THEMICHIGANDAILY Senate Cuts Foreign Aid Reiner Dies FEDERAL PROGRAMS: Research Overlooks Colleges 474 BTakes Control Of Iraqi Government; Revolution Threatens FAMILY QUARREL': Selassie Asks 'African' Solution to Border War ADDIS ABABA (IM)-Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie yesterday lescribed the Algerian-Moroccan border dispute as a family quarre hat must be settled within Africa without any meddling from out- 4de the continent. Opening a special foreign ministers conference of the Organiza- on of African Unity, called to consider the border issue, Selassie yarned against foreign intervention. The dispute is a major test for HAILE SELASSIE meddling, please World Newsw Round'up By The Associated Press BUENOS AIRES - Argentina resident Arturo Illia has accept- i a final draft of decrees annul- ig this country's multi-million Dllar oil contracts with at least ) foreign companies, sources said 'sterday. * * * SAO PAULO-A general com- 4ittee of the Inter-American Eco- Dmic and Social Council last ight unanimously approved the 'eation of a seven-nation execu- ve agency for the Alliance for rogress. Bolivia abstained from te vote. * * * RANGOON - Burma's military wvernment says it has broken 'f talks with most of the rebel trees, including the Communists, ho have waged the country's 15- ar civil war. The last meeting ok place Thursday night and the bel representatives headed back their jungle headquarters. BERLIN-United States military >lice detained two Soviet army hicles in West Berlin for brief ,riods yesterday in retaliation for milar incidents in East Berlin volving United States Army cars. NEW YORK-The New York ock Exchange took its sharpest !cline in more than seven weeks !sterday. Closing Dow - Jones rerages showed 30 industrials wn 7.04, 20 rails down 1.07, 15 dlities up .31 and 65 stocks down 69. *the 32-nation organization formed in Addis Ababa in the same hall six months ago. "Any misunderstanding vhich arises among the brotherly inem- bers of this organization must es- sentially be considered a family affair in which no foreign hand can be allowed to play any role whatsoever," the emperor said. No Names Selassie mentioned no names in warning against foreign interven- tion. Morocco has accused the United Arab Republic and Cuba of sending arms and volunteers in- to Algeria. Algeria has said the Moroccans have used United States equipment. The United States has pledged a hands-off policy in the dispute involving the ore-rich Tindouf area. Morocco says the region was part of its territory until France' attached it to Algeria while gov- erning both countries. - Selassie said the aim of the conference is to set up an arbitra- tion committee which might set- tle the dispute before the OAU foreign ministers' regular meeting, scheduled for Feb. 1 in Lagos, Ni- geria. The people of Moroco and Al- geria have had "enough bloodshed in the past in the cause of their independence, and now we don't see any reason why they must fight each other," Selassie said. Enough Is Enough The people of Morocco and Al- geria have had "enough bloodshed in the past in the cause of their independence, and now we don't see any reason why they must fight each other," Selassie said. Neither side has shown any will- ingness to back down from its position, although they have agreed to a cease-fire. Morocco refuses to withdraw the claim and Algeria refuses to dis- cuss it. To break the deadlock, the dele- gates hope to devise,.some face- saving formula. The Africans re- gard the dispute as a major-and perhaps decisive-test for the fledgling movement toward Afri- can unity. Also at stake is the per- sonal prestige of the emperor, the principal peacemaker in the dis- pute. Rival Groups - S 'SplitNation In Struggle Masses Demonstrate For Exiled Extremist BEIRUT (P)-Members of the Ba'ath Socialist Party Interna- tional Command, headed by a Syrian, announced yesterday they 1 are assuming control of Iraq, where a power struggle threatens revolution. A statement issued in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad said Michel Aflak, the Syrian who founded the Ba'athist party, and asmixed group of Ba'athist generals from Iraq and Syria had taken over the gov- ernment. L These leaders stepped in after a young group of moderate social- ists drove Deputy Premier Ali Saleh El Saadi, leader of the ex- tremist left wing, into exile this week at gunpoint. The leaders promptly exiled Saadi's main rivals, Foreign Min- ister Taleb Shebib and Deputy In- terior Minister Hazem Jawad. The two arrived in Beirut Thursday maintaining strict silence. They engineered Saadi's expulsion which threatened to plunge the country into civil war Wednesday. Because he wants to take land from the rich and give to the land- less, Saadi is popular with the masses, and his expulsion led to violent street demonstrations. He is now in Madrid, confidently waiting a call to return. Aflak and the generals who now control Iraq are all members of the Ba'ath governing body, the International Party Command. The Command is made up of five Iraqis, four Syrians, two Jordan- ians and two Lebanese. The generals who are helping Aflak resolve the political triangle are two Iraqis, Premier Hasan El Bakr and Defense Minister Saleh Mahdi Ammash, and two Syrians, Premier Amin Hafez and the chief of the Syrian army, Salah Jdid. These are the top leaders of the' twin revolutions that brought the! Ba'ath party into power in both Syria and Iraq earlier this year. The main task of the ruling group is to try to reconcile the divergent viewpoints of the two factions and maintain party unity. A statement from the "Inter- national Party Command" broad- cast by Baghdad Radio blamed the present difficulties on the lack of experience by the party leadership as well as on the-individual be- havior of a number of leaders." $3.7 Billion 'Bill Passed After Debate senators Vote 63-14. To Append Restraints By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - The Senate passed a $3.7 billion foreign aid bill yesterday after 15 days of de- bate, slicing away at President John F. Kennedy's $4.5 billion re- quest and adding restraints he protested would seriously tie his hands.' The vote for the measure was 63-17, with 10 Democrats and 7 Republicans opposing it. Voting "aye" were 43 Democrats and 20 Republicans., Final action came quickly, after behind-the-scenes dickering side- tracked until later a bitter fight over a move to bar therExport- Import Bank from guaranteeing repayment of loans for United States grain sales to Iron Curtain countries. $827 Million Gone The Senate slashed the spending authority for the current fiscal year by $500 million. This came on top of a reduction of $327 million by the Foreign Relations Committee-for a total of $827 million. The final figure is expected to be even lower than the $3.7 billion voted by the Senate, in a compro- mise with the $3.5 billion previ- ously approved by the House. Even deeper cuts are certain to be made in the appropriation bill carrying the actual funds. The' authorization measure simply sets terms and ceilings. Kennedy was not able to stem the tide of sentiment for slashes,' even with backing from Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield (D-Mont) and Minority Leader Everett M. Dirksen (R-Ill). Tearful Plea The President used his news conference Thursday for a last- minute plea that the cuts being made and the strings being tied would prevent his carrying out his foreign policy responsibilities. He said the foreign aid pro- gram was getting its worst attack since it was launched in 1947. And Sen. J. W. Fulbright (D- Ark), floor manager of the meas- ure, protested that "the bill has been emasculated now to the point of non-recognition of what it is." In other budget news, Kenne- dy's $4.56 billion public works budget was sent to the House floor yesterday after being trim- med by more than $285.63 million by the appropriations committee. The bill approved by the com- mittee totaled $4.28 billion for the fiscal year ending next June 30. Rejected by the committee was Kennedy's last-minute request for $45 million to help eastern Ken- tucky and other distressed areas. NEW YORK (WP)-Fritz Reiner, 74, world-renowned conductor and former music director of the Chi- cago Symphony Orchestra, died here yesterday following an attack of pneumonia. DISARMAMENT: UN Group , asks Talks UNITED NATIONS (P) - The United Nations General Assembly's main political committee approv- ed by acclamation yesterday a call for new disarmament talks in Ge- neva with the aim of reducing risks of war. Without taking a record vote, the 111-nation committee accept- ed a resolution setting out guide- lines for the 18-nation disarma- ment commission expected to con- vene in Geneva early next year. The committee thus maintained at the United Nations the so- called "Spirit of Moscow" that has been undergoing pressure else- where since the summertime sign- ing of the nucleai' test ban treaty in Moscow. The resolution, sponsored by 47 nations, was introduced after a United States-Soviet compromise on the wording broke a week-long deadlock in the committee. The compromise was negotiated by an eight-nation group from among the sponsors. In its main provisions, the res- olution called on the Geneva ne- gotiators to resume negotiations in a spirit of good will. By LAURA GODOFSKY Collegiate Press Service CHICAGO - Federal research programs have neglected great state universities and good lib- eral arts colleges, a governmental' studies expert said Tuesday. They have also overemphasized scientific research to a point which has resulted in the neglect of the humanities, the undergraduate, and the quality of scientific re- search itself, he declared. Addressing the 77th Annual Convention of the Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges, Harold Orlans of the Brookings Institute discussed ef- fects of federal programs on high- er education. 1962 Study Orlans, a senior staff member of the Brookings Institute, is the author of a 1962 study analyz- ing the result of federal programs at 36 colleges and universities. A few state universities-Mich- igan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minneso- ta-he said, have "not done bad- ly" at the hands of federal re- search programs. The University of California, he added, operates' "an educational and scientific en- deavor so vast that it can more readily be compared to that of a nation like Great Britain than to any other American institutions." Yet state universities do not participate in the program to the extent to which they have con- tributed to graduate education in science. "The present rank order of federal expenditures at our twenty leading universities is not significantly correlated with the number of science doctorates they award," according to Orlans. Mass Production "The danger of the situation is that most students will receive mass-produced, low-priced and relatively low-quality science de- grees at state operated education- al plants, whereas high quality education will be reserved for a minority at a few favored insti- tutions." Orlans described "good" liberal arts colleges as those having -stu- dents "whose quality is unexcelled by a university." These colleges, he declared, "can facilitate pre- cisely the kind of individual re- search, scholarship, and author- ship needed as a corrective to the collective research and writing that our free enterprise society strangely generates." U a Students-Faculty call 6628871 for CesAMPO ui/4 Program In formation The shortage of faculty at lib- eral arts colleges is most acute in the sciences, Orlans said, "and federal policies have surely con- tributed to the condition." Depreciation The government's support of the academic scientist, Orlans maintained, has resulted in a de- preciation of non-scientific fields and those who teach in them. He pointed out that the scientist is younger than the humanist "be- cause the government has sped him through graduate school," teaches less than the humanist "because the government pays him not to teach," and "is paid more for teaching less."I Orlans cited a recent Brookings study of 3000 faculty in large and small colleges and universities which showed that no matter how little time faculty at every rank devoted to undergraduate teach- ing, all wished to reduce it still further. Yet all groups wished to increase the time spent on grad- uate teaching and research. Facilities Cut "This depreciation of under- graduate teaching which has ac- companied the government-primed upsurge of graduate education and research has produced a virtual cleavage in the facilities of large universities, one-fifth of whom now, teach only undergraduates, while another fifth teach only graduate students," he said. Over half of university scien- tists know the names of few or no seniors majoring in their depart- ment, while a fifth do not even know the names of advanced grad- uate students, he continued. Orlans' final charge agaiilst the government was that "excessive exipenditures are now diluting the quality of research" and that me- diocrity "is replacing merit as the standard of support." No Self-Restraint He quoted Paul Weiss of the Rockefeller Institute as saying, "As research has grown in vol- ume, it has also grown softer by loss of self-restraint, lowered se- lectivity, blurring of research tar- gets." Part of the lowered standards in federal research programs, Or- lans said, was because of "their conscious use by administrators, scientists, and Congress as a politically convenient means to aid higher education." DAC To Ask For Signatures The Direct Action Committee will begin petitioning to get the Freedom Now party on the ballot in Michigan, Charles Thomas, Jr., DAC chairman, announced yester- day. The party plans on running can- didates for public office in Ann Arbor and throughout Washtenaw County. The Freedom Now party is an all-Negro party which draws support from localized militant and nationalist groups. Such groups include FOAL and UHURU in Detroit, Afro-Ameri- can Institute in Cleveland, and Harlem Anti-Colonial Committee and the Nat Turner Brigade in the Bay Area. 1 "^+r-+-+T- rc)ME 7ca 'Cl IJRcH1 Christianity and American Culture as seen through Psychology Lecture by DR. WILBERT J. McKEACHIE 6:45 p.m. Sunday, November 17 Baptist Campus Center, 502 E. Huron PACKARD ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH Meeting in the Ann Arbor Y.M.-Y.W.C.A at 5th and Williams Rev. Jesse Northweather, Pastor Phone 668-9894 SUNDAY-- 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. S11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. 6:30 p~m. Training Union. 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship. BAPTIST STUDENT UNION Meeting in Room'528D in basement of S.A.B. Monday-7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Bible Study. Thursday-5:10 to 5:40 p.m. Vesper Service. ST. ANDREWS CHURCH and the EPISCOPAL STUDENT FOUNDATION 306 North Division Phone NO 2-4097 SUNDAY- 8:00 A.M. Holy Communion. 9:00 A.M. Holy Communion and Sermon Breakfast at Canterbury House 11:00 A.M. Morning Prayer and Sermon. 7:00 P.M. Evening Prayer and commentary. TUESDAY-- 9:15 A.M. Holy Communion. WEDNESDAY- 7:00 A.M. Holy Communion. FRIDAY- 12:10 P.M. Holy Communion. FIRST CHURCH OF" CHRIST SCIENTIST 1833 Washtenaw Ave. For Transportation Call 2-2756 9:30 A.M. Sunday School. 11:00 A.M. Sunday Morning Service. A free reading room is maintained at 306 E. Liberty. Reading room hours are 10.00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. daily, except Sunday and Monday evening 7:00 to 9:00 P.M. UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL AND STUDENT CENTER (The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod) 1511 Washtenaw Avenue Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor John Koenig, Vicar Sunday at 9:45 and 11:-15 a.m. Services, Ser- mon by the Vicar, "Christ in the Common." Sunday at 9:45 and 11:15 a.m. Bible Classes. Sunday at 6:00 p.m. Gamma Delta, Supper- Program, with international students as specially invited guests. Wednesday at 10:00 p.m. Midweek Devotion, with Communion. Friday at 8:15 p.m. 4th Friday Forum (Grad- Staff). LUTHERAN STUDENT CENTER AND CHAPEL (National Lutheran Councill Hill Street at South Forest Avenue Dr. Henry O. Yoder, Pastor. SUNDAY 9:30 a.m. Worship Service. 11:00 n.m. Worship Service & Communion. 7:00 p.m. Speaker: Mr. Lamar Miller, Local leader of Congress on Racial Equality. WEDNESDAY-7:30 p.m. eVspers. FRIDAY-8:15 p.m. Discussion: "A Relevant Theology for Our Day," Dr. Roy Enquist, Division of College & University Work. BETHLEHEM UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 423 South Fourth Ave. Rev. Ernest Kloudt, Pastor Rev. A. C. Bizer, Associate Postor 9:30 and 10:45 a.m. Worship Service. 9:30 and 10:45 a.m. Church School., 7:00 p.m. Student Guild. 9:30 a.m. German Worship Service in Chapel. (First and third Sundays) FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH 1917 Washtenaw Ave. Rev. Erwin A. Goede, Minister Church School & Services: 9:30 a.m. and S11:00 a.m. Sermon: "God, Caesar and Little Children." U-M Student Group: Unitarians Confront a Catholic Priest-7:30 p.m. unnow BA lot I WESLEY FOUNDATION AND FIRST METHODIST CHURCH State and Huron Streets 663-5560 Minister-Hoover Rupert Campus Minister-Eugene Ransom Associate Campus Minister-Jean Robe SUNDAY Morning Worship at 9:00 and 11:15 a.m. "On Being Indifferent to Miracles," Dr. Rupert, 10:15 a.m.-Student Seminar-Methodist So- cial Creed, Family, Mr. Ransom. 7:00 p.m.-Worship and Program: Filmstrip and small group discussion, "Who Am I?" TUESDAY 5:00 p.m.-Church Related Vocations Group -speaker and supper. Please call for res- ervations. 8:30-11:00 p.m.-Open House, Miss Jean Robe's apartment. WEDNESDAY 7:00 a.m.--Holy Communion, Chapel, fol- lowed by breakfast. 5:10 p.m.-Holy Communion, Chapel. 6:00 p.m.-Wesley Grads, Supper and Pro- gram. Please call for reservations. FRIDAY 7:15 p.m.-Young Married Group-Bowling Party and Get-Together afterwards. Call for reservations. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH AND BAPTIST CAMPUS CENTER 502 and 512 E. Huron-663-9376 Rev. James H. Middleton-Senior Minister Rev. Paul W. Light-Campus Minister Mr. David Backus-Student Intern SUNDAY 9:45 a.m. Campus Class, "The Prophets and Christ." S11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. 6:45 p.m. Christianity and Americon Culture as Seen Through Psychology. Speaker, Wil- bert McKeachie. MONDAY, 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. Luncheon. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Corner State and William Dr. Fred E. Luchs, Minister SERVICES at 9:30 and 11:15 a.m. "Wh~at; Prayer Can Do For You," Dr. Fred E. Luchs. BIBLE LECTURE & DISCUSSION, 10:30 a.m., Dr. Preston Slosson. CHURCH SCHOOL, 9:30 and 11:15 o.m., ages crib-Junior High. STUDENT GUILD, 802 Monroe, telephone 2- 5189. Will We trade Kansas Wheat or Marching Feet) Will we exchange legions of books or clusters of H-Bombs? PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY (June 10th) said: "Let us re- examine our attitude toward the Cold War . . . In the final analysis our most common link is that we all inhabit this small planet." MR.. ANDREI A. GROMYKO (opening session, 18th meeting of the UN): "What we are calling for is not divisions of soldiers but legions of books .. .* READ THE OFFICIAL SPEECHES, reports and public statements of the Chaman of the Council of Ministers of the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics, Mr. Nikita S. Khrushchev, which have appeared in the Soviet press during the period 1956 to 1963, now pubihed in fiwe lected collections! ALL FIVE COLLECTIONS FOR $1 t p as2.ttap) Oras sss !t copies insanyquantity (MI'4MMUM ORDER $1 1. N. S. KHRUSHCHEV-To Avert War-. Our Prime Task .............25e 2. N. S. KHRUSHCHEV-Socialism and Communism ................25c 3. N. S. KHRUSHCHEV-The Revolution- ary Working Class and the .........,..... . ....r. ...r.,.. ... ....,. You, like many of us, may be reaching out in an effort to iden- tify yourself properly, - to learn who you are and where you are going. We believe we have found the answers to these questions in the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. You can find them, too. We invite you to come to our meetings and to hear how we are working out our problems through applying the truths of Christian Science. j WORtLD BOOKS 1 W lst Ii St Rm 2I2, Ne' Yok 10003 PIease send me the following collections; O I-To Avert War-Our Prima Task ....Copie., O 2-Socialism and Communism.....Copis. o 3-The Revolutionary Working Class 4. h e. No p i s 9 . O 4-TheNational Liberation Movement ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH 1501 West Liberty Street Ralph B. Piper, David Bracklein, Fred Holtfreter, Pastors, Adult Instruction Class and Adult Bible Class- 9:45 a.m. Church School-9:35 a.m. 8:30 and 11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship. 'THE CHURCH OF CHRIST W. Stadium at Edgewood 3 1F' I I I FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH