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and cold
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ThumaVie w s Collg ise
NO AGREEMENT-Detroit Mayor Jerome P. Cavanagh (left) wired Democratic legis
made no .agreement with Gov. George Romney in a meeting last week. The telegr
after Romney was discussing the conference's results at a meeting with _Democra
in Lansing yesterday.
'U' Plans Advanced Cour
The education school hopes to
launch a series of advanced grad-
uate courses by next summer as
part of a new program in mental,
retardation, Prof. Geraldine Scholl
of the education school announced
"These courses are designed to
Prepare students holding masters'
degrees for leadership positions in
public school administration,
Farris Su ort Proposal
For Electronics Center
"We are presently engaged in preparing a proposal for a large
electronics research center to be located in the Michigan area," Prof.
Hansford W. Farris, of the engineering college, and associate direc-
tor of the Institute of Science and Technology, announced yesterday.
The center, which already has secured congressional approval, is
presently seeking a site.
"In the past, we felt that the state was not given adequate con-
sideration in the location of such a center. With the help of industry,
Lewis Backs
Merger Idea
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis said at a
League Council meeting yesterday
that he is in favor of a Union-
League merger and that he hopes
to see a student board set up in
the event that such a merger is
In clarifying his views of the re-
lationship between the proposed
Union-League merger and OSA,
Vice-President Lewis expressed
hope for a student activities board
consisting of students working
only with an advisor from OSA.
The OSA role on such a board
would be to help as needed.
Merely Add Wing
He added that he does "not see
a new student center in the physi-
cal sense" but that the necessity
for such a building might be met
instead with a new wing on the
Student Activities Building.
When asked why he did not in-
clude faculty and alumni on such
a board, Lewis replied that a stu-
dent activities board would be
guaranteed a budget and facilities
so there would be no need for
such members.
Expressing concern over the
calendaring of -student activities,
Lewis spoke of the need for "an of-
fice where there is always a per-
son who knows what is going on
when and where." This office
would be a responsible administra-
tive unit that would take care of
coordinating events.
They Are Supervisors
In answer to a question about
his views on more liberal rules for
women students, Lewis said, "The
University must accept the respon-
sibility for the supervision of stu-
He added, however, that "it is
against the educational purpose of (E
<I feel the University can put
together a very strong proposal,"
he continued.
NASA Funds
The center, which would be
built with funds provided by the
National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, would entail the
expenditure of some $50 million.
The University has informally
made proposals for the site twice
in the past.
"The proposal is just in its for-
mative stages, but I believe the
University is in a good competitive
position," he added.
"In December we will present
our proposal to the five-man com-
mittee which will select the site,"
he said. "After this we would hope
for a site-visit to enable us to
present our proposals in person,"
Farris explained.
Great Benefit
"The involvement of additional
talent in Michigan's "embyronic"
electronics industry would provide.
long term benefits for the state-
and the whole midwest," he com-
"The selection committee has
established three criteria for the
location of such a center; the op-,
portunity for education at the
graduate level some place in the
area; an association of universi-
ties and industry which can work
cooperatively; and a good environ-
mental situation. I think we ful-
teacher education
mental retardatio
Dixon of the e
notes further.
The courses a
teacher preparatic
offered next semen
of the newly appr
cation program.
IThe courses will
terdisciplinary apr
retardation withe
educational, psycl
logical and biolog
There are incr
for people with
ground in special
cause the state 1
panded its service
tally retarded, Pr(
In the last ten
ber of Michigan
with these servic
from 28 to 344.'
Appointments has
quests for colleg
special education.t
requests, only one
More F
And finally, rese
retardation has
funds available fr
foundations and t
million congressio
Part of this appr
marked for schola
lowships for studei
special education.
school hopes to tal
these scholarships.
In addition to th
gram for PhD andl
there are two pos
leading to a mas
student who has a
graduate teaching
take the . teache
courses in mental
his masters' work.
A student who
studied these cour
broaden his knowle
of special educatio
ning the advan
"This broad bac
portant because th
child with onlyc
Prof. Scholl noted.
'Blondy Seeks
Senate Action
On Proaram
Van Til Calls for End
Of Special Session -
Two Senators Hunting
Gov. George Romney's fiscal re-
form remained stalled and near
death in the Legislature yesterday
after a crucial meeting between
Romney and Democratic legisla-
tors resulted in a stalemate.
Romney, refusing to alter his
program, insisted that the Demo-
crats tell him how many votes
-Associated Press could be obtained to make the1
lators that he changes outlined by Lt. Gov. T.
am came just John Lesinski Saturday.
!ti amaerust Democrats, on the other hand,
tic lawmakers were equally firm on moving Rom-
ney tax bills onto the House floor.
Blondy Move Fails
Senate Republicans stalled a
move by Democratic Minority
Leader Charles S. Blondy (D-
Detroit) to get Senate action on
isesthe bill exempting food and pre -
'ses y -"=
scription drugs from the state
sales tax.
Legislators are also getting rest-
and research in less. Rep. Riemer Van Til (R-
n," Prof. W. R. Holland) introduced a motion to
ducation school end. the special session this week,
noting that implementation could
long with the be taken up in another special
on courses to be session. Two Democratic senators
ster are the basis went deer hunting and a third is
oved special edu- considering leaving tonight. The
full deer hunting season opens
iplinary Friday and is already in progress
1 present an in- in the Upper Peninsula. Sources
roach to mental noted this will lessen the possi-
emphasis on the biity of there being a quorum.
hological, socio- Romney declared that blame
ical theories. should not be placed on either
the Democrats or the Republicans
easing demands for the failure of the Legislature
a strong back- to pass fiscal reform. He stressed
i education be- that fiscal reform is needed now.
has greatly ex-1
s for the men- Then Accuses Democrats
of. Scholl said. The governor also said that if
f. chol aid Ithe Democrats were going to insist
years, the num- that the tax reform bills be placn
public schools ed on the floor, then they "really
es has jumped don't want to work out a program
The Bureau of of tax reform."
had many re- He also detailed his talks with
e personnel in Detroit Mayor Jerome Cavanagh.
Of last year's 27 At this point, however, a telegram
was filled, she from Cavanagh was received at
ands } the meeting stating that Cavanagh
d and Romney had not reached def-
earch in mental inite agreement on anything.
grown due to Senate GOP Floor Leader Wil-
om the various liam G. Milliken (R-Traversex
he recent $329 City) said he understood that thex
nal appopria- meeting between Romney and the
Democrats was "just a lot of talk,
'opriation is ear- and I don't know that a great r
rships and fel- deal was accomplished."
nts majoring in Not Hopeful
The education "I'm still not very hopeful, and1
ke advantage of unless something happens today,
described pro- there will probably be a motion toe
e Edes candidates, recess for the deer hunting sea-a
EdS cangiams son by the end of the week," Mil- f
ssible programsliesad
ters' degree. A ;ie said.
regular under- After the meeting, Blondys
certificate-may sough floor action on the exemp- t
cpreparation tions because "this is th2 least
r retardation as controversial of the bills in the p
program. I want some postive ac- d
tion taken toward fiscal reform. n
Areas This will show the governor our
already has position better than anything s
ses is urged to else," he said. t
dge in all areas However, no action was taken,b
n before begin- as Republicans recessed the Sen- i
iced graduate ate for the day. t
Milliken said that nearly half t
kground is im- of the Republican senators weren't
ere is rarely a on the floor at the time, so that b
one handicap," any vote taken wouldn't have been f
significant. t
The proposed residential col-
lege is a desirable move, both
as a means of expanding the
University and as an education-
al experiment, Associate Dean
Burton D. Thuma of the liter-
ary college says.
But "if the idea is approved,
it should be given approval
mainly on educational grounds.
To my way of thinking it will
contribute little to the solution
of the problems of expansion
until it can be located outside
the densely populated area of
Central Campus,' he comments.
Dean Thuma's observations
appear in a memorandum to
the literary college faculty,
which will consider the resi-
dence college proposal at a spe-
cial meeting Monday. Dean
Thuma says he wrote the memo
because "it occurred to me that
faculty discussion of the pro-
posal might be facilitated and
given some direction" if the
"main issues" were outlined.
One Man's View
However, he emphasizes that
the answers he suggests are
"strictly my own opinion. Many
people disagree with it."
The report deals with the new
college proposal from two per-
spectives: the college as an ed-
ucational experiment, and as a
solution to the growth problem.
"If the faculty agrees that
the college should be establish-
ed on educational grounds,"
then three conditions should be
met, Dean Thuma states.
-"The new college must be a
part of the literary college,"
with its faculty and administra-
tion responsible to the literary
college dean and its entire fac-
ulty qualified to teach in the
regular college.
-"The assignment of facul-
ty members to the staff of the
new college must be done with
great care." Dean .Thuma ar-
gues that faculty members as-
signed there should "almost be
a volunteer staff, because they
must be people to whom the
college is positively exciting.
Above all, these persons must
be ones dedicated to the teach-
ing of undergraduate students.'
Not Permanent
However, they wouldn't have
to "abandon their undergradu-
ate students or be given perma-
nent assignments to the new
college.' Dean Thuma suggests
a maximum three-year assign-
ment to the college.
"My point is that they must
not ibe forced into the job . . .
nor should the new college be
looked upon as an academic Si-
beria In which the department's
chairmen are to be sentenced,"
he says.
-Faiall.x, "The staff of the
new college must be given great
freedom to determine its sur--
riculum. internal administra-
On Education
... faculty memorandum
tion ancd the teaching tech-
niqaes to be used." Because a
relatively autonomous unit of
this sort would permit educa-
iion,'l experimentation, the
leaders of the literary college
should keep hands off," Dean
Thuma asserts.
He also commented on the
problem of service courses -
courses taught by the literary
c:1ege to students enrolled in
other schools and colleges-in
the residential college. "This
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By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Senate con- Ann Arbor City Council last night referred to the Planning
ferees on education legislation Commission a University petition regarding the $17 million central
House Offer Planning Commission*
told their House counterparts yes-
terday there will be no final action
on a college aid bill until agree-
ment has been reached on a vo-
cational education measure.
The conferees held their third
meeting on the vocational legis-
lation but broke up without agree-
The House delegation presented
a compromise offer whittling
down all provisions of the Senate
Some of the conferees said it
was unacceptable.
And at that point Sen. Wayne
Morse (D-Ore), head of the Sen-
ate group and chairman of the
conference, made it Plear the col-
lege bill will not be sent to the
White House until a satisfactory
compromise has been worKed out
in the pending measure.
Rep. Adam C. Powell (D-NY),
chairman of .the House Education
and Labor Committee, said he does
not regard yesterday's develop-
ments as a real threat to passage
of the college bill. He said he feels
the conference was following nor-
mal bargaining procedures.
Counter Proposal
In its counter-proposal the
House offered:
1) To meet the Senate half-way
on its increase over the House
authorization of $250 million in
funds for vocational education
2) To accept a one-year exten-
sion of the student loan section of
the National Defense Education
Act, with the additional funds
provided in the Senate bill, but
defer education provisions until
next year.
3) To extend for two years in-
stead of the Senate-voted three,
he program of aid for schools
burdened by children from federal'
nstallations, and delete assistance
o the District of Columbia which
he Senate favored.
Powell said the chief stumbling,
lock appears to be the different
ormulas for allotment of funds
o the states.!
campus expansion program.
The petition, authorized by the Regents, requested that the city
"close and abandon' E. Washington between Fletcher and Forest.
This action is sought "for approp-
rate area development" including A sk
i University land bounded by N. s h n e
Forest avenues. - h n e
-University, Fletcher, Huiron andI oet a e u s
The letter to City Council noted 11g
that the state has allocated fundsfrlng aeShl
Dentistry building. By The Associated Press
Parking Structure CHICAGO-A major overhaul of
In addition to the dentistry education, extending it
building, the- University plans to
construct a parking structure and,
in the future, new academic build-
ings on the land parcel.
The block is compietely owned
by the University except for a pro-
fessional sorority. The University
is presently making plans for pur-
chasing this property while the
sorority is looking for a new site
to relocate.
The letter pointed cut that the
University also owns all property
across Forest, N. University and
Fletcher and about half of the
fronting property on Huron in
this block.
Can Be Developed
The University document stated
that "the area can be developed
efficiently if the present section
of Washington from Fletcher to
Forest is included as part of the
redevelopment area. It would per-
mit flexibility in planning, park-
ing and building service access to
assure efficiency, flexibility and
attractive development."
In other action at last night's
meeting City Council referred an-
other University matter to the
Planning Commission - that of
annexing Dow Field and a portion
of the Arboretum.
Council wanted the Planning
Commission to look into the utility
costs and possible development of
the land parcel, which includes
approximately 70 acres.
Council also heard a reply to
questions submitted to City Ad-
ministrator Guy C. Larcom, Jr.
about police department photos.
V (f({+k
' f
n 7!{
from four years to five or even
six and postponing specialization
until graduate school, was pro-
'posed here yesterday by President
Francis H. Horn of the University
of Rhode Island.
He made his proposals in a
speech at the annual meeting of
the Association of State Universi-
ties and Land-Grant Colleges.
Horn argued that the education
of broadly informed citizens can
seldom be accomplished in the
traditional four years. "The in-
flexible academic lockstep must
be broken. Some students may
make it in four years; others will
require six, depending on the stu-
dent's ability, application and the
extent or quality of his secondary
education," he said.
... 'U-M 63' motion
Seek Voice
Four Council
Student Government Council
will consider a motion requesting
the vice-president for student af-
fairs to consult Council on all
appointments and personnel ad-
ditions to the Office of Student
Affairs "above the level of secre-
tary and clerical" at its meeting
The proposal, to be submitted by
Daily Editor Ronald Wilton, '64,
asks that consultation take the
following form: meetings with
SGC to discuss possible appoint-
ments; receivmng and seriously
could be kept to a minimum. If
it were located on or near North
Cary wis, it would seem reason-
able to provide the music
school, and perhaps the archi-
tecture and design college, when
it moves to North Campus, with
service courses.
"If the new college were lo-
cated on the central campus, it
need not, I think, provide any
service function at all."
Issues of Growth
Tackling the expansion ques-
tion, Dean Thuma reluctantly
acknowledges that the literary
college must admit more stu-
dents, and discusses various
methods of expansion.
-"We can simply continue
to grow as we are now doing, by
increasing our faculty, building
new buildings in the central
campus area as we are now
planning, and inheriting old
But doing this alone will only
"aggravate problems that face
us," he says. It would mean
condemning more city property,
further overpopulating Central
Campus and multiplying ad-
ministrative chores - "Parkin-
son's Law will operate in all its
-If growth is to be along
relatively conventional lines, at
least "a new organization must
be devised," including moves
such as splitting the literary
See THUMA, Page 2
To Study'U' Request
Not Specialize
considering SGC recommendations
Undergraduates should not be on filling the positions; a discus-
required to study some particular sion meeting between SGC and
field in depth, Horn commented. the potential new member of the
This is particularly true "if such OSA staff.
depth is at the expense of ex- The motion also calls for "a
posure to and understanding of public meeting at which time the
some of the humanities, including student body could question and
the fine arts, the social sciences talk to the prospective new mem-
and the natural sciences." ber (s).
Horn said there is an "inevitable State Legislature
tendency" to put more and more Other action to be tak
professional programs into the acionwo be aken ub
graduate school. Council will be on a motion rec-
dIn time," he commented, .I ommending to the Office of Uni-
expect to see architecture, busi- versity Relations "that one "U-M
i 63" be held specifically for mem-
ness, education, journalism, even bers of the state Legislature."
engineering, become graduate cur-
riculums, based upon the comple- Elaine Resmer, '64, further recoi-
tion of a 'liberal area' undergrad- mends that "students be permitted
uatesdeg siee." to participate in Operation Michi-
He said he expected that his Miss Resmer notes that "the
proposal to do away with aca- program 'U-M 63' brings citizens
demic majors would be resisted. to the University to see and ex-
"Pope's aphorism, 'A little perience its educational atmos-
n eis a dangerous thing' h
'will be cited, but Pope was wrong," pee Better Understand
"A clittedkoleg.f hlly If a future U-M 63' was held
SMoliere or Tolstoy is better than specifically for members of the
no kreoTowl toyitas state Legislature, they would bet-
no knowledge at all, so long as ter understand the needs, goals
that little is accurate. Similarly, and operation of this University."
a little understanding of Keynes- Her motion also states that the
ian economics, existentialism or4Hromoerat hat"ths
Soviet foreign policy is better than program "Operation Michigan" is
none at all{ again provided that a "grass-roots approach" whose
that little is accurate, and that purpose is to "disseminate infor-
the student possesses reasonable mation about the University."
intelsgence." As part of the program, "mem-
inte ____ence. bers of the admininstration speak
--- A , to civic groups, service organiza-
Yale Alters Basis tions and local alumni groups."
1 I - IT m in nnin nit +1.i- f
fill these criteria more than ade-
quately," Farris said.
Above Critical Level
In describing the relative merits
of Ann Arbor' and Boston, 'the
area in which the center was orig-
inally scheduled to have been built,1
Prof. Farris said that "the Boston: I
area is above the 'critical level'- onl
the point at which the building of cha
additional research facilities would plo
significantly help to develop the liar
electronics industry there. The saic
new facilities would be crowded," "
he said. cat
"In our case, however-being as a p
we are in a 'sub-critical' situation he
-the bringing in of new facilities the
could not help but strengthen the A"
electronics indiustry here." he said-eve
Haber Emphasizes Value of Adaptability
n this fast changing society,
y people who can adapt to matic pressers were replaced with even for floor sweepers, applicants
Inge are certain of finding em- hand labor. without high school diplomas.
yment opportunities, Dean Wi- I "This situation shows that the "We shall soon be finding our-
m Haber of the literary college strikers in both instances were selves in a condition where dis-
d yesterday.W~ actually striking against change," crimination in employment will
Quantity and quality of edu- Dean Haber commented. be influenced not by race, color
ion have a definite impact on "The 'U' faculty reacted with or religion, as has been the case
erson's adaptability to change, much the same anxiety when the in the past, but by educational
commented in p tok efore . .proposed change to year-round background," Dean Haber pre-
Speech (100) classes.
Change produces anxiety in
rrvon from cnlleep nrofsns r . s
operation was under discussion," dicted.
Dean Haber said as another ex- Explosion of Knowledge
ample. !The "exnrolinn of knowledke.'