'avored olverines Set To Face Hawkeye Eleven LINGERING TO DEATH See Editorial Page 43UU 4IaitF CLOUDY High-58 Loa--45 Warming and windy Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIV, No.66 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1963 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES 1 1 J. A I A A_ m _ Y Regents Gonfirm Approval of Rules' ---- TENTATIVE DATA: Notes Pro cedures For 'U' Planning Vice-President for Academic Affairs Roger W. Heyns explained' to the Regents yesterday the long-range enrollment planning process in which his office is currently involved. The first, most tentative set of figures has shown that the Uni- versity may contain more than 36,600 students by 1968 and "be- tween 45,000-50,000 students by 1975." The Office of Academic Affairs has asked the deans of the 17 schools and colleges to prepare enrollment predictions based on tsocial needs, admission pressures ROGER W. HEYNS ... 'anxieties and planning CURRENTLY: Delta Hopes Look Bleak. For the present, the prospects of a University branch four-year institution at Delta College look bleak. But for the future, the door is always open as far as the Univer- sity is concerned. This was the opinion expressed by University President Harlan Hatcher yesterday as he reviewed' briefly the past and present situ- ation at Delta College. Recently, the State Board of Education temporarily ended the long controversy over how to bring a four-year post-high school pro- gram to the Midland-Saginaw- Bay County area. The board ap- proved a proposal which estab- lishes a two-year private senior college near the already existent two-year junior college there. The University worked out a° ;.proposal to establish a four-year institution separate from the jun- ior college there last year. The proposal was not supported by either the Legislature or coordi- nating groups on higher education and was sent to the "blue ribbon" Citizens' Committee for Higher Education. "As far as we're concerned, it is still with that body, President Hatcher said. Regent Allen R. Sorenson of Midland noted that despite the State Board's acceptance of the two-year senior institution, "there is still a good deal of interest" in the establishment of a University, four-year branch there." De ree Survey -Puts U' Third and capabilities, Heyns s a i d. "They are statements of desired enrollment - desirable assuming adequate financial support," he added. "The planning process is an accumulation of probability state- ments-each with its own uncer- tainties. The process produces anxieties on the part of all con- cerned," Heyns said. Along with other administrators, he has emphasized over the past, few days that the first set of figures needs much refinement before it will have concrete mean- ing. Heyns said that in going over the figures the deans have already reached several general conclu- sions: -All the schools and colleges except one report substantial en- rollment pressures now and see no abatement. The exception is the pharmacy college. -All are willing to grow, though not without reservations. "How- ever, it's difficult to think of growth when you can't even meet current needs," Heyns said. -The professions-law, medi- cine, social work, and the like - are in a "period of revolution." Changing methods and techniques are invalidating old conceptions, Heyns said. "These schools are studying the very nature of their training process -The various schools and col- leges are becoming increasingly interdependent on each other. The professional schools, for instance, are becoming "more and more de- pendent on the disciplines of the general college graduate pro- grams " -The 'adequacy of off-campus' facilities is an important part of enrollment projections. "It may or may not limit growth." -T he 60:40 undergraduate- graduate ratio will be maintained. Through the years it has proven to be the most "sensible" propor- tion in relation to faculty needs. Back Lewis' Membership Position, 5.3 Goehel Cites Concern Over 'Harassment' By H. NEIL BERKSON In a rare public display of controversy, the Regents nearly upset Student Government Coun- cil's "Regulations on Membership in Student Organizations" yester- day. After much debate, however, they confirmed Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis' approval of SGC's action by a 5-3 vote. The source of thie unexpected controversy was a letter from Laurence D. Smith, a lawyer rep- resenting ten campus sororities, asking the Regents to stay the membership regulations, which went into effect Oct. 23 immed- iately after Lewis' approval. Prohibit Discrimination These regulations, as passed by Council, prohibit discriminatory membership selection by student organizations and establish pro- cedures for dealing with alleged cases of discrimination. The reg- ulations are in keeping with Re- gents bylaw 2.14. Regental action last spring spe- cifically delegated SGC the au- thority to judge possible violations of the bylaw by student groups. Smith represents the national' organizations of several sororities' en campus who feel that the Uni- versity has no authority to deter- mine membership criteria of "pri- vate groups." SGC, supported by the Regents, has contended that the groups are not private because they are sanctioned by the Uni- versity as official student organi- zations. Historical Review Introducing Smith's l e t t e r,1 Lewis reviewed the history of thei membership regulations. "T h e University's lawyers have gone] over all of Smith's objections and see no validity in any of his com- plaints," Lewis told the Regents. I At this point Regent Paul Goe- bel of Grand Rapids expressed: reservations that "the establish- ment of eight pages of detailed, rules will put fraternities and sororities under harassment that will never end. Somewhere along , the line we must take their word as to how they're conducting their I organizations.-x See REGENTS, Page 2 i RALPH A. SAWYER ... reports on trip 'PRINCIPLE': Sorenson Opposes Increase in Tution Summarizes Hawaii T rip By LOUISE LIND Vice - President for Research Ralph A. Sawyer reported to the Regents yesterday on his recent trip to Hawaii and Alaska. On the island of Maui in Ha- waii, Sawyer inspected the site for Project AMOS, a three-tele- scope observatory project of im- portant military significance" at the top of a 10,000-foot extinct volcano. The University undertook the administration of this project last summer under a $4.3 million grant for three years. Half a million dollars was added to this for tele- scope construction and $650,000 more for the observatory. Sawyer reported that the con- struction plans will be ready for contractors' bids by Dec. 16 and that construction will begin soon after Jan. 1. The purpose of the project will be to track missiles and satellites in mid-course up to a distance of 1000 miles by passage of infra- red radiation. The goals of the three-telescope observatory will be threefold, Saw- yer noted: tracking, observing and research. It will be built with the coopera- tion of the University of Hawaii, which is indefinitely leasing out the land for the site at $1 per year. The University was chosen to administer construction of the project because of the recognized position of its leadership, eminent in infra-red technology, he said. Regent Allan R. Sorenson of' Midland said yesterday that the Regents are opposed to a tuition hike "as a general principle." "I am only speaking for myself," Sorenson qualified, "and we really can't say with any certainty now what will happen." Earlier this week, Sen. Frank' D. Beadle (R-St. Clair), chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, had predicted that his committee would probably recom- mend a tuition hike for the Uni- versity and the nine other state- supported schools. The Legislature is responsible for providing the University's general operations budget. Willing Provider Beadle said the University should be willing to provide some of the funds it wants within its own system and added that a tui- tion hike would be "asking the student to support his share of education." Regent Eugene B. Power of Ann! Arbor called a tuition hike "fun- damentally and morally wrong." With five boosts since 1958-the last one coming in 1962-Power said that tuitions were already too high. Sorenson said he was person- ally opposed'to a further rise and considers it only a "last ditch measure" in case the state's ap- propriation isn't high enough. Not Cause and Effect He added, however, that he did not think the appropriation fig- ures being mentioned-which ad- ministrators have declared in- adequate-would cause tuition to be raised. Announce Plan To Visit Orient Regent Donald M. D. Thurber of Detroit and Vice-President for Academic Affairs Roger W. Heyns will take a 24-day "working trip" to the Orient in December, it was announced yesterday. The two will visit Japan, For- mosa, the Philippines, Thailand and India to "review various Uni- versity projects and meet Univer- sity alumni," Thurber said. The two will also make stops in Cairo, Rome and Amsterdam. I l I ALLAN R. SORENSON .--hits tuition hike BARNET T 1 Maehrowicz Denies Suit United States District Judge Thaddeus M. Machrowicz dismiss- ed a Detroit Negro leader's suit to prevent Mississippi Gov. Ross Barnett from speaking here Moxi- day Jackie Vaughn III, former can- didate for Detroit City Council, filed the suit for an injunction, contending that permitting Bar- nett ,to speak at the University amounted to official University sanction of Barnett's segregation- ist policies. Vaughn further declared that the speech would deny him civil rights guaranteed by the 14th Amendment tothe United States Constitution; that Barnett's seg- regationist viewpoint represented a "clear and present danger" to himself and other Negroes; and that the governor's appearance could "result in violent demon- strations and protests before, dur- ing and after the speech." Inalienable Right Machrowicz maintained that in spite of what Barnett had done in the past, he had the right of free speech. The judge added that he could see no "clear and present danger" that would justify government in- tervention; that the charge of U T~ iv ity zn tinn irc 1ttiP~ a $P r 111o11 p i t L7t outlay funds. Skyrocketing Appropriation The recommended increases would skyrocket state operat- ing appropriations to the 10 schools from their current $110 million level to $135 million - a phenomenal 23 per cent increase in a demi-decade that has seen appropriations raised roughly five per cent each year. Capital outlay funds would be doubled in moving from the cur- rent $22 million allotment to a $49 million level next year. In passing these increase rec- ommendations as part of a unani- mously-accepted report that goes immediately to Romney, the "blue ribbon group" "put a strong stamp of agreement" on its recommen- dation, committee vice-chairman Irving Bluestone observed last night. Only Needs But Alvin Bentley, the chairman of the subcommittee which author- ed the report, warned that the recommendation was evaluating only higher education needs and did not attempt to consider avail- able revenue or to rate education needs in relation to other state- supported services. To Consider State Needs Special To The Daily EAST LANSING - Subcommit- tees will probe and chart the state's higher education needs for the next 10 years. This fact was revealed yesterday when the "blue ribbon" Citizen's Committee on Higher Education was divided into four subcommit- tees that will explore the specific needs of post-secondary and grad- uate education as well as viewing the more general problems of state financing and educational coordi- nation. The committee was meeting at Michigan State University's Kel- logg Center for Continuing Edu- cation. The Best Way The exact subcommittee struc- ture was detailed by "blue ribbon" chairman Dan Karn, who backed it as the best way to achieve the committee's goals as outlined by the governor last year: -To review the present and fu- Citizens Request $25 Million Hike Blue Ribbon Group Sets $135 Million As Minimal Higher Education Need BY LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM Special To The Daily EAST LANSING-Assessing state higher education needs for next year, Gov. George Romney's "blue ribbon" commit- tee yesterday voted unanimously to advise him that the 10 state-supported universities and colleges will require at least a $25 million increase in their operating appropriation. These institutions also must have a $27 million boost in capital outlay funds appropriated by the Legislature for con- struction and remodelling, the Citizen's Committee on Higher Education announced yesterday after its meeting at Michigan State University's Kellogg Center. The 10 colleges and universities have requested a $33.8 million increase in the operating appropriation. The Univer- sity has asked for a $9.4 mil-e lion boost for its operating ap- propriation and approximately m ali U i is 17 illinn rn is in enital Romney budget aides have in- ture needs of higher education in dicated that the governor is un- Michigan: likely to make these recommenda- ---To recommend to Gov. George tions his own when he addresses Romney for transmission to the the Legislature in January, due to Legislature and the general public a "prohibitive revenue picture." suitable plans for meeting those Romney's current revenue pro- needs with economy and efficien- jections of $600 million for next' enand EVANS SURVEYS PROBLEMS: Can Universities Control Their Des tinies? year is expected to force the gov- ernor to recommend only a $101 million increase in the operating appropriation for higher educa- tion, his aides have predicted. No Compilation He has not compiled a tentative capital outlay recommendation, the aides report. Romney has, however. empha- sized that any appropriation or capital outlay recommendation will "take strong account" of the "blue ribbon" report wherever pos- sible. This report, in calling for theI $25 million operating appropria- -To communicate its recom- mendations in clear and effective form to public officials and citizens generally. Post-Secondary Programs The first subcommittee will in- vestigate "post-secondary pro- grams and institutions below the graduate level." It willtake-up, Karn explained, how socio-eco- nomic needs of a community de- termine educational needs and the role which each institution in the state should play. A second group will review the programs of "advanced graduate By HELEN TUNISON "The basic question for tomor- row is whether the university can free itself from its inbred bureau- cratic inhibitions and restrictions and regain control of its ow des- tiny," Dr. Lester J. Evans said yesterday in his lecture entitled "Medical and Helath Education- Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow." Dr. Evans' lecture was the sec- ond in a series of five William W. Cook Lectures on American In- stitutions. "As each act grows detatched from its parental source and its siblings and becomes an end in itself, bureaucratization sets in," he explained. Si -nifipant Tncrease the complexity of modern insti- tutions seems to blur the needs and the ways of solving them," he added. Dr. Evans went on to say that medicine is now in a period of growth in which new building blocks from the social and be- havioral sciences are added to the structure built in the last 100 years on the biological and phy- sical sciences. "The doctor of tomorrow will be as different from that of to- day as the one today is different from that of 30 or 40 years ago," he predicted. In forecasting trends for the year 2000, Dr. Evans said that the mot evident nideunst fm Relatively speaking, Dr. Evans iya i wa uly tion hike, states that the institu- studies, professional schools and said, "these sciences are young, unfounded r and that the conten tions need approximately $12 mil- research," Karn said. It will note dating from the early part of this tion that riots might ensue was lion for enrollment and cost in- graduate program overlapping in century, but only through their in supported by the factscreases. different institutions, the need for tegration in medical teaching and Michigan Union President Ray- Necessity professional schools and the future learning can the physicians basic mond Rusnak, '64, commented on The other $13 million would be of state research. service to mankind be advanced or both the Union's sponsoring Bar- necessary for reestablishing an ap- Tackling the elusive question of even preserved." nett on campus and on Vaugh's propriation-per-student level clos- "financing the four-year tax-sup- Dr Evans explained that thcontentions. "We've taken all ne- er to that of other industrial ported institutions" will be the job development of health profat ecessary precautions. I feel it's one states. of the third subcommittee, Karn education is now at a critical of the functions of any good uni- The basic $12 million increase reported. stage. This is why the univrsity versity, as well as of the Union to would allow the schools to meet Physical Planning should examine the road ahead present many different speakers a seven per cent enrollment in- This group will investigate s . a on varied topics. crease next year, costing $7.7 mil- physical planning and capital out- "I do not question the interest 'Balanced'Program' lion. In addition, the remaining lay needs, economies in the insti- or desire of the university, or its "The Unon is iterested in ob- $4.3 million--or slightly more- tutions and the need for higher ability to marshal all its resources T.in s , would accommodate "upward pies- operating costs. in order to share or even lead in taming a "balanced program": we sures on faculty salaries." The fourth subcommittee will an accelerated rate of evolution had Martin Luther King, Jr., last The need for an additional $13 tackle "overall planning and co- in medicine," he added. year and Malcolm X several weeks million above the $12 million cost ordination." regarding the State 4