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August 27, 1963 - Image 54

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-08-27

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aried Crises Complicate Daily Nightdesk Operation)

Daily Business Staff Provides
Editorial Freedom i Solvency

from Page 2)


down by nine. Five hours to
11 that's left is page one.
e night editor pulls out his
tive dummy and reconnoiters.
;he f ive o'clock layout still
able? Probably not. Probably,
act, the night editor won't
r for quite a while just what
>age will look like: President
her has to be called for com-
, on a particular story, and
on't be home until 11; Student
rnment Council is rambling
nd that story won't be ready
12:30; and they can't get a
hrough to Lansing to find out
t the University appropria-
Soon, the night editor 'de-
to go out on a limb, makes
* final page one, crosses his
rs, and begins sending down
, The clock keeps moving.
imetime after 10 p.m., a buz-
ounds and the assistant night
r goes to the shop to begin
ing pages. The professional
ositor takes the galleys of
and begins assembling the.
e pages .The assistant night
r stands by anxiously.. '
Attacks Shop,
story comes out too long, and
assistant night editor must
the morning-after wrath of
riter by amputating sentences
whole paragraphs from it.
her article comes, out short,
off he goes in search of some-
g to add to i$. The compositor.

stands by, smiling slightly, having
already survived the follies of
many a panicky, absent-minded,
stubborn or slow-witted student
By around midnight, the inside
pages-including the sports pages,
put out in a similar manner by
the Daily sports staff-axe locked,
and the assistant night editor goes
back upstairs.
At this point, the night editor
has most of his page one copy
sent down; by 12:30 or 1 a.m., he
is just about done. He checks over
his dummy once again, fills what-
ever holes are left with whatever
can be dredged from the evening
papers or the post-9 p.m. AP of-
ferings, and descends to the shop
to lock page one._
Superintendents Attack '
This process is much the same..
as for the inside pages, except that
it usually draws an audience of
sidewalk superintendents w h o
don't!want to wait until the paper
is printed.
At around 1:30 a.m., the last
type slug clicks into place; a proof
of the page is made, and the night
editor sets out to catch his worst
mistakes before it is too l ate.
While he ,proofreads, the sidewalk
superintendents already ponder
the merits and shortcomings of
the yet unborn paper. Finally, just
before 2 a.m., the night editor
mutters a prayer, turns the page

over to the pressman, and goes
home to face his 9 a.m. class the
next morning.
The pressman, also a profes-
sional, and his student assistant
take over from here; by 3 a.m. the
building is humming as the first
copies come off the press.
No Rest for Wicked
In addition to their night-desfi
duties, Daily juniors each head up
a major beat, covering such broad
areas as the administration, aca-
demic affairs and statewide edu-
cation news. This entails not only
writing his own stories, but keep-
ing several freshman and sopho-
more staffers busy as well. The
Junior year is~ the: climax of a
staffer's Daily writing career, the
time in which he is expected to
turn out his greatest quantity and
quality of stories and editorials.
By this time, the staff member"
is under considerable pressure. In-
creasing academic demands, the
innumerable activities and distrac-
tions the University offers, and his
Daily work vie for the student's
time. Disconcerting questions begin
to creep in: How can I find the
time to do all this? How many
other experiences am I missing?
Is is worth it? Different people
arrive at different answers. Some'
resign; some let their studies 'de-
teriorate, some cut down their
class load and spend an extra year
at the University. But many face
and conquer the pressures - of

seven members of a recent group
of senior editors, for example, five
became Phi Beta Kappa's.
The Summit
In April of his junior year, the
Oaily junior becomes a senior edi-
tor. Recommendations for the var-
ious senior positions are made by
the outgoing seniors; the decision
rests with the Board in Control.
This is the Board's major author-
ity over Daily operations. Gener-
ally it agrees with and ratifies
the outgoing seniors' choices;
when it does not, fireworks ensue
- including angry resignations,
charges of violation of The Daily's
freedom, and finally negotiation
and compromise. Daily-Board re-
lations are rather. touchy but gen-
erally peaceful, and the Board
serves as a buffer from others in
the University who attack the
paper's freedom.
So with a mixture of pride and
terror, the senior editor finds him-
self behind his own desk, atop the
Daily hierarchy -=counselor to
freshmen, advisor to sophomores,
decision-maker for juniors, and
ultimately responsible for every-
thing that goes into the paper.
His time-consuming job-around
60 hours a week-requires all the
knowledge of the University, of
The Daily, and of people in general
that he can muster.
The senior staff is functionally
divided into eight separate posi-

~.r.I.I F

tion, each with its own area of
Atop the senior staff is the edi-
tor. Freed from day-to-day re-
sponsibilities, the editor largely
defines his own job. Among his
functions are representing The
Daily to the Board; the adminis-'
tration, faculty and students; at-
tending college editorial confer-
ences, and serving as an ex-officio
SGC member. Beyond these re-
sponsibilities are the functions an
individual editor selects for him-
self, such as campaigning for
campus reforms, writing editorials
which usually set the pace for
other staff writers, and taking
time to sit back and confront the
broad, long-run problems that face
his paper, his university and his
Power Elite
The day-to-day operations of
The Daily's news pages are han-
dled by the city editor and asso-
ciate .city editor. Their rigorous
schedule includes gathering story
ideas, putting out assignment
sheets, making sure beats are be-
ing covered, supervising night
desk work, answering innumerable.
questions and making hundreds of
decisions a day, and writing out.
criticisms of each day's paper.
The national concerns editor, a
new position this year, works with
the city editors and oversees The
Daily's news and editorial -cover-
age of all areas outside the Uni-
versity itself. Thus he keeps watch
over page three and the AP news
on page one, scans an immense
pile of newspapers every day, and
works with reporters covering
state, national and international
The editorial director and asso-
ciate editorial director put out
each day's editorial page-a job
requiring clear thinking, an open
mind and considerable diplomacy.
As The Daily editorial page is an
"open forum" on which all staff
members are entitled to express
their views in signed editorials,
the editorial' directors' job, then, is
to put out the lest possible edi-
torial page-patching up grammar,
repairing awkward sentences, and
clarifying foggy thinking-with-
out injecting their own opinions.
into what the writer wants to say.
One Big, Happy
The personnel director is The
Daily's mother hen. Her functions
entail running the trainee pro-
gram, placating, housemothers
whose girls, have stayed out too..
late, keeping track of which staff-
ers are quitting, coming- back,
happy, unhappy, working t o o
much, not working enough, get-
ting all A's, flunking out, and so
on-as well as being a "patient
friend, confidante and stabiliz-
ing force for her distraught chil-
The magazine editor is respon-
sible for The Daily' Magazine,
which is published about once a
month on Sunday mornings. The
magazine includes articles by both
staff and outside writers, and pro-;
vides a vehicle for longer and more
intensive writing, and greater va-.
riety in style and subject-matter
than the regular Daily pages


(Continued from Page 1)
contacts with several national ad-
vertisers, including companies
seeking employees from among
University graduates. Those na-
tional companies who are not now
advertising through the Daily are'
contacted by the national adver-
tising department. This depart-
ment is somewhat more flexible
when it comes to working hours,j
and the necessary work of the
division can be done at almost
any time during the day.
Classified Ads
Classified advertising involves
handling the many classified ads
phoned in to the Daily every day.
Members must have free time from
1-3 every day, since the telephones
incessantly ring with more ads for
the next day's paper. You will soon
find that ythe monotony is easily
broken by inserting your own per-
sonal ads; all persons on the Daily
can do this without charge.
Working with display adverts-
ing. also requires having your af-
ternoons free, for this department
is ultimately responsible for meet-
ing the deadline, of putting out
the paper. Choosing how and
where the various display ads will
run, as well as designing them,
calls for a lively imagination.
The promotions department soli-
cits ads from advertisers for spe-
cial features and supplements and
has direct relations with the dis-
play advertising department. Such.
special ideas as the State Street
Merchant Supplement which was
run in the Daily last Christmas are
largely the work of the promotions
department. '
Up the Ladder
Following the trainee program,
you will move up to a position on'
the sophomore staff and may even
become an assistant manager,
making a salary of $15 a month as
you continue to learn business
'techniques. Sophomores should be
in the building at least six-ten
hours every week.
Junior staff members initiate the
policies which the seniors make.
They become managers of the re-
spective departments and enjoy
complete autonomy within that di-
vision for the most part. They earn
$30 a month, for which they should
be in the building at least 10"hours
every week.
At the end of their junior year,
members may petition for any one
of the foaur important seniorposi-
tions of business manager, associ-
ate business manager, accounts
manager and advertising manager.
The business manager is respon-
sible to the campus for the actions
of the other members of the staff,.
and he serves as co-ordinator be-
tween the staff and campus ac-
tivities. In effect, he is the "voice
of the business staff."
Buffer Action
The associate business manager
has charge of the personnel and
the trainee program, as well as
the payroll. The position also
serves as a buffer between the edi-
torial staff and the business staff.
The accounts manager has
charge of the departments of lay-
out and proofreading, display ac-
counts, subscription accounts and

Magazine Displays Works
In Many Artistic Fields

Here is your opportunity to beCome An American Brother to an
International Student. You may build a lasting friendship while
helping him adjust to campus life. If you are interested, fill out'
this form. and send it to International Affairs Committee, Stu-
.. . . ..
dent Offices, Michigan Union, Ann Arbor. For additional infor-
mation call the Michigan Union Student Offices.
. - - , . .

"Generation is the all campus.
inter-arts magazine," outgoing
editor John Herrick, '63, declared
Included within its pages are
all forms of literary expression,
drawings by campus artists, musi-
cal scores and, among the most
recently discovered arts, photo-
graphs of any and all subjects.
Generation serves as an open
forum of communication between
campus artists and the student
body of the University. Its pages
are open to all students and'any-
one submitting a work has a good
chance of seeing it published.
Directory Lists
Nam~les, Phone s
Of '' Sudents
'The .1963-64 Student Directory;
will be published through the f a-
cilities of the Board in Control'of
Student. Publications and prepared
by the campus chapter of Alpha
Phi Omega, the national service,
Ca-editors Willfa m H ertlein,
'64E, and Harold l'Felty, '64, have:
already begun work. on the fall' di -
rectory. Alpha Phi Omega was
awarded the opportunity to put out
the directory after petitioning. to
the Board.
Work: has already begun. in soli-'
citing advertising to. finance_ the
project. An estimated sum. of.$3250
will be needed t hopublish boththe
summer and fall issue C'
List Students
The directory is a listing of
every tudent at the University:
his- home, class, college, ,residence,,
and local phone number. In addi-
tion, there is a directory of all:.:
registered studentorganizations,
University administrators, Regents '
and certain University agencies.
.Alpha Phi Omega receives cop-
ies of the registratonnaires just
after registration. Hertlein point-
ed out that this method of hrefer-
ence assures the listing in the di-
rectory of al students registered
with.. the University.
"The largest task is taking the
registrationnaires and alphabetiz-'
ing them," ertlein said. A staff
of 30-all members of the fra-
ternity-are employed for this
October Dateg s
The approximate date of release
of the fall'directoryisthe first<
week of October.ni
Last year the directory sold 8r-
500 copies at $1 each, netting a1
$500 profit. r

However,. the benefits to be de-
rived by submitting a manuscript
run deeper. The student artist may
see what one editor thinks of his
work, and take advantages of the
Furthermore, the artist need not
worry about having his creation
become the property of Genera-.
tioin~ and thus ,lose all rights is
pulish or submit it elsewhere. All
manuscripts turned in remain
solely the property of the author,
and thus!/they can be used in any
other manner that the aitist sees
fit, including entering them in the
Hopwood contest, Herrick said.
An advantage enjoyed by Gen-
eration is the fact that "it is not
subject to University censorship,
he noted. The decisions' concern-
ing what to print and what to re-
strict are made by the student
Widening Scope
"I amn satisfied with. our present
suZccess but. I feel the magazine has
much to gain. by widening the
scope of areas°Covered,",Herrick
said. This added diversity would
enable Generation to more com-
pletely represent the artistic in-
terests of our audience, he added.
"The immediate goal of Gen-
eration is to create more c'ampus-
wide student interest in the mag-
azine," Herrick commented. "The
larger our audience, the more suc-
cessfully our contributing artists
will be able to communicate their
works," the editor added.
Expand Works
Another objective of Generation
is to increase the number of artists
contributing their works. This
would not only add to the campus
awareness of the magazine, but
also enhance the general quality
of Generation.
Presently the Generation is rec-
ognized as a good literary maga-
zine. Herrick cited reasons why it
should be nationally renowned, as
a great one. "The University's
Hopwood awards are among the
richest and most respected in the
country. Furthermore students
from this campus have had works
published in such nationally re-
spected magazines as Poetry, the
New Yorker and Harper's.
"With this abundance of ex-
cellent talent on campus there is
no good reason why Generation
should not rank among the high-
est quality literary magazines in
the country," he concluded.
' Need Help
Herrick 'also stressed .the need
for more students coming'- out to
work for Generation. "The talent
of our contributing artists cannot
be justly represented unless we
have a well qualified staff of edi-
tors to put the magazine together,"
Herrick said.

circulation.. The finances of the
Daily are of great concern to more
people than merely the Daily staff,'
as has been noted above.
The advertising manager con-'
trols the departments of national;
advertising, classified advertising,
display advertising and promo-.
tions. He is also responsible for
handling delinquent accounts and
keeping in touch with other ac-
counts. The size of the paper put
out is dependent upon the number
of inches of ad space provided by
the efforts of the advertising man-
alter and his .crew.

The relations between the sep-
arate staffs of The Daily are amic-
able, and this situation promises
to be even more in evidence in the
coming year. When you loin the
business staff training program,
you will attend the same staff
meetings at first; and many extra-
curricular activities are being
planned for the entire Daily staff.
If you are interested in becom-
ing a part of the leading college
newspaper, now is the time to
join. A joint all-staff mass meet-
ing for trainees will be announced



The Center of Campus Activity

.. .



Gargoyle Strives
To, Amuse Campus



e unibn offers a multitude of facilities
luding-Dining Room, Michigan Union

Grill, Barber Shop,


Alley, Swimming Pool, Billard R oom, Listening R ooms,

Student Of fices, Meeting Rooms, Pendleton


Evey September a diyerse group
of individuals from all walks of
campus life gathers at the Stu-
dent Publications Bldg.-people
too lazy to walk. up .the stairs of
The Daily but thirsty enough to
make it to the coke machine, and
who settle back down among the
broken chairs .and green walls in
the Gargoyle office to man the
University's humor outlet.
'The "revised" Gang*appeared
last year in two varied issues-one
admittedly unfunny, the other de-
batable-after a few years of.
silence from half the campus wits.
Garg Editor John Dobbertin Jr.,.
'64, reflecting on his year's ac-
complishments observes that the.
first issue "did not have it",Land
the second as "we went overboard
but after the first we had to do
"We stole most of the jokes
from other college humor maga-
zines, and five of the major stories
were written by one Phi Delt,"
Dobbertin remarks on the second
issue, which featured a co-ed hous-
ing project on the cover and a
reprint from the Battle - Creek
t'#r alai m h n os anli4yci

any more copies than Generation
does. Besides the kids here don't
know the people around who could
be satirized."
From a purely financial point
of view, Gargoyle was a success.
The. first issue sold 3500 copies.
The remaining 1500. have been
aging ' ever so carefully in the
Garg office in huge .iposing look-
ing crates. The second issue sold
2500, seemingly' a sales decline.
But as the Garg only, printed 2500
and sold them out in seven and
one half hours, profits increased.
Besides, there is no room in the
office for 1500 more old copies.
"Too Vile"
"A few students complained that
the seconld issue was too vile, but
I'm sure that they went back to
the dorms and chuckled at the
issue behind locked doors," Dob-
bertin assures us.
"College humor has not changed
since the twenties, the only dif-
ference is that there aren't any
students around with enough guts
to write and print it.
"College students can be funny
informally, but when you ask them
to put it on paper it can be pretty
hill," fhhertin nhilnnnhizes

For relaxation-a game of pool

The "MIG"-for a meal or a coffee date . .

... h. -. ... _. _.. x arw w .... ... .. .. .... ..... .......

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