THE MICHIGAN DAILY Kennedy (Continued from Page 1) Battled Cold War, Racial Issue ' since the end of World War II. Khrushchev called West Berlin- showplace of the Free World and surrounded by Communism-a bone that must come out of the Russian throat. He threatened to sign a separ- ate peace treaty with East Ger- many and turn over access to West Berlin to the East German Com- munist government. The East Germans whom the Western pow- ers did not recognize, said the city should be theirs. Questions Air Access Khrushchev stepped up his of- fensive by questioning the invi- olability of Western air access to Berlin. The West insisted on its right to unrestricted use of the air corridors between West Ger- many and West Berlin. The Soviets charged the United States with airlifting saboteurs and spies into West Berlin for action against East Germany and other Soviet bloc nations. In re- plying to this charge, the White House said in a statement: "The United States must serve a solemn warning to the Soviet Union that any interference by the Soviet government or its East German regime with free access to West Berlin would be an aggres- sive act for the consequences of which the Soviet government would bear full responsibility." Alies Hold Territory Throughout the spring and summer of 1962 Kennedy issued warnings to Khrushchev that the Western Allies intended to remain in West Berlin. He repeatedly as- serted that the United States would stand by its pledge to de- fend West Berlin. In June of 1963 he reemphasized this in a visit to West Germany, where he was greeted enthusiastically. West Berlin was not Kennedy's' only worry. The United States was crucially involved with the Com- munists in such far off places as Laos and South Viet Nam in Southeast Asia. In May of 1962 Kennedy dis- patched United- States naval, air and land forces to the Thailand- Laos border because of the pro- Communist seizure of control of most of northern Laos. The ma- neuver was intended to demon- strate United States commitment in Thailand's defense and to place more troops closer to landlocked Laos. CABINET-The late President John F. Kennedy often conferred with his cabinet on vital matters. The cabinet at the time of the President's death included (left to right): Postmaster Gen. J. Edward Day, the then Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson, Defense Secretary Robert McNamara, Asst. Atty. Gen. Nicholas deB. Katzenbach (sitting in for Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy), Labor Secretary W. Willard Wirtz, Health, Education and Welfare Secretary Anthony Celebrezze, Commerce Secretary Luther Hodges, Undersecretary of Agriculture Charles Murphy (sitting in for Agriculture Secretary Orville Freeman), State Secretary Dean Rusk, Kennedy, Treasury Interior Secretary Steward Udall. Secretary Douglas Dillon and I Two moths later a treaty es- tablishing the neutrality of Laos was signed in Geneva by a 14- nation conference. The treaty car- ried a protocol providing for with- drawal of foreign troops. As time went on, however, there were indications that Laos' coali- tion government of neutralist, right-wing and left-wing was frail and insecure. There actually was no peace. Meanwhile, fighting raged in South Viet Nam where the Com- munist Viet Cong from the North fought to overrun the country and place it in Communist hands. United State military advisers tried to help the government of President Ngo Dinh Diem, but they spoke of the Viet Nam in- volvement with the infiltrated Communist guerrillas in terms of years and millions of dollars. The- situation became further complicated in 1963 by a political- religious outbreak involving Budd- hists-a majority in the country- and the Roman Catholic Diem family. The Buddhists, charging repressions, demonstrated. The Diem government raided pagodas and jailed Buddhists last August. S o m e Buddhists subsequently burned themselves to death pub- licly in protest. The United States blamed Ngo Dinh Nhu, the President's brother, who was considered the second most powerful, if not the most powerful, man in the country. The drama came to a climax Nov. 1, 1963. Vietnamese military leaders captured key points in Saigon and attacked the Presi- dential palace. Soon after dawn Nov. 2 the palace fell. Diem and his brother were dead. Big Investment The United States, which con- sidered the country vital to the Western defense position in Southeast Asia and had invested $2.5 billion in aid and 16,500 troops, watched closely. In an assessment of his first year in office Kennedy told a news conference that failure to reach agreement with the Soviet Union one a nuclear test ban had been his greatest disappointment. He achieved a limited test ban in 1963, his third year in the White House. Nuclear testing had been a con- stant problem. In September 1961 Russia had junked a three-year moratorium in atomic weapons, attributing its decision to pressure from "imperialistic countries." Disregard Mankind Kennedy called the decision "utter disregard of the desire of mankind for a decrease in the arms race." Russia proceeded with the tests in Central Asia between Septem- ber and November. Khrushchev said one blast in the series was on the plus side of 50 megatons (a 50-megaton blast is equivalent to 50 million tons of TNT). A United States spokesman re- ported that this country had the capacity and know-how to develop a 50-megaton bomb but had con- cluded it was of questionable mili- tary value. He said Khrushchev's primary purpose was to create terror. After Russia's renewal of nu- clear detonations, Kennedy an- nounced resumption of under- ground and laboratory tests by the United States. Such tests do not create the hazard of fallout. "We have no other choice in fulfillment of the responsibilities of the United States to its own citizens and to the security of other free nations," he said. Meanwhile, Russia announced it would hold more tests if the United States continued under- ground .blasts or started atmos- pheric explosions. Atmospheric Too The United States resumed at- mospheric tests in April 1962 but only after Russia rejected a treaty prohibiting all tests. R u s s i a promptly resumed tests in mid- summer and the United States follbwed with more tests in the autumn. Finally in June 1963 Kennedy proposed a "strategy of peace" to lead the United States and the Soviet Union out of the "vicious and dangerous cycle" of the cold war. As a first step, he said, high ranking representatives of the United States, Great Britain and Soviet Russia would meet in Mos- cow in'a renewed effort to agree on a nuclear test ban. As a demonstration of its good faith, he said the United States would refrain from atmospheric tests so long as others did like- wise. Sign Treaty A treaty banning nuclear weap- ons tests in space, In the atmos- phere and under water was ini- tialed in Moscow in September. The three nations formally ac- cepted it and other nations fol- lowed suit. Kennedy said the treaty "re- flects no concessions either to or by the Soviet Union. It reflects our common recognition of the dangers in further testing." The treaty caused Kennedy to comment on the "pause in the cold war" in a speech before the United Nations in September. More Thaws A further thaw appeared in October when Kennedy approved the sale of some four million tons of wheat to Russia and other Soviet bloc nations which had been hit by drought. Past American policy had dis- couraged United States-Soviet trade but Kennedy saw benefits in the deal such as improvement of the balance of payments, increase in gold supplies, strengthening of the farm economy and a reduction in the United States wheat sur- plus. 'This transaction advertises to the world as nothing else could the success of free American agri- culture," he claimed. Racial Revolt At home Kennedy found him- self deep in the Civil Rights prob- lem from the very start of his administration. In the spring of 1961, his first year in office, Negro and white groups, calling themselves Free- dom Riders, sought to break down bus station racial barriers and ran into violence in Alabama. There were incidents at Anniston, Birmingham and Montgomery, among others. The worst was at Montgomery. At least 20 persons were beaten with fists and clubs in a bloody riot there. The rioting around the Greyhound bus station continued for nearly two hours before the white mob-numbering close to 1000 at times-was broken up with tear gas by state and city police. U.S. Marshals President Kennedy's brother, Attorney General Robert F. Ken- nedy, ordered several hundred United States marshals to Mont- gomery. The Guardsmen. with fix- ed bayonets scattered a mob that tried to overwhelm federal mar- shals protecting a Negro church mass meeting.. The governor particularly blam- ed the marshals for causing the outbreak at the church, said he still admired the Kennedy admin- istration but added that "the President and the United States Attorney General made a mistake in this matter." Attorney General Kennedy de- clared, however, there would have been "an extremely bloody and costly riot" in Montgomery if not for the presence of marshals. The biggest clash of state versus federal power since the Civil War' occurred on Sept. 30, 1962. Two persons were killed when Negro James H. Meredith sought to reg- ister at the all-white University' of Mississippi in Oxford. He finally registered with the aid of United States marshals and federal troops but not before a nightmare of tear gas and buckshot, rifle bul- lets and flying bricks and scream- ing hordes of people. The nation and the world watched tensely as Mississippi's Governor Ross Barnett sought to defy the federal government which was determined to uphold federal court orders admitting, Meredith to the university. When federal marshals finally escorted Meredith to an apart- ment on the campus on Sunday, Sept. 30, an unruly mob of 2500 students, townspeople and out-of- towners opened up with a barrage of rifle bullets, rocks, bottles and acid. The marshals fought back with tear gas. Meanwhile, Ken- nedy, who had made a fruitless appeal for order, dispatched fed- the Civil Rights bill. N U eralized Mississippi National Guardsmen and troops to the col- lege town. Go To Classes Meredith registered the next day' and began classes under the pro- tection of marshals. They remain- ed with him until he graduated in August 1963. Racial strife boiled anew in the spring and summer of 1963, spreading to other Southern states and some northern cities, as Ne- groes demonstrated for equal rights. Birmingham took the spot- light when Negro mass demonstra- tions in April and May were coun- tered by fire hoses and police dogs. More than 2400 Negroes and whites were jailed and two Negro residences were bombed at the heighth of the fury. Federal troops were sent to bases near Birming- ham for possible use. Peace Shattered The situation simmered as pro- gress was sought through bi-racial talks. But the peace was shattered on Sept. 17 when a bomb ex- ploded in the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church during a Sunday School session. Four Negro girls: were killed and 23 other persons were injured. The bombing climax- ed the first week of token integra- tion of three white schools. In the midst of the Birming- ham trouble, the Kennedy ad- ministration also tangled with Alabama's Gov. George C. Wal- lace over the admission of two Negro students to the University of Alabama. Although Wallace made good a threat to stand on the school house steps and forbid to federalized Alabama National the students entrance, he bowed Guardsmen and the students en- tered the university. The unrest spurred the President dent to send a special message to Congress in June asking it to help end "rancor, violence, disunity and national shame" by passing what was described as the most sweeping civil rights bill since Reconstruction days. New Weapons The billbrimmed with weapons against racial 'discrimination in stores, hotels and other public places, in schools, in jobs and polling booths. The President call- ed its enactment "imperative." In a move to impress Congress, Negro leaders called for a "March on Washington." On Aug. 28 more than 200,000 Negroes and whites arrived in the capital by plane, train, bus, car and on foot. Ken- nedy asserted "the cause of 20 million Negroes has been advanc- ed" by the assembly. But Con- gress did not hurry enactment of the Civil Rights bill. i.,.., r - ij r J. announces the GRAND OPENING, of Ann Arbor's Only Complete Ski Facility Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 10:00 A.M.--9:00 P.M. "I"-,\ SENATOR TO VICE-PRESIDENT: 0 Complete Ski Shop and Winter Ski Slope with rope tow Ski lessons and ski rental Sportswear Shop Johnson Trades Powers, Office Come out and win many valuable prizes FREE CIDER AND DOUGHNUTS FOR ALL .- By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - In the sum- mer of 1960, Lyndon B. Johnson, now the 36th President, had just been beaten by John F. Kennedy for the Democratic presidential nomination. Kennedy summoned Johnson for a conference and asked him to run for vice-president. Johnson agreed.; Many of his followers thought it was a mistake for Johnson to surrender his vast powers as Sen- ate majority leader. Some called Johnson the second most powerful man in Washington. As vice-president he had little to do. In power-conscious Wash- ington, the vice-president is a relatively obscure figure. Close to Presidency But, he was just a hearbeat from the presidency. And that heartbeat was stilled when Presi- dent John F. Kennedy was assas- sinated by a hidden sniper in Dallas. Now Johnson had the job he had prepared for all his. life. He was groomed for the presidency by both his father and the late House speaker, Sam Rayburn, a fellow Texan. The Rayburn-John- son team led a Democratically controlled Congress during most of the administration of former President Dwight D. Eisenhower. As a young man, Johnson went to Washington as a congressman's secretary. He returned as a rep- resentative, as a Sen- ate majority leader, as vice-presi- dent, and, now, as President. Much Energy At 6.foot-3, weighing close to 200 pounds-since his 1955 heart attack he has tried to hold his weight down-Johnson is super- charged with restless energy.' Former Vice-President Richard M. Nixon, 1960 Republican presi- dential nominee who could be a Johnson rival for the presidency next year, once described John- son as "one of the ablest political craftsmen of our time." Johnson turned loose this po- itical know-how and restless en- crgy on a myriad of tasks for Kennedy. Goodwill Tours lie has been a goodwill am- bassador to foreign lands. In September, Johnson made a two-week, 15,000-mile tour of five J Scandinavian nations. He flew to Belgium and Holland in early No- vember to represent the United States at an agricultural exposi- tion in Rotterdam and a banquet in Brussels sponsored by Belgian and American groups supporting the North Atlantic Treaty Organ- ization. Before Kennedy's sudden death, Johnson was happily preparing to return to the political wars with him in 1964. He brushed aside rumors Kennedy might ditch him for another vice-presidential can- didate. Kennedy Campaigner Johnson campaigned for Ken- nedy in 43 states in 1960 and was a key factor in the narrow Demo- cratic victory over Nixon. John- son's home state of Texas went Democratic in 1960-a crucial 25 electroral votes-after twice going for Eisenhower. In his tasks as vice-president, Johnson has tried to erase the image of a Southern, or even a Western politician. He has become a special pleader for conciliation in solving racial problems. "Issues which are not settled by justice and fair play will sooner or later be settled by force and violence" he has said. Law Restrains In another speech, Johnson said, "The law cannot bring rea- sonable men and women together 'to work out their differences. But it can restrain unreasonable men and women from imposing their will on a community-and then the reasonable people can and will get together and work out their problems themselves." Johnson has served as chair- man of the President's Committee on Equal- Employment Opportun- ity and his civil rights speeches won him a distinguished service award from the Capital Press Club, an organization of Negro newspapermen. In other major assignments given him by Kennedy, Johnson has been deeply involved in the space program as chairman of the National Aeronautics and Space Council. Last summer he com- pleted a survey for the President on the proposed supersonic com- mercial airliner. Got Along Well Johnson and Kennedy - who had some nasty things to say about each other when they were battling for the Democratic nom- ination in 1960-surprised many people by getting along remark- ably well. This is attributed partly to a decision by Johnson not to hold news conferences where reporters might jockey him' into positions at cross purposes with Kennedy.' The President was boss and John- son never questioned this. Also, the drawling Texan dem- onstrated a willingness to take on any assignment. He had such varied ones as his trip to Berlin to bolster Western morale after the Communists built the wall, and his flight to Rome to represent the President at the funeral of Pope John. And Kennedy, in turn, reward- ed Johnson the loyal team player by counting him in on such deci- sions as that of the Cuban missile blockade. He has been a partici- pant in many key phases of the Kennedy administration. In fact, the 55-year-old John- son has political -and govern mental know-how that few men ever acquire. Elected to the House of Repre- sentatives in 1937 at 29, he became a Senator at 40 in 1948. Four years later, Johnson was elected Senate minority leader, and from 1954 until 1960 he was majority leader. What direction may the John- son administration take? In a speech he made in Washington April 26, Johnson offered a broad view of what he thought the Democrats should attempt in next year's presidential campaign and thereafter. Party of Action He said the Democrats must demonstrate that they are a party of action offering solutions for the new kinds -of problems brought about by population in- creases and concentration, and by the lengthening of life expectancy. "We have new capacities," he said. "We have new potentials. We stand at the edge of a new era of human progress in our own country and in the world. He called for a full and en- thusiastic support of Democrats everywhere for Kennedy's foreign and domestic programs. "The American majority is constructive -and our party today is serving that constructiveness," he said. Johnson has ben called one of the most vigorous politicans ever on the Washington scene. As Senate majority leader, he was all over the political scene, but some thought he would have to slow down when he became vice-president--ordinarily just a ceremonial job. But he took on so many chores he needed three offices from which to operate-in the Capitol, in the New Senate Office Bldg. and in the White House. TEE & SKI'S SPORSTWEAR SHOP fee & t Qrampu2 *ki 4jop 2455 S. State 530 S. Forest _- NOW PLAYING PROFESSIONAL THEATRE PROGRAM i presents APA in :,THE FREE II