w -- loor- . MOMMOMP- 7 , ate. MICHAEL ZWE WORLD COLLEGE': Its DisappointiniHistory IG THE TWENTIETH CENTURY has seen repeated, quiet efforts to establish in- ternational universities aid centers of higher learning. Some plans have come to fruition and the resulting institutes still exist; some operated for a time and then died, others never got further than the paper on which they were written. Work in the field has ranged from the. efforts of diplomats in high international bodies to the private dreams of an Atlan- ta, Georgia, businessman. International education, especially at the university level, has caught the imagination of scholars and students in many countries, and it is next to impossible to catalog all the plans and programs which have been presented in the last fifty years. In general, proposals for international universities have had three origins. The first, and most prolific, are those plans conceived by private individuals and oth- er non-governmental, non-international groups. International but non-governmen- tal groups such as the International As- sociation of Universities and the Interna- tional Bureau of Education have been ac- tive in the area, as have various inter- national governmental agencies. notably the League of Nations and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cul-b tural Organization (UNESCO). The various proposals themselves can largely be-characterized in four combina- tions: regional or world-wide technical centers and regional or world-wide gen-- eral universities. Some of each type have1 been suggested as summer programs to augment national education, and some others have been plans for complete edu- cation with conferring of degrees. The histories of the projects are little known to the public, but an analysis, particular - ly of the reasons for failure, may shed light on possibly successful future plans as well as indicate some of the attitudes of this century regarding education and international understanding. THE SHOCK of the First World War seems to have begun the procession of proposals for international education Immediately after the War, a group of educators and Belgian diplomats orga- nized the first modern-day international university in Brussels. which continued to operate in a limited way until 1936. The originator and spokesman for the univer- sity, Paul Otlet, quickly went to the League of Nations as early as 1919 look- ing for aid and assistance in his endeavor "for international understanding." Not until 1922 did the League of Na- tions formally discuss prospects for inter- national education, but private memos indicate an intense reluctance on the part of League officials to tender any aid other than "moral approval" to Otlet's group. By 1923, the League's Committee on In- ternational Cooperation had heard half a dozen formal requests for action in n- ternational education. Proposals were con- sistently referred to subcommittees of the CIC.' CIC member de Reynold moved that a study be made of different means of developing international "collabora- tion". . . by the education of journalists and translators, by prolonged courses for students in principal foreign universities, by instruction in the various national his- tories and through the development of international exchange programs for stu- dents and faculty. After four years of study, the League of Nations dropped any idea of an interna- tional university, largely with the attitude of de Reynold, who said "it is essential to avoid schemes which might encourage -utopianism and internationalism." The CIC met in full session in July. 1925 and discussed the findings of its subcommittees. After considering all the proposals-and one in particular from the Spanish government which gave the most detailed description of a "world univer- sity"-CIC member Paul Destree resolved that the proposal "goes beyond the limits of schemes to be considered atfthe present moment, but the heart of the matter de- serves further study." T HECIC ADOPTION of Destree's m- tion was the last formal mention of an international university in the history of the League of Nations. This international body had not yet come away from the strong -hold of na- together with students of all heritages. No nationality is represented in greater proportion than its national population relates to the world, except for certain small countries in Africa. All hope to train men who will be able to deal ef- fectively with men of other nations. These aims are quite consistent with early League of Nations and UNESCO vi- sions of training centers for international mediators and diplomatic personnel, but the private nature of the universities practically rooms them from the begin- ning. 41 i I ti q 4 The lonely land of books tionalism. bit did favor increasing inter- national contact to develop understanding and-lessen potential tensions. It was, how- ever: ceracteristic that the League sim- ply favored a plan and did nothing itself to implement the idea, other than "urge" the member states to adopt exchange pro- grams and develop area study programs in their national universities. Early official discussions decided to lay the problem of international understand- ing squarely at the feet of nation states. In later years, UNESCO deliberation of international universities also bogged down on the issue of the role of national universities, but the questions of finance and feasibility in the Cold War were also articulated. There was also the university at The Ha nue which specialized in international law and drew students and faculty from around the globe. And large scale student exchange programs flourished, especially f rom American universities. These exchange programs were like those the Leame of Nations had sug- iested, although there is some reason to doubt that they arose as a direct result of League pressures But it is true that the existence of the exchanges lessened the urgency with which diplomats dis- C-ssed international education. HE COLLAPSE of the League of Na- - tions and the coming of the Second World War again made men wonder about international understanding. The post-war founding of the United Nations and UNESCO gave some encouragement to international education supporters. The logical locus of discussion came in UNESCO, where diplomats and educators again formulated plans for international universities. Early discussions in 1945-46 ndicated a desire to initiate new programs and a general dissatisfaction with the role of education for international un- derstanding before 1939. In all the debate, however, no one brought forth a clear and definite plan for a university; discussion was limited to-, generalities and talk of future studies. N 1945, a Colombian delegate to UNES- CO spoke of "the importance of set- ting up a University of the United Nations . .. to encourage scientific research .. . but including also other branches of hu- man knowledge." Characteristically, he concluded, "I cannot, of course, enter in- to technical details." In 1946, a Chinese delegate to UNESCO, Chen Yuan, suggested a series of regional universities, one in each continent, "to gather men and women from different countries to give them a common life and common aim in pursuing the higher knowledge." It was hoped that common pursuit in education would lead to com- mon discussion of other more political difficulties and thus reduce tension among nations. THE INITIAL FLURRY of interest and idealistic but ill-structured proposals which followed the war tapered off rap- idly as political conflict and cultural chauvanism infected even UNESCO. By 1949 official discussion was limited to regional centers of specialized research. The first assemblage of experts convened by UNESCO met in 1949 ,under the lead- ership of Prof. Robert Angell of the Uni- versity's sociology department to discuss the feasibility and structure of social sci- ence research centers. The committee fin- ally suggested that regional cross-disci- plinary centers be established to study specific problems in the social sciences. Top priority was to be given to "the hu- man implications of technical changes" and then to "the formation of mass opin- ion." UNESCO has e tablished International Social Science Research Centers which carry on research in these fields. In 1953 it also established the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva, which brings together some of Europe's top ranking physicists. THE INCREASING political pressures of the Cold War and the jealousy of national universities made it impossible for UNESCO to take further steps to create an international university center- ed around common education of students from all countries, with faculty members taken from among the best of each na- tion. Such an endeavor irritates the aca- demic administrators of national univer- sities who, by supporting an international university, imply that their own large uni- versity is not international. The London School of Economics, Harvard, the Euro- pean College of. Social Sciences, and oth- ers like them do not easily admit that they are not "international." The Cold War has made it increasing- ly difficult to answer the question "how would economics, political science and history be taught? How could departmen- tal unity be maintained with Russian and American professors together?" Until such questions are answered, it remains most difficult to finance an in- ternational university. THE LACK OF INITIATIVE on the part of UNESCO in establishing an inter- national university to educate students, as well as carry out research, has led to a number of private endeavors in the field. The UNESCO department of higher education files include several detailed plans for a United Nations University, each with a request that UNESCO ini- tiate the university. Other groups have operated independ- ently to open private universities, most of them in Western Europe. The Quakers have scheduled the opening of a summer World Friends' College on Long Island, New York this year. Other summer insti- tutes with international faculty, interna- tional student body and general curricu- lum have been established at' The Hague, Brughes; Geneva and Paris. One of the few full year international universities is the New Experimental College in Co- penhagen, founded in 1962. All of these institutes grew out of a desire to develop an international orien- tation among the students, to train them in the different ideologies and bring them THE LIMITED financial basis of all of them means that equipment and li- brary resources are severely limited. The latter has been partially overcome by-lo- cating the universities in large cities with excellent research libraries. But that does not entirely answer the difficulty. Lack of funds also necessitates small scale operation. The Copenhagen Experi- mental College could afford only 21 stu- dents, and the faculty could not be paid. The alternative is to operate summers only, with subsequent decrease in expect- ed attendance. Small scale operation and lack of re- search opportunities equal to the great national universities makes it impossible to attract well known, respected faculty, and with no research facilities and no outstanding. faculty, few serious students will attend. Those who do will find that their education carries little academic respect. THESE ARE the problems facing pri- vate initiative for international educa- tion today. An alternative is activity through UNESCO, with all of that body's prestige and potential financial and aca- demic resources. But in that UN body political conflicts are many and progress is slow. The United States has had its share of activity for international higher educa- tion. The Association for an International University in America has researched the problems involved, and, the Association for Commitment to World Responsibility (ACWR), on this campus, has done ex- tensive work in the field. Historically, detailed analyses of spe- cific problems and stumbling blocks to a world university have been avoided in favor of generalized ,.statements of princi- ple. What is needed now is a sophisticated approach to such questions as finance, curriculum and administration of a large scale international institute of education and research. When diplomats can be shown specific answers to these questions, international education as a step towards peace and economic and social development will have been taken. When nationalistic jealousies decline enough to allow the sys- tematic airing of other cultures and ideologies by their own exponents, peace, co-existence and mutual understanding will become operational in the modern world. That day cannot come too soon. VOL. X. NO. 1 MAGAZ IN E AUGUST 27, 1 > Two Books and A Critic: Their Views on 1 off to a world university? THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE