Aftw qtr va cmi Seventy-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHYGAII UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MiCH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail"' Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in al; reprints. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1963 NIGHT EDITOR: KENNETH WINTER LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Gov. Barnett's Address: Message and Manners Commenation . . DESPITE A VIGOROUS attempt by the Direct Action Committee to abridge freedom of speech, Mississippi Gov. Ross Barnett did manage to deliver his prepar- ed remarks to the assembled crowd in Hill Aud. last Monday. The question now becomes: who was the victor in the clash between Barnett and his hecklers? The answer is quite clear: Ross Barnett. THE GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE was not startling. As a matter of fact, it bore a close resemblance to the address he de- livered two months ago in Kalamazoo. And the actions of his hecklers were not startling either. They were the un- couth and generally ignorant acts that the public has come to expect from DAC. SO BETWEEN TWO adversaries who did not take any action of great note, how can it be said that Barnett won out? Very simply because Barnett, in spite of his remarks which were clearly at odds Stupidity . . CONTRASTING STYLES of stupidity col- lided at Hill Aud. Monday night. On the stage, Mississippi Gov. Ross Bar- nett attempted to defend his version of states' rights with a speech composed largely of the propaganda devices most of the audience had learned in high school civics courses. From his clumsy at- tempt to flatter the audience, via some 10 minutes of irrelevancy about the Univer- sity and Mississippi, to his platitudinous and repetitive arguments for "states' rights, local self-government, liberty, fr e ed o m,constitutional government," Barnett appeared to be almost a parody of the Southern politician. UT FORTUNATELY for the governor, in the audience was a supposedly civil rights group which presented an equally convincing satire of the irrational wing of that movement. Its foot-stomping and shouting, as inappropriate to the occasion as Barnett's demagoguery, did more for Barnett's position than all the platitudes in Mississippi. The group undoubtedly found it satis- fying to make so much noise and at- tract so much attention. But anyone in the audience teetering on the brink of bigotry may have been pushed over the edge by this behavior. AUDIENCE REACTION-even adverse- is the lifeblood of political speeches such as Barnett's. The ideal way of ex- pressing hostility toward his ideas and arguments would not have involved shouting insults or even booing. Instead, the audience should have welcomed this Southern Gentleman, before, during and after his speech, with one consistent re- action: absolute, ice-cold, stony silence. --KENNETH WINTER with his audience, managed to win, in opposition to his hecklers, the sympathy of his audience. His generally calm manner, I think, managed to transcend the effect of his remarks and capture the sympathetic support (though not agreement) of the audience. Such was actually manifested when Michigan Union Special Projects committeeman Jack Warren arose to as- sure Gov. Barnett that "the disturbances are not being caused by University stu- dents." This drew a standing ovation. BUT RECRIMINATIONS in this matter will do no good. DAC is committed to a course of belligerence no matter what the cost, and the possibility that its ac- tions are retarding the ultimate achieve- ment of civil rights I am sure matters little to its members. By the same token, Gov. Barnett is clearly not of a mind to alter his thoughts in this matter or to cease advocating them. SO WE MUST LOOK to the commendable aspects of the affair Monday night, for there are several. Initially, the student body of the Uni- versity in attendance deserves commen- dation. Almost to a man, the students showed the governor respect and courtesy. Also to be commended is the tolerance of the University, through its Committee on Public Discussion, which bent over backwards to avoid any further disturb- ance in the auditorium than was abso- lutely unavoidable. The committee was successful in this respect and managed to carry out the intent of the Regents' bylaw covering speakers at the University. Also deserving of much credit is Jack Warren, who intervened twice as the governor spoke to provide the decorum and dignity his presence deserved. And perhaps most deserving of credit was the Student Non-Violent Coordinat- ing Committee, which was entirely suc- cessful in staging, an orderly protest in behalf of civil rights. The group massed in the front rows of the first balcony and listened attentively throughout the gov- ernor's remarks. Their printed signs, in full view, were in good taste, and their vocal protest at the close of the program (singing "We Shall Overcome") was or- derly and sincere. [ BELIEVE, by and large, the University made good where its sister institution in Kalamazoo fell down. The governor's reception by faculty, staff and students was one of dignity and courtesy. Of course it is always impossible to subdue wild out- pourings, but so long as this group does not corrupt the good judgment and con- duct of the great bulk of people, then the agitators are simply hurting themselves. The Regents' bylaw on speakers, the Committee on Public Discussion and the students of the University were put to the test Monday night. And they all passed with flying colors. -MICHAEL HARRAH Readers To the Editor: their AN OPEN Letter to Gov. Ross human Barnett: Giovani As I write this, you are no doubt near the end of your address. I regret that circumstances in Hill Ambi Aud. this evening did not permit me to remain to hear what you To the had to say; thus anything I say OME about you is based only on what clea I have heard and read about you ning. ( and your views. ignorar Since I consider opinions based realitie on information gained in this way demag to be less than completely satis- danger factory, I commend both you and democr the organization which sponsored even st your appearance here in an at- ganda9 tempt to confront us with a "free gracefu and open expression" of your posi- Yet,c tion on a topic of current and ul- Why d timate importance. T he rudeness and hostility with which you were greerned by several members of the audience aroused in me such anger and shame that I wanted only to leave and, per- haps self-righteously, to dissoci- ate myself from those you will remember as representative of the University of Michigan. * * * UPON ARRIVING at my apart- ment, I looked up the word "civil" and discovered among other things, the following: ". . . of a community or citizens, their gov- ernment, or their interrelations . . suitable for a city dweller; not rustic or countrified; hence, polite, urbane, civilized. .. Somehow I cannot avoid the no- tion that these meanings are rele- vant to the great debate in which our nation is engaged, and that this evening these meanings have been either ignored or consciously denied. I feel that both your and my rights as defined with some consideration for these meanings_ were violated as surely as are the rights of Negro citizens in the state of which you are the official spokesman and head. And I wonder if there~is after all such a great difference be- the pr tween you and whoever elects you platfor and those like you, and those of to the us who participated or condoned his ta by our silence and inaction me didn't active violation of your and my the int rights here in the so-called Athens es oft of the Midwest. spoke? * * * formal BY NOW you have finished or sacrosa have been insulted to the point hallow that it is impossible to continue. Perhaps you would be interested FOR to know that as you stood on the havioui platform tonight, you were only are Go a few feet from the spot where It is p last night Mozart's Don Giovanni that as uttered a terrible cry of despair absurd, as he was dragged unrepenting say hi down to the realm of unqualified of fact individualism. Anyma To the extent that you speak absolut for a social and political philoso- He is phy based on such an individual- persona ism, you too will be condemned. sponsib To the extent that the voices sufferir raised against you tonight ex- That pressed a similar disregard for Union owners' position in the community, they echoed ni's last scream. -David Huisman, Grad iguity,., , Editor: THINGS were made quite r in Hill Aud. Monday eve- Gov. Barnett is incredibly nt of the social and political s of his society. He is a ogue in that sense most ous to the persistence of acy. His hypocrisy is not ubtle. His brand of propa- is naive, his rhetoric is un- l. other things were less clear. didn't the Union insist on audience to show respect might first step from behind its pure allegiance to manners and live it- self for a while in the less black- white world of moral commitment. The Union took misplaced pride in students' lack of participation in the disturbances. Good man- ners are a game for those who need confront no ambiguity in reality. T h e ambiguity exists nevertheless. -Jeffry Piker, Grad Bilbo . . To the Editor: THIS EVENING Gov. Barnett made reference to a son of this University who later became Sen- ator from Mississippi: Theodore mittee to Investigate Senatorial Campaign Expenditures,' 1946, 79th Cong., Second Session. This committee investigated Bil- bo's activities in the primary elec- tion of 1946. Senators Styles Bridges and Bourke Hickenlooper both urged that he be denied his seat. The other three on the com- mittee, Senators Ellender (La.), Maybank (S.C.) and Thomas (Okla), found that he should be seated, and of course he was. On Monday night Barnett paid respect to Bilbo; does Barnett deserve ours? -Joseph E. McMahon, '65L David A. Ebershoff, '65L Griffith Garwood, '65L Immaturity .. . To the Editor: J AM APPALLED at the imma- turity of the University of Mich- igan student body. For the first time at a university we have the right to hear differing viewpoints from controversial figures in gov- ernment, and our student body acts like children who do not know the niceties of manners. I'm speaking of the rudeness shown to Gov. Ross Barnett Monday eve- ning. Personally, I do not agree with the governor, but I do feel that he has a right to be heard. The action of this loud-mouthed, im- mature minority has set the inte- gration movement back. Until such time as these individuals act as young adults, I cannot. nor will I support their movement. No citizen in this country has the right to deny free speech to anyone, and this includes Gov. Barnett. What has done :n Mis- sissippi is deplorable, but two wrongs do not make a right. The more immature demonstrators he sees, the more he believes in what he has done. I believe these dim- witted few owe Gov. Barnett, and the University student body, an apology. WE HAVE fought hard for ibe right to hear controversial speak- ers, and now a few are making the Regents think twice. To Gov. Barnett goes my com- mendation for continuing his ad- dress in the face of such rude- ness. To the Michigan Union goes my thanks for bringing, such speakers to this campus. To the loud-mouthed minority, I wish they would grow up. -Harry L. Doerr, '67M Viewpoints ,., To the Editor:. THE NOV. 18th address by Gov. Barnett and the crowd reaction to it has moved me to written comment in an attempt to "clear the air" on several issues. Several times during Barnett's speech someone shouted "Let, a black man speak!" The purpose of inviting Gov. Barnett to the campus was to al- low interested students a chance to hear another point of view in the civil rights turmoil. Since its inception, the Union's Profile Lec- ture Series has endeavored to pre- sent carefully selected speakers in an attempt to present balanced representationi on the major points of a particular topic. On t-e ques- tion of civil rights, this :awne lec- ture series in conjunction with other campus goups (the Office of Religious Affairs and Voice political party) has presented Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. * * * SECONDLY, I feel that a note of explanation is in order to the Voice Post-Barnett Reactions majority of students who attended the lecture to listen rather than to be heard themselves. The Ann Arbor police acted wisely in not ejecting the hecklers. Had they done so, physical harm could have come to many innocent bystanders as a result of possible physical violence. Just as important, how- ever, is the fact that no laws were violated. My final point concerns the hecklers themselves. The whole matter of discontent boils down to a matter of respect. That the man is governor of a state is enough for me to give him respect even though I disagree with him. Drowning out his address did nothing to help the governor change his mind, nor did the cause of those who yelled gain i. stature in the eyes of the major- ity who attended the lecture. But even more important in my opin- ion were the feelings of the 400, or sowstudents in the audience who desired to listen to Barnett's opin- ions. I hope that in the future, tha Union can attract prominent na- tional figures to the University campus knowing that the individ- ual's opinions will be treated with respect as any human being's opinions should. -Robert Pike, '65 Chairman, Special Projects Committee Michigan Union Classics . To the Editor: IN THE SATURDAY edition of The Daily, Mr. Dick Pollinger expresses an anxious concern for the atrophy of the Department of Classical Studies, writing "the un- dergraduatehclassics department withers on the vine." We are touched, but if wither we do, we wither in numbers. The total enrollment in the department this semester was 774; the figure ten years ago was 291. Included in the totals for both years are courses taught by members of the department but in fields outside the ordinary range of classical studies (specifically Great Books and Greek and Roman Medicine). If we subtract these courses we find 723 students studying classics this semester compared with 175 in 1953. THERE WERE two classes in 1953 for freshmen who wished to continue Latin in college. This year there are 12 sections at four different levels. Most significant of 'all is the enrollment in courses beyond the level which satisfies the language proficiency. In 1953 the enrollment in 81 (the first course beyond the requirement) was four; this semester 381 (the new number of the course) is 35. We are, thank you, definitely trophied. -Prof. Waldo E. Sweet, Department of Classical Studies Decision. NEW YORK vs. Miln was de- cided in 1837. Whatever may have been the notion then pre- vailing, we do not think that it will now be seriously contended that because a person is without employment and without funds he constitutes a "moral pestilence" Poverty and immorality are not synonymous. -The Supreme Court In Edwards vs. California, 1941 i -Daily-Sam Haberman Mississippi Gov. Ross Barnett esence of a Negro on the m to indicate quite clearly governor its evaluation of ctics and policies? Why the Union inform him of ellectual, sophisticated bas- the forum from which he And why was so much emphasis placed on the anctity of manners and the ed name of the University? * * 4' MANNERS as rules of be- r are no more absolute than v. Barnett's "states' rights." leasant in theory to assert )ny man, however base or ought have the right to s piece. But, as a matter , the governor is not merely *n, by birthright cntitled ely to mannered treatment. a militant segregationist, ally immoral, personally le- le for gross injustices and ng. university for which the encouraged persons in the Bilbo. The reference by Barnett was made in great respect to Bil- bo. We thought it interesting to note that Bilbo is quoted as saying the following: The white people of Mississip- pi are sitting on a volcano ... . We are faced with a nation-wide campaign to integrate the nigger with the social life of this coun- try . . . Congresswoman Clare Boothe Luce is the greatest nigger- lover in the North except Old Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. Yep, Old Lady Roosevelt is the worse ...(sic) In Washington she forced our southern girls to use the stools and the toilets of damn syphilitic nigger women . . . . . The nigger is only 150 years from the jungles of Africa, where it was hisgreat delight to cut up some fried nigger steak for breakfast . . . I call on every red-blooded white man to use any means to keep the niggers away from the polls. If you don't understand what that means you are just plain dumb :.. I believe in white superior- ity, white domination and the integrity of my white blood. Why, we have behind us 4,000 years of culture, learning, edu- cation and wisdom . . . And the nigger-I got nothing against the nigger. I'm his best friend- but the poor devil is only 150 years removed from the jungle and eating his own kind. THE ABOVE WORDS of Bar- nett's respected and honored Sen- ator from Mississippi can be found in Collier's July 6, 1946, and also in the United States Congressional (Senate) Hearings: "Special Com- 1 EUROPEAN COMMENTARY: De Gaulle's Nationalism Causes Opposition Barghoorn Case Indicates Need for 'Tough Lilne' THE RECENT RELEASE of Yale Profes- sor Frederick Barghoorn, who was held by the Soviets for over two weeks on es- pionage charges, has been interpreted by many as a victory for President Kennedy. Unfortunately, this interpretation over- looks the prohibitive context of Cold War diplomacy: it does not permit victory or defeat but, rather, operates with the sole objective of preserving the status quo. The pattern of Barghoorn's secret ar- rest, followed by vociferous charges of spying and his subsequent release after President Kennedy's demands, is too ser- ious to be overlooked. IN TODAY'S hyper-tense atmosphere, Khrushchev apparently has lost the least in the Barghoorn incident. For while Kennedy succeeded in meeting the situa- tion with "tough line" diplomacy-deny- ing that Barghoorn had any security mis- sion in the Soviet Union and threatening to drop the Soviet-American cultural ex- change program-the Soviet leader held 4a ..Acra from+fa m~fQat mands for Barghoorn's release were seri- ous. AT THE SAME TIME, the Cold War dip- lomatic code is such that Kennedy had to phrase his demands in such a way that the Russian leader was left an opening to withdraw from the commotion without embarrassment. Even when Khrushchev agreed to re- lease Barghoorn, he made it clear that he was doing so not because he was con- vinced of the Yale professor's innocence but rather as a favor to Kennedy and to preserve good Soviet-American relations. THIS ALTOGETHER uncalled for issue instigated by the Soviets illustrates the inherent difficulty in the Cold War of maintaining the precarious status quo. For it is the Russians who originally created the issue and who ultimately made the "concessions." The United States, consequently, was forced into making demands and being appeased. The fact that Washington merely said By ERIC KELLER Daiy Correspondent BASELr-A week ago, on Nov. 8, the French National Assembly approved a $4 billion program for France's atomic forces. Pro- Kuetion line output of atomic weapons will be increased; France's defense program will now concentrate on building atomic weapons. But at the same time, students of the University of Paris, the Sorbonne, demonstrated heavily against the high tuition costs and the lack of adequate dormitory, classroom and office facilities at the university. This would not have been something completely new had it not been that for the first time, they asked for the res- ignation of de Gaullehimself. They attacked the administra- tion and the minister of educa- tion, Christian Fouchet, who was to open the Sorbonne's winter se- mester. They seemed to indicate that a modern educational pro- gram ought to have priority over the "force de frappe" program. DE GAULLE'S INSISTENCE on this and similar nationalistic ven- tures finds more and more apathy, distrust and even opposition among his people. One of France's leading news- papers, Le Figaro, declares that "... in today's world a nation can- not represent a military unit for defense. If all NATO members would continue, like France, to keep entire command of their own troops, what would be left of this alliance which everybody says is absolutely necessary for the se- curity of this country? . . . The whole of the controversy concen- trates in the end on our relations with the United States. If our Eu- ropean partners don't want de Gaulle's Europe any more, it is be- cause they feel that this kind of Europe is anti-American." office any time between now and '65. This puts the opposition in a difficult position; it can't unite be- hind one opposition candidate be- cause that candidate would run himself dead until 1965, if elections are really held that late. On the other hand, if the opposition waits until de Gaulle announces his resignation. it may be too late for a candidate to become popular with the voters. De Gaulle himself, of course, knows of his excellent position and seems to utilize it. For some time now he has been hinting that he will be seeking re-election; he still is afraid that France cannot man- age without him. One or two years ago, France would truly not have been able to manage without "le grand Charles." But today opposi- tion forces claim that de Gaulle is no longer a necessity of state nor an unbeatable candidate. Some opposition leaders are be- having like future presidents al- ready. Although it is an accepted truth that the way to the French presidency is fastest by going through the Kremlin and the White House, it was somewhat dis- putable that Socialist leader Guy Mollet would be the best opposi- tion candidate. Like many other anti-Gaullist leaders, he will be too closely identified with the un- fortunate Fourth Republic to be an "ideal choice." Meanwhile, an- other possible star in the French opposition sky, Mayor Defferre of Marseille, followed on Mollet's track. He conferred with Khrush- chev and he also plans to visit Washington before the end of the year. THE FRENCH scene, therefore, is neither uniform nor clear. At the moment only a few things can be safely said. Seventy-two year old de Gaulle is losing his popularity. Strikes, demonstrations and increased talk of opposition candidates are evidence of this i f y fq" R . .,'' Y..x" "'{i," "" L t . ir ; ' ?fin ;' ; . $. :. i 4: l sa a \ t -: 2'f Y ' ,!' r y y Ly fir' Vu " f i ae:e i C , ,"}' .Z fj .;;r 1 A , yF N t j Y p l' ... : '. yt + ' t '*'# , , j ih! 7 yr ,1+ AL ' :c AI .4 L I, { I