SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24,1963 fir im iv M T /'+ n w Arl A I&T Im A 'r r in 7 SUNDAY, 1~OVEMBE 24,1983 ,,u.~.unEU, m WAl if AN- .DAILY-- PAGE THREE i See Little Early Change in Government Policies 'S"\ Foreign Affairs . . By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER Associated Press Diplomatic Affairs Writer a WASHINGTON- The Kennedy administration foreign p o1i c y seems certain to be continued without change by the new Presi- dent in the weeks immediately ahead; but eventually some modi- fication appears inevitable. Kennedy's assassination seems certain also to shake foreign con- fidence temporarily in United States leadership of the free world alliance, since even a peaceful and legal change of Presidents always has the effect of rendering the fu- ture uncertain for the Allies. How quickly a firm lead is re- stored will depend on the speed and decision with which the new chief executive makes clear his major policy line. All the Way As Vice-President, Lyndon B. Johnson has been a down-the- line supporter of President Ken- n y's policies and the specific rograms developed to carry them out. Johnson has been a member of administration policy - m a k i n g groups on various occasions, par- ticularly the National Security Council which has responsibility for handling all major questions involving the cold war and Unit- ed States security. He has thus been in position to be thorough- ly informed about the state of world affairs, United States-So- viet relations, and Kennedy's plans for dealing with those mat- ters. Authorities here consider it un- likely that Johnson will make any quick change in any of the top people dealing with such prob- lems. The position of Secretary of State Dean Rusk, the President's chief foreign-policy adviser and r' the director of diplomatic opera- tions, appears as secure with John- son as it was with Kennedy. More Conservative? If Johnson does effect any grad- ual change in policy, only he will be able to define its direction; but speculatively it could be to- ward a more conservative diplo- macy in dealing with Soviet Pre- mier Nikita S. Khrushchev and the whole range of United States-So- viet relations. On two controversial issues this year, Kennedy has insisted on a flexible and outgoing approach to Russia. s Thus he made repeated attempts to get an agreement on a nuclear - test-ban treaty and finally suc- ceeded in mid-summer in arriv- ing at an accord with Khrush- chev. The Moscow negotiations were handled by Undersecretary of State W. Averell Harriman. Wheat Sales Soar Subsequently, Kennedy decided that the United States as well as other countries could sell wheat to the Soviet Union to meet the requirements caused by crop fail- ures. There is no obvious reason to 1 think that Johnson would have handled those issues differently. But Kennedy's determined drive, begun actually in his inaugura- tion speech, to find some way to ease the tensions and make an agreement with the Russians may not command the same energy and support from the new Presi- dent. As a veteran member of Con- gress and a much older politician than Kennedy, Johnson must be sensitively aware of the great sus- picion of the Soviet behavior in congressional circles and the strong belief there that the Unit- ed States should proceed with ex- treme caution toward any kind of an agreement with the Soviet Un- ion. It's Up toKhrushchev Whether the sudden change of leadership in Washington will make any quick difference in cold war tensions probably depends more on Khrushchev than on the new United States President., It is up to the Soviet leader to decide whether he wants to avoid a crisis atmosphere or whether, as an alternative, he wants to make a test of nerves or see whether he can score some quick gain at United States expense while the government in Washington is par- tially hobbled by sorrow and un- certainty. When Kennedy succeeded Pres- ident Dwight D. Eisenhower in January of 1961, Khrushchev's ini- tial approach to the new Ameri- can leader was friendly and struck a peaceful note. Such a reaction to the present United States poli- tical crisis would seem to be more in line - with the recent aims Khrushchev has sought than would a hostile performancehona his part. However, the Soviet premier is in a position to make his own choice on the advice of a small in- ner group, and the normal un- certainty of a period immediately after the advent of a new Presi- dent must be magnified in this case by concern about what Khrushchev's actual choice will be., Congress .. . President Lyndon B. Johnson's tmethods of dealing with Congress will certainly differ from those John F. Kennedy used, and many think that Johnson's will be much surer than Kennedy's were. Johnson is expected to use the art of cajolery and compromise which he developed as Democrat- ic Senate leader from 1953-1960. The foreign aid bill, presently being gone over in Congress, is just one of many major issues faced by congressional action. Civil Rights Possibilities Among other as-yet-unsettled issues is the administration's civ- il rights bill, which was introduc- ed June 19 and has just managed to work its way out of the House Judiciary Committee. Its passage this year is a very unlikely possi- bility. Johnson is credited by many for pushing the 1957 and 1960 civil rights bills through Congress. The consensus is that he will do it again before the 1964 presidential election. A question being raised, how-' ever, is just how far he is willing to let the bill be compromised. Education Bills Federal aid to primary educa- tion is dead for this session, but large money bills for higher and vocational education appear likely to pass if conflicting interests in Congress can be straightened out. Johnson is expected to work hard at some sort of agreement if the Democrats expect some kind of education bill to pass by next November. The administration has been pushing for a tax cut of around $11 billion, on the grounds that it would help the economy by giv- ing more money to the people and thus stimulating consumer de- mand. Tax Bill Maneuvers Passage of the cut seems to have been delayed until next year, al- though Johnson is expected to seek ways to get the tax bills out of committee before next November. Politics .. . By JACK BELL Associated Press Political Writer WASHINGTON - Plunged into the spotlight by the sudden death of his predecessor, President Lyn- don B. Johnson faces a monumen- tal political task in trying to im- print a favorable image on the voters. For the months are short before the Democratic National Conven- tion meets next August. Johnson, the first Texan to become Presi- dent, is the logical choice for the nomination. Only if he stumbles badly could he be confronted with any serious challenge. Popular President Beyond the Democratic conven- tion, however, lies the critical No- vember verdict of a people who- if popularity polls mean anything -- were well satisfied with the operations of a personal young President. Whatever success the new Presi- dent has in this endeavor, there will remain what politicians regard as the necessity of balancing the Democratic ticket. Supported 'New Frontier' In the more than three years he has spent as Vice-President, John- son has built up a record of ad- vocacy of civil rights and of sup- port for Kennedy's "New Fron- tier" program. He has gone so far in this direction that many conservatives and most segrega- tionists of the South have turned their backs on him. But Johnson retains strongly' placed Dixie friends such as Sena- tors Richard B. Russell (D-Ga) and Harry F. Byrd (D-Va). The South plainly is not as averse to the new chief executive as it was to Kennedy. In a brief interview in a hotel lobby in Fort Worth, a few hours before anyone could guess he was about to become President, John- son expressed the opinion that Texas was beginning to look "all. right" for the Democrats. This was after Kennedy's triumphal Texas, with 25 electoral votes, has been regarded as a Democrat- ic "must." If Texans vote a major- ity against a Texan running for President, it will surprise not only Johnson but also most political observers. Johnson's major troubles seem to lie where Kennedy had none, in the northern big city states with heavy electoral votes. Organized labor and the Negroes remain at arms length with the new Presi- dent. It is his job to leave them little chance to oppose him.- As a part of this, Johnson ob- viously will be looking around for, ti_ a vice-presidential running mate with appeal in the heavily populat- ed states. If he induced Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy to run with him, he could present a ticket ap- pealing to the dead President's followers and to the minorities who look upon his brother as their champion. If elected, this would put Kennedy in a favored spot for the nomination later. This would add to the opposition in the South, where the oppon- ents of civil rights action have made Robert Kennedy their prin- cipal target. cipal target. F U ,. '',.U :a ::a4a:":o-: t ':'.t'".h. f ,- i .... cvcri T'- #W' 4w electric LEADERS--President Lyndon B. Johnson (right) confers with Senate Minority Leader Everett M. Dirksen (left) and Senate foreign relations committee chairman William Fulbright while still Senate majority leader in 1960. He will now have to work with these men to pass his legislative program. Many capital observers tend to think that in order to get Congress moving on anything, he'll have to make some changes in legislative leadership. One man suggested as likely to go is Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield (D-Mont). On Second Thought Kennedy said that the Russians were ahead in the "space race" during one of his last news con- ferences. There has been talk from' responsible sources, however, about second looks at the space program. It is not known how well-devel- oped Kennedy's views were on the subject, but it is known that John- son is outspoken in favor of a full and complete outer space program. In support of such a program, he said, "If we are not success- ful in our efforts in space, we will not be first on the moon, we will not be first in space, and one day soon we will not be first on earth." When Johnson was in the Sen- ate, he had not been very out- spoken on foreign affairs, whereas' Kennedy had. However, Johnson has toured about 20 countries in the past three years and has a traditional interest in Latin Amer- ica. In the delicate tariff-cutting that is expected to take place next year and had been known as the Kennedy "round," Johnson might well bring to bear specialized knowledge in basic commodities and oil. TEXON QUALITY SIMULATED.LEATHER MANICURE SET H olds: billfold, cigarette pack, comb, compact, keys, lipstick, tissues, etc. . + debbie-case"-value 2.00 - "' "Lady Monicure"-volue 5.95 TOTAL VALUE-7.9S r BOTH ONLY5 TAKE ADVANTAGE OF this exceptional offer-a style-smart "Debbie-Case", and a fine quality electric manicure and pedicure set. "Debbie-Case" will hold and protect your "LADY MANICURE" set. You'll also use it sepa- irately--for shopping, .visiting, or travel-as a personal case big enough for necessities, yet compact and casual. Use new electric "LADY MANICURE" to enjoy regular nail care at the flick of a switch! Light. weight, battery powered, finger-tip unit, lets you trim and shape nails, treat cuticle, buff beauti. fully-all in a few pleasant minutes! Get your combination to-day! Enjoy the good. grooming of electric manicuring, and the gift of a lovely "Debbie-Case!" " Complete set includes handsome case, batteries (nothing fe lug-in), and accessories - buffer, filg discs emery drum. cuticle brush and creme. ORAND FOR OIFTSI Store hours: Mondays and Fridays 'til 9 P.M. Other days 'til 5:30 P.M. Ua - NEW STATE CONSTITUTION: Pierce Warns of 'Conflict of Interests' y By EDWARD HERSTEIN "The Legislature has to come to grips with some aspects of the conflict of interest problem," Prof. William J. Pierce of the Law ficers" to avoid "conflict of est" cases. inter- U ounces of pure beauty! School said yesterday. The problem arises from a clause in the new state constitu- tion, to take effect Jan. 1, which orders lawmakers and "state of- Because "the new constitution says 'the Legislature shall further implement' this provision (rather than just 'implement,' as other provisions are worded, the consti- tution is self-operating," Prof. Pierce explained. Laws Are Needed LITTLE GODIVA* by WARNER'S' You don't feel the girdle because it's made with nylon and uncovered Lycra@ spandex-the lightest, sheerest, breeziest girdle fiber of all. What you do feel is nude! This girdle weighs a mere two ounces, yet molds, holds, keeps your curves in line. With it, a lacy, little-nothing bra called Delilah (TM) (stretches for all-around fit). Wouldn't you like to feel a little Godiva-ish? Both in White, Black. 578 pantie: S, M, L, $8.95. Also available: 577 girdle, $7.95; 579 long leg pantie, $10.95. 10-66 bra: A,B,C, $5.00. In our slimwear department If {/4; f/f . r!~I ~' The proposal would have creat- ed a three-member ethics com- mittee to advise lawmakers, public officers or public employes wheth- er any governmental contract in which they were interested might be disputable. It defined prima facie conflict of interest as one where the pub- lic officer or employe would re- ceive 10 per cent or more of the contract income, a nd sought to define other questionable relation- ships with a contract Cost Rebate It also included a provision in which a company could get back its cost - but not its profit - if the courts voided a contract be- cause of the provision. Rep. Joseph A. Gillis, Jr. (D- Detroit) warned that lawmakers must face the ethical problems in- volved sooner or later. "We've got to wrestle with this problem." he said. "I'd rather have us do it than have it done for us after there is some scandal." "I'll introduce the bill myself next month, if Gov. George Rom- ney's call for the special session is broad enough. If I can t' in- troduce the bill myself, I'm sure it will be introduced by someone in next year's regular session." It's Up To Romney Romney's official call for the special session stated that it would start at 8 p.m. Dec. 3 and would consider "certain subjects to be submitted by special messages." This left the question of whether any message will cover the conflict of interest problem up to Romney. I:1 Brown told the committee this is "totally new legislation" which it might want to study further. However, Prof. Pierce said that while such legislation is "foreign to Michigan," it is "like New York's," and the ethics commis- sion provision has been "batted around in California." The committee is expected to submit 82 bills requiring imme- diate action to the special session. It was learned that and revision of the state Aid to Dependent Children of the Unemployed act to make Michigan eligible for fed- eral funds will not be considered at the session, although two House Democrats ,argue that the state is losing $50,000 a day until the state 'j 327 S. Main St. NO 3-4013 Convenient New Entrance From City's 4th Ave. Parking Lot. law is evied I1 An engraved gif t adds that personal touch so often appreciated. May we suggest is it me. r Jack Winter! C 11 RCIL E PIN S with her monogram C IHIARM S an outstanding collection of sterling and 14 Karat charms engraving done at no extra charge! "fo th finestin werv It's youprincess, when you have the Jack Winter look. But whoa... take a minute to learn about the subject of stretch. Because once you put yourself in Jack Winter stretch pants, you are going to get the eye test. Be darn sure you can pass. Questions. Should you wear stretch pants? What kind of figure does it take? Most all figures are flattered by stretch, whether angular, trian- gular, or a figure eight. Even if you have an hourglass figure where all the sand has sunk to the bottom, stretch pants can do quick subtract- ing. You won't need a grease job to slip in, but there's no sag, bag or bind either. Jack Winter cuts 'em just right...lean and ladylike portioned in your proper leg-length. So it's you and Jack Winter getting all those straight-on, slant-eyed, turn-about-face looks. You and Jack Winter causing that campus stir. Jack Winter 1410 Broadway, New York City i I I ',E