RESPONSIBLE ACTION See Editorial Page Y it 4iau Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom :E3aiIy WARMER High-55 Low-32 Mostly sunny and mild in the afternoon t i VOL. LXXIV, No. 68 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1963 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES LSA Faculty Tentativel Backs College Concept of Residential 'U' POLICY-MAKING: Seek Greater SACUA Role -Daily-Richard Cooper SPEECH'S END-Mississippi Gov. Ross Barnett (left) waves to the sometimes hostile Hill Aud. audience last night following his formal speech. John Warren of the Michigan Union Special Projects Committe moves to podium to start the question and answer session. 'Barnett Notes Peri J " In Rights Proposal By PHILIP SUTIN National Concerns Editor In the midst of constant heckling, Mississippi Gov. Ross Barnett last night warned that civil rights proposals are a "new form of tyranny" which will "surely add the finishing blow to the foundation stone upon which our constitution, our laws and society firmly rest." Michigan Union and University officials three times had to in- terrupt Barnett's talk in a packed Hill Aud. as the jeering became too loud for Barnett to be heard. Vice-President for Academic Affairs Roger W. Heyns warned that "if the meeting becomes disruptive we will have to remove people from the audience." 'Matter of Manners' He said that he regarded an orderly hearing of Barnett's speech as "a matter of manners." The bulk of the audience applauded Three proposals a i m e d at achieving more faculty participa- tion in University policy-making were approved yesterday by the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs. At its monthly meeting, the faculty group also rejected a fac- ulty member's suggestion that any expansion of the Dearborn Cen- ter be halted until that city takes steps to eliminate racial discrim- ination. The three proposals, submitted by SACUA's subcommittee on University Freedom and Respon- sibility, provided for: -Consultation with SACUA when facultytmembers are being appointed to any University-wide committee; -Submission by SACUA, when that body considered it approp- riate, of a list of faculty names from which a committee would be chosen, and -The designation of one mem- ber of such committees as a liai- son man, to keep SACUA inform- ed on the committee's work. Recommend Approval This resolution "will be sub- mitted to the University Senate Dec. 9 with the recommendation that it be approved," Prof. Wil- liam Kerr, chairman of the nuc- lear engineering department and of SACUA, said last night. The Dearborn discrimination issue was first raised in a letter to SACUA from Prof. Ernest F. Masur of the engineering college. Prof. Masur explained last night that his'letter was provoked by press accounts of the recent ran- sacking of a Dearborn apartment Try To End Border Fight ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (_)- Independent Africa's foreign min- isters named a seven-nation com- mittee yesterday to adjudicate the Sahara border dispute between Algeria and Morocco and called on both countries to bow to its verdict. Algerian Foreign Minister Ab- dellaziz Bouteflika and Ahmed Reda Guedira of Morocco shook hands in the glare of television lights and pledged to respect the continent's quest for brotherhood and unity. But spokesman indicated the two countries will be willing to accept decisions of the committee as binding only if they correspond to their own interests, making it appear doubtful that the com- mittee will be able to solve the dispute. A final resolution adopted at the end of a 32-nation council of foreign ministers of the Organiza- tion of African Unity called on the two North African nations to live up to the African charter signed here six months ago. The resolution particularly mentioned parts dealing with territorial in- tegrity of Africa's new states and non-interference in their internal affairs. by a mob. The riot, "condoned by police," took place because of rumors that a Negro was going to rent there, he said. "When I read of this I wrote to SACUA, asking if this is the proper place for the University to have an expanding program," Prof. Masur said. Sent to Committee SACUA last month referred the letter to its educational policies subcommittee, which discussed the issue with Prof. Masur and re- turned the letter to SACUA with- out recommendation. Prof. Kerr said the policies ad- vocated by Prof. Masur were not approved yesterday because "any overt stand or confrontation would slow down the process of eliminating discrimination rather than speed it up." Professors Masur and Kerr both pointed out that no charges of discrimination by the University were involved. In other action, SACUA receiv- ed a report from its major medi- cal insurance subcommittee, ask- ing that the Teachers' Insurance and Annuity Association health- insurance plan be extended, rais- ing the limit of payments to $25,000 a n d covering retired employes. :n i Close Vote Supports 'General Principle' Members Raise Many.Questions, May Name Group To Seek Answers By KENNETH WINTER By a narrow margin, the literary college faculty yester- day approved the concept of a residential college-but it wants several questions answered before endorsing any specif- ic plan. "What has been approved is the general principle. At its next meeting the faculty will be asked to take the necessary steps to explore these problems," Dean William Haber of the literary college explained. He said these steps would involve setting up a special com- mittee to seek answers to the questions raised at yesterday's two-hour meeting. Then, upon receiving the special commit- tee's report, the faculty would" make its final decision, ac- cepting or rejecting a specific To Propose plan for the proposed new lit- erary college unit. Dean Haber emphasized that NO lnaions yesterday's vote was an "indica- tion of how the majority of the faculty think about the .general To City H R C idea. The definite views of the faculty will be known when a spe- cific plan of operation is submit- By RAYMOND HOLTON ted." Ann. A.4.,..'c WiZ,.n Pn, ~1tin, Group Turns Down. AID Assistance Plan WASHINGTON-The Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges last week rejected a proposal by the Agency for International Development that United States universities contract directly with Latin American governments for technical assistance. Also in the proposal by AID was that this aid would be financed from development loan funds made available by the Alliance for "Progress. The international affairs committee of the association had aiitEtititiii advised that "the AID formula in- volving direct university contracts SwV n fnrpign nvenment wac no t I i " Heyn's and others' appeals for order. However, heckling by members of the Direct Action Committee and others continued to interrupt and sometimes drown out Bar-' nett's speech. Jack Warren, '66, of the Union Special Projects Committee, twice sought quiet after Heyns had spoken. No one was removed from the session. Union President Raymond Rusnak, '64, explained that police officials considered that there would be less trouble if no police action was taken. Freedom Section The University Friends of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee sponsored a "freedom section" in the first balcony. "We will make no attempt to interfere with Barnett's speech in any way," they promised. The group sang "We Shall Overcome," the anthem of the civil rights movement, after the lecture. "Stripped to its essense, the pro- posed civil rights law advocated by extreme liberal groups seeks to use the policeman's club and the armed might of the federal gov- ernment to force certain people into the society of others who do not want them and to whom their presence is repugnant. "The fact that this illegal scheme cannot work does not deter its proponents in the least," Bar- nett warned. He charged the proposals are an See BARNETT, Page 2 Goals Need Reworking WASHINGTON - "We h a v e committed ourselves deeply to in- ternational education but are troubled by a confusion of pur- poses," Frank Bowles, president.of the College Entrance Examination Board said recently. Speaking on "American Respon- sibilities in International Educa- tion" at the annual meeting of the American Council on Educa- tion, Bowles stated that Ameri- can education had to clarify its purposes regarding this commit- ment. Numerous Commitments Bowles charged that American education has numerous commit- ments which it is trying to meet through one set of methods. Those commitments include opening American education to foreign students, opening to Ame- rican students the possibility of foreign study, and aiding social and economic development through education in Latin Ame- rica and in certain nations which were once European colonies. Observation Bowles made the following ob- servations about these commit- ments: "We have been shifting our em- phasis away from student move- ments and towards support of en- tire educational systems; "We have not stated whether our efforts at improving educa- tional systems in underdeveloped nations are to be through intro- ducing aspects of the American system or through strengthening the existing systems; and "We do not have enough Ame- ricans with experience in differ- ent systems of education to staff our commitments." a proper general pattern for uni- versities to follow." The association did, however, approve trying a second AID pro- posal which, while not shifting the contracting responsibility from AID to universities, did include changing the present grant-fi- nancing requirements to loan- financing. The overall AID program was also the concern of AID adminis- trator David E. Bell. He recently called for a "searching reapprai- sal" of AID-university relation- ships. Bell's comments included the following issues: 1) "What can be done to en- sure that the universities involved in AID programs are strengthened in their essential tasks of teach- ing, research and service?" Fed- eral programs must add to the capability of American universi- ties to participate in technical assistance to Latin American col- leges; 2) "How far can we move in the direction of bringing the uni- versities into AID programs at earlier stages and for more am- bitious assignments?" AID should enlist the talents of universities in the diagnosis of problems as well as in the actual programs, and PROF. WILLIAM KERR ... approval ANTI-SEMITISM: Prelates Hit Declaration VATICAN CITY ()-A Vatican Ecumenical Council declaration aimed at anti-Semitism was as- sailed yesterday by a conservative Italian Cardinal and three Cath- olic patriarchs from the Middle East. The prelates said they were afraid the document could mean misunderstanding and difficulties for Christians in the Arab world. The opposition raised the pos- sibility that the proposal-now a separate chapter in the topic on Christian unity-might be cut out of the document and treated in some other way. The chapter declares that all mankind-not Jews alone-shares responsibility for the death of Christ. The world's Jewish leaders have praised the declaration. ROGER W. HEYNS .. . seeks order t Barnett Cla ims Section of Bill Violates Law By MICHAEL HARRAH Mississippi Gov. Ross Barnett yesterday pinpointed his opposi- tion to the proposed federal civil rights legislation in an informal talk before the Lawyer's Club. He stressed his major opposi- tion to the public accommoda- tions section of the bill, calling it "wholly unconstitutional," and asserting that "when a business is owned and operated by a pri- vate individual, he has the right to choose his customers." Supporting Evidence He cited the Nichols case in 1883 and the more recent deci- sion in Williams vs. Howard John- son's Motels in 1959 as supporting this point of view. In both cases it was determined that the busi- ness concerned was not one en- gaged in interstate commerce and as such could not be considered governed by the commerce clause in the federal Constitution. "With these two decisions out- standing, unreversed and unqual- ified in the slightest. I don't see how there can be any justifica- tion for (overturning) them.' Not Law of Land In response to a question from the floor the governor remarked NEW DIMENSION: 'Urges Study on Doctor-Patient UN RESOLUTION: U.S. Rejects Demands Made by Cubans on Zone UNITED NATIONS (YP)-The United States rejected yesterday) Cuba's demand that the Guantanamo naval base be given up as the price for establishing a nuclear-free zone in Latin America. Charles C. Stelle, United States disarmament negotoiator, also told the General Assembly's main political committee that the United States would vote against a resolution seeking an international con- *ference for drawing up a treaty) outlawing use of nuclear weapons. Cuban Ambassador Carlos M. Lechuga declared that before his country would agree to any pro- etposal to ban nuclear weapons from Latin America the United States would also have to agree to put Puerto Rico and the Panama {"=:<' ' Canal in the proposed zone. He added also that the United States would have to abandon its big naval installation at Guan- tanamo, which he described as a base for being used by United States intelligence agents for "sabotage and murder" in Cuba. Cuba's stand appeared to weak- en considerably any effectiveness for a resolution sponsored by 10 Latin American nations asking for studies on how to establish a nu- clear-free zone. Far from Unanimous Several faculty members com- mented after the meeting that the approximately 275 members pres- ent were "far from unanimous" even on the general principle of the proposed college. The residential college, as pro- posed by a faculty committee last spring, would involve housing from 1-3000 literary college students in a residence hall or group of living units. Here would be located not only living and dining facilities but classrooms, laboratories, a li- brary and possibly faculty offices -attempting to create a small- college atmosphere within the University. In addition, the committee pro- posed a revised curriculum and other educational innovations. Eight Questions In considering this proposal, Dean Haber said, faculty members at yesterday's meeting raised eight major questions: -Would the residential college drain financial support away from the rest of the literary college? The residential college would only teach its own students, all of them enrolled in the literary col- lege. But many students taking literary college classes are enrolled in other University schools and colleges. Would the residential col- lege, then, throw a disproportion- ate share of this "service teach- ing" on the rest of the literary college? Full-Fledged? -Would faculty teaching in the residential college be full-fledged members of the literary college faculty? -Administratively, would the residential college be an integral part of the literary college, or au- tonomous? -As a relatively small college, the residential college would be unable to offer many of the spe- cialized courses taken by upper- classmen. Would it, then, place a burden on specialized courses taught only in the regular literary college? -Should the residential college be an honors college, or enroll roughly a cross-section of the lit- erary college student body? -Should it be located in the Central Campus area, on North Campus, or somewhere else? -What alternatives are there to the residential college as now pro- posed? Parliamentary Action Yesterday's vote followed the submission and revision of two motions concerning the new col- lege. Almost two months ago, when the faculty first discussed the college, Prof. Theodore M. Newcomb of the psychology and sociology departments had offered a motion endorsing the college and establishing anrimplementation committee to work out the de- tails. During the debate at yesterday's . ann ar or s uman x li Commission is expected this week to present Mayor Cecil 0. Creal with the names of nominees to fill three vacancies on the commis- sion. Paul C. Wagner, HRC chairman, said yesterday that the names of the three individuals will be re- leased next Monday when the mayor is expected to put the mat- ter before City Council's working session. Reliable city hall sources indi- cate that at least two of the nom- inees are Negroes. Present Activities Wagner also commented on present activities of the HRC. The commission has sent out requests for statements from local civil rights groups as to the type of ac- tion they believe should be taken in the civil rights area. The most recent communication which was presented before coun- cil last night was that of the Catholic International Program, outlining its goals, methods and proposal toward better race rela- tions. James F. Montgomery, head of the program, stated in a letter that international students who attend the University encounter discrimination in housing and em- ployment. Responsibilities He proposes that action be taken to encourage landlords to accept their civic responsibilities and co- operate with international pro- grams. Landlords argue that they turn international students away, not because of "color," but because they have no understanding of "how to take care of an apart- ment," Montgomery asserts. Montgomery pointed out that these landlords have a "civic re- sponsibility to teach our guests from other countries." In the area of employment, Montgomery proposes that meet- ings with local businessmen be held to encourage employment for international students. He also suggests that business- men consider setting aside a defi- nite percentage of their part-time work force for men and women from other countries. Bandit Pilfers Student Funds From Office An unarmed bandit escaped with $6,290 of student loan funds taken from the cashier's office in the SAB shortly before noon yes- terday. Richard Koester, employee in the cashier's office, gave chase when he noticed the bandit taking money from behind the cashier's counter. rMe nh-s 0"D -la" - a f ta A r i t l E t r i By JOHN WEILER There should be a new dimen- sion in the medical doctor's edu- cation which includes all that happens between the doctor and his patient, Dr. Lester J. Evans said yesterday in the third Cook lecture. Dr. Evans described this dimen- sion as a "fundamental condition- ing" in the medical student's ed- ucation which would take a con- siderable length of time to achieve. But in the end it would add the human aspects which medicine often lacks. It would require departmental understanding, he noted, but it or deals with people," Dr. Evans added. He said that there is no way to measure achievement in the new dimension. The "only true meas- ure of accomplishment will be in the heart and mind of the stu- dent who discovers that the human being with all his varia- tions is the most exciting subject of study in his education for medicine." Duty To Society Dr. Evans emphasized that a doctor must hold his duty to so- ciety above all personal feelings. He said that what the medical man does "always transcends Dr. Evans also noted that study could be done in the procedure for admission to medical schools. There are many questions that can be asked, he said, since "college holds the key to what happens during and after college life." The study in the emotional and social growth should be equal to that which is now going on in intel- lectual growth. The factors which influence the medical choice is another thing that should be analyzed, Dr. Evans added. Finally, there should be a look into the entire post-medical de- -. r i.n.4 4-of-. n ,.ajicnn The United States, which will vote for the resolution, has made clear that it will not support ac- tual etablihment of aTLatin ' ' .4.