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November 24, 1963 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-11-24

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THa~vI~ ICHIG AL 1 a11 aTTTT _' bflA




M1 Tankers Star,
Place in All events

Cagers Rated Eighth in AP Poll



Special To The Daily
WARREN -- Michigan's swim-
ming team made a spectacular
showing this weekend at the AAU
Swimming Meet in Warren, plac-
ing in every event.
Bill Farley took two firsts, one
in the 200-yard free style with
a timing of 1:1.9. Michigan also
placed second, third, and fifth in
this event. Farley's other first was
in the 500-yard freestyle, in which
he was clocked at :09.8. The team
took third, fourth and fifth in
this event behind him.
Paul Scheerer also took two
firsts, in the 100- and 200-yard
breaststroke, with times of 1:02.0
and 2:16.5 respectively. Behind
him in these two events the team
finished second, third and fourth,
and second, fourth and fifth.
Scheerer bettered the varsity rec-
ord in the preliminary's Friday

Russ Kingery, a freshman, took
a first and second place as did
freshman Tommy Williams. Their'
firsts were in the 200-yard back-
stroke and the 200-yard individual
medley respectively. Kingery's
time of 2:01.3 in the 200-yard
backstroke was excellent.
Other first places taken by
Michigan men were Jeff Long-
streth. in the 100-yard butterfly,
Bob Hoag in the 100-yard free-!
style, and the 200-yard butterfly
by captain Jeff Moore. Longstreth
turned in excellent performances
despite the fact that he has not
been working out regularly. His
time of :54.0 in the butterfly is
considered very good for this early
in the season.
The next meet for the team
will be the Michigan College Open,
which is scheduled for Dec. 7.



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St. Louis Invades New York;
Card QB Has Shot at Record

Also available in V-Necks

Although many major sports
events are being cancelled or post-
poned because of the death of
President John F. Kennedy, Com-
missioner Pete Rozelle of the Na-
tional Football League -has de-
cided that today's games in the
NFL will go on as scheduled.
Rozelle explained in an official
statement that "It has been tra-
ditional in sports for athletes to
perform in times of great national
tragedy. Football was Mr. Ken-
nedy's game. He thrived on com-
None of the games, however,
will be televised.
In New York, the Giants' pass
defense, minus two key men, must
be able to contain the passing of
Charley Johnson of the St. Louis
Cardinals to stay in first place in
the East. St. Louis and Cleveland


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are tied for second just one game
Top Passer
Quarterback Johnson will go
into the game with 10 straight
pass completions. He needs only
three more to tie the NFL record
set by Fran Tarkenton of Min-
nesota in 1961.
The Cards pass defense has al-
lowed only eight touchdowns in
10 games this year, but four of
them were thrown in one game
by Giant QB Y. A. Tittle. Tittle
needs only three more scoring
passes to tie the all-time NFL
record of 196 TD passes, current-
ly held by Bobby Layne.
In the first meeting of the two
clubs this season fumbles and
interceptions were mainly what
hurt the Cards.
Faces Chicago
Pittsburgh hosts Chicago today
in a game which will have sig-
nificance in the title races in
both the Eastern and Western
Divisions. The Steelers, only a
game and a half behind the
Giants, desperately need the win
to stay in contention. On the other
hand, Chicago, leading the West,
needs a victory to maintain its
The Bears cannot make light of
the Steelers who have beaten the
Giants, Cards, and the Browns.
Looking for a
Good Haircut
try the
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Both teams concentrate mainly
on ground attacks. The league
leading defense of Chicago could
be the difference in the game.
This could well be the day that
Jimmy Brown breaks the NFL one
season rushing record when Dallas
plays at Cleveland. Brown needs
only 81 yards to top the mark he
set in 1958 of 1,527 yards.
Must Win
Cleveland, after being thwart-
ed by the Cards last week, needs
a win to keep at least within one
game of the Giants.
In this, the Browns' final home
game of the season, it will be Ray
Renfro Day at Cleveland Stadium.
The Green Bay Packers, after
last week's pasting at the hands
of George Halas' Bears, need to
win every game and hope that
someone else can beat Chicago
to have a shot at a third consecu-
tive championship. They play the
49ers today, the only team to beat
Chicago this year. The Packers
have won seven of the last eight
contests between the two teams.
Detroit, after being upset by
lowly Los Angeles last week, will
be seeking a victory against the
Minnesota Vikings, to whom they
have never lost. The Lions, with
extensive injuries to their defense,
used three players from the offen-
sive team in desperation last week.;
Elliott Named
Michigan's head football mentor
Bump Elliott was named as the
coach of the North squad in the
traditional North-South battle for
the second consecutive year. This
marks the third time Elliott has

By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-The Wolverines of
Michigan, unranked last year an
having no winning tradition tc
fall back on, have been picked foi
the number-eight spot in the
country in the Associated Press
pre-season basketball poll.
Michigan, whose 16-8 record last
year gave it merely its third win-
ning season in basketball since
1950, gathered 80 votes, including
one for first place, from the AF
panel of 36 sportswriters and
Ranking just ahead of Coac
Dave Strack's Wolverines and
picked as co-favorites in the Big
Ten with them, are the Buckeyes
of Ohio State, who collected 91
votes because of their 20-4 record
of last year.
Loyola Favored
Chicago Loyola, meanwhile, is
an overwhelming choice to win
the college basketball champion-
ship for the second straight year.
With only All-America Jerry
Harkness missing from the team
that upset Cincinnati in the NCAA
final last March, the Ramblers
polled 335 of a possible 360 points
in the poll. Of the 36 voters, 23
picked the Ramblers as number-
one for the season. Of the re-
mainder, six named them second,
three for third, three for fourth
and one for fifth.
Far behind in second place at
251 points came the New York
University Violets, who beat out
Cincinnati and the Duke Blue
Devils for the runner-up spot.
Kramer, Hairston Back
NYU, which has its one-two
punch of Barry Kramer an Hap-
py Hairston back, polled six first
place votes. Cincinnati got two
first places and took third with
243 points. Duke, expected to be
strong despite the loss of Art
Heyman, received three firsts and
224 points.
The Wichita Wheatshockers,
with star Dave Stallworth return-
ing and favored by many to de-
throne Cincinnati in the Missouri
Valley Conference, landed fifth
place with 191 points, including
one first-place vote.
Arizona State, Ohio State, Mich-
igan, Kentucky and Oregon State
round out the pre-season Top Ten
in that order.
Sun Devils Favored
The Arizona State Sun Devils
are favored to romp in the West-
ern Athletic Conference; Ohio
State and Michigan are co-favor-
ites in the Big Ten; Kentucky is
expected to bounce back from a
sad season and be a contender
in the Southeastern Conference,
and Oregon State is rated the top
independent on the Pacific Coast.
Ohio State was ranked high in
the poll mainly because of the re-
turn of 6'8" All-America center
Gary Bradds, who led the Buck-
eyes into a tie with Illinois for
the Big Ten title last season..
Michigan tied for fourth in the
Big Ten with an 8-6 record, boasts
6'7" junior center Bill Buntin,
the conference's leading rebound-
er and the school's highest scorer
in history for a single season.
Along with him are six other
returning lettermen and the best
crop of new sophomores Michigan
has ever had, including 6'5" guard
Cazzie Russell.
Four Just Miss
Just missing the Top Ten were
four schools - UCLA, with 39

points; Kansas State (38); North
Carolina (34); and San Francisco
For Coach George Ireland's
championship Loyola club, four
returning regulars are expected to
The pre-season Top Ten, with
first place votes in parentheses,
last season's records and points
on a 10-9-8-etc. basis:

1. Chicago Loyola (23) 29-2
2. New York U. (6) 18-5
3. Cincinnati (2) 26-2
4. Duke (3) 27-3
5. Wichita (1) 19-8
6. Arizona State 26-3
7. Ohio State 20-4
8. Michigan (1) 16-8
9. Kentucky 16-9
10. Oregon State 22-9

Michigan's basketball t e a m,
ranked eighth in the Associated
Press pre-season poll, will play
three of the seven teams rated
ahead of it and several teams
which received votes in the poll
this season.
After beginning the season with
the Varsity-Freshmen game Tues-
day night at 8 p.m. in Yost Field
House, the Wolverines will play
New York, No, 2, Duke, No. 4,
and Ohio State, No. 7, among their
10 non-league and 14 conference
games. Three of the games will,
be played as part of the Los An-
geles Classic, Dec. 26, 27 and 28.
"We use our non-league games
as a testing ground for our Big
Ten season," Coach Dave Strack
says. "Our attitude as far as the
schedule is concerned is to play
good teams so we can get an in-
sight into the competition we'll
face in the Big Ten.''
Late Scheduling
Unlike football schedules which
are determined at least four or
five years ahead of time, basket-
ball contests are often completed
only a year before the actual
games. Strack still has an opening
or two for next season even now.
He has no regular game com-
mitments that go beyond the
1965-66 season. A big tournament
like the Los Angeles Classic, how-
ever, requires a two or three year
The ranked teams which Mich-
igan plays this season have had
little experience with the Wolver-
ines in two out of the three cases.
NYU and Duke have never played
Michigan in basketball before.
Michigan drew NYU as its op-
ponent in the L. A. Classic tour-
ney in the first round. Strack
believes that the Violets are the
toughest of the seven other teams
in the tournament.
The winner of the Michigan-
NYU clash will play the victor of

the UCLA-Yale game. In the
other bracket, Illinois, West Vir-
ginia, Southern California, and
Pittsburgh will fight it out for
the right to play in the finals.
Past Games
Pitt and Illinois are the only
teams in the Classic that past
Michigan squads have played very
much against. The Wolverines
hold a 11-4 advantage over Pitt,
a series that started in 1925-26
and played regularly during the
1950s. Illinois, like Ohio State, is
a long-time conference foe.
Among Michigan's other non-
league opponents, Butler and
Western Michigan are the only
schools to have an extensive ser-
ies of games with the Wolverines.
Western Michigan was one of the
opponents in Michigan's tenth
year of basketball, 1918-19. The
Wolverines, have a 9-7 record
against the Broncos in the series
which has been discontinued since
the 1947-48 season.
"Western always has a pretty
fair team," Strack said. "The cal-
iber of their teams has been good.
If Western beats us I won't look
on it as a disgrace.
Natural Attraction
"I'm happy that we could sched-
ule them again because it's a
natural draw for the fans. I think
the game will help to build up
basketball interest in the state."
Another old basketball rivalry,
but on that has gained momen-
tum in recent years is with But-
ler. The Wolverines are on the
short end of an 8-11 record in
the series. Butler has played
Michigan a game a year since the
1949-50 season and has won the
last four straight.
Michigan holds a 3-1 mark over
Nebraska, a 2-0 record against
Ball State (both games in the last
two seasons), and a 1-0 advant-
age over Tulane. Detroit beat
Michigan the last two years to
move into a 2-2 series tie.


Others receiving votes, listed al-
phabetically: Bradley, Creighton,
Colorado State, Davidson, Georgia
Tech, Indiana, Illinois, Kansas State,
Louisville, Minnesota, North Caro-
lina, Notre Dame, Mississippi State,
Northwestern, Oklahoma State,
Princeton, Providence, Pitt, San
Francisco, Seton Hall, St. Louis,
Southern California, Stanford, Seat-
tle, Texas, Toledo, UCLA, Utah State,
Virginia Tech, Vanderbilt, Villanova,
West Virginia, Western Michigan.


Waolverine Quintet
Faces Tough Slate-


... heralded soph


received this honor in
year stay at Michigan.

his five


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