Semrrty-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAW - UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD m CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUTBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in al, reprints. CONTROVERSY IN EDUCATION: The Struggle of Authortity and Autonomy )NESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1963 NIGHT EDITOR: MARILYN KORAL Beating the Budget Squeeze: Some Possibilities IT'S A RATHER unbalanced equation. On one side are the tasks the Univer- sity faces: more students to educate and an unprecedentedly large body of knowl- edge to impart to them. On the other side are the resources it has to accomplish these tasks: inadequate amounts of time, faculty and facilities. Somehow, the equation must be balanc- ed; however, the stark facts of the "baby boom" and Lansing's frugality make it unlikely that any of the above factors can be manipulated to do the trick. Something within the University will have to give. If we stick to all the current assumptions about what the University must be, the only thing that can give is quality. But let's question some of the assump- tions. A MAJOR ASSUMPTION made by those who paint the financial squeeze as a disaster is that the bigger the class, the poorer the education. This seems reason- able, but in fact there is no real evidence to prove it. Abandon this assumption and the fi- nancial squeeze loses some-of its sting. If" classes can be expanded painlessly, the cost of adding each new student to the University drops tremendously. * There are two ways to do this. First, class size can be allowed to increase wherever possible. This is what probably will have to be done, but it banks rather heavily on the equally shaky assumption that class size and learning have no rela- tion. The alternative involves a more selec- tive process: reorganizing courses, jug- gling class-size to make some classes smaller while making others much larger. For example: many courses are labeled "recitations," and divided into small sec- tions. In fact, however, some of these are nothing but little lectures, because the classroom discussion which justifies a small class is virtually absent. Turning them into lectures would free faculty time for personal consultation and for manageable-size discussion and seminar groups. A MORE COMPLEX assumption is that University education is exclusively a process of transmitting knowledge from faculty member to student. This assumption ignores the existence of a huge reservoir of virtually free edu- cational energy: the University's stu- dents. The problem, of course, is how to harness this energy.; Ideally, this ;would be done on the stu- dents' own initiative. Suppose, for exam- ple, a student is taking a psychology course. Why couldn't he, on a day-by-day basis/as he takes the course, teach it to his roommate? Not only would the "stu- dent" roommate learn a subject he might otherwise never meet, but the "teacher" roommate would be led by the questions of his "student" to a clearer and more en- thusiastic understanding of the course. CLEARLY, such practices cannot be leg- islated. But the University does have a few motivational tools at its disposal. By far the most potent of these is the tremendous influence of students upon one another. To turn this influence, pres- ently rather detrimental to academic aims, into more educational channels is the primary aim of experiments such as the proposed residential college. Other tools open to the University are grades and credits. If curricula are struc- tured so as to require or at least reward more independence and aggressiveness, students will learn these tricks as well as they have learned the present passive, soak-it-up attitude. For instance, in many courses students should be able to receive credit for, or at least place out of, a course by doing nothing but taking a final to demonstrate that they've learned it. THERE ARE OTHER assumptions which, if abandoned, lead to really radical changes in the University: 1) that Uni- versity research makes a positive contri- bution to undergraduate education; 2) that the University has an obligation, despite the state's stinginess, to do re- search and graduate education; and 3) that having top-rank faculty members in the classroom improves education. Denying these, the University could turn itself into a true undergraduate edu- cational institution, abandoning its pres- ent ambiguity of purpose and devoting it- self to becoming the top teaching center in the country-which it could be. In each department, a handful of top-notch teaching-oriented professors, lured here by generous salaries, would plan the cur- riculum and possibly give the large lec- tures. Instructors-who could ble paid about as much as assistant professors are today-would do the actual teaching. THE POSSIBILITIES mentioned here are not intended as definite proposals; I doubt that I would want to abandon some of the assumptions that are pointed out. But they are assumptions, and in the face of the budget crisis they must all be ques- tioned. KENNETH WINTER By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM INTERPRETING the education provisions in the state's new constitution can be an explosive task. This has become apparent as legislators and state administra- tors have found themselves grap- pling with what threatens to be- come a. serious controversy, one that could bear importantly on a proposal to hike tuitions. The confusion and controversy have arisen in trying to define the immediate future role of the State Board of Education under the new constitution, which takes effect Jan. 1. Indeed, the current disagree- ment, made crucial by the im- minence of Jan. 1, has even man- aged to cloak the more long-range problem of state-wide coordina- tion of higher education. SPECIFICALLY, the feature is- sues in the immediate controversy are three fold:, -What will be the authority and role of the current State Board of Education which con- tinues until January 1965? -What will be the power of the new, constitutionally-established governing bodies of state-support-, ed colleges and universities, par- ticularly the four institutions which are now under the direct supervision of the State Board? -What role will the new State Board of Education assume when it takes effect one year after the new constitution, in January, 1965? There are also a series of ac- companying issues, including the need to specify the role of the state superintendent of public in- struction, who is secretary of the State Board, and whose term runs, until June, 1965. ENTANGLED in the three major issues are Gov. George Romney's chief educational aide, Charles Orlebeke, and Sen. Garry Brown 'R-Schoolcraft), the chairman of a legislative subcommittee work- ing to implement the new consti- tution through specific legislative measures. Attorney General Frank Kelley will also enter the arena of con- troversy when he releases his long- awaited opinion weighing the pow- Michigan, Michigan Institute of Mining and Technology, Ferris and Grand Valley State. Under the current constitution, Eastern Michigan, Central Michi- gan, Northern Michigan and West- ern Michigan Universities are un- der the "general supervision" of the State Board. INTERPRETING CONSTITUTION-Gov. George Romney (left) and Attorney General Frank Kelley (right) will be key figures in deciding the outcome of the current controversy over the present and future State Board of Educations. The controversy centers around the possible clash of autonomous governing bodies, newly created for some state-supported institutions, with the State Board. er of the State Board in relation to the seemingly autonomous sta- tus of the seven new school gov- erning bodies. These school bodies will all be- come separate constitutional en- tities--called "body corporates"-- such as the "big three" universities are now. The seven universities and col- leges which will get "body cor- porate" governing bodies are: Eastern Michigan, Central Michi- gan, Northern Michigan, Western The other three colleges have their own governing boards, but these are not given constitutional status. KELLEY IS THUS considering the question of the autonomous power of the seven new boards for the one-year period the current State Board will continue in oper- ation. His ruling will have to take into account the untidy situation in which the same board will be called upon to function under a new constitution, which gives it different vested powers. Brown favors the immediate granting of autonomous status to the seven new governing bodies (which the "big three" already have). Claiming that "it is their inalienable constitutional right," he and his subcommittee are fin- ishing off legislation that will for all practical purposes put the seven state-supported institutions on their own administratively and financially. Orlebeke is striving-with the governor's backing-to extend be- yond Jan. 1 certain advantages of centralization which have exist- ed under the old constitution. * * * THESE ADVANTAGES particu- larly revolve around the central administration of finances through the comptroller's office, he ex- plains. Under current state practice, the comptroller keeps the privilege of dispersing funds as they are requested to the seven colleges and universities currently not consti- tutionally overlorded. Orlebeke contends that despite the "autonomy which the consti- tution grants these schools in Jan- uary," their financial staffing and equipment would be unable to handle self financing. He also tries to refute Brown's contention that the autonomy is the institutions' "inalienable right" by noting that the attorney gen- eral has previously indicated that current officials will continue to maintain their posts until their terms expire. In Orlebeke's terms, this means the State Board should continue to hold a role stronger than the advisory capacity it will even- tually hold. Orlebeke thus favors some kind of interim arrangement with the autonomous bodies that will pro- vide for financinghand related budget questions to remain partly centrally administered. And at the same time, he wants to see the State Board left in partial con- trol of school supervision for the four schools currently under its domain. HOWEVER, such an agreement would leave unanswered the cru- cial question of which body-the governing boards or the State Board-would level tuition in- creases if the Legislature recom- mended them. This question is vital relating to the current legislative efforts to force tuition hikes. If the State Board were left in control of the tuition question, it is expected that it would veto any hike recom- mendation by the Legislature. The Legislature cannot force by legal measures any college or uni- versity to raise its tuition fees. The Lansing body can, however, appropriate a sum which so fails to satisfy the institutions' requests that they would be forced to raise tuitions in order to maintain their levels of education. Should the Legislature "recom- mend" the tuition increases, a key State Board member has come out unequivocably against approv- ing them. State Superintendent of Public Instruction Lynn M. Bartlett, sec- retary and a voting member of the Board, has vowed his efforts to defeat any tuition boost plan. He has repeatedly given his ob- jections to higher student fees which are "pricing competent, able students out of the market." Whether Bartlett will have a chance to veto tuition hikes, should they be asked, will depend fundamentally on the amount of autonomy which the four schools currently under the Board will want. It can be assumed that the gov- erning boards-to be appointed by the governor-may not be so an- xious to take their complete con- stitutional autonomy in their first year of operation if the governor asks them not to. But if he is forced to recom- mend tuition increases as a neces- sary supplement to the state high- er education appropriation, then the governing bodies will be asked to go along. Romney will have, of course, no no control over these governing bodies after their appointment. He may thus see them take more of the immediate autonomy which Brown wants them to have. The governor will be further caught in a' squeeze if he wants the bodies to refrain from becom- ing completely autonomous in budgetary administration-as Or- lebeke has hoped-while making an autonomous vote for tuition hikes. * * * WHAT MOST LIKELY will oc- cur is compromise, a compromise that would partially wait out the autonomy question for a year. When the new State Board takes control in 1965, it will change the focus of, but not re- solve, the State Board-autonomy dispute. For the new State Board in 1965 will have the constitution- al power "to serve as the general planning and coordinating body" of higher education and will be particularly charged with advis- ing the Legislature on financial requirements of the institutions. Educational officials, including University President Harlan Hatcher, have expressed the dan- ger of this nebulous power. They are afraid that while all 10 colleges and universities will then have "constitutional auton- omy," the influence, of the State Board will come through the purse strings. This influence will come through the board's authority to receive and issue recommenda- tions on the individual appropria- tion requests of each of the 10 schools. While these institutions will still be able to lobby for their own ap- propriations in Lansing, the board's recommendations to legis- lators ,and the governor could be crucial. STATE EDUCATORS includ- ing President Hatcher, are wor- ried that the board will be trying to dictate the schools' financing, and this will bring ramifications in other areas. There is an acute danger, offi- cials w a r n, that universities throughout the state will be asked to tighten up their facility "waste" and make greater demands on administrators, students and fac- ulty to avail themselves of eve- ning classes or year-round opera- tions while maintaining current budget levels. Romney aides and state budget officials have not yet commented on the new board's authority since it will not go into effect for a year. But it is an issue to bear in mind over the next year as the State Board and Romney's ad- ministration struggle to maintain some kind of central authority over seven news and constitution- ally autonomous governing bodies. The autonomy struggle with the current State Board may carry important implications for the future. The power that the Board maintains for the next year will be very easily transformed into greater budgetary authority for new State Board in 1965. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Adams-Jordan, Place Third CITYSCOPE: Partial Accomplishment, IT IS EVIDENT, in light of recent state- ments, from City Hall, that Ann Arbor's fair, housing bill takes effect Jan. 1. This action will directly conflict with Attor- ney General Frank Kelley's recent ruling pre-empting all similar local ordinances. City Attorney Jacob Fahrner will an- nounce an official statement on this mat- ter some time this week. With its implementation imminent, a look at the ordinance itself and the en- vironment in which it was adopted is re- quired. It is important that the ordinance re- veals a stand taken in this state by only one city, and in the nation by only eight cities. THEREFORE, looking at the ordinance from a relative viewpoint, it is truly the first step taken by a conservative city toward solving the problem of dis- crimination in housing. Thus, some credit is due to those in City Hall who actually passed an ordinance which may be too much for their constituency to swallow; only the next election will testify to this. Looking at the ordinance from a sub- jective viewpoint, there are several faults. Local civil rights groups are quick to point them out. It is obvious the ordinance was a compromise. ,It is also obvious that "freedom, equal- ity and justice" have been torn from their ideal positions in a democracy and brought into the real world by means of compromise. ' nation complaints, a person can file a complaint with the Human Relations Commission. The HRC then determines whether the charge has any basis. If it finds the complaint justified, then-it em- barks on a conciliatory course of action, trying to bring the complainant and the "defendant" together for mediation. This is done on an "invitation" basis only; the HRC cannot subpoena those charged with discrimination. IF THIS METHOD FAILS, the the HRC must turn over the complaint and all records and findings, as well as a recom- mendation, to the city attorney "for ap- propriate action to secure the enforce- ment" of the ordinance. The city attorney may also seek injunc- tive relief in appropriate cases. This may include orders restraining the sale or rental of housing accommodations with- respect to which the complaint was filed. DEFINITE POWER is realized in this or- dinance. The power of the city attor- ney to seek, injunctive relief and initiate proceedings in Municipal Court is the backbone of the whole ordinance. However, the ordinance in no way ex- pands the powers of the HRC which was, at any rate, not organized to initiate legal proceedings. In cases involving discrimi- nation, the methods employed by the HRC- conciliation and education - are the only tools necessary. To the Editor: IT SEEMS that The Michigan Daily has built quite a reputa- tion for misquoting individuals, correlating pictures with the wrong article and, in general, not seeing that the information print- ed was absolutely correct. It may seem that the negli- gence displayed has no negative or distasteful affects on the reader or on the person or group men- tioned in the article. But the op- posite is correct. * * * I MAKE REFERENCE to the subline of text under the picture of the Interquadrangle Council- Assembly Association Sing win- ners. The Daily related that the third place winnersawere Huber- Thronson. The actual third-place winners were Adams-Jordan. To the people in the Adams- Jordon choir, winning third place, though not the top position, meant something. It did represent hours of hard work and concentration. To them, an injustice has been done. Their efforts and reward has gone completely unnoticed. It is just this small, seemingly insignificant mistake that creates ill feeling towards The Daily. Re- porters have the responsibility to get all the information as ac- curately as possible. Such a simple task as listing the winners of a contest should have posed no problem whatsoever. Examples such as this have low- ered the standards of The Daily from an excellent college news- paper to a poor form of slipshod reporting. -Leonard L. Riccinto, '64M Director, Adans-Jordan Choir Music... To the Editor: IT IS EXCELLENT to see The Daily with a knowledgable mu- sic critic. The John Farrer review of the Cleveland Symphony per- formance last Thursday was as honest and in my opinion as cor- rect as his review of last month's New York Philharmonic concert. I hope for more Bruckner and continued authoritative criticism. -B. J. Benoliel, '65 Right-Wing . . To the Editor: IN ANSWER to a letter from Lee E. Hornberger, Jr., I would like to correct a few misconceptions on his part about the nature of cartoons and the right-wing in America. He is concerned that a Her- block cartoon criticizes Sen. Gold- water without mentioning that the President has "appointed more than 50 persons from the socialis- tic A.D.A." Mr. Hornberger has At a national meeting last month in Chicago of We the People, Welch said that although the society would not endorse can- didates, members were encourag- ed support them. He himself ex- pressed a preference for Sen. Goldwater at that time. Mr. Hornberger points with pride to Sen. Goldwater's endorse- ment of "regular Republican" candidates over rightwing can- didates and mentions the recent case in North Dakota. Having spoken with the right-wing can- didate in that instance, I can say there was good reason for not endorsing him. Less than four weeks before the election he did not yet know in what district he was running nor if there were other candidates and what their platforms were. And the regular Republican candidate was cer- tainly conservative enough to mer- it Sen. Goldwater's approval. Mr. Hornberger should use more facts in proving his points. -Tom DeVries Plagiarism .. . To the Editor: AM NOT AWARE of The Daily's attitude or policy concerning plagiarism-or of how severely this act is dealt with here. Web- ster's "New Collegiate Dictionary" defines "plagiarize": "To steal or Economics T IS CLEARLY visible that, from the commercial stand- point, the European Community is the most powerful economic unit in the world. One fears that if this community would practice a policy egoistically' protectionist, traditional currents of exchange could be upset and even broken. I understand perfectly well that this question at present may cause some anxiety but it, seems to me that these worries are absolutely without foundation. If it is true that trade among the countries of the Common Market has develop- ed in a sensational manner-as I already said it increased by more than 90 per cent since 1958 while the average increase of world trade was but 30 per cent- it is also true that thisincrease did not happen to the detriment of the relations with other coun- tries. Nearly all the countries of the world without exception, have increased their exports to the Common Market and that hap- pened to such an extent that the commercial balance of the com- munity has become more and more a deficit balance to a de- gree that iticreates a problem. * * * I MUST confess however that a cloud hangs over this sunny landscape. What will the agricul- tural policy of the community be in the future? As in the rest of the world, the agricultural prob- purloin and pass off as one's own (ideas, writings, etc. of another)." With this in mind, it would be instructive to compare the Asso- ciated Press article, "Coup to Af- fect U.S. Prestige" on page three of Tuesday's Daily with Robert Shlifer's editorial, "Results Justify Viet Nam Intervention" on page four of the same issue. The edi- torial, I might add, appears right next to the one prominently en- titled, "Responsibility." * * * THE TWO WRITINGS sounded so similar on reading, that I re- read both, and concluded that either there had been some plag- iarism or a distinctly unlikely co- incidence had occurred. Shlifer's editorial contains at least eight passages which are identical to passages in the AP article. Some might not classify this as plagiarism. Perhaps The Daily is in the habit of permitting a cer- tain degree of unacknowledged copying on the part of staff mem- bers to pass unnoticed. But this is certainly not responsible jour- nalism-whether it be on an ama- teur or professional level. I be- lieve your readers have a right to expect this kind of journalistic re- sponsibility and should be able to take it for granted. -Bruce Burns, Grad . n4 M . n, " a r, ' z. 1f c ,SENATE Itw .r.+ 1 y ' 3' _ K v4 w w. ;t t t* 0 j u -N 1111 1