Seventy-.Third Year EnrED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHGAm _ UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD In CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where'Opinions Are r STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHoNE NO 2-3241 Truth will Prevail Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in aN reprints. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1963 NIGHT EDITOR: STEVEN HALLER The Death of the President .. . LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Readers Discuss Kennedy Slaying The Meaning Of Tragedy THE ASSASSINATION of President John F. Kennedy has brought tragedy, hith- erto reserved for the gods and the great, to the American people. But our suffering is silent, our mourning mute, for we have not yet learned how to endure and express tragedy. What Americans, the nation and the University need in this period of national tragedy is leadership. We do not need, and indeed, cannot cope with a cancella- tion of all normal activities. Such a can- cellation will divorce us from the leader- ship that alone can guide us in our period of deep mourning and national loss. As individuals, separate from each oth- er and from our leaders, Americans can- not endure the suffering which accom- panies tragedy. We have worn the comic mask of the affluent society too long. It has grown to our faces and shaped our character. To don the tragic mask super- ficially now without feeling and express- ing the reasons for doing so, is simply to put on a grotesque Halloween guise. THELEADERS of the nation and the University can teach the country to endure and express the tragedy of Presi- dent Kennedy's death. They can help Americans to interpret the loss meaning- fully and to understand the nature of the tragedy now being experienced. Fortunately, there are some members of the University who have understood the need for leadership. An English professor understood it when he delivered a Satur- day morning lecture to his Shakespeare class, in essence, offering an eulogy for the late President. University President Harlan Hatcher understood it when he announced campus-wide memorial serv- ices on Monday. MUST HAVE this kind of leadership now from the University and the na- tion if we are ever to understand the trag- edy which befell this country on Friday. Without it, suffering will continue, but it will mean little if its true essence is never grasped. -LOUISE LIND To Honor The Dead CLASSES HAVE BEEN called off Mon- day. The purpose is two-fold: it is deemed fitting and respectable to mourn the death of John Kennedy; it is hoped that the re-evaluation allowed by that cancellation will have an effect on in- dividuals' lives. Neither of these reasons justifies call- ing off classes: there is no better way to honor the dead than to continue the pursuits- of life, especially the pursuit of knowledge. TI[B MEANING of a man's life to others consists of those ideas, standards, goals and outlooks which persist in other per- sons' lives as a consequence of the contact they have had with the deceased. There are certainly many ways in which President Kennedy's life has affected the American people, as a nation and as indi- viduals. He held many ideals, pressed for many programs-more than can be listed here. Beyond these and perhaps most of all, when one thinks of him, one will vis- ualize the inspirational symbol that he was, the dynamism of his hopes and ef- forts, his firm belief in the ability of America to meet the "New Frontiers" of the '60's. Some of John Kennedy has rubbed off on each American, and it is in this influ- ence that his life will have a continuing and significant meaning to the nation. THE GREATEST HONOR one can pay him, then, is by all means to continue efforts in the classroom, thus giving ex- pression to their own ideals and those of the President. But many will argue that the symbolic and actual value of taking time out to do some concentrated thinking about John Kennedy's life in relation to one's own will wholly justify cancelling classes. Perhaps. But for only a few does con- centrated thought about an event make a difference in future behavior. Will people, because a day of mourning has been de- clared, therefore better live up to the ex- amples set by President Kennedy? uations far less artificial than a sudden, forced period of concentration. For most of us John Kennedy's death has not been a personal trauma. While the loss of the President is certainly trag- ic, it cannot affect most of us directly to that extent. This does not mean that there cannot be change except for those who are sensi- tive enough to see large meanings, except for those with a sincere enough allowance for change in their lives, except for those to whom the assassination is a personal catastrophe. THERE HAS ALREADY been change, and there will continue to be change as a result of the effect of John Kennedy on every American. But we could spend our time better without pretending that long hours and great energy devoted to con- centrated thought will yield significant results. The results of a proclaimed "day of mourning," supposedly to think about the meaning of the President's ideals, may very likely not compensate for the classes not held or the activities artificially cur- tailed. RATHER, there will be a multitude of less dramatic and more effective stim- uli for reflection and change. John Ken- nedy's image will stand behind domestic and foreign programs, behind the figures who continue after him in the govern- ment, behind the words he has expressed and in accounts of his life in the media. Most important, he will remain in the minds of all a national figure of great stature. But these reminders will appear to us mixed in with the course of our activi- ties, and this is the best way. They will be woven into the context of everyday life, sometimes unconsciously, sometimes consciously, but always more immediately and effectively than if they were conjured up in a prolonged and perhaps hypocriti- cal mourning. IT IS THUS in two ways that John Ken- nedy's life will have meaning and ef- fect: as his ideals have already influenc- ed our lives and as these ideals will ap- pear to us further in many smaller but more potent ways in the course of our activities. Both of these ways require that we do not interrupt our involvement with the business of learning. Interrupting this in- volvement, we may well be fooling our- selves into thinking that the change we can force in ourselves will be fully worth the interruption. And we will be neglect- ing the prime honor we can pay to John Kennedy: giving expression, through our actions, to our own ideals and to his. -JEFFREY GOODMAN The Aspirations Of All Americans IT IS MORE THAN just sorrow for the death that has led America to the re- spect that is being shown the late Presi- dent. Respect for the leader, his office and his government, has made Americans mourn the death. There is an inherent moral responsibil- ity for the citizens of America to respect the President. But a part of America has died and each person should place this above all that he may individually desire. The fact that the death of this President is a matter for all Americans points out that personal feelings must be set aside for the benefit of the entire nation. THE UNIVERSITY along with most oth- er educational institutions and civic groups has reacted to the death in the only manner that it could: it has sus- pended all activities until Monday night. The University has realized that it must respond with a feeling of respect for Kennedy, and that having campus events is not fitting on this occasion. One senator, when commenting on the death, said that it has showed primarily that America is still a nation of Ameri- cans. He meant that in this dire time Americans have put aside their personal desires and have acted for America. His statement shows that America can still stand even after a time of crisis has come. When the new President of the United States issued his proclamation he noted that this is a period of "national grief- our grief" and that all Americans should To the Editor: BY THIS TIME, a dull empty feeling engulfs the mind-a cold, gnawing, metallic numbness pervading all the world. An aching paralysis of grief and sorrow con- trollingevery action. Tears for a brilliant stateman and a stricken first lady fall in silence. One realizes that these powerful emo- tions may even precipitate more tragic events. Our President, when he was alive, was fully conscious that an assassin, who carefully planned his action and who had the nerve and will, could succeed. This was just another risk of being a leader. However, John F. Kennedy en- visioned great things for people. This drove him onward each day to do great things. The creation of stable founda- tions for general disarmament and world peace; integrations and equality of opportunity for all men, are but a few of these things. According to his belief, the Presi- dent, if he were alive today, would probably not want any one man to be unduly crucified, even for such a monstrous act as assassina- tion. * * * WE MUST REALIZE in our hearts that grief could be trans- formed too easily into vengeance which could mitigate our sorrow. Singling out one man, accusing him, and murdering him might easily restore order. But the mem- ory of John F. Kennedy would never approve of it. Hasty accusa- tion of either radical wing while motivated by and satisfying to our tense, frustrated anguish, would never be right. It is hoped that Mr. Johnson will personally, as will others, see that justice is followed. Even the assassin must be given a fair chance, the right of legal counsel, and the hope of innocence before being proved guilty. * * * IF THIS UNHOLY ACT was the twisted creation of a single man, let us treat him with compassion for his sickness was caused by our society. If this lowly act was the despicable desire of a group of men, let us stop a bloody inquisi- tion for fear that our grieved blindness will sacrifice many more innocent men. We must be just- and we be- lieve that this is the only manner that President Kennedy would have wanted us to follow. . -Robert Jackson, '66 Niel Didriksen,'67 Advertising . . . To the Editor: ON FRIDAY, The Daily issued a special, single sheet extra de- voted to the tragic death of our President. This otherwise very ap- propriate extra was marred by the inclusion, on the reverse side, of two huge ads, one for The Daily and one for the '64 Ensian. These ads took up almost eight tenths of the page. The inclusion of these or any other ads in this special extra edition strikes me as being in the poorest possible taste. -Fred B. Rotz Justice .. . To the Editor: NOW THAT the tragedy has happened and the initial shock abated, the aid has become fogged by a nearly unanimous cry for blood-somebody's blood, any- body's blood. Enveloped in this hypertense atmosphere of ven- geance, we frantically wait for the chance to grasp at a name, a photograph perhaps; to label this image "demon" and to shower down upon it our vilest execra- tions. Only after the murderer is executed will we feel relieved. But the irreversible cannot be reversed nor the crime undone regardless of the number of the criminals "brought to justice." IN OUR ZEAL to appease our consciences, we may well tend to be selective in considering the in- criminating evidence, thereby greatly increasing the probability of convicting the wrong man. Since no one apparently saw the murderer, the only really damning evidence is the matching of the murderer's finger prints with those on the lethal rifle. If such evidence is not obtain- ed, no conviction should take place. All other evidence is in- conclusive and any conviction (which in this case surely means death to the convicted) based on inconclusive evidence will likely lead to a grave injustice, another murder, in fact, no less heinous than the one which took place Friday. After a due period of mourning, we must become sober once again. -Carl Goldberg, '63 Insensitivity * ** To the Editor: THROUGHOUT the painful patriotic and nationalistic souls, angered by the lack of good variety show programming on the "tube," decided to salvage their precious dates by braving nasty weather and going to the "flicks." One had only to walk down State Street at 11 p.m. Friday to find these humanitarians paying their last respects to a great man by taking in a "funny flick or two." * * * AMERICAN PEOPLE wept un- ashamedly in the streets Friday, and students and statesmen throughout the world showed a deep feeling for this great tragedy, yet this not so small group, show- ed their complete immaturity and total absence of any deeper feel- ing about the assassination, by having a gay "old Friday night," as if this sort of tragedy did not affect them in any way. It was against this type of apathy and the total lack of feel- ing for other people and of their problems, which is supplanted by overpowering narcissism, that the late President Kennedy died fight- ing for. * * * THE ANN ARBOR "FLICKS" made sure that no one would lack entertainment this evening, and the vigorous narcissists provided the customers. These are the people who will be helping to solve the world problems in the near future. Maybe they'll grow out of it. For ourkcountry's and the free world's sake; I hope so. -A. Karvelis, '66E Hysteria . .. To the Editor: FOR SOME, the hysteria follow- ing the death of John F. Ken- nedy has abated-a very very deep hollowness is theirs. For the rest, and as I see it, the majority, the hysteria is still there. This hysteria is a potential source of great danger to this country and the world. It will be very fashionable in the next few weeks to mourn openly and avidly for the late President. Already, the television stations have begun to exploit in ruthless MadisongAvenue fashion the sensitive and personal areas of family: John-John, the coming birthdays of the children, the an- guish of Mrs. Kennedy. Our own University has come to see that its cheaply rationalized policy of "the show must go on" and "he would have wanted it that way," are wrong. No one is indespensible, but there is the feeling that Life should pause, if only for a moment, in tribute to a fine man. It is a sacrifice; an obligation to the memory of that man that must be met. It is my hope that the University has seen this obligation and is not simply joining the national "bandwagon" of grief. THE GRIEF of John F. Ken- nedy's death belongs to the in- timate family and friends. They knew him in the way that allows them the grief, we knew him only as a leader. We can mourn, we can praise, but the grief is theirs alone and not the nations. Too many will see and seize upon this grief as an instrument of their own per sonal motives (only please to veil it under the label of "righteous- ness"). I see a "rude beast," the mascot of a McCarthy "witchhunt." If this hunt becomes a reality, it will be a thousand times more dangerous than the one in the 50's because, now, unlike then, a whole nation will identify with it. Its first scapegoat will follow the assassin and more sacrifices will surely follow. Where it will stop, no one can imagine. * * * ' ONE THING is certain however: if it starts, the very foundations upon which this nation are found- ed will be crumbled to dust. Whether this nation will survive the upheaval once the hunt and power drives assume "purge" pro- portions, is doubtful-humans as we have seen too often, and most immediately, yesterday, are sel- dom either rational or forgiving. Forgiveness I think, must be the Lord's. We must not allow this situa- tion. The commercial sentimental- ity, the sloppy and distasteful sensationalism must be curbed. These only provide raw emotions that will fuel aewitchhunt. They must be dissipated. FOR MYSELF, I saw him as a man who provided a very con- venient and typically American "Father-image:" a nice wife, cute children, man-of-the-people, the whole works. I liked him. I cried praying for him last night. But that's it. I absolutely refuse to join in the tide of glorification. He was a man; he died. He was a great man; OK. There is no reason for me to hate the man or men that killed him. Hate is too easy and solves nothing. I can be repulsed by the atmosphere that created his death-I know it exists. Ircan work with all my being to destroy that atmosphere of hate and bigotry, of intolerance and violence. orientation with rationality and forgiveness-the only way I know of preserving the dignity of a man and the solidarity of a nation. -George A. White, '65 Consequences .. To the Editor: THE PRESENT "show of re- spect" that we are giving the late President Kennedy in the form of cancelling social functions, television entertainment and ra- dio programs could have far reaching political, social and eco- nomic consequences. Most people feel that respect should be shown the President after his assassination Friday. This attitude is good, but the can- cellation of social functions and other forms of entertainment may do more harm to the United States than if the populace flew their flags at half-mast until the funeral. THE POLITICIANS involved with the present situation are emotionally upset and if this up- set is carried into world affairs, the results could be disastrous. If Oswald, the suspected assassin, is guilty, the public and politicians are going to blame Russia and Communism for the President's death. This enmity toward Russia could cause poor relations to develop in any political controversy. In the case that Russia blocks the Berlin access rights, the politicians may decide to shoot their way through the blockade instead of handling the situation with restraint and sense. This irrational behavior doesn't limit itself to politicans, rather all of society is affected ad- versely by overemphasizing the President's death. * * * ALTHOUGH, not as disastrous as the political consequences, the social dangers are equally impor- taut. The emotional fervor of the WHAT KIND OF WORLD?: Economic Education May Yield Nothing people is enhanced because no outlet, socially or emotionally, is provided. Because people can't think about anything but the tragic death of our President, they build emotional stress beyond a point that is helpful to the situa- tion. For instance, if the alleged as- sassin isn't guilty, he may be tried, convicted and executed because of public and jury prejudice. Also, any group that the assassin was associated with will be discrim- inated against or even persecuted though it may not have had any- thing to do with the President's assassination. Another social dan- ger could result if the people par- tially blame the conservative poli- tical elements for the assassina- tion even though it had nothing to do with it. The most serious and profound threats resulting from overem- phasizing the assassination are the economic ones. By cancelling ad- vertising on television, radio and in other mass media, the com- panies in the United States are being hurt. Without advertising they can't sell, and this endaIr gers the country as a whole. The most serious threat is the one of a stock market decline and a possible complete fall. Panic stricken investors could start a selling trend that could snowball, surpassing Blue Monday and ap- proaching the 1929 stock market crash. Such a decline could cause a general economic panic. * * * WE HAVE presented extreme cases, but they aren't unlikely. For example, the stock market dropped 21 points in the one hour between the time the President was shot and the premature closing of the market. Therefore, considering the consequences, we feel that this "mourning" is being carried to an extreme. -Kenth R. PlossI, '67 Robert J. Podd,'67 'U By ROBERT M. HUTCHINS ANOTHER epoch-making docu- ment on education has just appeared in England. This is the long-awaited Robbins Report, de- voted to higher education. It recommendsmorethan doub- ling the number of university stu- dents, increasing the number of universities from 32 to 60 and creating five special institutions on the order of Massachusetts In- stitute of Technology and Cali- fornia Tech-all by 1980. By that date, England would have about half a million univer- sity students. The number before the last war was about 35,000, and even radical critics used to say that if it could grow to 45,000 the needs of the country would be met for all future time. SINCE EDUCATION is now the most popular word in the lan- guage, it is not surprising that the Robbins Report has been favor- ably received. But the terms of the response from the left, as rep- resented by that highly intelligent publication, the New Statesman, are mildly astonishing. We would have expected "lib- erals" and "progressives" to ap- plaud the report because of the new opportunities it opens to hun- dreds of thousands of hitherto underprivileged people. Not at all. The New Statesman hails the report for accepting the view that a vast expansion of higher education is necessary for the survival of Britain as a major power and for announcing, in what the New Statesman calls the "key sentence" of the report, that higher education must now be geared to the needs of the national economy. In this view, the aim of higher education is national power and prosperity. These are false hopes indeed. By 1980, when the recom- mendations of the report would begin to take effect, Britain will be even less a major power than she is today, or she will be part of some regional or world federa- tion and not a power in her own right at all. As for the national economy, however far Britain may lag be- hind the rest of the West, she is already so affluent that her eco- nomic problem is not production, but distribution. It is not how to get out more goods, but how to get them around to the people who need them. The contribution higher education can make to this problem remains obscure. * * * A GOOD educational system may increase the power and pros- perity of a nation. Although the educational systems of the Scan- dinavian countries have not made them powerful, they have doubt- less helped to make them relative- ly prosperous. But the important work of the educational systems of the Scandinavian countries is that they have made them civilized. An educational system does not succeed by meeting the immediate needs of a country, about which it can usually do little, or by get- ting it gold and glory, which are objects better left to businessmen and politicians. An educational system succeeds if it makes rational animals more rational and less animal, if it builds the intelligence and in- creases the wisdom of the citizens. This is why a good educational system is constantly at war with the culture, that is, with the prev- alent habits and opinions of the day. Of course, any educational sys- tem reflects the culture. But every good educational system aims to refine and improve the culture. This is why we know that indoc- trination is something different from teaching, and something "s1'ke T 4. 'i..,, .a .. ta i- students through routines alleged to make them or the country strong and rich. It may seem paradoxical, but it is true, that the benefits of edu- cation are chiefly indirect. You would not expect much from courses in elementary, interme- diate and advanced character. Character, as Woodrow Wilson used to say, is a by-product, a by- product of hard work well done. If you aim at intelligence and wisdom, you may, as a by-product, get power and prosperity. If you aim at power and prosperity, you may get nothing at all. (Copyright, Los Angeles Times) SORENSON STATEMENT: Private Organizations And the University is (EDITOR'S NOTE: In the Novem- ber, 1963, Regents' meeting, I voted against two matters of which pass- nevertheless. One was to approve the sale of University real estate to a fraternity. The second was to ap- prove the course we are following with respect to membership regula- tions in student organizations. (The following statement of my position with respect to fraternities and sororities, which I wish to make public, will explain the reasons for my votes. Others voted against these motions for entirely different reasons. -Allan R. Sorenson Regent) FOR A NUMBER of years, efforts have been made on the Univer- sity of Michigan campus, as in many other college communities, to force fraternities (in the term "fraternities" I include sororities) to eliminate by-laws which re- quire membership practices which discriminate ("discrimination" hereafter refers to these same bases only) on the basis of race, religion, or national origin. The rationale for these efforts is this: 1) Fraternities are student or- ganizations, and as such are sub- ject to control by the University. 2) The University, following the customary legal basis for non- discrimination, forbids discrimina- tion within the area of its con- trol. 3) Fraternities are, therefore, required not to discriminate. * *" * IN MY JUDGEMENT, there are two errors in this framework, the first leading to the second. First, fraternities are not student or- ganizations in the usual sense. Second, as private social clubs, nondiscriminatory membership practices should not be mandatory. In May, 1963, the Regents in a 7-1 vote, stated that fraternities are student organizations, sub- ject to all the regulations of such groups. Further steps were taken at that time to hasten the process, one which has operated erratically for two decades, to the goal that there be no discrimination in fra- ternity membership. It is my position that this goal, while laudable for achievement by the fraternity, is not only un- trealistic but improper for the University to attempt to impose. * * * STUDENT organizations have certain characteristics. They are open to all students. Generally, the number who may participate in some manner is not limited. If there are, for some reason, a limit- ed number of certain positions, selection is on the basis of athletic, musical, acting, or other abilities. Membership in a fraternity, however, may be on a completely arbitrary basis such as compati- bility. This is understandable in a social or religious club, but in- tolerable in a student organiza- tinn in a nubliiv mnnrted uni- is very weak support of the posi- tion for two reasons. First, admission to university housing can only be on a first- come-first-served basis. Like stu- dent organization membership, admission to University housing must be on a non-discriminatory basis. Second, students are housed in private homes and apartments without the need to declare such residences "student organizations." Therefore, need for a University trol is not a significant reason for classifying fraternities as student organizations. It appears, thus, that neither as student organizations nor as hous- ing facilities should fraternities be an official part of the Uni- versity organization. A third rea- son is given for not setting frater- nities outside of University con- trol. This is that it would mean "the end of the fraternities," and, as a result, the University would be responsible for a considerable loss of private investment in fra- ternity real estate. IF IT WERE TRUE that the fraternities would disappear if given their freedom, this could not in all good judgement be used as an excuse for not taking the right action in a much more important sphere' of decision. This latter reason for retaining the student-organization status of fraternities is the most alarming of all because of what it says of values. It seems to say, "Protect an investment, protect a private club rather than take a clear de- cisive action in a matter of civil rights in a state institution. There should be no question of this: Discrimination must not exist in any official segment of the University. As a public insti- tution, the University cannot tol- erate discrimination. IT SHOULD ALSO be recogniz- ed that the constitutionally pro- tected right of free association as- sures the right to discriminate in a private social club. This is why I believe it is an improper goal to seek to impose non-discrimination on the fraternities. I also men- tioned that it is an unrealistic goal; I have been told of the "gentlemen's agreements" which exist even when the by-laws meet University approval. It is difficult to understand the fear a fraternity might have of disassociation from the University. As students, the same participation in intra-mural sports could be ly operated, could be otherwise continued. Rushing, while private- unchanged. Permission to live in fraternities could be on much the same basis as for other private residence living. Permission of parents could be required. * f' * TO SUMMARIZE my position: 1 i nn tv.r+ mm O.a w.. ,ti 4I ,, r i * I :I 1 i