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November 14, 1963 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-11-14

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Seventy-Third Year
Truth Will Prevail."
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in alp reprints.

Daily Philosophy Demands
Printing All the News

THE ROLE THE DAILY plays on campus
is usually not given much thought by
its readership. People read the paper
without much understanding of the philo-
sophical foundations on which it rests.
When a story appears that a person or
group do not like, we are sometimes ac-
cused of having political motivations
which caused us to play the story as it
ran, or even to include it at all. This at-
titude on the part of various individuals
has prevented us from doing the best pos-
sible job we can in covering the Univer-
sity. Correcting this assertion wherever
possible is part of the job of every senior
editor, and indeed, every staff member.
The Daily operates on a philosophy
which has changed relatively little over
time. This is despite the accession and
departure of a new senior staff each year.
The philosophy was born out of the con-
ditions under which a newspaper operates
and has been nourished by individual
staff members committed to freedom of
the press and student responsibility.
THE DAILY'S MAIN ROLE on campus is
that of a communications organ. It
serves to link together the various groups
comprising the University in order to in-
form them all of what others are doing.
This tends to foster a feeling of individual
involvement in the University rather than
a small part of it.
Furthermore, by letting individuals
know what is going on, The Daily aids in
fostering discussion on ideas and deci-
sions. Such discussion is one of the most
treasured characteristics of an academic
would be meaningless if we did not feel
that our readers were intelligent enough
to interpret our material correctly and re-
late it to their environment. We assume
such intelligence on our readers' part. We
further assume that in a changing Uni-
versity this intelligence, coupled with our
material, can aid the University in con-
fronting Its ever-pressing problems.
One thing is essential in order to maxi-
mize this aid and make the largest possi-
ble contribution to the educational proc-

ess on campus: This is the most complete
supply of facts available. Without a suffi-
cient amount of information, a person
does not feel qualified to interject his own
ideas into the solution of complex prob-
lems. It goes without saying that if a per-
son does not know a discussion is going on
or lacks information on its starting point
he will not be able to participate in it.
One of The Daily's main jobs is to pro-
vide this information. We firmly believe
in its value. We do not believe that it is
our right to withhold from the communi-
ty news which concerns it, even though
some groups within it are against the
news' release. As journalists who believe
in this responsibility, we do our best to
disassociate ourselves from special inter-
ests and concern ourselves with present-
ing the news as objectively as our supply
of information permits. We are not the
voice of the student body, nor are we a
University public relations sheet.
ON THE FRONT PAGE of this morning's
paper appears a story on University en-
rollment figures tentatively desired in the
future. When first informed that we had
this information some University admin-
istrators asked us not to publish it. It was
felt that release of such information
would hurt the University internally and
externally. The idea was not that of pre-
venting bad publicity so much as that of
conducting the discussion on the matter
currently going on in an atmosphere as
free from pressure as possible.
We ran the story because of our com-
mitment to the journalistic principles
stated above. We believe that free and
open discussion fosters the best possible
climate for exploring and settling prob-
lems. The story was one that concerns the
entire community served by The Daily
and thus warranted printing.
This is the philosophy supporting The
Daily. I do not think it will change in the
foreseeable future. The open dissemina-
tion and consideration of knowledge, upon
which the process of education is based,
provides the best philosophy we know for
the operation of The Daily.

"Come Back And See Us A Year From Now, And
We'll Explain Things In More Detail"
y )
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4 2 .

Program Offers
Musical Excitement

Elaborating on Conservatism

Overburdened Business

reform nearing its death, one wonders
why the Democrats did not supply an al-
ternate plan to assure fiscal reform of
passage this year in case the Romney plan
was killed.
The Democrats agreed with moderate
Republicans that tax reform was in or-
der, since they proposed similar legisla-
tion in many past years. And they agreed
with major parts of the Romney bill, such
as income taxes and reduced sales taxes.
So why did they not help pass the
Romney tax reform or provide one of their
own as a substitute? The answer lies in
certain differences between Democratic
and Republican objectives of tax reform.
THE DEMOCRATS represent larger ci-
ties and individual workers in these
cities. In the'larger cities, the Romney tax
plan would tend to eliminate large por-
tions of the income now derived from city
taxes, school taxes and other taxes legal
under the present structure.
Also the Democrats do not favor the
portion of the Romney tax plan increas-
ing the burden on low income workers
and decreasing the burden on business.
BOTH PARTIES AGREE that taxes on
business volume are inequitable but
differ on what is a fair tax system. They
agree that the Business Activity Tax
should be repealed. The BAT taxes busi-
nesses for their volume, regardless of their
profits. In good years when the automo-
bile industry is doing well, the resulting
tax on the volume is as equitable as a tax
on income. But when bad economic times
come, volume decreases greatly and the
state suffers.
Also small businesses which operate on
high volume and low margins can hardly
be expected to pay on volume. Many new
companies start this way and at present
the BAT is one factor contributing to the
high number of failures of new businesses.
THE REPUBLICANS feel that these tax-
es on business should be repealed and
a more equitable tax system begun which
taxes both individuals and business. The

Generally, the Democrats want the tax
burden to stay as it is on business; the
Republicans want relief for business and
a shift of the tax burden to a more "equi-
table" position on both individuals and
But the Democrats want one more fea-
ture to be incorporated into any tax re-
form-a tax increase. What they proposed
was leaving the burden on business, add-
ing more taxes, yet keeping the individ-
ual's share of the taxes the same. They
only want to, shift the burden to the
larger companies.
Thu's they either meant that business
should be taxed more, or that there is no
way to keep the tax burden as it is and
yet raise taxes.
BUT IF THEY MEANT that business
should be taxed more, this would add
additional taxes to what for some com-
panies is already too much. And what did
the Democrats propose to do with the
nuisance taxes on business if the burden
were not shifted to individuals instead of
business? Possibly they wanted more such
But these can equally hurt individuals;
the beer tax that was arbitrarily added
last year reduced the number of jobs in
the beer industry. Telephone taxes on
business and individuals harm both.
IF THE DEMOCRATS had only realized
what they had proposed was in direct
conflict with objectives of sound fiscal
reform, they would have known that they
were not proposing fiscal reform. Tax in-
creases without tax reform is limited as
the tax structure now stands. Very few
new nuisance taxes can be added to
achieve what new revenues will be re-
quired in the next few years.
Possibly the Democrats did realize this,
as shown by their inability to propose an
alternate plan to Romney's program in
this session of the Legislature. Had they
compromised a little, they might have
found the Romney plan to be just the bill
they might have proposed if there had
I. .an a nnmrnmic ra W7* ithafan n e r a4,a A_

To the Editor:
PROF. PILISUK has asked for
clarification of views I recently
presented to the Young Americans
for Freedom (YAF) and which
were reported in The Daily. In a
summary, I would state, "Thou
shalt love the Lord, thy God with
all they heart, and with all thy
soul, and with all thy mind, and
with all thy strength . . . and
thou shalt love thy neighbor as
thyself." All else is detail.
It is hard to see what informa-
tion is conveyed by Prof. Pilisuk's
data on the rate of death of chil-
dren, by starvation. As it turns
out, the rate of death in auto ac-
cidents on United States highways
is also approximately one every
13 minutes. What then should we
do, eliminate the automobile? Or,
it might be of some interest to
point out that every 13 minutes
approximately 45 Americans die
from all causes. What follows from
I suspect Prof. Pilisuk is seeking
a conditioned response from read-
ers of this column in which a
genuinely lamentable fact is
loosely and incorrectly tied to the
vague hypothesis that somehow
Christian morality is responsible.
For one who criticizes a young re-
porter for weakness in reporting,
he certainly should engage in a
bit of proof reading himself.
NOW, let's examine this ques-
tion of starvation a little more
closely, being careful to identify
our pre-suppositions and assump-
tions. Personally, I am deeply sad-
dened when even one child suf-
fers from neglect, let alone the
tragedy of starvation. Such an at-
titude is clearly part of the Chris-
tion view.
If we were to examine Prof. Pil-
isuk's data more critically (as-
suming it is correct), I should like
to know the starvation death rate
of children among the various
countries of political sub-divisions
of the world. Such information
would then enable one to form
some conclusions regarding pos-
sible causes. The total figure (it
seems low) of 1 every 13 minutes
is useless for this purpose.
I do not happen to know this
for a fact, but I feel reasonably
certain that such an analysis
would disclose a death rate in the
Asian nations, and possibly Africa,
which exceeds that in Europe and
America by many times.
., * *
WHAT FOLLOWS from that?
Namely this; in the West where,
primarily owing to the influence
of Christian morality and ethics,
IT IS NOW KNOWN that skin
color is determined by two
chemicals, one of which (caro-
tene) produces the yellow tint,
and the other (melanin) the
brown. It is known also that every
one of us has these chemicals in
his skin, though in varying pro-
portions. These variations, to-
gether with the color provided by
the blood vessels underneath the

governments have been establish-
ed which recognize the dignity
and value of the individual human
life and protect the human rights
of each person, we find life in
abundance. Where the contrary is
true, the life of the people usually
is miserable and among other
tragedies, the death rate of chil-
dren by starvation, which both
Prof. Pilisuk and I lament, is high.
Incidentally, the role which the
thousands of dedicated Christian
missionaries from the West have
had in the alleviation of human
misery throughout the world is as

a beacon of light in darkness. This
is not to say that the spirit of
Cain is not abroad, as surely it is.
Fortunately the real Author of my
opening paragraph is capable of
dealing with that, too.
There rests the starting point
for my conservative political views.
I know that such a humanly ar-
rived at philosophy will not be
perfect, but I find it to be the
most honest and realistic which I
am able to formulate within the
scope of my own experience.
-Prof. John A. Clark
Engineering College

THE MOSCOW Chamber Or-
chestra, under the direction of
Rudolf Barshai, appeared last
night in the University Musical
Society Chamber Arts Series. It
played a brilliant concert to a
large and enthusiastic audience
in Rackham Auditorium.
The concert began with an early
Mozart symphony, Symphony No.
29 in A major, K. 201. The sym-
phony is notable for a last move-
ment which is playful in a man-
ner more usual with Haydn. The
performance was flawless, trans-
parent, almost inhumanly smooth.
THE BARTOK "Divertimento"
(1940) was especially congenial to
the Russians, as would be expect-
ed. The work is composed in the
concerto grosso style of the
eighteenth century, in which solo-
ists are drawn from the ensemble
and set against it. Thus contrast
is an essential feature of the com-
For my taste, however, Barshai
made rather too much of the con-
trasts of tempo, dynamics and
mood in the first movement. It is
quite possible to play the "Diverti-
mento" in a more continuous style,
with a result somewhat less ner-
vous and eccentric.
The finale, a hoe-down with all
the corn boiled out, was played to
perfection. The technical preci-
sion of the orchestra was admir-
able, but the music was fun in
chestra played Prokofieff's "Vi-
sions Fugitives," arranged from
the original piano score by the
conductor, Rudolf Barshai.
Besides being very pleasant for
anyone to listen to, there is much
for the connoisseur to enjoy in
the remarkable variety of string
effects, some of which were very
THE PROGRAM was supposed
to end with a Vivaldi Concerto for
Four Violins, Cello, and Orchestra.
This was performed vigorously,
and again perfectly, with a rather
extravagant range of dynamics.
But the orchestra played at least
two good-sized encores.
If the Moscow Chamber Orches-
tra members did not give, such a
strong impression of enjoying
CONTEMPLATE for a moment
vwhat changes have been
wrought within a generationor
two. Today's teacher may be as
dedicated as his predecessor and
is probably better prepared in
many instances.
But were forces of sight and
sound assailing him and his pupils
at every turn? His interpretations
of political events are overshad-
owed by hosts of experts on radio
and television; his discussions of
geography and foreign customs
pale before the wonders of 16 mm
technicolor; his readings of Shake-
speare or Shaw must compete with
films or records of Evans and Oliv-
* * * .
AS I SEE the situation, this
means that the person.,el problem
lies at the heart of achieving the
kind of public school we want. As
we consider the very large num-
bers of teachers that will be re-
quired, and the increasing need for
specialization, we must, I believe,
face up to the need for personnel
I hope that public education will
continue and extend its present
experimentation with such meth-
ods as team teaching at both the
elementary and secondary level,
and other ways of achieving this
schooling that is effective in indi-
vidual cases without more internal
flexibility, and greater specializa-

tion and stronger direction within
the individual school.
-Francis Keppel
United States Commissioner
of Education

Bruckner and Strauss:
A Formidable Program

themselves and the music, their
perfection would seem obtrusive.
As it was, better music-making
would be hard to imagine.
-David Sutherland
opened last night with an ex-
cellent presentation of Jean Ano-
ulh's delightful play, "Thieves'
The production showed a cali-
ber of acting not usual for a col-
lege group. All the main parts
were more than adequately done.
** *
IF THERE were any star per-
formers, the laurels go to Marcia
Katz and Sayre Harris. Harris es-
pecially utilized a versatility of
voice and movement to highlight
the comic lines.
Interspersed with heavy in-
trigue, masquerades, and assorted
charming rascals are the sincere
and simpering lovers, who man-
age to conquer all acversity. (The
plot is much too complex to sum-
From beginning to end the pro-
duction is swift-moving, funny
and near professionally done. The
scenery, bits of stage business and
choreography provide the proper
background for the actors, giving
them versatility and freedom of
* * *
SETTING the tenor is the clar-
inet player, Stanley Biart, who
directs the changes in scenery to
music-I'll bet you've never seen
furniture moved around stage in
time to "The Marseillaise."
-Malinda Berry
AS EAGERLY anticipated as
each new issue of Playboy,
"Women of the World'" has fin-
ally arrived at the State Theatre.
A follow-up to "Mondo Cane,"
"Women of the World" is bound
to be a financial success in spite
of critical condemnations, and
judging by the surprisingly large
crowd of eager males that trudg-
ed through rain and cold to at-
tend the Ann Arbor premier,
"Women" should play to packed
" * *
that after all is said and done,
"Women" isn't such a bad movie.
It never reaches any artistic
heights but then its aim isn't in
that direction. It doesn't unveil
the secrets of women for all to see,
but then no one ever will. "Wom-
en of the World" is simply a nice
diverting two hours that never
thrills or bores, delights or angers.
If Charlie Brown is a blah per-
son, "Women" is a blah movie. It
goes no where, says little and ac-
complishes less. But unlike its
predecessor, it has no pretentions
of purpose other than to enterain.
In this manner, it is at least an
honest film.
* ,, '
TO ITS CREDIT, there is nar-
ration by Peter Ustinov and some
excellent photography. To its deb-
it, there is unimaginative and
often snobbish dialogue, ridiculous
excuses for subject transitions and
many boring interludes between
scenes. As for its major drawing
card, "Women of the World"
proves conclusively (one hopes)
that females have-as a distin-
guishing anatomical characteristic,
-breasts. The documentation of

this discovery is extensive and col-
So who cares about art anyway?
Bring on the girls!
-Hugh Holland

TONIGHT, the University Or-
chestra will present two unus-
ual and highly demanding works
in its fall concert. Under the di-
rection of Prof. Josef Blatt, the
Orchestra will play Bruckner's
"Symphony No. 8 in C minor," and
"Don Quixote" by Richard Strauss.



the new military pay act is
to retain men for career service.
Accordingly, the largest increases
are going to officers and enlisted
members in the middle grades-
23 per cent for lieutenants and
captains, 17 per cent for corporals
and petty officers third class.
Sergeant majors, master ser-
geants, master chief petty officers
and senior chief petty officers
with over 26 years of service re-
ceive the largest dollar increases
--$120 per month--presumably to
induce them to remain in uniform
instead of retiring.
No one with" under two years of
service receives any increase.
Everyone else gets something (in-
cluding $95 a month increases for
the five chiefs of staff) except the
lowly E-1's, who remain at $78
per month.
CANADIAN raw recruits are
better off; they start at $88 (Ca-
nadian)-good enough, at the
Canadian price level, so that Can-
ada does not require the draft.
An American Pfc. can never
draw more than $165 a month un-
der the new pay scale; his Cana-
dian equivalent, the lance cor-
poral, starts at $189 and may go
as high as $279.
The Pentagon calls up 6000 to
7000 draftees per month to supple-
ment volunteers. If the pay of the
E-1's were increased by, say, 15
per centrenough volunteers might
be obtained to eliminate the draft.
* '
hardly an ideal school for the
young, but they do offer technical
training that might enable un-
trained youngsters to compete on
the labor market after a term of
The increased cost would prob-

Profs. Oliver Edel, cello, and
Robert Courte, viola, will perform
the extensive solo parts in "Don
Either of these works by itself
would serve as the main stay of
a professional orchestra concert.
Both together make tremendous
demands on the University Or-
chestra which is composed mostly
of undergraduate students in the
school of music.
$ . .M
BRUCKNER, who was famous as
as organist, was deeply influenced
in his approach to the orchestra
by the full sonority of the organ.
The "Eighth Symphony" requires
an unusually large brass section
which at several key points pro-
duces an overwhelming volume of
No composer surpasses Bruck-
ner in his skillful handling of a
great volume of sound, a volume
which is always perfectly in pro-
portion with the broad dimension
of the work.
In spite of its vast length and
fulsome sonority, the "Eight Sym-
phony" gives an impression of
concise, close construction. The ac-
tual number of phrases is surpris-
ingly small; each phrase has its
own shape and its own function in
the shape of the whole.
"DON QUIXOTE," by Richard
Strauss, presents a musical inter-
pretation of incidents from Cer-
vantes' novel in the form of an
introduction, theme and variations
and finale. Throughout the compo-
sition, the solo cello serves as the
chief spokesman for Don Quixote,
the solo viola for Sancho Panza,
his squire.
Strauss entitled "Don Quixote"
"fantastic variations on a theme
of knightly character." The theme
is heard alone at the very begin-
ning of the composition as a
graceful flourish played by the
woodwinds. The changes it under-
goes, and the material it yields for
musical development along the
way, offer a beguiling challenge
to the listener.
Among the most remarkable
technical features of the work is
the complex contrapuntal develop-
ment by means of which the work-
ings of the Don's overheated im-
agination are pictured in the In-

"Things Must Be

done According To Established

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