She Mtigan Baly Seventy-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVESITY OF MICHGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD rN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are Free STUENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE No 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in al reprints. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1963 ACTING NIGHT EDITOR: ANDREW ORLIN U.S. System of the Draft: Abolition or Renovation? TODAY'S UNITED STATES draft is a Modifying the draft or substituting system which is too much selective and another involuntary system for it is out which discriminates along socio-economic of the question. By its nature, any invol- lines. As such, it should be abolished. untary conscription system or draft is However, abolition is not at present poli- highly selective. Only 80,000 are needed tically possible. each year for the million-man United What should be done, therefore, is to States Army; the remainder of its mem- make the armed forces more attractive, bership, as well as the membership of the thereby raising enlistment and re-enlist- other branches of service, is filled by ment, and decreasing the need for the career men and other volunteers. draft. In addition, a presidential commis- In addition, to do the nation, the arm- sion should be established to investigate ed forces and the potential draftees the the consequences of abolishing the draft, most good, any such system must dis- criminate indirectly against the lower so- ONE CHARGE levelled at the draft is cio-economic strata. that it is much too selective and there- fore unfair. Of the over one million men THE ONLY remaining alternative is to eligible for the draft last year, only one abolish the draft. But here we run into in 16 was inducted. some problems. First, in order to elimin- Others have said that the draft is not ate the draft, it would have to be render- fair in disturbing the burden of our na- tion's defense over all levels of the citi- ed unnecessary. This would have to be zenry. They claim that the upper socio- accomplished by placing the armed forces economic classes receive favored treat- on an entirely voluntary basis. In order ment. to do this, the armed forces would have Both of these charges are true. First, to be made more attractive. This prob- the draft eliminates over half of its po- ably can best be done by pay raises for tential inductees who are physically or men at all levels, educational programs mentally unfit. It then eliminates another in the armed forces and post-service edu- quarter who are either married or seek- cational opportunities for those who join. ing to continue their education. Less than half of those remaining are in the end THUS IT BECOMES obvious that abol- drafted and put into uniform. ishing the draft is for now out of the Next, the draft is indeed highly favor- sint able to those of high socio-economic queer, a good short range policy status. Those who have money-money to would be to reinstate the G.I. Bill, pro- get married or to continue their education viding educational benefits to those i -are eliminated from the draft or at least the armed forces. This would not change given a lengthy deferment. the basic, highly selective and unfair na- The net result is, that those drafted ture of the draft. But it would make the often look upon their situation as if they armed forces more attractive, decreasing had lost a game of chance, which in effect the need for the draft. is sometimes the case. In addition, many A presidential commission to study the draftees look upon their induction asa problems raised by the abolishment of sign that they have been discriminated the draft would be the best course of against on economic or social grounds, long range action. This commission would which also, in a large number of cases, is draw public and congressional attention the situation. to the problem of the draft and would WHAT, THEN, IS TO BE DONE? If we cover areas rarely if ever considered by are to do something, we must either such a commission. modify the draft to remedy these justifi- Once these two courses of action are able complaints or abolish it. If we abol- taken-one for a temporary remedy, the ish the draft, we must either replace it other for a long range solution-the ma- with another system of obtaining involun- jor, necessary steps will have been taken tary armed forces members, or by some to renovate the recruiting structure of means make involuntary conscription in- the armed services. to the armed forces unnecessary. -ROBERT HIPPLER r~~- -w'r A* 'i'. l w TODAY AND TOMORROW: Communism's Zig-Zag Trend EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec- ond of a three-part column in which Walter Lippmann reviews his recent six-week European trip.) By WALTER LIPPMANN YESTERDAY, speaking of Com- munism in Eastern Europe, I said that as the tensions have be- come relaxed because the fear of nuclear war is subsiding, the dis- cipline which holds together the Eastern alliance has also become relaxed. It is necessary, however, to be cautious about drawing conclu- sions from this fact. The easiest mistake to make is to suppose that a tendency in one direction, say toward more individual free- dom, will develop in a straight line until countrieslikea poland and Hungary, for example, have as much and the same kind of free- dom which exists in this country. In actual fact, the line of de- velopment is not straight, but zigzag, and while, on the whole, the direction is away from the absolute totalitarian police state, this main trend has many for- ward and backward movements, rather like the booms and reces- sions of the business cycle I BECAME very much aware of this when I arrived in Poland after I had been in Hungary. Quite obviously, these two neigh- boring Communist countries are in strikingly different phases of their development. Hungary is buoyant with the exhilaration that comes from the opening up of a closed society. The apparatus of the police state and the apparatus of the Com- munist party are still there, and it is not thought to be safe to speak too frankly, except when walking in the open air. But the frontiers have been opened to tourists go- ing both ways, and there has been, except in the case of Cardinal Mindszenty, a political amnesty. A fair amount of fresh air from the outside world is making the Hun- garians feel better. Coming into Warsaw after Budapest, one realizes quickly that, after the opening up, there is likely to be a pause. Since World War II, I have been twice before to Warsaw, most recently in 1958. Poland was then in the aftermath of a successful defense of Polish autonomy against imperial and centralizing demands from Mos- cow. At that time the atmosphere in Warsaw was buoyant as it is today in Budapest. It is now no longer so buoyant, and there is something that might be describ- ed as a fog of depression. Poland is not going back to Stalinism. But, as one Communist dignitary admitted when I asked him about what had gone wrong, there is a pause. The windows are not being opened wider. Indeed. they are being closed somewhat. For, said the Communist dignitary, the Poles "made such a big jump ahead in the late 1950s that now we must wait until the others catch up." THE MAN who said that is a leading theoretician of the Com- munist party. I do not think that what he said is the true explana- tion of the contrast today between Hungary and Poland. I think, rather, that we are confronted here with a problem which is universal-the problem of authority and liberty-the prob- lem of how much freedom a people can enjoy without destroying the authority which is needed to gov- ern them. Or in reverse, the prob- lem is how they can have gov- ernments with authority to govern them well and still enjoy and ex- pand their personal freedom. Poland had, I believe, achieved more freedom of speech and of ideas than was compatible with the kind of governing authority which a Communist planned econ- omy requires. When you open up the windows of a closed society, the drafts bring in not only fresh air, but also infections of various kinds. THE PROBLEM is not confined to the Communist world. It is, I venture to think, a central prob- lem in the movement of renewal and reform and modernization which was initiated by Pope John XXIII. It is likewise, I imagine, the un- derlying problem in our own public controversy about "conservatism" and "liberalism." In the Com- munist states which are totali- tarian in their original essence, the problem is now acute. On the one hand, human flesh will not longer endure absolute authority and the sacrifices it de- mands; on the other hand, with unlimited freedom, the fabric of authority which is needed to gov- ern may become unraveled and be pulled apart. I have no doubt that, for ex- ample, Mr. Khrushchev's personal inclination is toward liberaliza- tion and the opening of doors and of peace. But he is haunted by the continual threat of division and disunion, by the threat of a break- down of morale and discipline, if there is too much liberty too soon in a country which has known only authoritarian rule through- out its history. It takes a very strong constitution and long habit to use unlimited liberty. THERE IS NO USE, therefore, to expect Khrushchev to move forward (as we understand the word) in a straight line. He is bound to zig and to zag, to back and to fill, in the effort to con- serve his authority while he inches on in the direction he knows he must go. The European Communist coun- tries, including Russia, are no longer absolute dictatorships which can impose the kind of sacrifice that Stalin imposed. Men like Khrushchev, Kadar and Go- mulka are not despots; they are enormously powerful political bosses. They too have their Gallup polls, though they do not publish them. They know that they have to allow enough freedom and pro- vide enough private consumable wealth to give to their masses and a sense of improvement and enough relief from poverty and regimentation to keep discontent from boiling over. Yet they have also to avoid providing so much freedom that parties can be form- ed and factions can come into the open and the central authority can be destroyed. (c) 1963, The Washington Post Co. -Daily-James Keson 'LOWER DEPTHS': APA Success Balked By Difficult Play AN HISTORICAL document with occasional flashes of brilliance, of irony and of pathos, "The Low- er Depths," Gorki's 1902 mani- festo, alternately entrances and bores. As originally produced by the Moscow Art Theatre, the piece stunned audiences in Russia and throughout Europe for its unal- loyed naturalism and for what LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Hits 'Bourgeois' View of Christmas To the Editor: AFTER READING Mr. Wilton's, "Black Christmas" editorial, one would conclude that he ought to have changed the name of his column from "A Face in the Crowd" to "Two Faces in the Crowd," and used the pen-name of "Janus." In the paternalistic fashion of the white liberal, Mr. Wilton poses as a "friend and ally" of the Negro and puts for- ward his program as the means to liberation for the black people. Fortunately Mr. Wilton allows us to seehis other face and thus thoroughly exposes himself as a petty-bourgeois agent of the white ruling class. He indicates himself on several points. First, he says, "There is also the philosophy of separate- ness. And here the Muslims can be criticized, for they will never be able to give the Negro a chance to realize fully his potential as a human being." If one is really con- cerned with the Negro realizing "his potential as a human being," then ask yourself, is such possible in anti-black America? Even the white liberals would say, no. The Muslims and other separat- ists realize that it is not possible and therefore raise the demand for self-determination. They de- mand that black people be allowed to decide their own future. * * * MR. WILTON has ignored the development of over 400 years of a very definite social relationship between white and black; the re- lationship that exists between human and sub-human. He dis- plays his ignorance of this phe- nomena when he refuses to make a distinction between the social position of the whites in South Africa with the Negro in America, that is between oppressor and op- pressed. "The Negro," he goes on, "is first of all a human being, and as such cannot separate himself from the rest of the human race." Are you blind, Mr. Wilton, or simply obsessed with being white? The Negro in America has been sepa- rated from the human race ever since he was brought here as a slave. He is a sub-human, super- exploited beast of burden., When Ann Arbor City Council debated whether Negroes could live in the city where they wanted, they were arguing whether he should be viewed as a man or as an animal. All this has gone to make up for a definite social re- lationship between black and white in America, and white lib- erals refuse to recognize it. ' .* * * SECOND, Mr. Wilton declares, the Negro "should realize that there are some whites, especially those of the lower economic class, who also suffer from dehumaniza- tion . . . the two groups are allies." The black revolution is develop- ing from the experience and con- sciousness of black people. We as whites have very little or nothing to say about the caste aspects of the struggle. One must certainly realize that the struggle between oppressed and oppressor in Ame- rica has not yet assumed class proportions. We can and should help in the formation of the class aspect of the struggle, but its caste aspects can be developed only by the Negro. And the conclusion of a caste analysis, of America is that racism permeates both social classes and works to prevent an alliance between the Negro work- er and the white worker at this time. Don't ignore the experiences that are to be gained from exam- ining the objective class struggle in the past. Since Crispus Adducks through the civil war, first and second world wars, the labor up- r THE LIAiS VN:- * Following the Leaderw Marjorie Brahms, Associate Editorial Director IN THE GREAT GAME of "follow the leader," American universities are presently playing the follower. Universi- ties, large and small, operate as a reac- tion to society, shaped by the forces around them: as society calls for more physicists, the universities crank them out; more teachers, the education schools get busy. American universities in general are conservative institutions, containers of culture and propagaters of all that is good and bad in society. AS A REACTOR rather than an actor, the American university responds to the needs of the military-business-indus- trial complex and is itself a part of this complex. Thus, in response to society's demands, our graduate schools of busi- ness grow; applied research flourishes; graduate schools mushroom; universities expand. The classic instance of Sputnik clearly points out the tendency of Ameri- can educational institutions to react. America's school systems took on a new character in response to the Sputnik; their tempo and nature were altered, making them more scientifically oriented and faster paced. THERE ARE THREE possible roles a uni- versity can play in American society. One is the present role, that of a follower. Another is the ivory tower role, the escape from society itself. As advocated by Paul Gocdman, an ideal university would be isolated, a place where a "community of scholars" could meditate and create, The third possible role fuses realism and idealism: the university as a leader in society, a diffuser of ideas, participat- ing in the realities of American life and vet instilling in it the value of education lead and education would profit from its contact with reality. BUT PRESENTLY, we follow. This does not mean that universities are stag- nant bodies which respond, amoeba-like only when directly affected and, for the rest of the time, lay dormant. Obviously, this is not the case. A university com- munity such as Ann Arbor, for example, actively engages in research, in cultural activities, in educational innovation. But basically, universities act in concert with society or, perhaps, a few steps behind it. There are a few notable exceptions. At the University, we have a conflict reso- lution center. We will soon implement an exchange program with a Negro univer- sity, Tuskegee. These are instances of a university leading, attempting to reshape societal values to a hopeful better and more productive end. YET IN THE MAIN, universities react rather than act and this role is not necessarily in their best interests or those of society. For one, liberal arts education suffers. As our higher education institu- tions become more oriented toward pro- ducing doctors, scientists and teachers and less oriented toward producing philosophers, historians and just liberally educated people without a specific skill, we lose the value of education for its own sake. We educate people so they will be pro- ductive members of the economy; this is important, of course, but education should be far more than this and the educated man should be, ideally, far more than an economic unit. THERE IS NO EASY ANSWER as to how American universities can be leaders in the game in which they presently only surges of the '30's and '40's right down to today the Negro has al- ways allied with the progressive elements of the bourgeoisie and then the proletariat but he's still on the bottom of the heap. The whole experience of white and black alliance is that the Negro gets dumped in the end. The caste experiences of the last 400 years dictate that the Negro run his own show this time., If one seeks an alliance between white and black workers then the white worker will really have to demonstrate that he wants to ally with the Negro and that he will go all the wy. Until that day comes don't criti- cize the Negro for accepting the conclusions of a correct analysis. THIRD, Mr. Wilton says if the United States "is to maintain a position of leadership and respect in the world we must divert some of our brain power from techno- logical research and devote it to solving the moral and ideological problems confronting us as a na- tion. The Negro has given us a chance and a warning." A thorough expose of petty- bourgeois hypocrisy and treachery, by his own hand. America's "posi- tion of leadership," Mr. Wilton says. Of what i America the leader? Reaction, couter-revolu- tion, imperialism, war, racism, ex- ploitation, decadence. "The Negro," he goes on, "has given us a warning and a chance." As is typical of the agents of the ruling class, they always try to cloak their decite by appealing to the progressive inclinations of the oppressed class. Thus it is that Mr. Wilton can propose an alli- ance between Negroes and white workers, thus intimating class war, because the effects of such an alliance at this time, revolu- tionary as it may sound, are de- signed to submerge the only presently revolutionary elements of the working class, the Negro. But Mr. Wilton openly professes loyalty to the white ruling class. Its destruction and replacement is nowhere advocated; rather it is proposed that it initiate reforms since failure to do so would set into motion the radical forces of society. One would think that Mr. Wiltonwould have more sense then to try to dump his social garbage on the doorsteps of the black revolution. -Peter A. Signorelli, '63 Southern Courts ... To the Editor: JN THE EDITORIAL of Nov. 6, entitled "Fifth Circuit Court: Bulwark of Justice in South," An- drew Orlin stated that the "South- ern judicial process has paid al- most no attention to the United States Constitution" since "the end of reconstruction." Mr. Orlin's examination of the decisions of Southern courts, par- ticularly appellate courts, appar- ently was not very thorough. Al- though described by Mr. Orlin as most exceptional, the position tak- en by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals is typical of that taken by federal courts in the South generally-at least prior to Presi- dent Kennedy's recent judicial appointments. AS AN EXAMPLE, I would cite the decisions of the Fourth Cir- cuit which has jurisdiction over federal court cases in the states of Virginia, South Carolina and North Carolina. There are also various state courts, such as the North Caro- lina Supreme Court, which have respectable records in the civil was assumed to be its passionate message: "Freedom at any cost!" Filled with moments of compas- sion for the hapless "creatures who once were men," the play re- lates in frequently tedious, fre- quently revealing details the pre- occupations of a huge cast of derelicts assembled in "a cavelike basement" in a nameless town somewhere on the Volga. The characters are mostly mem- bers of the criminal fringe, with a few honest workmen thrown in for contrast. But the significant dra- matic interest, at least for pres- ent-day audiences, does not lie in this contrast, nor in the many ex- amples of love and marriage (al- though this does provide a unify- ing theme), but in the ironical juxtapositions of compassion and hatred, of song and sorrow, of tenderness and terror. * * * GRANTING the difficulty of "The Lower Depths", The Associa- tion of Producing Artists deserve our gratitude for delivering to lo- cal audiences this opportunity to view one of the "great" theatrical pieces. That the production is not en- tirely satisfactory can largely be laid at the door of the 60-year-old play. Naturalism presents ex- tremely difficult problems in pro- duction, for when the producer attempts an honest rendition (and, above all, Mr. Baldridge has made this effort), then the result- ing production gets caught in the historical moment out of which it emerged. Fixed in time it can rise to universality only in the most inspired moments; there are many in this production. - Provided by the really fine act- ing of the capable Sydney Walker as the Christ-like Luka, of the versatile Richard Woods as the despicable Kostylyov, and of the bravura technique of Paul Sparer as the philosophizing Satin, these moments are memorable; they create excellent theatre. These performers are ably seconded by Ellis Rabb, Jan Farrand and Lar- ry Linville. Other characteriza- tions were not so fortunate: Kate Geer and Clayton Corzatte, in par- ticular, are wooden; one is in- clined to excuse these failures as miscasting. * ** THE SET and costumes were eminently suitable. Of the direc- tion, one can say that it was oc- casionally inspired, but lacked a certain overall control. At times, the action dragged; at others, it was unclear. Here, again, natural- ism prohibits the kind of imagina- tive invention that helps a director to convey the author's meaning and intention. On the whole, however, the pro- duction is a tribute to the com- pany's professionalism, which car- ries the play to its conclusion with some quite brilliant touches. -Marvin Felheim CAMPUS 'Bed' Boring IT IS GENERALLY recognized to be the duty of the reviewer to stay through the entire showing of a movie-but some are so bad that it is asking a sacrifice above and beyond the call of duty. "The Conjugal Bed," now showing at the Campus Theatre, is a perfect example. The movie consists of two hours of excruciating boredom punctu- ated by brief moments of bad taste. Billed as "funny, witty and wicked," "The Conjugal Bed" is none, Moreover, comedies made in countries with less stringent censorship rules perhaps shouldn't be brought to the United States if they are going to be inflicted with inane subtitles; so maybe the movie never had a chance. * *' * THERE CAN be "wicked" hum- or-sometimes the most effective -but only if it serves a purpose. Subtlety is one of the central ele- ments of art, and a subtle pres- entation will cover a multitude of sins. "'We Resent Criticism Of Our Leader, And Want It Known That We Lie Firmly Behind Him" :xF/ _-r . r S r .. f -: + ! " 'S., ,e r ,+. i iw '-. '+ ";, ' i f ' . y s .. - l ' r' s4. j: -r 'r'" '' 3'" _ ,.i- _ Y .. six, ' u Y f '.. :. _. ' . p '' Ty r i k y ' ry .. _ R a { e h..ry- ' A ullp - , 1 r - _. .na.. .. ' .'. i':. : 1. _ .i ... ..t