PAGE TEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 15. 1963 ' AWA"Z.R.L 9 IN V T AW tTi"XUALV J.#,T* V'VAR R DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 5) ter of Governmental Admin. degree. r-esponsible for all phases of plant sec. openings but will see candidates In cago, Ill.-BS: CitE, CE, EE, IE & ME. Fellowships ranging up to $5,000 are acc't., monthly reports, inventory, pay- sec. fields, Dec. grads. Des., Prod., Sales. berg, Dance, South Quad; Greene House, available for a number of students with roll, etc, Growth oppor. THURS., NOV. 21- Research Trianbie Institute, Radiation Ship; Wreck Party, East Quad; Hayden, promising potentialities. * * * Warren, Mich. (Fitzgerald Schs.). Systems Lab., Research Triangle Inst. Open Open, East Quad; Hinadale, Open Univ. of Illinodis, Champaign, Iii. - For further information, please call Wyandotte, Mich. (Riverciew Schts.)- tute, Durham, N. CarolIna-MS-phD: Open, Alice Lloyd. Attention men who might be going to General Div., Bureau of' Appts., 3200 Early Elem.; Sp. Ed, Type' A; 7th grade Commun. Sci. & EE. R. & D. the U. of Ill, for graduate or profes- SAB, Ext. 3544.-efcnandJHEg;Bu.d; US.WthrueuMeolgiti Kappa Alpha Theta (Nov. 16 & 17), slonal study in fall of 1964. Financial VsitfTechand;JEgl;Bs All .S.tate raci , Caibeanoolo& An Yathers' Weekend, 1414 Washttenaw; assistance is being offered qualified ap- TEACHER PLACEMENT: Vst ec-AlSaePcfc aiba n- Lambda Chi Alpha, Party, 1601 Washte- plicants through serving as a part-time Beginning the week of Nov. 18, the FRI., NOV. 22- arctica, Res., Satellite & Engrg. mostly flaw; Michigan House, Susterka Lake staff member assigned to general coun- following schools will be at the Bureau Mt. Clemens, Mich. - K, 1, 5, 6; El in Wash., D.C. area-All Degrees: Me- Dance; Newberry-Kelsey, Hayride & seling-advising functions in undergrad to Interview prospective teachers for Music; JH EngI, (Clinton Schts.). teor. & -Physics. BS-MS: CE, EE & Dane;PhiAlhaKapaSqureDaceme'sresdece als.Sholdhae smethi yarandnet.* * * Math, MS: Commun. Scd. BS: E Phys- Dlaner al ta ; Phi ApaKpSqreDne, en'speinceu halls. Shudhv cethiU eran et For appointments and additional In- ics & E Math, R. & D., Des,, Weather Gletae algFrl, tic 3r. PahtDea; xp.Ingopwr.TES., NOV. 19- formatIon contact the Bureau of Ap- Satellites, Instrumentation, Hydrology, Phi Epsilon P1, Party, 1805 Washtenaw; Mineola, New Yark. pointments, 3200 SAB, 663-1511, Ext. Public Works, Forecasting, Atmospheric Phi Kappa Psi, Sat. Night Party, 1556 POSITION OPENINGS: Southfield, Mich.-K-6; El Vocal; Sp. 3547.,eeac. Washtenaw; Phi Sigma Sigma, Fall U.S. Public Health Service, Detroit, Corr.; Visit. Teach.; HS Math; for _____ Hrouse Party, Hillel, 1429 Hill; Phi Beta Mich.-Continuous openings for Pro- Second Semester. ENGINEERING PLACEMENT INTER-P rtT m Phi Sorority, Open -Open, 836 Tappan; gram Representatives. BA Liberal Arts. WED., NOV. 20- VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please P1 Lambda Phi, Pre-Banquet (5:30-7:30), Exper. not necessary. Age range open, Allen Park, Mich.-Grades 1 (woman) sign interview schedule at 128-H West 715 Hill; Phi Lambda Phi, ~Banquet will consider new grads. Management & 5; JH Ind. Arts; HS Counselor. Engrg. for appointments with the fol- E p o m n (730-1:00), Inn America. Training Program--begin with field work Garden City, Mich.-Elementary; no lowing: Sigma Clhi, House Party, 548 S. State; interviewing, investigating, public re- NOV. 19-20- Sigma Nu, Pledge Formal, 700 Oxford; lationa & educ. Oppor. to be promoted Aerospace Corp., El Segundo Opera- The following part-time jobs are Sigma Phi Epsilon, Party, 7 S. State; to Field Supv. or area of admin. tos&SnBradn prtos-aalbe plctosfrteejb Strauss, Open Open, East Quad; Tau YWCA, Omaha; Neb.-Seeking exper- R A IZA l TPhD: Physics, Commun. Sci., EE, In- ment Oie, 2200 tdetAitiese Delta Phi, Pledge Formal, Sheraton ienced, but relatively young woman to stru. All Degrees: Math, Prof.: Applied Bldg. duringe, followidn hours:tMon. Cadillac Hotel; Tau Kappa Epsilon, be Camp Director, Would have respon- k~~I" SMech's. R. & D., Des., Sys. Engrg. Bd. uigtefloighus o. Pledge Formal, 805 Oxford; Theta Del- sibility for physical activity in Central I , I NOV. 19- thru Fri. 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30 ta Clii, Pledge Formal, 42390 Ann Ar- bldg. in the winter months. 1 month Continental 01,1 Co., Res. & Dev. Mfg. tl5pm bor Rd.; Theta Xi, Pledge Formal, 1345 summer resident camp for girls in sum- . . Depts., Ponca City, Okla-All Degrees: formpart-tye drs full-tie terar Waahtenaw; Tyler-Prescott, Open Open, mer. CE E hm-Aay. r.&Py-frpr-ieo ultm eprr East Quad; VanTyne-Markley, Monte U.S. CivIl Service-Various job vacan- Baha'i Student Group, "Paths to the iChE, E& Cah. B-An:t. r. & Phs work, should contact Dave Lowman, arlo ?,arty; Wenley, Court Floor Party, dies including: Mgmt. Analyst, Engi- Knowledge of God," Nov. 15, 8 p.m., 500 Car)n& GMath. BS- s, E. R. taD. Part-time Interviewer at NO 3-1511, West Quac4; Winchell, Stockwell Band neers (all types), Digital Compter Pro- E. William, Apt. 3. Dlv., Corning, N.Y.-AlI Degrees: EE, Et 53 Dance (,30-12), West Quad; Winchell, grammer, Librarian, Registrar Ass't., So- Cercle Francais, Play: La Lecon, Nov. EM, ME. MS-PhD: InstrumentatIon. Student desiring miscellaneous odd iowa afiter game Open Open (4-5), West clal Worker (clinical), Historian, Also, 22-24, 2:30 & 8 p.m., 2065 FB. Tickets ES: E Math, E Physics, PhD: Mat'ls., jobs should consult the bulletin board Quad; X House, Open Open, Markley; Foreign service secretaries for the U.S. on sale, FE lobby or call Bia or Gail, Physics & Math. Prof. & PhD: Met. in Room 2200, daIly. Alpha Epslon Pi, House Party, 2101 Dept. of State are needed In Washing- NO 2-3121. R. & D., Des. I-Grad student in Library Science to Wl; Pli sigma Delta, Fireside Party, ton, D.C. & a multitude of overseas Graduate Outing Club, Hike, Nov. 17 NOV. 19-20- work in medical library on Sats. Felowsips rngn u o5,0 e2 p.m., Rackham Bldg., Huron St. En- Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Co., St. Must have car. NOV.abl 7fLthra nuositalof st.ut is, Mo l trac.Grwhop gy, 7..Lutera Hopitl o St LoisMo.trace.Paul, MInn.-AII Degrees: CihE. BS-MS: 2-Grocery checkers, Must have exper- Tyler-Presott, Open Open, East Quad; -Seeking Staff Therapeutic Dietitian, TChristian Fellowship, Nov. 15, EE & Mat's. ES: IE & ME. PhD: Phys- enc. Good starting salary. Van Tyne, Open Open, Markley; Fish- A.D.A. Thiis a 375-bed hospital. Good 7:30 p.m., Union Speaker: John White ics. Dec. grads. R. & D., Des., Prod., 1-Male to work on meat counter. or, OpOpenpen, Markley; Markley, Open benefits. MMD "Christianit onDthNLt Al Prod. Ind. Engrg. OpenA Scott, Open Open, Markley. Oregon Civil Service-Utility Director ri y e atn mer- NOV. 19- Must have experience. May work Ogfor the Ore. Public Utility Commission, can Campus. New York University, Grad Sch. of approx. 20 hrs. per week. BheS in Econ., Engrg., Acc't., Bus, Ad. or Student Governors, Monthly Confer- Business Admin.-A l BS & MS inter- 1-Experienced switchboard operator pa e NLaw & 8 yrs exper. In business or govt. ence, Nov. 16, Coffee, 9:30 a.m., Meeting, ested in grad work in business for an "on call" basis. Will work affording a knowledge of govt' regula- 10 a.m., League, Henderson Rm NOV. 10 (p.m.)- days only, ANNOU CEMiANTS: tion of the utility industry. Congr. Disc. E & R Stud. Guild, National Lead Co., Titanium Div., s. 1-Position Analyst, Prefer student in Univ. of Pennsylvania, Graduate Div., General Cable Corp., Perth Amboy, Luncheon Discussion, Roger Steggerda: Amboy, N.J.; St. Louis, Mo.-All De- Hospital Admin. Must be qualified Wharton Schoolsef Finance & Commerce N.J.-Plant Accountant for Cass City, "What Is YAP?" Noon; Informal Disc., grees: ChE. MS-PhD: Met. R. & D. to analyze, describe, and evaluate -Pofessional Educ. for Careers in GOv- Mich. plant Degree Acc't. plus 4-6 yrs. "Brother David in Retrospect," 8 p.m.; NOV. 19- positions and ideally would have epnent Finance. Will work for a Mass exper. in manufacturing acc't. Will be Nov. 15, 802 Monroe. Peoples Gas, Light & Coke Co., Chi- had experience, ~ A Heavenly Consort NWAALBEO AIO of Art/sts-. PROMENADE SERIES ALBUMS - '*on Angef IRecords SRI Ali ANGEL p0eratic Recordins- FEATURING LAURINDO ALMEIDA LEONARD PEN NARIO FELIX SLATKIN now 333* each LP. SALLI TERRI ROGER WAGNER CARMEN DRAGON HOLLYWOOD BOWL CHORALE VIRGIL FOX All other ANGEL LPos sale priced MICHAEL RABIN * (Stereo Slightly Higher)h DISC SHOP RECORD CE!NTER DISC SHOP RECORD CENTER 1,2104.Uniesity 304 S. Thye- 1210 S. University 304 S. Thayer rr3-6922 - ic5-4855t NO 3-6922 NO 5-4855 4'' ' '4' P t C NEW STYLES FIRST AT WILD'S u* "'~ *~~K K r a . 2 UIL 2v bring on the . 4 * ... One need not we.ait for cele- brants to gather to grasp the. :1*joyous sVpirit. A natural en joy- .. ; nent now is a traditional suit froms the pro prietor's Preferred +'" stock., $7500 * *. ~ *1 * - State Street on the Campus ft. M. ."?I.flt4'l 7/ r . ;, ,w 1 I j f Ul ' I l WE NT5tIiR& J)- (OE 6N6T l o'UR FRR4S DISC SHOP RECORD CENTER 121"SU Ivr i 304 S. Thayer NO 3-6922 NO 5-4855 COLUMBIA RECORDS the Collector's Choice .A I Enjoy GEORGE SZELL and THE CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA i on - CC Records , lmrt R-cording WALTON/SYMPHONY NO.2 STRAVINSKY/FIREBIRD SUITE GEORGE SZELL and THE CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA BRAHMS:CONCERTO NO.1 IN D MINOR FOR PIANO AND ORCHESTRA OP.15 LEON FLEISHER GEORGE SZELL 6NES I SCHUMANN THE FOUR SYMPHONIES THE PIANO CONCERTO GEORGE SZELL THE CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA LEON FLEISHER, SNTA M 0MINOR SONATA N INMI P AMINOOP ATIN TOFTELDANCEIOP. HE LENFLEISHER sI P j PROKOFIEFF:SYMPHONY NO.5,0p.100 GEORGE SZELL . CL 1986/CS 8786 Stereo America's foremost folk artist sings a collection of his own songs, in- cluding the hit "Blowin' in the Wind." CL 2101/CS 8901 Stereo Pete Seeger sings of today's topics, the stuff folksongs are made of - "Who Killed Norma Jean," "We Shall Overcome" and others-in a moving and exciting performance recorded "live" at Carnegie Hall. CL 2033/CS 8833 Stereo The Brothers Four -- one of the most popular singing groups in the country-perform the greaest of all folk hits . "Walk Right In," "Scarlet Ribbons," "Michael Row the Boat Ashore" and many others. _l £* I I.- t777777 =_-_-____I BEETHOVEN NINTH SYMPHONY GEORGE SZELL & THE CLEVELAND * ORCHESTRA Adele Addison, Jane Hobson, Richard Lewis, Donald Bell;, The cleveland Orchestra Chorus, Robert Show, Director BEETHOVEN: EIGHTH SYMPHONY IN F MAJOR POP CONCERT_ a LATIN AMERICA CLEVELAND POPS ORCHESTRA LfIS LAME. I v. 41 1 CL 1950/CS 8570 Stereo Recorded live the night The Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem rang the rafters at Carneige Hall with "Galway Bay," "Johnson's Motor Car," the charming "Children's Medley" and others. CL 2054/CS 8854 Stereo Barbra Streisand, the, sensational Broadway, television and supper club personality, sings "My Color- ing Book," "Any Place I Hang My Hat Is Home," "Right as the Rain and many others in her new album on Columbia Records. CL 1779/CS 8579* "Dylan performs with zest and vigor few will resist." - Saturday Review. y;: X i ;!i .:: w ... - en