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November 20, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-11-20

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Ii .1 ~.



Ask Change'sin 'Ed' School"

SGC To Consider

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
first in a two-part series re-
viewing the five-year evaluation
report recently written by an
education school faculty com-
mittee. Today's article outlines
research proposals-and their im-
plementation. Tomorrow admin-
istration and off-campus rela-
tions will be considered.)
The education school cur-
rently is implementing propos-
als for change in its research
direction, its administration
and its off-campus relations-
areas reviewed in the school's
recent five-year evaluation re-
Although the faculty com-
mittee which wrote the report
did not specifically consider
curriculum, many of the rec-
ommendations relate to curric-
ular improvement.

strengthen the school's efforts
-the school has created a new
agency, the Office of Research
Services. It was established "to
stimulate, coordinate and facil-
itate research efforts," Dean
Willard C. Olson has explained.
Research and non-University
developmental funds have in-
creased 30 per cent since the
Office began operation this
year, Dean Olson pointed out.
The report asked an Office
of Research Services to "pro-
vide consultation for faculty
members on matters of research
design and financial grants for
Instructional machines corre-
lated with the computer center
have been installed at the new
quarters of the agency. Further,
Prof.Ned Flanders of the edu-
cation school, previously a part-
time consultant, has now been
appointed chief of the research
service, a full-time position.
Second Move
A second way the research
recommendation has been im-
plemented is through strength-
ening the committee on educa-
tional research, Dean Olson
noted. The committee was dou-
bled from three to six members.
Since there are only nine de-
partments in the school, the in-
crease "was an attempt to in-
sure all areas of interest rep-
resentation, a more compre-
hensive view," Dean Olson
Two other report recommen-
dations to strengthen the
school's research potential were
not approved by the faculty.
One of these declared: "Re-
search and scholarly writing
should be given'improved status
through: (a) continued selec-
tion of all new staff with a view
to such production; (b) al-
though in general it is wise to
continue the policy of promo-
tion and merit on the basis of
teaching, service or research, it
is recommended that no one be
promoted without evidence of
adequate research or scholarly
writing; (c) the intent is to
legitimize scholarly production
with a minimum expectation of

one day a week devoted to such
Prof. Lester Anderson, chair-
man of the appraisal commit-
tee noted that the faculty re-
fused to include this statement
in their bylaws as the report
suggested. "They are unwilling
to deprecate those strong in
teaching or service. As a pro-
fessional school, we have a ma-
jor service responsibility to the
state. Although the faculty
supported the concept of re-
search, they were reluctant to
handicap themselves with this
clause," Prof. Anderson said.
In addition, 'the report rec-
ommended that research proj-
ects "be first discussed with
departmental chairmen and
subsequent plans be cleared
with the departmental chair-
men . .. This recommendation
is aimed at providing a proced-
ure whereby participation in re-
search projects is coordinated
and kept in balance with other
departmental activities and re-
Would Tie Down
Prof. Anderson estimated
that the faculty would not sup-'
port the proposal because it
would "tie them down" and re-
strict their freedom in research
However, Prof. Fred Walcott,
secretary of the faculty, claim-
ed that the approval of depart-
ment chairmen on research
projects is a prevalent policy,
operating on an informal basis
even though the formal propos-
al was turned down by the
Another Proposal
Another research recommen-
dation was approved in princi-
ple by the faculty, but so far
has not been implemented in
a formal program by the dean
and the Executive Committee.
Prof. Anderson claimed that
faculty power is limited to en-
dorsement of plans. They can-
not be implemented without the
dean's action, he said.
This recommendation sug-
gests that "All departments be
requested to review the present
status. and needs for research
training of graduate students
in their respective areas."


on Student

Romney Accepts U.S. Terms

...research proposals
The bylaws of the faculty
mandate election of an apprais-
al committee every five years
to "be responsible for the eval-
uation of all education school
activities, and for making rec-
ommendations . . . concerning
... changes in policy and prac-
tices of the school."
Toward implementing the
major research proposal - to

... enrollment pressures
~'U PlnsI
Construction of co-educational
housing for upperclass and gradu-
ate students is being planned by
the Office of Student Affairs,
Vice-President for Student Affairs
James A. Lewis said in reiterating
proposals made earlier this year.
The facility is intended mainly
as a means of increasing the num-
ber of alternative housing situa-
tions available to upperclassmen
and graduates. However, it would
also aid the present University
residence halls in accommodating
possible increased freshman en-
rollments, Lewis explained.
The facility could be completed
by fall, 1965, at the earliest.
In addition to the OSA's plan-
ning and approval, the Regents
have agreed to the concepts as
advanced by the OSA.
Speed Planning
However, if the University is to'
meet expanding enrollment needs,
plans must be speeded and the
population of graduate students
in the present, quadrangles re-
duced, Lewis said.
Planning for the graduate hous-
ing units has been speeded up to
meet possible enrollment increases
now being considered. "These are
plans OSA is working on so that
we can take action on specific
figures once we know what the
enrollment is going to be," Lewis
Present University housing is
sufficient to handle an enrollment
increase on the Ann Arbor cam-
pus of 400 freshmen next year, but
only at the expense of dimished
facilities for male graduate stu-
dents, he said.
200 Women
Lewis estimated about 200 more
freshmen women could be placed
in present facilities. There are
now some vacancies in the regular
women's dormitories, and more
could be created by occupying the
Oxford Housing Project to capa-I

Swainson Asks Greater Leadership Role

Special To The Daily
Gov. George Romney announced
yesterday in Lansing he will re-
verse his stand of last year and
ask the Department of Health,
Education and Welfare to qualify
Michigan for participation in the
Aid to Dependent Children of the
In a speech before Ypsilanti
Democrats, State Attorney Gen-
eral Frank J. Kelley asserted last
night that he had proposed that
the state reform its AD-Uplan
six months ago in order to re-
ceive the federal funds.
"Michigan now has the highest
welfare bill of any state in the
union," Kelley said.
He had declared Michigan un-
able to meet the "test for ADC-U"
last spring because aid would have
been given only to those who were
receiving unemployment benefits.
"This meant that only one-third
of thosewho needed the aid would
have received it" Kelley noted.
"It was declared illegal because it
excluded the other two thirds and
thus was discriminatory."
Kelley commented that the fed-
eral government had withheld the
aid from Michigan at the same
time because under the Federal
Enabling Act the Michigan situa-
tion was "too restrictive." Kelley
noted that Romney probably
would submit the new legislation
in January.
The governor said that he wants
to receive some of th ADC-U
funds because the state usually
"pays more than we ever get
back" under federal programs.-
No Point
"I see no point in denying wel-
fare units of government the funds
to which they would be entitled,"
he said.
If the Legislature approves
Romney's new plan an estimated
$9 million would be extended to
Michigan in federal funds to help
10,000-15000 families.
Romney noted that because of
his position, the state had lost
Kelley Views
Civil Rights
State Attorney General Frank
Kelley explained the reasoning be-
hind his recent decision pre-
empting local civil-rights ordi-
nances to local Democrats yester-
The hour-long meeting saw
Kelley explaining his position to
a group which has brought pres-
sure to bear on Ann Arbor City
Council for the adoption of a fair
housing ordinance.
"I know full well a lot of you
people have worked earnestly in
the area of civil rights at the local
level and that I and my ruling
have come along and rocked the
boat," Kelley said.
"However, I believe you will
agree with me that if every local
unit of government adopted their
own versions of such ordinances
the situation would become almost
impossible," he said.
Kelley pointed out that his opin-
ion has the force of law until it
is overturned by the courts. He
See KELLEY, Page 8

"I think that I could have
developed the votes needed in the
special session for passage of Gov
George Romney's fiscal reform
program-if I had been leader 'in
fact' of the Democratic Party in-
stead of just a titular head,'
former Gov. John B. Swainson
said last night.
In a talk on "The Relationships
of Political Leaders to Career
Employes," Swainson noted that
the people of Michigan have in-
vested much time and money in
him, and that this investment
could be put to much better use
than it is presently.
He said that the failure of fis-
cal reform this year was probably
a result of lack of leadership, and
that he could have helped the tax
program pass by providing some
of this leadership,
Swainson predicted that fiscal
reform will be a big issue in the
future, especially since next year
is an election year. He said
"everyone would like to forget
about fiscal reform, but they
won't be able to do so that easily."
As a reason, he cited the Uni-
versity's budget, saying that the
"blue ribbon" Citizens' Committee
on Higher Education, appointed
by Romney, has suggested that a
Kappa Sigrma
Local Scores
National 'Bias'
Occidental College s chapter of
Kappa Sigma fraternity voted
yesterday to disassociate them-!
selves from the national organi-
zation, charging it has an unwrit-'
ten bias clause against Negroes.
e Occidental Chapter President
Prentiss W i 1 s o n commented,
"There isn't anything written
down. But there is an unwritten
rule against pledging Negroes.
We do not have any specific Negro
'we are trying to pledge now, but
we have had some trouble from
the national when we tried to do
'it in the past."
However, the president of the

full advantage of the federal the state never will be able to
money. receive back from the federal gov-
Romney warned, however, that ernmient what it spends.
he would "continue to oppose the He previously had asked that
enlargement of federal responsi- the administration's procedures
bility, federal control, federal fi- be changed to allow appeal by the
nancing, and federal programs states of the HEW rejection. The
that in my opinion can be handled setate met the provisions of the
better by individual responsibil- federal program because it was the
ity, by local responsibility or by states' right to define who should
state responsibility." get the payments Romney said
Romney insisted, though, that last spring.
Sawyer Views Meaning
Of Research Probes
Recently returned from his trip to Hawaii to inspect the Uni-
versity-administered Project AMOS, Vice-President for Research
Ralph A. Sawyer commented on current Congressional investigations
into federal research spending.
A number of Congressional committee began investigating the
steady bulge in federal research spending when "Congress decided
things were growing too fast and*
that it was time to slow things J *'<':' .- :" <
down and take a look," Sawyer
commented. I


budget boost of $25 million be
given to the University. This extra
$25 million will have to come out
of the state's general fund unless
there is some type of fiscal reform,
and the general fund can't afford
to give out that much money be-
cause it already has a deficit,
Swainson noted.
Students Apply
To, Visit Cuba

Turning to the relationshio be-
tween elected officials and career
personnel in the government,
Swainson said that although elect-
ed officials are dependent on
civil servants, the career workers
should carry out the policy that
the elected officials make. They
should attempt to make it them-
selves by applying pressures to
the elected leaders and doing inly
the work they themselves think
He noted that when the career
personnel start making the laws,
there is leS onntrnl pthe rv

Federal research and develop-
ment expenditures, which tel
years ago totaled only $2 billion e
year, now run at an annual rati
close to $15 billion and have beer
increasing at the rate of 15 pe:
cent per year, Sawyer pointed out
The University's sponsored re-
searc heffort, which also has ex-
panded rapidly during this per-
iod, now is at $36 million.
Select Committee.
One of the Congressional com-
mittees, the special House Selec
Committee on Government Re-
search effort, which also has ex-
liott (D-Ala) began its inquiry
That committee, charged witt
making a "complete, full and
thorough investigation of the
numerous research programs" con-
ducted by the federal government
has already heard testimony from
nine witnesses, including Lelan
J. Haworth, director of the Na.
tional Science Foundation; Glenn
T. Seaborg, chairman of the Atom-
ic Energy Commission; and James
E. Webb, administrator of the
National Aeronautics and Space
The committee plans to hear ap-
proximately 70 scientific leader
from the universities, government
industry and labor between now
and Thanksgiving.
Make a Distinction
The New York Times reported
that the nine witnesses who have
already testified emphasized the
necessity of distinguishing between
scientific research and the much
more costly development phases
of the programs.
See CONGRESS, Page 8
'U' Institute Gets
$268,900 Grant
The National Science Founda-
tion yesterday announced a grant
of $268,900 to the University's
Academic Year Institute. The in-
stitute, now in its seventh year,
gave math and science teachers
advanced studies on a full-time

IWill Debate_
Adding New
Ex-Off iios
Several Amendments
Proposed; Approval
Rests with Regents
Student Government Council
will consider tonight a proposed
amendment to the SGC plan
which would expand its rule-
making authority and permit it
to overrule a veto by the vice-
president for student affairs
through a two-thirds vote of
Another revision of the Council
Plan to be taken up tonight is a
motion calling for the addition of
three ex-officio members to SGC.
The meeting will be held at
7:15 p.m. in Lounge 2 of Markley
Any changes in the Council plan
-the charter under which Council
must operate- require a two-
thirds vote of SGC, as well as ap-
proval by the vice-president for
student affairs and the Regents.
All Non-Academic Rules
The amendments, to be propos-
ed by Howard Schecter, '66, and
Daily Editor Ronald Wilton, '64,
will ask for an addition to the
plan which would grant Council
the authority to "make all non-
academic student rules and regu-
Another amendment, if approv-
ed, would give SGC the right to
reconsider and reverse the vice-
president's veto by a two-thirds
vote of Council, at which time
the motion would "be submitted
to the Regents for final disposi-
tion. "
Presently, Council action is sub-
ject to scrutiny and recommenda-
tions by the Committee on Refer-
ral, a student-faculty advisory
body to SOC.
Must Announce
The committee, however, must
announce its intention to consider
any Council action within four
days following notice of such ac-
tion in the Daily Official Bulletin.
It must then complete its exami-
nation of the action and "an-
nounce its findings' to the vice-
president's office in advance of
the third regular SGC meeting
following the meeting at which
the action took place," according
to the Council Plan.
The SGC plan further stipulates,
"Within one week of any ensuing
SGC reaffirmation or qualifica-
tion of the action referred to it,
the vice-president's office would
sustain, veto or not rule further
on the action."
The motion to expand SGC, to
be submitted by Executive Vice-
President Thomas Smithson, '65,
and Treasurer Douglas Brook, '65,
calls for the inclusion of the
"highest officers" of the Inter-
national Students' Association, the
Graduate Student Council and the
Inter-Cooperative Council in the
composition of SGC.
The proposal also calls for these
ex-officios to be added when can-
didates are seated after the SGC
election next spring.

Letter by EQC
Warns Parents
Of Fee Boost
East Quardangle Council is
sending letters to parents of its
residents urging them to write
their state legislators and protest
the possibility of tuition increases
and inadequate appropriations to
the University.
The council has provided funds
for the mailing of letters to par-
ents of in-state students contain-
ing a statement of the council's
views, an explanation of its ac-
tions and a list of state legisla-
tors by area.
According to John Koza, '64,
who sponsored the motion pro-
posing the plan, the council so
far has spent $50 and used 60 vol-
unteers to put the plan into opera-

... investigations

ext e c1 ess ver' gov-I city. At present two houses of the
'inincmr- ernment by the electorate. project are not being used.
"However, the need for compe- However, the men's quardangles
NEW YORK - The Student tent people will blur the line be- could hold only 50 more students
Committee for Travel to Cuba, tween 'politicians' ane. career per- next year, he said.
which defied a State Department sonnel," he said. The University has an "abso-
travel ban last summer, said last "We are blessed with some very lute responsibility" to provide
night more than 100 students have good administrators, and should 'housing for incoming freshmen
applied to visit Cuba next June. be able to interchange these ad- since they must spend at least
The committee said in a state- ministrators from department to their first year in the residence
ment that a trip for 500 persons department not only to get a halls, Lewis asserted.
is being planned. "Expenses for 'fresh' approach in some depart- Make Room
this trip will again be paid by the ments, but also to eliminate what So to make room for the re-
Cuban Student Federation," it I would call 'non-partisan poli- maining men in a 400-freshman
said. , tics' on the part of these admin- enrollment increase on the Ann
Four New Yorkers were indicted istrators," he said. Arbor campus, the- number of
Sept. 27 as organizers of a ban- "A good administrator is a good graduate students presently living
ned trip by 59 American students administrator no matter where he in the quadrangles would have to
last June. The State Department is serving," Swainson noted. j be reduced.
declared in 1961 that specially Swainson, considered a poten- About 330 graduate students live
validated passports would be re- tial gubernatorial candidate again in University undergraduate resi-
quired for travel to Cuba. in 1964, spoke here as part of a dence halls.
The committee contended that social seminar sponsored by the One possibility is not to accept
the United States government's Institute of Public Administra- graduates applying for rooms for
travel restriction is unconstitu- tion. * the first time.
tional and that the prosecutions - - ----
are attempts to intimidate the FOUR CENTURIES REPRESENTED:
'We therefore serve public no-
tice on them that we intend to'; 0
Iviolate their public notices and i l~ i e t r q t t e
threats and continue to sponso M useum Acqu is
trips to Cuba," the committee
Among the 50 students who The acquisition of art objects
visited Cuba last summer were Iand Oriental art throughout a four
University students Patricia So- :yesterday by the University Museum
piak, '64Ed, and Michael Brown, Prominent in this purchase ar
'63. I sical periods.
Upon returning Miss Sopiak had According to Prof. Charles H.
commented that she was "very im partment, museum director, cont
pressed" with what she saw as a -
sthe initiation of the museum colle
She defended the trip as an readily available and provided the
attempt "to exercise my rights as Now,.he sa basic collection.
a citizen of the United States." Now, he stated, the emphasis
Commenting on what she ob- ."earlier works.

nTells 'U' .Role
d I
SIn Assisting
s Governments
Vice-President for Research
Ralph A. Sawyer yesterday com-
mented on recent developments
s between the Agency for Inter-
national Development and the As-
sociation of State Universities and
Land-Grant Colleges.
The asociation of universities
i and colleges last week rejected
an AID proposal that United
States universities contract direct-
ly with Latin American govern-
ments for technical assistance.
Sawyer said that the University
has been involved in direct tech-
nical assistance to foreign nations
only to a relatively small degree
and "only when such assistance
was clearly within our capabili-
tes." .
He cited recent technical as-
sistance programs in Formosa and
Thailand as examples of Univer-
I sity involvement. In Formosa, the
University sponsored a program
for training public administration
officials in addition to a nuclear
engineering program. In Thailand,
it participated in a project for
training English language teach-
"Some schools have participated
to a large extent in this program,
going out of their way to take on
foreign program commitments
and scouring the. country in search
of people to staff their programs,"
Sawyer said.
"The University has not done
this. We have taken on only those
programs that fit our capacities
and can be staffed by our own
Postpone Local
USNSA Parley
Due to housing problems, the
Michigan Region of the United
States National Students Aseia-

rt of Europe, Orient

representative of both European
-century time span was announced
of Art.I
re additions from the earlier clas-
Sawyer of the history of art de-
emporary works were bought at
ction because they were the most
least expensive means of building
has been able to shift towards the

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