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Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
Tories To Present
Sweeping Program
LONDON (P)--Prime Minister Sir Alec Douglas-Home will pre-
sent a sweeping program of social and industrial progress at the re-
opening of Parliament today hoping to stem a Labor tide before the
coming national election.
The Tory program is sure to touch off a clash in the House of
Commons with Labor Party Leader Harold Wilson, who says the Con-
servative government lacks the money to make good on its promises.
The debate probably will be only the first in a series of skirm-
ishes between the prime minister and his sharp-tongued Labor op-
Hope For
UiN Rules
matic sources expressed cautious
hope yesterday that private ne-
gotiations will produce a com-
promise on Soviet proposals
threatening an East-West break
over setting UN guidelines for fu-
ture disarmament talks.
Unless a compromise is reached
the UN's main political committee
may be forced to toss the disarm-
ament issue over to the 18-nation
commission in Geneva without
any specific recommendations
While diplomats from the small-
er nations tried to reach agree-
ment in private huddles with the
Russians, the 111-nation commit-
tee turned to a resolution seeking
to bar nuclear weapons from Latin
Had Hopes
Diplomats from 46 nations had
been hopeful that the committee
would approve unanimously their
resolution calling on the Geneva
negotiators to make efforts to
reach agreement in limited areas
as well as on an over-all approach
to complete and general disarma-
None of the big Western powers
or the Soviet Union was among
the sponsors. The United States
and Britain gave their approval,
but the Soviet Union held back
pending instructions from Moscow.-
Then the Soviet Union circulat-
ed proposed amendments which
deleted reference to specific meas-
ures, ,such as guarding against
surprise attack, and to a United
States-Soviet declaration of prin-
ciples agreed to in 1961.
Could Open Talks
The Soviet amendments would
also open the Geneva talks to gen-
eral debate on relaxation of inter-
national tensions. Negotiations are
to be resumed early next year.
Any compromise would have to
be submitted also to the United
States and Britain, whose spokes-
men indicated they regard the
Soviet proposals as reducing
rather than promoting chances
for any agreements in Geneva.
France has boycotted the 18-
nation commission in Geneva, and
has not spoken in UN debate.
In opening the afternoon de-
bate on the Latin American nu-
clear free zone, Brazilian Ambas-
sador Carlos Af redo Bernardes
declared that adoption of the plan
would destroy the roots of the
,'.,Cuban crisis which put the world
on the brink of nuclear war.
Brazil and nine other Latin
American countries are sponsoring
the resolution to set up studies on
how nuclear weapons can be out-
lawed in Latin America.
Workers Vote
To End Strike
*>ponent before the next national
election, expected to be called in
May or June.
Modernize and Diversify
Hoping to lead Britain into an-
other industrial revolution, the
Conservatives seek to modernize
and diversify industry, as well as
;step up construction, improve the
nation's social services and reor-
ganize the defense system.
The Conservative program will
be broadly outlined in the tradi-
tional message from the throne.
However, Queen Elizabeth II, who
is expecting a baby next year, will
!not be present for the ceremony in
the gilt and red chamber of the
House of Lords.
The speech will be read to the
assembled members of the House
of Commons and the House of
Lords by Lord Dilhorne, the lord
As is traditional, the speech is
written by the government in pow-
Last Session
The ceremony will mark the
opening of the fifth and last ses-
sion of the current Parliament. A
new House must be elected within
the next year. The exact date is up
to the prime minister.
The prime minister, who re-
nounced his title as the 14th Earl
of Home to run for the House,
was elected by the voters of Kin-
ross and West Perthshire in his
native Scotland last week.
The former foreign secretary
who became prime minister a
month ago to succeed the ailing
Harold Macmillan, now faces the
formidable task of creating a new
image for the Conservatives, who
have made poor showings in recent
district elections.
Vital Role
A vital role in the Tory plans
falls to Edward Heath, secretary
for industry, trade and regional
development. His role will be to
encourage industrial moderniza-
tion in the depressed areas of
northeast England, central Scot-
land and northern Ireland, which
have not shared in the prosperity
of the past decade.-
With their economic health tied
to old and declining heavy in-
dustries. the government believes
* the only hope for these areas is
modernization and diversification.
Douglas-Home was formally -
and unanimously elected as his
party's leader at a closed Conserv-
ative party meeting yesterday.
Participants said none of the bit-
terness of last month's power
struggle that led to Douglas-
Home's designation was evident.
A leading Conservative who had
been widely regarded as Macmil-
lan's most likely successor, Rich-
ard A. Butler, now foreign secre-
tary, seconded the motion to elect
the party chief.
In his first public speech since
returning to London to take up
the reins of government, the prime
1 minister told a banquet audience
that he is charging Butler with
one of the biggest diplomatic
operations of all time.
"His aim to nothing less than
to reverse the thinking and ac-
tions of men throughout the ages.
sI can say with absolute condidence
that the nations of the world long
for Britain to exercise her full
influence and authority on the
world stage."
The prime minister reiterated a
theme of his, that both the Soviet
Union and the West have aban-
doned war as an instrument of
national policy.
To Seek
The University and a group of
other Midwestern universities are
currently participating in a lobby-
ist movement in Washington sup-
porting a proposal to build an
atom smasher near Madison, Wis.,
the New York Times reported yes-
Funds for the $150 million ac-
celerator, which would be a re-
search facility for all the Midwest-
ern institutions, including the
University, weresat first denied by
the Atomic Energy Commission.
But when Jerome B. Wiesner,
the President's scientific advisor,
intervened, asking the commission
to reconsider the proposal, Mid-
western congressmen, senators and
scientists redoubled their efforts
to gain AEC approval.
University's Role
The University's role in the lob-
byist movement is through its
membership in the Midwestern
Universities Research Association,'
a group representing 15 universi-
For nearly a decade the associa-
tion has been supported by the
AEC in its campaign for an ac-
celerator near Madison.
The accelerator, if approved,
would be of a conventional syn-
chroton variety, with a capacity of
12.5 billion electron volts, or BEV.
Beam Intensity
At that capacity, the Midwest
accelerator would not be excep-
tionally powerful but would be dis-
tinguished by the intensity of its
beam of protons, which would be
100 times greater than in any oth-
er machine.
Robert Burroughs, director of
the Office of Research Adminis-
tration, commented yesterday that
he expects that the University-
and all other Midwestern institu-
tions-would make great use of
the accelerator, if the AEC allo-
cates the funds for it.
Such equipment is found on the
East and West coasts but none in
the Midwest area.
Burroughs noted that Universi-
ty professors who presently have to
travel to the coasts to conduct
research requiring an accelerator
facility would be able to make
trips to and from Madison or
take up residence there during the
Midwestern scientists and poli-
ticians regard the project as one
way to end the "second class" re-
search status of their region.
At present, federal research'
money goes predominantly to the
East and West coasts.
Burroughs acknowledged the
second class research status of the
Midwest. "All you have to do is
look at where the facilities have
been located-Brookhaven, Long
Island and Oak Ridge, Tenn-but
none in the Midwest region."
Director Notes
job Advances
NEW YORK (IP)-The adminis-
trative director of Plans for Pro-
gress, a section of President John
F. Kennedy's Committee on Equal
Opportunity, said yesterday that
80 of the nation's largest compan-
ies have reported substantial in-
creases in hiring Negroes for sal-
aried positions.
"Two years ago" said G. A. Mc-
Lellan, "you could waik through
any corporation office in New
York City and count non-whites
on two hands. Today it's differ-
McLellan reported that 115 of
the nation's top companies with
51/2 million employes have enroll-
ed under the voluntary Plans -for
Progress program.
o Re
Senator Sees
'No Panaceas
In Tax Plan
Notes Revenue Lack
Despite Reform Move
Special To The Daily
LANSING-Even if Gov. George
Romney's fiscal reform program is
passed by the Legislature, it will
not solve the state's financial
problems for the years ahead, Sen.
Frank D. Beadle (R-St. Clair)
said in an interview yesterday.
"If Romney's program is adopt-
ed, the state can get by for an-
other year," he said. "The pro-
gram is not set up to create new
Beadle was asked if this meant
that an increase in the income
tax would be likely in two years,
if the Legislature were to pass
Romney's present program He re-
plied that this was pssible, but
that studies have shown that state
income taxes "do not go up and
Hard Guess
Beadle said it is "pretty hard
to guess" the fate of Romney's
program in the Legislature. He
said that he was opposed to hav-
ing a referendum on the issue of
an income tax, commenting that
"the Legislature has the respon-.
sibility for providing revenue.
Where would the state get funds
if the income tax were voted
On the other hand, Beadle said
he had no objection to holding
a referendum on setting a limit
to the size of an income tax. He
suggested a ceiling of "not over
five per cent on individuals, eight
per cent on corporations and 12
per cent on financial institutions."
Doubts Benefit
However, "at this stage of the
game, I doubt if an income tax
ceiling referendum would help
Romney's program."
Beadle declined to be critical of
Romney's handling of the tax plan
before the Legislature to date.
Asked if his treatment of the
issue had cost him any votes, he
replied, "I wouldn't say that is
"I think it might be reasonable
for Romney not to make any ap-
proaches to the Democrats until
he saw what he could accomplish
with his own party."
But neither did he blame the
Democrats. "It is just one of those
things that happen," he said.
Program's Problems
Beadle elaborated on the prob-
lems that now hinder passage of
the program.
He said tCat the primary pur-
poses of Romney's plan are "to
provide a more equitable, stable
tax base," and to have a program
that would "more accurately re-
flect the ups and downs of the
The Democrats are interested in
a program that would, among
other things, "take the sales tax
off food and drugs, provide ex-
emptions for elder citizens and
provide more support for schools
and mental health." -
He noted that Romney's pro-
gram provided exemptions for
food and drugs, but that not all
of the 12 Republican senators who
would vote for an income tax
would also be in favor of such anj
e e8icts
APPROPRIATIONS-Involved in the current questions of tax appropriations and whether or not
the Senate Appropriations Committee should recommend that state universities raise their tuitions
are, from left to right, Sen. Stanley G. Thayer, Regent Eugene B. Power and Sen. Frank D. Beadle.
Moro To fi
ROME (M--Christian Democrat
Party Leader Aldo Moro was
charged last night with the task of
giving Italy a new government in
an hour of political and economic
dead Italian Government
position because of their stands
"on the themes of liberty in so-
ciety and the state."r
Moro then turned to Italy's
steadily increasing inflation and
unstable economic situation. He
said the government must defend
monetary stability and economic
development must be pursued
"through planning and in respect
of private initiative."
In foreign policy, he said Italy
must remain "fully loyal to the
Atlantic Alliance with all the ob-
ligations that derive from the al-
liance in an impassioned and con-
stant search for peace." He also
pledged to work for European uni-
Political observers feel it may be
at least a week before he tells
Segni if can form a government.
He said he will try to form a
left-leaning coalition opposed to
Communism and loyal to the At-
lantic Alliance.
Moro, a law professor, received
the mandate as expected from
President Antonio Segni after a
twilight conference at the Quirinal
Presidential Palace.
Moro, 47, and Segni met just
six days after Giovanni Leone re-
Democrat government to open the
signed his minority Christian
way for a center-left coalition of
Christian. Democrats, Marxist-So-
cialists, Democratic Socialists and
No Certainty
There was no certainty that
Moro, for all his reputed skill " in
the political back rooms, would be
able to bring the four parties to-
gether In all four parties there
are currents of opposition against
a coalition.
Moro told newsmen he accepted
the mandate with reservations-.
meaning he would first sound out
party leaders on the possibility of
creating a government.
Majorities in all four parties
have approved the center-left
coalition idea although strong
minorities have posed some sharp
conditions. Some Christian Dem-
ocrats oppose any coalition with
the Socialists. Some Socialists ob-
ject to Italy's membership in the
Atlantic Alliance.
Essential Themes
"I hope they will agree on the
essential themes of foreign, in-
ternal, and economic policy," Moro
It was Moro's way of saying all
parties would be expected to par-
ticipate fully in the government,
taking cabinet seats. In a past
center-left experiment under Am-
intore Fanfani, the Socialists re-
mained outside, giving only in-
direct parliamentary support.
Moro said it was his "decision
to create an organic and well de-
fined majority" that keeps the
rightist liberal party, right-wing
extremists and the Communists in
Remain in Opposition
Obviously addressing himself to
a pro-Communist wing in the So-
cialist party, he said the Com-
munists must remain in the op-;
Kennedy To Review Report
On Southeast Asia Situation
WASHINGTON ()--President John F. Kennedy and his top
advisers will get a close-up view of the potentially dangerous situa-
tion in Indonesia and Southeast Asia this week when veteran Diplo-
mat Howard P. Jones returns from Jakarta.
Jones is due Wednesday night for consultations.
State Department officials said the top-level policy discussions
will focus mainly on how to keep Communist-leaning Indonesia at
May Request
Fee Raises
Would Supplement
State Appropriation
To Higher Education
Special To The Daily
LANSING-The Senate Appro-
priations Committee will probably
recommend that the University
and other state-supported schools
raise tuition next year, committee
chairman Sen. Frank D. Beadle
(R-St. Clair) predicted yesterday.
Whether the Legislature will fol-
low the committee's recommenda-
tion is not known at this time.
Beadle forecast that the major-
ity of his committee will want tui-
tion hikes to assume part of a
maximum $10 million appropria-
tion increase to higher education
next year.
The $10 million maximum ap-
propriation increase, applying to
the 10 state-supported colleges and
universities effective July, 1964
probably would be made on a bas-
is of a $5 million or $8 million
maximum state allotment, supple-
mented by the tuition boost funds,
Beadle explained.
Power of Purse
Although the Legislature can
only recommend that the 10
schools raise "their tuitions, high
University officials have indicat-
ed that an appropriation which
does not sufficiently fulfill the
University's needs would necessi-
tate the tuitiion like.
Even should' the shool decide
to raise their tuitions, they would
get overall only a $10 million boost
at best-as compared to the sub-
mitted budget requests asking for
a $43.8 million increase. The Un-
versity alone has asked for an ap-
propriation raise of $9.4 million.
University and state officials
last night reiterated their stands
against the possibility of being
called upon to raise tuitions.
Moral Wrong
Regent Eugene B. Power (Ann
Arbor) called any further tuition
hike "fundamentally and morally
wrong," particularly in view of the
five tuition boosts since 1958 which
"have already raised University
tuition too high."
Several of these boosts were not
accompanied by increases on the
part of other schools.
Power noted the Regents repeat-
ed efforts to get the Legislature
to indicate what percentage of the
University budget should be ful
filled by student tuition fees -
but that they "refuse to give the
percentage, only telling us that
higher fees are needed."
He said the Regents have tried
to make the legislators realize the
"tremendous return" financially
from the educational dollar.
Tax Return
This return isrealized through
taxes of the additional dollars
which state university graduates
make, Power explained.
In calling for the tuition in-
creases, the appropriations com-
See. SEE, Page 8
Study Reveals
Student Values
C H I C A G O - Almost three-
fourths of the American public
feel that training for a good job
is the most important aspect of
college experience, William C.
Eckerman, a study director for the
University's Survey Research Cen-
ter said Sunday.
Eckerman discussed an in-pro-
gress study of public attitudes to-
ward higher education at a meet-
ing of public information officers
from member schools of the Ame-
rican Association of Land Grant
Colleges and Universities and the
Association of State Universities.
The SRC study, financed by a
$57,983 grant from the United
States Office of Education, is
scheduled for completion in June,
Eckerman cited several prelim-
inary results of the study:
least neutral. This has been Jones'C
assignment ever since he was
made ambassador to Jakarta al-
most six years ago.
Indonesian President Sukarno's
policy toward the new Federation
of Malaysia has American offi-
cials worried. A recent special
congressional mission headed by
Rep. Clement J. Zablocki (D-Wis),
reported the present conflict be-
tween Malaysia and Indonesia "is,
in some respects, as potentially
dangerous to world peace as the
war in Viet Nam."
Serious Problems
"The crisis raises some serious
problems for the United States,"
the Zablocki report said. It cited
the danger of Indonesian military
action against Malaysia and Bri-
tain, which has treaty obligations
to defend the Federation. This,
is said, could threaten to involve
Australia, New Zealand and the
Philippines. These countries have
mutual security alliances with the
United States.
Armed Conflict
The Zablocki report said any
armed conflict in this area "could
escalate into a major war, one ul-
timately involving A m e r i c a n
While Jones is here, Gen. Abdul
Haris Nasution, the Indonesian
military leader and defense min-
ister, is due to visit Washington
about Nov. 25, at the invitation of
Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor, chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Nasution is expected to explain
Indonesia's position in the dispute
with Malaysia. The Indonesian
military leader strongly advocates
that his country should take over
the primary defense responsibil-
ity for the Malaysia, Philippine
and Indonesia region.
To Train and Equip
Indonesian leaders have declar-
ed that they will train and equip
any Malaysians who want to fight
for the independence of North
Borneo and Sarawak.
United States officials regard as
a promising sign the reports that
Indonesia's Foreign Minister Sub-
andrio will attend a meeting of
the Colombo Plan powers at Bang-
kok. This would open the way for
Kowalski Sees
Tax Discussion
With Romney
The Democratic House Caucus
decided last night to meet today
with Gov. George Romney and
discuss his fiscal reform program.
The Senate Democrats will cau-
cus today before this meeting, and
are expected to agree to meet
with the governor also.
House Minority Leader Joseph
Kowalski (D-Detroit) said that
the House caucus didn't decide
on any Democratic program to
present to Romney. He said that
they would "listen to Romney's
new program, if any."
The governor yesterday indicat-
ed that he would try to get the
Democratic support that he needs
in Detroit, rather than acceding
to Lt. Gov. T. John Lesinski's de-
mands for change in his program.
In a letter to Lesinski, Kowalski,
and Senate Minority Leader
Charles S. Blondy (D-Detroit),
Romney stated that he could not
agree to the banning of local op-
tion taxes which Lesinski had re-
quested in a letter to the governor
last week.
Strengthen Local Government
Romney also said that he be-
lieves "in strengthening local gov-
ernment, not in making it more
dependent upon the state."
He said the program he has
worked out with Republican legis-
lators allows senior citizens pro-
perty tax relief by permitting "lo-
cal units of government to either
exempt . . . or defer without in-
terest" taxes on their homesteads.
"The proposed tax reform program
together with the indicated sur-
plus at the end of the current
fiscal year will permit adequate
improvement in support of schools
and mental health." he said.
Must Make Up Revenue
Beer tax relief cannot be grant-
ed unless the Democrats can come
up with some way of making up
the revenue which would be lost
r .. _ _ - .
Evans Discusses Modern Medical Trends
"The elements essential for the
continued growth of medicine can
be found only in the university,"
Dr. Lester J. Evans said yesterday.
Dr. Evans has the disinction of
holding both M.D. and doctor of
laws degrees.
Beginning the annual series of
William W. Cook Lectures on
American Institutions with a dis-
cussion of "The Contemporary
that have occurred in the past
few decades. While these new dis-
coveries have resulted in "fewer
illnesses and more patients the
university and medical education
have tended to become more di-
sease-oriented and less patient-
He traced this development to
"less intense concentration on
acute and chronic organic illness
and preoccupation with mastery
cerned with the education of
young who can only look ahead.
In my opinion, no other 'man-
made institution' is similarly
charged. Herein lies the difference
between a practicing profession ...
and the university," Dr. Evans
Focus Attention
While the medical profession
continues to "focus attention on
things as they are now." it is up