rimester Operation Awaits Funds from State By H. NEIL BERKSON The co-ordinator of the University's trimester plans examined their progress yesterday, and said their future "lies in the hands of the gods and the Legislature." And without disrespect for religion, he emphasized the Legis- lature. "We're ready to go at the earliest possible moment-when- ever we get the, money from the state," Stephen Spurr of the Office of Academic Affairs said. Spurr, who doubles as dean of the natural resources school, moved into the OAA last year as a staff assistant to Vice-President for Academic Affairs Roger W. Heyns. Calendar Adjustment A major step toward full-year operation was made this year when the University adjusted its calendar from two semesters and a summer term to an integrated 2112 semester program. For the first time students registered for classes in August; the fall semester started the day after Labor Day and will end before Christmas vacation. The spring semester will end in May. , All 17 schools and colleges have transferred to a 12 month budget. Previously most units budgeted for only the two-semester academic year. The summer session was considered separately. The Univerity had planned to implement its third semester beginning next summer, but the Legislative appropriation for the fiscal year 1963-64 did not include funds for this move. Con- sequently plans have been pushed back to the summer of 1965. The coming summer session, however, will be different. Ad- ministrators consider it a transition between the past, when it was something apart from the academic year, and the future, when it will be part of an integrated full-year program. The principal change benefits faculty, who will be paid at The principal change benefits faculty, who will be paid at the same monthly rate which they receive during the academic year. In the past, an arbitrary maximum limit was imposed on summer school salaries. While instructors and assistant professors might receive compensation in proportion to their yearly rates, associate and full professors did not. In its 1964-65 budget request to the state, the University has asked $460,000 to augment the 1964 summer program. More than half of this money would go for the higher faculty salaries and fringe benefits. In addition, the University anticipates five per cent higher enrollment and needs money for extra staff, supplies and equipment. Special Lab Courses The University also wants to run special laboratory courses for science students who were unable to take them this fall and will be "closed out" again in the spring. The budget statement includes a $50,000 request to meet the needs of 200 students in this category., If limited funds from the state force the University to mark priorities and cut back its summer plans, the new faculty pay schedule remains a must. "We're committed to this program and we'll find the money for it in one way or another," James E. Lesch of the OAA says. Lesch specializes in the budgeting aspect of trimester. He indicated that the laboratory program, among others, would be sacrificed for the salary boosts. Except for special courses, the summer session will remain eight weeks since the University lacks the funds to shift to a full -12 or 14 week-summer semester. Toward this end its has asked $1.25 million from the state for the academic year 1964-65. The University could then run a full summer term in 1965. Ready for Anything Spurr's office has prepared two calendars for the '64-'65 academic year-one comprising the present schedule and the other equaling a trimester schedule. "We can go from two and a half to three terms just as fast as the funds are made available," he says. "We wouldn't have much trouble adjusting our calendar. The fall and summer semesters are already in the right place. All we have to do is start the winter semester shortly after New Year's and knock a day or two off spring vacation." The University should know by April, when the Legislature normally passes appropriation bills, whether or not it will have the trimester money-and the trimester. * STEPHEN SPURR ... of gods and men JAMES E. LESCH ... faculty first CHANGE NEEDED IN U.S. DRAFT See Editorial Page Y , i C i Cl :4Ia it CLOUDY High-62 Low-47 Drizzle turning to showers in afternoon Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIV, No.71 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1963 SEVEN CENTS TEN PAGES UP TO LEGISLATURE: Aides May Oppose Tuition Boost Plan By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM Special To The Daily LANSING--Chances have improved that Gov. George Romney will not recommend a tuition hike for the University and the nine other state-supported universities and colleges in Michigan. The current goal of key Romney aides is a $12 million operating increase for the 10 state-supported schools-an increase which they hope the Legislature will provide without requesting funds from "tuition hikes. The $12 million es- timate represents a $2 mililon in- U .S. crease over previous Romney pro- vw jections. H t1Whether the Legislature would 1ogo along with this recommenda- Hy on remains to be seen. Senate Appropriation Committee Chair- man Frank D. Beadle (R-St. Sess Clair) has previously predicted that a majority of his committee would favor tuition hikes to pro- By ROBERT HIPPLER vide part of the increased ap- ,The United States press should propriation to higher education. report foreign policy news for The Legislature can only recom- those who read it-the foreign mend such a hike, but University policy makers-and not for an officials and state educators have imaginary' audience as they do to- noted that an insufficient approp- day," Prof. Bernard C. Cohen of riation would force the tuition the University of Wisconsin said boosts. last night. A final policy decision to de- Speaking before the November termine whether to recommend a Political Science Roundtable, Prof. tuition hike and to set the size of Cohen claimed that editors and the appropriation boost is yet to reporters, in writing and assign- be made, Romney's legal advisor, ing importance to foreign policy Richard C. Van Dusen, cautioned news, use as criteria predictions in an interview yesterday. 7 1 1 i c t t i x Unit Opens New Project, In England By ALAN Z. SHULMAN For the first time, the educa- tion school will offer its students a chance to enroll full-time in professional education in a se- mester abroad program with the University of Keele, in England, it was announced yesterday. This program will be in addi- tion to its established program with the University of Sheffield, also in England., "At the moment, our arrange- ments with the University of Keele are for the fall semester only whereas the Sheffield program operates for both fall and spring terms," Prof. Claudea Eggertsen of the education school said. "However, we might extend our agreement withKeele sometime to cover the whole academic year." Since the first students were sent abroad five years ago, 75 have participated in this program which is open to first and second semester juniors and first semes- ter seniors. "It has helped them to become teachers of greater in- sight and contributed to their pro- fessional competence," Prof. Eg- gertsen said. "We are offering the student a chance to compare teaching meth- ods in England with our own, an insight into the attitudes toward school in British communities and, an incomparable opportunity to. judge our own institutions by oth- er standards. An important feature of the ed- ucation school's expanded semes- ter abroad policy is a new grant-] in-aid plan which provides tuition grants and in some cases actual grants to pay living costs. The lat- ter may amount to as much as one half the total cost, for students of demonstrated need, Prof. Eg-E gertsen noted.l "We hope the plan will meet one of our problems-the-shortage of male applicants. By bringing this grant-in-aid plan to the at- tention of the male population along with the opportunities for a graduate career in education, we hope to encourage their participa- tion." Commenting on the relative costs of a semester at Sheffield, Prof. Eggertsen declared that "a student will pay no more to go to Sheffield than to stay home, andC this includes transportation." DAC Lettei Threatens rMakes Si x Job Demands i PRAISES CONSTITUTION Russell Expresses Pride In New Education Board Special To The Daily LANSING-One of the fathers of the movement to have Michigan coordinate higher education planning-John Dale Russell-returned home yesterday to commend the coordinating provisions in the new constitution that he advocated five years ago. Russell, who in 1958 planted the seed for a general state co- ordinating agency in the "Russell Report" on higher education, expressed pride and pleasure in the State Board of Education which will become operative a year after the new state constitution goes into effect Jan. 1. The new board has been given the authority to serve as a "general planning and coordinating body" for higher education and will advise the Legislature on university financial requirements. Early Vision It was Russell who envisioned, in his 1958 report, a "Coordinating Board" that would serve as a financial liaison to the Legislature. Returning to Michigan to address a higher education conference here, Russell said in an interview afterward that this "board should be a solid first step toward coordinated planning without infringing on the autonomous right of each institution to establish its own policies." To maintain institutional sovereignty, he observed, the constitu- tion establishes-in accord with another 1958 Russell recommenda- tion-separate constitutional status for each of the 10 state-sup- ported institutions being coordinated by the board. Currently, only the University, Michigan State University and Wayne State University hold this autonomous constitutional status.. Planning For All States In his earlier address, Russell had explained the need for state' educational planning agencies throughout the country "that will have acceptance" by educators, legislators and the public alike. Through such a coordinating group, Russell predicted, "bold educational plans can be formulated while funds to implement them can be obtained." These plans will have to take into account issues which in- evitably accompany state-wide planning, Russell said. They include: -Whether a state wishes all its high school graduates to attend public post-high school facilities within the state; -The delineation of function between large university complexes and the community college system; -The rapidly increasing capital outlay needs. Russell is currently a member of a Georgia citizens' commission on higher education which advises the governor. 'U' Refuses To Discuss 'Ultimatum' WILBUR K. PIERPONT CHARLES THOMAS we won't deal... . .. with force $315 BILLION: Debt Limit Hike Waits IFor Kennedy Approval WASHINGTON (A')-Senate passage yesterday sent to President John F. Kennedy a bill he requested to raise the temporary national debt limit still higher-from $309 billion to $315 billion. The vote was 50-26 after Senate Democrats defeated 44-35 a Republican-led effort to hold the new ceiling at $313.4 billion. On passage 39 Democrats were joined' Second Picket, of importance supplied to them by the press services, and a theory that they are writing for the im- aginary "man on the street." "The result," he said, "is that many newspapers shortchange for- eign policy news. Such stories are usually written in simple, catchy, repetitive words designed for, as wire service people say, 'the milk- man in Omaha'." Easy Reading The theory behind this typehof writing, Prof. Cohen noted, is that the simpler a foreign policy story is, the more it will be read. Those' who have an interest in foreign policy matters are not likely to be those who want simple words and phrases, he said. "These are the very people-among them our for- eign policy makers-who will seek; an intelligent, coherent, detailed report of happenings.' More space should be devoted to foreign policy happenings than is today, Cohen said, noting that "two to four pages are devoted to sports, sometimes an entire page to shipping news. Why not more space for foreign policy news?" Cohen emphasized that press re- porting has a good deal of influ- ence on foreign policy makers, and thus should be given better play, both in quality and quantity, in the newspapers.- "Foreign policy makers use the papers as an indication of the trends of public opinion," he said. "They also use them for some in- dication of the order of import- ance of the news." Different Reasons Prof. Cohen mentioned other factors which contribute to the lack of quality in foreign policy However, "I don't think we're (the governor's advisors) inclined to recommend a tuition increase at this time," Charles Orlebeke, chief education aide, explained. The $10-$12 million tentative increase figure would be a logical recommendation in view of the governor's committment to "fol- low the guidelines set down by the 'blue ribbon' comimttee as much as we can under existing revenue conditions," Orlebeke pre- dicted. The "blue ribbon" Citizens' Committee on Higher Education last week issued a unanimous rec- ommendation to the governor that the operating appropriation for the 10 schools be increased next year $25 million over its current $110 million level. Of the $25 million, however, only $12 million was considered abso- lutely essential to meet growing See CHANCES, Page 10 'Dig We Must'--Progress Lies Ahead by 11 Republicans, with opponents equally divided at 13 Democrats and 13 Republicans. Chairman of the Finance Com- mittee Sen. Harry F. Byrd (D-Va) voted against the bill 'as an indi- cation of my opposition to the new dangerous fiscal policy now being taken by the administration. "The policy calls for federal tax reduction andtincreasedmfederal expenditures at the same time, with planned deficits throughout the foreseeable future," the Vir- ginian said. Republican leader Everett M. Dirksen of Illinois needled the Democrats by calling on them to accept his amendment raising the permanent ceiling from $285 bil- lion to $300 billion. Dirksen said the administration might as well face up to it-that the debt is not going to drop be- low that for the foreseeable fu- ture. But Sen. George A. Smathers (D-Fa), floor manager for the bill, said any amendment would force a delaying conference with the House, which voted the $315 billion limit on Nov. 7. Besides, Smathers said, it would be impossible in floor debate toI agree on what a new permanent ceiling should be. Co-Op Group Seeks Funds Peter Roosen - Runge, Grad, snnkesm an fnr the Friend nf the African States Raise Threat Of New Conflict ADDIS ABABA (A) - Ethiopia and Somalia accused each other of provocations along their disputed border yesterday, raising the threat of a new conflict in Africa. "There must be an end to pro- vocation," Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie, said in a speech to his parliament in Addis Ababa. He charged Somalia's govern- ment with instigating and sup- porting violations by armed bands of Ethiopia's frontier for the past year. "By these methods Somalia hopes to realize its policy of ter- ritorial aggrandizement," he said. Somalia Premier Abdi Rashid Ali Shirmarke, in reply, accused Ethiopia of border aggression and interference in Somali affairs. He said Somalia would undertake "any sacrifice that might be nec- essary" to defend itself. In his speech, Haile Selassie said his country's "patience is not lim- itless." A Somali government, spokesman said Shirmarke regard- ed this statement as a serious menace to Somali peace and se- curity. Shirmarke, in a note to all am- bassadors and diplomatic missions in Mogadishu, his capital, rejected Selassie's charge that Somali guerrillas have been attacking Ethiopian territory. Mr ., nif TTninn rn-n+m nf- Organization Claims Hiring Discriminatior By Admuinistration The University released yester- day, a six-point letter from the Direct Action Committee demand- ing an end to alleged discrimina- tory hiring and otherwise threat- ening a picket line which would "shut" the Administration Bldg. Vice-President for Business and Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont said the University "will not discuss with or consider the demands of any group or individual based on the threat of violence." University officials indicated they would not "dignify" DAC's demands with further comment. DAC is a local, non-student or- ganization; membership estimates of the group range from 30-150. Earlier this week, DAC became a focus of controversy when it at- tempted, through heckling, to pre- See TEXT, Page 10 vent a speech here by Mississippi Gov. Ross Barnett. Toward the end of last month, 30 DAC members picketed the Ad- ministration Bldg. to protest al- leged discrimination and said they would close the building in a sec- ond picket if their job demands were not met. In the letter, delivered to the personnel office on Tuesday, the' group listed the following six de- mands, along with a time table for compliance; -Preferential hiring of Negroes; (one week) -An end to the practice of job tests concerning "skills which are irrelevant to the particular open- ing; (one month) BULLETIN Early this morning the local NAACP declared in a statement that it has "an established pol- icy of non-violence in relation to solving civil rights problems and we neither condone nor support any efforts which are either violent or accompanied by threats of violence. There- fore, we view the threats by DAC as unwelcome, unneces- sary and a potential source of physical disorder in the com- munity." -"Dismissal of racists, bigots, those who reject qualified appli- cants for jobs on the basis of their race, color, creed, nationality or political affiliation;" (one week after fact is established) -Notification to DAC of job openings, "until an agreed upon number of Negroes are given pref- erential hiring'' (one week) reporting. "For one thing," he said, "re- porters, especially abroad, tend to travel in packs, and write alike. Those who do not join the group soon find themselves frozen out. The a p1+ tof+hk 'rat ntuk' oetom :..,'..:: :. ... -:. "+ ..Y.::. ',-..... .. }:..., .. "-",:d{ ?ti->:. Y $.'^'. "M1V ?.Y.-:?.. '.. ::-.". ::".'....} A "::};.:. .:2 '.-... ....