Northwestern.. 17 Michigan State 12 Illinois .. Ohio State .... 8 Notre Dame ... 7 Wisconsin ....17 Purdue ... 0....0 7 Minnesota,., ....13 Oregon .......28 Texas .........17 Pittsburgh .... ....11 Indiana ...... 22 Texas Christian 0 Army ........ 28 West Chester ..36 0 Slippery Rock 7 CHRISTMAS SPIRIT ONLY HYPOCRISY See Editorial Page LY InkF Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom lElattA PARTLY CLOUDY Low-45 High-62 Chance of showers late this afternoon VOL. LXXIV, No. 67 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1963 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES G: :t r f 4 rf:,: }4ti 4V 'i} M lei. 5V ,y . t'A. 51 awl: .' . ... i;: 'J f : ::; k ' :'J ti i i if}. { ttQ= TD "' Vf: : Jf f: '" i ' :x1 i ~{ y M1 '. y iiii' :S"i ±:!f T. f i J: Y : M"34"a Ji ....... . ............. ................ . . ....... ........ ....................................:....................................... Hannah Views State, College Rivalries By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM Special To The Daily EAST LANSING - Competi- tion may be the bulwark of the free enterprise system, but it is the curse of the 10 state-sup- ported colleges. At least that's the way Mich- igan State University President John Hannah feels about the competitive methods necessary to procure funds from the Leg- islature-individually and in a university-eat-university fash- ion. He is referring to the way each university and college is forced to lobby in Lansing for more funds-to the detriment of the other institutions. Coordination Needed Hannah favors coordination and cooperation so that "all" the schools can have more mon- ey. He explains that the way each university and college in- dulges "in pointing arrows" at one another gives the Legisla- ture a perfect excuse to justify its actions. This is why since 1958 Michi- gan . higher-education appro- priations have not been com- petitive with those in other in- dustrial states, Hannah con- tends. "We're past the point where selfish interests are important to the statewide educational picture. What is important is that there be educational funds and opportunities sufficient to give each available student a top-level education. He must be prepared eventually to compete in the- labor market with stu- dents from other states." Another fault with the insti- tutional competition for funds, Hannah asserts, is that it con- veys a false picture that educa- tion is the "responsibility" of these schools. People's Burden Actually, "the responsibility for education rests with the people-and it's high time the universities began jointly edu- cating them to this fact." Coordination may be the so- lution, and Hannah hopes that he has a partial answer. After all, he helped write it. This "answer" is found in Michigan's new constitution: the reorganized State Board of Education. Under the new con- stitution, it will have the au- thority to coordinate the fi- nances of each university and college in order to formulate a recommendation to the gover- nor and Legislature. In helping to write the edu- cation section of the constitu- tion, "we felt that with each institution guaranteed constitu- tional sovereignty to run itself, the State Board will see that the schools make a delineation of functions to decide best statewide needs." Each school may be called upon to concentrate more on certain facets of education, he explains. The board, through its finan- cial coordination, will be able to chart where more medical and graduate education is nec- essary or where schools should be supplying greater technical training, he notes. Operations Only The board will be concerned only with the state's operating appropriation. There should, however, be a separate coordi- nating body for the capital out- lay appropriation, Hannah ob- serves. This body would be set up along the lines of a state build- ing authority. It would assess the total needs of the state for construction of educational buildings, and then try to get it from the Legislature. This body then would reallo- cate the money to the universi- ties for individual projects which they had requested. Hannah feels this system-a long-time favorite of his - would have an advantage over the direct legislative request for building funds by the uni- versities. Misunderstood "Priorities in buildings are not understood by senators," Hannah reports. "One senator thinks a library is more impor- tant, while another senator would rather see more dormi- tories." Thus, universities are often denied buildings which they feel are crucial to their operation. But no coordinating board will entirely resolve the major problem: to maintain top-level undergraduate education, Han- nah says. He would like, for example, "to have the best teachers educating first-term freshmen." Michigan State University teaches approximately 400,000 freshman - sophomore c r e d i t hours, 30 per cent of all the first two-year credit hours taught by the 10 state-support- ed schools. "To educate these earlier students properly," Hannah elaborates, "requires partly an increase in funds and partly a change in faculty attitude." i 1: , f 1 ti .. Congressmen Ask End To Aid for Argentina Pending Accord on Oil STATE AIDES WARY: Educators Applaud 73 lue-Ribbon' Plan Special To The Daily JOHN A. HANNAH ... toward co-operation The "blue ribbon" Citizens' Committee on Higher Education has noted that if the state's per-student appropriation were to parallel other industrial states' levels, the Michigan Leg- islature would have to appro- priate $147 million for next year-$38 million higher than this year's operating appropria- tion. Leading state educators applauded while state budget aides nodded over the recommendation yesterday that the 10 state- supported universities and colleges need a $25-million hike in their operating appropriation next year. The recommendation, on its way to Gov. George Romney and his budget assistants, was formed by the governor's Citizen's Com- mittee on Higher Education. The $25-million hike recommendation, along with the com- mittee's advice that capital outlay funds should be doubled from «. .. «.......,.. ,rJV"x".".": J:.". .":: ...... ...."..........r ...................m::.rr."Jr. u."r.". ::.":::."::a.r:::.": rw. : ::.":::.:::: ::::::: .......... .........,...... ..................... ....... ". .M :'.h":: r: r.: :"r: J. ..ti'.:"ft Y: r: ".:'rrJ: r: Jr: rl YNrJ r.VrJ::.:::".":! ::"r "."r:::r .".".:Y J"J." 1 . ."......A"..".."........."r......."...."......... "...." ....................... .. ... ... ..... ... ....... .... .... .. .. .... ... .... ... ........................ .... ......Jr r ...................... Jr:.:Y:r: rrr::.::':::::rr:...."..... .". .o ................:......J. ..o.................a..................r.r....".v................,........... a... ....rn.,. ., .,...,.r.,.:,.......,.: ....... ;. ,. ,. ;.: .... w:r.... .. ... ... .... . ... .. n. ... ........... ........ .... .. ". . 5"x .............. .. ... .... . . ................. ..... .fit .. r................... ....................................... ." ..:... .. .:. .. .,..,..r:".:........... ". .n............ ........... .... ... ..... ....... :. . .":..v:::::."::."::: sv:. :::......: . a :" ": ":::....Sr: :.f.J.roova:....r..,..... ............... .. ..........".... .......... THREE AREAS: To Ask Law Course Changes By MARILYN KORAL Three ad hoc curriculum study committees-of the Law School will recommend changes in required courses and creation of a legal writing program to the faculty late this month. Prof. Luke K. Cooperrider, chairman of the school's standing curriculum committee, stressed that the recommendations are not binding, and will be subject to fur- ther committee revision after dis- cussion by the faculty at large. The three ad hoc committees PROF. LUKE K. COOPERRIDER ... curriculum revision FITZPA TRICK: AID Alters Goals, Aims SIn Research The federal Agency for Inter- national Development has an- nounced a major reorganization of its program towards the goal of developing a new research pro- gram. This project, the result of months of reorganization and re- thinking of the purposes of re- search within AID, was to have been made public by the-end of October. However, no public announce- ment has been forthcoming from the AID group, a State Depart- ment foreign aid agency. Not Complete Robert ,C.Fitzpatrick, Univer- sity project representative for AID, recently confirmed reports of AID reorganization, but added that the process has not yet been completed. "The agency already has an in- ternal research program," he said. "What it is now seeking is reporting will be: legal writing, required curriculum in the first year, and content of courses in civil procedure. Legal Writing The main suggestion concern- ing legal writing is to set up a compulsory first-year course. "It will force first-year students to resort to the lawyer's tools in the library, and aid them to synthesize legal material necessary for pre- senting a statement of position," Prof. Cooperrider explained. Currently the second year "Problems in Research" course fulfills this role. However, the greater "receptivity" of the first- year student, and the "need" for introducing practical legal train- ing early in the program convinc- ed the committee that a fresh- man course was needed, Prof. Cooperrider commented. He pointed out that an infor- mal program currently operating tends to teach this skill to begin- ning students: the Case Club com- petition, which is voluntarily en- tered by first or second-year stu- dents. Two teams of students re- ceive a problem suggesting a law suit, and prepare briefs on the law as well as an oral argument. Need Extra Training "In the past we hoped that first-year students would pick up the necessary practical skills as best they could through this vol- untary activity. But in addition to the Case Club program, some ac- tual curricular training is needed in composing and writing a legal argument," Prof. Cooperrider said. The main proposal concerning required first-year curriculum calls for reducing the credit hours of two eight-hour sequences taken by all first-year students. The com- mittee will recommend that the contract and property courses be reduced to six hours credit. Explaining the committee's ra- tionale, Prof. Cooperrider com- mented, "It's not fair to ask a pro- fessor to devote this much time to a single course. Besides, it ab- sorbs an unusually large share of the student's tme, and so much is at stake on just one exam." Course Consolidation The third proposal, involving the civil procedures program, asks consolidation of the first and sec- ond-year courses plus the addition of more material into one course. This is a vast subject, Prof. Cooperrider said, and a single course "will enable a teacher to consider the entire structure of civil litigation. It will give him a better chance to relate the various parts of the subject to one anoth- er." Prof. Cooperrider claimed that' it is especially important that the required course be strengthened because every law student takes approximately half of his pro- gram from the basic courses. Thus the three ad hoc study committees were appointed last April to give special attention to the content of those courses all law students must take. College Group Calls for Aid For .Research f By THOMAS DeVRIES Collegiate Press Service CHICAGO-The Association ofI State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges called last week for an increase in federal aid for long- range research programs and ex- pressed opposition to proposed federal undergraduate scholar~ship program and a tax deduction for college students plan. The association said in a reso- lution that there is a need for greater emphasis on institutional rather than project grants. Grants for specific projects, they said, erode the responsibility of uni- versity administrators to main- tain a coordinated plan of re- search development. Proposals Among proposals related to fed- eral aid were:II -Passage by the senate of the "bricks and mortar" bill now pending; -Extension to new schools and expansion of the National De- fense Education Act graduate fel- lowship program and expansion of its student loan program, includ- ing the removal of the present $250,000 ceiling on funds to o te institution ; -An increase in government construction of scientific, health, and agricultural research' facili- ties at universities, and Extension Programs -Aid for general extension pro- grams of state and land-grant schools to help meet "the great need of our urban population for further education and for re-edu- cation in the light of new knowl- edge. The association expressed strong opposition to a federal scholarship program for undergraduates on the grounds that there is' little evidence that such a program would promote college attendance of an "appreciable number" of students who are not now enrolled, and that universities have other financial needs more pressing. Oppose Tax Plan They also opposed passage of the tax-credit plans which would provide a deduction from income taxes for tuition payments. This, would cause low-tuition schools to raise fees, they said, in order for As conceived by a committee of eight faculty members and re-I search scientists, the building would contain 25,000 square feet' and provide administrative, re- search and support facilities for six senior research scientists and six graduate students Application was made to the Kennedy Foundation in October for the funds to construct and equip the institute. Estimated cost is "about $1 million," Prof. Lane said. Controlled Environment The research institute will be "the first opportunity for psy- chologists to observe mentally re- tarded children in a totally con- trolled environment," Prof. Lane said. It will also "integrate training and research" by students in the education school's newly-expanded program in special education for the mentally retarded. To discuss methods of behav- ioral research in mental retarda- tion and aid the committee in constructing facilities for the pro- posed institute's research, a two- day conference of ten of the coun- try's top scientists in behavioral research in mental retardation has been scheduled for Dec. 14-15 at the University. View '64 Race By The Associated Press New York Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller yesterday vowed to "fight all the way" for the Repub- lican Presidential nomination, but a backer of his chief opponent, Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz) claimed 500 convention votes al- ready. Rockefeller, addressing news- papermen in St. Louis, said: "I would assume that unless he (Goldwater) modifies his an- nounced policies, he will not get the nomination." He also asserted that he would attempt to "establish again the principles of the party of Lincoln and Eisenhower." Meanwhile, in Washington. Pet- er O'Donnell, Jr., head of the na- tional "traft Goldwater" move- ment made his predictions after meeting with representatives from 35 states. Goldwater, who has not. officially declared himself in the race, did not send a representative to the meeting. National polls have shown that Goldwater is the overwhelming choice of GOP county chairmen for the nomination. 1 ehaviorists Plan Center For Retardation Studies By JOHN KENNY Plans to construct a behavioral research institute in mental retardation at the University are well underway. Preliminary building sketches and applications for funds to construct the $1 million institute have begun, Prof. Harlan- Lane of the psychology department said in an interview Friday. Ten severely retarded children and about 20 less severely re- tarded, ambulatory patients will be housed in the research institute. The ambulatory patients would' attend classes at the institute, living either at home or at one of Rockefeller two nearby homes for retarded children. Committee of Eight Goldwater Man their current $22-million level toy $49 million, were the key topics of comment from educators. But the budget aides, scoring financial realities, weren't quite so happy. Forthright University President Harlan Hatcher commended the commit- tee for a "forthright recognition of the state's higher educational needs." He was so pleased, Hatcher noted, that "I would like to see the Legislature adopt the recom- mendation tomorrow." The Legislature will hear Rom- ney's recommendations in Jan- uary, and will set the operating and capital outlay appropriations in April. Michigan State University Pres- ident John Hannah called the $25 million increase recommendation "approximately what the state's college presidents have been hop- ing for." Hannah is a former chairman of the Council of State College Presidents. Ouch Romney budget aides, in pon- dering the, $25 milion figure, ex- pressed the hope "that Michigan has a good revenue year." They are referring to the fact that current Romney estimates- based on a $600 million revenue projection - would give higher education only a $10 million in- crease recommendation to the Legislature. One Romney aide explained that of the $25 million recommended, only $12 million could be classified as "essential." Seven Per Cent More The "blue ribbon" recommenda- tion going to Romney in the form of an adopted subcommittee re- port, states that the $12 million would be necessary to accommo- date a seven per cent enrollment increase and four per cent cost increase-including faculty sal- aries. The other $13 million was fig- ured on the basis of comparing Michigan's per-student appropria- tion level to -that of other com- parable industrial states. Such a comparison showed Michigan ought to appropriate $147 million -a $38 million increase in the operating appropriation. The University has requested an operating appropriation increase of $9.3 million, ARRIVAL - Prof. Frederick C. Barghoorn of Yale University, held by the Soviet government last week on spy charges, arrives in London yesterday. He was released following threats by President John F. Kennedy to suspend American-Russian cultural exchange programs. TFX CASE: 'No Violation' By Gilpatric WASHINGTON (I)-The Justice Department said last night it found no violation of the conflict of interests statute on the part of Deputy Secretary of Defense Ros- well L. Gilpatric in the TFX plane case. The Senate investigations sub- committee is scheduled to resume hearings this week into Gilpat- ric's association with officibls of the company which got the huge TFX warplane contract. Gilpatric did legal work for them before taking his Pentagon post. The subcommittee has been seeking to find out why Gilpatric and other top Pentagon civilians overruled military evaluations that a rival design and bid indi- cated a better plane at less cost. Released f Call for 'Just Settlement' Of Dispute Dirksen, Mansfield Cite Law Requiring Cutoff of Payments WASHINGTON (P) - Congres- sional leaders called yesterday for an immediate suspension of Amer- ican aid in retaliation for Argen- tina's cancellation of agreements with United States oil companies. The demands for swift retalia- tion came although State Depart- ment sources said details of the Argentine action still are lacking. Unanswered as yet, these sources said, is the key question of com- pensation to the American com- panies involved in the complicated decrees issued Friday in Buenos Aires. Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield (D-Mont) and Minor- ity Leader Everett M. Dirksen (R- Ill) expressed the opinion in sep- arate interviews that action should be taken quickly under exist- ing law to suspend assistance. In Argentina's case this has been running around $100 million a year in loans and grants. Against the Law Existing law says such aid shall be cut off to countries which con- fiscate American property and don't pay for it in six months. Tightening this up, the Senate wrote into its version of the pend- ing foreign aid authorization bill an amendment automatically sus- pending all aid to nations that re- pudiate or nullify contracts with foreign principals and don't settle justly within six months. President John F. Kennedy ex- pressed concern at Thursday's news conference over the Argen- tine dispute and plans of the Peru- vian government to nationalize a United States oil firm's holdings in that country. Pending Justice Mansfield said aid should be suspended "pending a just settle- ment." If there is no reasonable compensation made to the com- panies, he said assistance should be terminated. "This practice of seizure of American properties has got to be stopped or adjusted on a reason- able basis," he said. "This could happen again in Brazil, Peru and other countries. We have got to face up to this issue and make the best of it even though it involves a serious blow at the Alliance for Progress." Dirksen said Argentina's action probably will result in "pinching off our aid." He said the United States recognizes the right of ex- propriation but must insist on full compensation for the properties taken. In Buenos Aires sources said President Arturo Illia annulled the oil contracts only after he heard of the Senate moves. 'M' Battles Iowa to Standstill, 21-21 By DAVE GOOD Sports Editor Michigan parlayed its own version of Ohio State's quarterback- fullback rushing offense into a 21-21 tie with Iowa in Michigan Stadium here yesterday. But while Ohio State got itself eliminated from the Rose Bowl football race with Michigan State and Illinois yesterday, the Wolver- ines used the Buckeyes' strategy to keep their Big Ten record at an even .500 and stay in the first division. Record All Even The Wolverines have managed to compile a curious 2-2-2 con- ference record, which puts them in a fourth-place tie with Purdue and Wisconsin, both 3-3. The Hawkeyes lost ground with the tie, however. They dropped from a sixth-place tie into eighth, with a 2-3-1 conference record. Both Michigan and Iowa are 3-3-2 for the season. The tie set a 52-year Michigan record for the kind of futility that Michigan State Coach Duffy Daugherty calls "kissing your tol+a +o W-m-ine 'hn %: . h .{ .'9 .m i { . .. .-';'. ...: .