. L . - 1 .f . . vade all our actions for an undue length of time? Mourning the President is the most defensible act in the world today. Yet, mourning carried to maudlin de- grees would not only be tasteless but also entirely incommensurate with the spirit in which President Kennedy lived. The President had a finely de- veloped instinct for what'was hon- orable in social and political sit- uations. It seems that nothing could be farther from his wishes than that the people of his na- tion should mourn him in an un- seemly manner or for an undigni- fied length of time. NATIONALLY, of course, our reactions are much the same; the nation is stunned by its loss. The reactions being the same, my pre- cautions are the same. The na- tion has lost a great and a good man, but his memory will not be honored if our sense of loss is the cause for indecision or procras- tination in any field of national affairs Our natinn must maintain geny-Third Year