University Financial Problems: Dividing ti pe Pie (Second of two articles) By KENNETH WINTER Dividing up a skimpy pie is a painful process. For the last seven years, University officials have had to do just that. Every spring since 1957, the general-funds appropriation from the state has fallen well short of the amount the University feels it needs, and prospects for the appropriation now being considered-for school year 1964-65-don't look much brighter. Given these austere appropriations, the best the University can do is to slice the pie as carefully as possible-making cuts where they will hurt the least and granting increases where they are needed the most. The complex budgeting process by which this is done requires close communication and cooperation between the upper administration and the leaders of the "budgeting units" -the departments, schools and colleges who actually spend the money. How It Works The budgeting procedure, as presently followed, began more than a year before the July 1 start of the fiscal year in which the money will be used. Early this summer, the "budgeting units" already were beginning to think seriously about their budgets for next fall: Who deserves a promotion, a raise? Will we need more faculty members? More classroom space? More clerical help? More funds for anything else? Each unit answered these questions and made out an itemized budget request, with every proposed increase indicated. If the "budgeting unit" is a department, its request first went to that school's dean. Each dean reviewed all his deparments' requests, integrating them into a budget request for his whole school or college. This is not simply a mechanical function for the dean may disagree on items in a department's request. Then the department chairman is called in and negotiations are continued until an agreement is reached. But finally, early this fall, the schools' and colleges' requests were completed, and the deans sent them to the Office of Academic Affairs. OAA Repeats the Process Here the same process was repeated on a larger scale. Vice- president for Academic, Affairs Roger W. Heyns and his staff reviewed all the deans' requests, negotiated with the deans when in disagreement, and combined them into the University academic- operations budget request. The final step was the Committee on Budget Administration, composed of University President Harlan Hatcher, Vice-Presidents Heyns, Marvin L. Niehuss and Wilbur K. Pierpont, and their assistants. This group, which also reviews other University funds such as sponsored research, shaped the final budget request to the state. To the academics operating budget from Heyns' office, which constitutes by far the major part of the general-operations fund, it added other operations items, such as building-mainten- ance requests from Pierpont's Office of Business and Finance. In making the final decisions, and in writing the 40-page appropriation request, the budget administration committee also had to consider other broad decisions: how many students will the University have next fall? They estimated 28,600. How much operations money can we expect from student fees and other sources? They're counting on $14.9 billion. And finally, of course, what kind of presentation will be most likely to convince Lansing that the University really needs $47.6 million dollars for 1964-65? The presentation they decided upon presents many arguments and statistics, but has two recurrent themes: -The "steady erosion" of the University's strength due to "less than adequate" appropriations of the past few years, and -The uniqueness and prominence of the University among state schools and the level of support needed to keep it from becoming "just another tax-supported institution." To Regents, To Lansing On Oct. 10, the Regents approved the budget request ant sent it to Lansing. Although the final decision on the appropriation won't be made until late next spring, University financial thinking is by no means dormant during the interim period. Already the political winds-often rather chilly-are beginning to drift back from Lansing, providing conflicting and changing viewpoints as to the size of the forthcoming appropriation. At the moment, it appears the governor's office is considering recom- mending an education budget which would give the University only about one third of the budget increase it seeks. Gov. George Romney's "blue ribbon" citizens' committee, after studying state school needs, may recommend a substantially more generous outlay-but with a per-student appropriating formula which may hurt the University's appropriation relative to the other state schools. And there are indications that some legislators are hatching a plan even more stringent than Romney's, tying ap- See OFFICIALS, Page 2 COUNTING CONVOYS IN BERLIN See Editorial Page CJ' r I nk A 4E a iti, FAIR High-5s Low-42 Sunny and continued mild Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom EIGHT PAGES VOL. LXXIV, No. 59 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1963 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES LEWIS, SMILEY: Civil Rightists Extend Activity U.S. Extends Recognition Romney Mayor Hold T 17: R~ i.- u U~ By ROBERT GRODY "The South is involved in a real social revolution, aimed at basic social and political structure, not just getting a hamburger or a theatre ticket," John Lewis, na- tional chairman of the Student Non-Violating Coordinating Com- mittee, said last night. Lewis addressed yesterday's pro- test rally at the League Mall against police brutality and har- rassment of civil rights workers in the South. The rally was part of ahnational protest, initiated by Voice political party and Universi- ty Friends of SNCC. He explained that the civil rights struggle is directed against a "vicious system." Civil rights movements are involved with in- stitutions not dealing with differ- ences among people, he noted. Social Action "For this reason," Lewis ex- plained, "SNCC's motives and goals are positive social action." This action takes the form of lit- eracy programs and voter registra- tion projects in the South, he said. with the South. Northern organi- zations, called Friends of SNCC, participate in fund-raising and other projects to help SNCC/work- ers get Southern Negroes to reg- ister to vote, Lewis noted. Voter registration in the South for Negroes is not an easy thing, he said. "The situation in Mississippi amounts to socio-economic slav- ery. In the state of Mississippi, out of 400,000 voting-age Negroes, 20,- 000 are registered," he commented. Hard Time Lewis does not anticipate an easy time for the voter registra- tion activities of SNCC in the im- mediate future, unless some dras- tic changes take place. "Before Southern Negroes get the right to vote, there will have to be a legal showdown between the federal and state governments reminiscent of the siutation in Birmingham," he said. The most formidable remaining obstacle Lewis cited to the voter registration program is the social and economic pressure placed on Negroes who try to register. "Many small southern communi- ties are quasi-police states, with each agency and institution in the society controlled by one man," Lewis said. Lose Jobs Teachers who try to register are fired. Workers in the cotton belt of Mississippi and Alabama can lose their only source of livelihood if they try to vote, he claimed. SNCC's plans for the immediate future, this winter and the fol- lowing summer, include a massive drive to get as many Southern Negroes registered as possible, in time for the national elections of 1964, Lewis disclosed. SNCC now is canvassing north- ern universities in order to get volunteer voter registration work- ers from among their student bod- ies, he added. Prediet Accord In Space Race UNITED NATIONS (P)-Diplo- matic sources said last night that the Soviet Union and the United States had agreed on legal prin- ciples to givern the exploration of outer space. The informants said the prin- By ROBERT HIPPLER c "The civil rights effort, which is reaching maturity today, is not a new thing-demonstrations and sit-ins have occurred in our coun- try since the 1930's and before," Glen Smiley, noted lecturer and authority on civil rights, said yes- terday. Smiley is field secretary of the Fellowship of Reconciliation, an organization dedicated to improv- ing race relations through non- violent action. Speaking to a meeting of the fellowship's Ann Arbor chapter, Smiley went on to say that "to- day, however, as the civil rights movement reaches fruition, three things must be recognized: Equal Rights "First, a powerful protest in search of equal rights is inevit- able in a country where the pro- testing, maligned minority has gained the economic, political and educational status necessary to make its presence felt. "Second," he went on, "in the United States today, the Negro minority, long maligned and dih- criminated against, has gained enough stature to make its pres- ence felt. The Negro revolt has thus gained maturity, and must be recognized. "Third," he said, "the non-vio- lent nature of the Negro civil rights struggle equips it with a Y 4ilnen~h anti a c ofn n' 'ea., l',s WASHINGTON (P)-The United States yesterday recognized the new provisional government of South Viet Nam, the State Depart- ment announced. The move followed by one day a request from the new military- backed regime for a continuation and strengthening of relations Discussion on Chances Of Ta-.x Reform Change GLEN SMILEY . .. non-violence Urges Stand .For Negro By NELSON LANDE Senate Votes $1191 To Prohibit Aid to Tito WASHINGTON (MP)-The Senate, voted last night to prohibit any military or economic aid to Yugo- slavia and to keep the lid on as- sistance to Indonesia, whose lead- er was denounced as "corrupt." The voice vote action on Yugo- slavia was taken after compara- tively short debate and -without objection from Sen. J. W. Ful- bright (D-Ark), floor manager of the bill. Sen. William Proxmire (D-Wis) said it was designed to cut off all aid to that country ex- cept surplus foods. Ends Discretionary Power It would remove the discretion- ary power the President now has to give military or economic aid to Yugoslavia. However, it does not touch the controversial issue of most-favored treatment in trade with Yugoslavia. Proxmire also sponsored the move to prohibit resumption of now suspended aid to Indonesia unless the President should deter- mine it essential to United States national interest and notifies Con- gress beforehand. Approval of the Yugoslavia and Inonesia amendments came as the Senate rolled into its first night session on the aid authorization bill. Fishing Pressure Earlier, the Senate voted 57 to 29 to ban foreign aid to any na- tion that asserts jurisdiction for fishing purposes over the high seas off its coasts farther than the United States recognizes. This move, sponsored by Sen. Thomas H. Kuchel (R-Calif), was aimed mainly at Ecuador, Chile and Peru which have claimed jur- isdiction 200 miles seaward. Kuch- said some American vessels have been seized in that area and their crews fined and sentenced to pris- on, and it's high time to make clear "we will not help nations that violate freedom of the seas." between the two countries. United States officials said the consulta- tions on all United States aid pro- grams to South Viet Nam will take place in Saigon with the appropriate officials of the gov- ernment. Slow Down Important aid programs had been slowed down during the last month of President Ngo Dinh Diem's regime which fell in a military coup last Friday. State Department press officerl Robert J. McCloskey said that Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge in Saigon delivered the formal note replying to the Viet Nam re- quest for recognition. The United States action fol- lowed by a few hours Great Bri- tain's recognitionof the military, regime in Saigon. Informants said the British am- bassador in Saigon, Gordon Ether- ington-Smith, had informed the government of Mguyen Ngoc Tho of the fact. Etherington-Smith informed the Saigon government of Britain's desire to maintain cordial rela- tions with the regime that re- placed the administration of lhe late President Ngo Dinh Diem after last weeken's upheavel. Strong Hope McCloskey's statement said: "In its note the United States gov- ernment states that it shares with the provisional government of the Republic of Viet Nam the strong hope that the cordial relations be- tween our two countries will con- tinue as in the past and develop further to our mutual benefit in the future." The recognition procedure was advanced somewhat over original expectations here although there never was any doubt that the United States would recognize the new regime. GRAIN DEAL ON? Russians Mai By The Associated Press MOSCOW - The Russians trundled four silvery ground-to- air rockets of a new design through Red Square in a Revolu- tionary Day parade yesterday and Riecken Says Scholars Fail To View Future By LAUREN BAHR Few social scientists speculate enough into the future as they take too passive a stance about its problems, Henry W. Riecken, assistant director for social sciences of the National Science Foundation, declared yesterday. Speaking to a Mental Health Research Institute seminar, Riecken attributed this reluctance to entertain intellectually radical ideas to a fear of being called utopians or writers of "social science fiction." The selection of projects seems to be guided more by the criteria of the "club," the social scientist's peers, than by the meaningfulness of the problem, he charged. Not Rational Further, the choice of the problem is not entirely rational and scientific, but seems to be guided by the researcher's knowl- edge and interests, Riecken said. "An attempt must be made to look speculatively into problems that have not yet occured and have not yet been fully realized," he asserted. Social scientists look upon social problems as things that must be explained, not controlled, he continued. It is important that they look into the problems of rapid social change. This applied social science calls for intellectual and radical enter- prise, he noted. People and Relationships Such problems deal with people and relationships, he explained. "What is demanded of researchers are practical suggestions to help and advise those who are concerned with these problems and not the formal, scholarly, sometimes anti- quarian interests of the various fields in the social sciences," Riecker declared. The social sciences are currently underdeveloped, he con- tinued. The problem it faces are complex, techniques crude See RIECKEN, Page 2 rk Revolution, Hold Parade "We are trying to get more guns p 411U naa / 'ofw"'pui"" because next time we are going vastly superior to those of the all the way, to prove that white advocator s of violence." people can die just like Negroes," Like FOR civil rights activist Harold Reape Smiley noted that the philoso- asserted last night. phy of the non-violent Negro civil Speaking before the Socialist rights efforts is similar to that Club, he cited events showing that of his Fellowship of Reconcilia- Negroes must arm themselves in tion. self-defense if they are to end "Our philosophy," he said, "is racial persecution. that every human being has It is exactly this prejudice that something within him-a rational, I wants thiszpre rie non-violent element-that can be he wnsto publicize. The prime reachied. example is the fact that Southern r miceyh courts treat Negroes much less Smiley explained that the weap- fairly than whites. onry system of non-violence has Face .hatwo features. First, he said, it is Charges vastly more effective than the Along with other members of weapons of violence. Second, he the Monroe Youth Faction Com- explained, it must necessarily en- mission, a Monroe, N.C., civil tail at times what is called "civil rights organization, he is facing disobedience." a charge of kidnapping a white "One often necessary feature of woman. non-violent action is 'civil dis- On Aug. 27, 1961, the police obedience' - breaking of various chief in Monroe told church con- existing laws," Smiley said. gregations to send racists uptown "The law," he explained, "is because of impending demonstra- not always perfect. Sometimes the tions. In the. following clash, only way to change an unjust law, James Farmer, secretary of the such as many that have been pre- SNCC, tried to get a white girl valent in the South, is to draw sympathizing with the Negroes attention to it by breaking it." into a car containing two colored people. The police threatened toC shoot Farmer with his own gun. KALEIDOSCOPE Somebody struck the policeman and "at the sight of blood, the mob came in closer. Some people were left in pools of blood." o ric 's F That night, a mob congregatedI around Williams' house. A whitey woman, afraid of being attacked, The World's Fair, a "Kaleido- demanded protection within. Two scope of Nations," sponsored by hours later, according to Reape, the University's International Stu- she drove away. "To my knowl- dent Association, will have its an- edge," he asserted, "no harm came nual presentation today and to- to her." Three days later, she morrow in the Michigan Union. charged that Williams had kid- The Fair will feature displays napped her. and variety shows representing the Black Muslim Means broad range of customs and coun- tisfrom the Far East to Western Reape later said that he be- Europe. lieves in the means of the Black There will be five variety shows. Muslim movement, and, as a courperformances of "Hootenanny by of last resort, their ends. But he Telstar" will highlight the Fair. refused to follow Elijah Muham- "Hootenanny by Telstar" will in- med, asserting that all Negroes lude ritual dancing, folk dancing are leaders. "We want a leader and folk singing from all over the who is ready to act today, not world. tomorrow." There will also be booths set up Concessions To Detroit May Come Metropolitan Area Democratic Votes Could Save Tax Plan By THOMAS COPI Gov. George Romney indicated yesterday that he is willing to make some changes in his fiscal reform program and some con- cessions to Detroit. Romney said after an early morning meeting with Detroit Mayor Jerome P. Cav.nagh that he may ask for legislation em- powering Wayne County to levy non-property taxes not pre-empt- ed by the State. This could include such things as taxes on amusements, room occupancy and services. No Announcement The governor, after a two-hour breakfast meeting with Cvan- agh, Sen. Charles S. Blondy (D- Detroit), and other city and coun- ty officials, did not say what con- cessions he was making to Detroit or what recommendations he would make to the Legislature, but did say that any recommendations would be designed to meet the city's objections to his fiscal re- form program. Cavanagh has claimed that en- actment of the governor's present program would mean a loss of be- tween $9/ and $11%V2 million for the Detroit area, although Rom- ney sets the probable loss at around $4 million. Blondy said that there is no question that Romney will lose some of his Republican support if he "sweetens .up the package for Detroit." However, Blondy added, the governor knows how many Republican votes he can count on and how many Democratic votes he will need for passage of a pro- gram. Vote Count Sen. John T. Bowman (D-Rose- ville) summed up the situation in the Senate, saying that "there are 11 Democrats in the Senate, two of which won't vote for any Rom- ney program. This leaves she gov- ernor with a maximum of nine Democratic votes. Out of the 23 Republicans in the House, 11 sup- port the program as it now stands, but some may withdraw their sup- port if many changes are made in it." Eighteen votes are needed for passage in the Senate. "It's hard to say what kind of support Romney will have for any new program 'ecause no one knows what it'll be like," Bow- man said. Tough Chance "It will be tough to pass any- thing now, however," he admitted. "Time is of the essence," Sen- ate majority leader Stanley G. I Thayer (R-Ann Arbor) noted. "Thr n.v not h nouwh time OF NATIONS: 'air Reveals Customs represented them as potent anti- missile missiles. Tass said they were guided in- terceptors "capable of hitting any up-to-date air space attack weap- ons." Radio Moscow said they "can attain hits on all means of air and space attack." Three Hour Show Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev watched the three-hour show in gray, chilly weather from a re- viewing stand atop Lenin's tomb, then was host at a reception at the Kremlin for about 2000 per- sons, including a score of 3meri- can industrial leaders who are visiting Moscow. At the reception he saluted the leaders and indicated the Soviet- American grain deal may go through after all. "I got the news that the grain dealers in America have made a reasonable approachh and )erhaps we can reach agreement after all," he said. The Soviet Union has been dick- ering for $250 million in American wheat but the rate for transporta- tion in United States ships has been a stumbling block. Khrush- chev said Wednesday the deal . _ .1_1 1 l' 1 . . . .. . .. a. .C. - _. . s J. Herman van Roijen, the Netherlands ambassador, handed a note to G. Griffith Johnson, assistant secretary of state for economic affairs, on behalf of 10 European nations and Japan. "I expressed our concern that this purely commercial transaction has been tied to the preferential condition in favor of American shipping," van Roijen told re- porters after a 20-minute confer- ence with Johnson. Conservatives SufferDefeat In By-Election LONDON (P)-Prime Minister Sir Alec Douglas-Home's Conserv- ative government lost a seat in Parliament yesterday in a special election that boosted the opposi- tion Labor party's political pros- pects. Laborite Will Howie, running in the English industrial city of Lu- +rt" +11-a+h a nn +a Tnr- ::::::::.... _ _ ......