Seventy-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF TIM UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail", Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in al; reprints. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1963 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL SATTINGER OFFICE OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS: Sensitivity Aids Problem-Solving Process Romney's Inexperience Dooms Fiscal Reform GOV. GEORGE ROMNEY'S income tax bill is dying a slow agonizing but cer- tain death. This was the central bill in the governor's fiscal reform program, and, since Romney has said that he pre- sented his program as a "package" and not just as a collection of separate bills, this probably means that all fiscal reform in Michigan is dead. The Senate defeated the tax plan ear- lier this week, and although the bill is still alive in the House, it is given little chance of passage there. This situation could have been avoided if Romney had had a better idea of how the duties of the office of governor should be performed. He was inexperienced politically when he came into the governorship; the only elective offices he ever held were delegate to and vice-president of the state's Con- stitutional Convention. It was obviously not because of his political ability and experience that he was elected. ROMNEY WAS ELECTED because the people of the state believed him when he said that he could lead Michigan out of its fiscal doldrums and into prosperity. They had good reason to take him at his word; he had just finished taking an al- most defunct American Motors Corpora- tion and building it, mostly through pub- lic relations work and changing the pub- lic image of the company, into a really going concern. Michigan's citizens thought that Rom- ney could do the same for Michigan, and so did he. But he was to learn, much to his chagrin and probably surprise, that he couldn't run the state in the same way that he ran American Motors. FROM THE VERY OUTSET, Romney treated the state's elected officials as though they were his employes in the giant corporation of Michigan. He acted as though he were the supreme author- ity, and everyone else in Lansing was just there to do his bidding. Romney is learning too late, to the detriment of the state of Michigan, that the legislators in Lansing are not his em- ployes but actually much closer to being his equals-even more than equals in many ways. When Romney was elected he began drawing up the tax reform program he thought necessary. He enlisted the aid of several men who were relatively well in- formed on the state's needs in the area of tax reform, and who had definite ideas as to how Michigan's financial problems could be solved. This is where the governor made what is turning out to be his fatal mistake. Romney should have asked some of the state legislators for help in drawing up his fiscal program. However, he did not do this. He didn't consult with the very men who have worked for fiscal reform in Michigan for so many years. These men could have of- fered information in areas such as what the real financial problems faced by the state are, what the possible solutions to these problems are, and just which of these possible solutions would be the best and most acceptable to the people of the state. Romney alienated some of his support when he declined to ask the legislators' help in drawing up his reform program, and refused even to take them into his confidence as to what he was doing. WHEN CAMPAIGNING for the governor- ship in 1962, Romney told the elector- ate that he would provide leadership for the state's Republican party. This was just what the state needed: a Republican Legislature led, not opposed, by a strong governor. In this way fiscal reform would come much more easily, because the pro- grams of the governor and the Legisla- ture would be so similar that there could be almost no controversy and no argu- ment. However, Romney has not been a strong leader of his party. This was not because of differing political stands between him and the Republican legislators, but be- cause of the manner in which he treated them. The same reasons can be given for the lack of cooperation between him and the state's Democrats. Romney almost meth- odically avoided any contact with the Democrats not only while drawing up his program of tax reform, but also while try- ing to get it past the Legislature. Even when he saw that his fiscal re- form was running into opposition that he hadn't expected, -he still avoided asking the Democrats what they wanted to see in a reform program, even though he ad- mitted that the program would need bi- partisan support in order to pass. IT WAS THIS LACK of cooperation be- tween the governor and the Legislature that finally put the kiss of death on his plan for fiscal reform. For although Romney realized that Michigan needed fiscal reform, his poli- tical inexperience and his inability to realize that the governor can't work with the state's legislators in an employer-em- ploye relationship made it impossible for him to work with the Legislature, much less lead them into adopting meaningful fiscal reform for Michigan. --THOMAS COPI By MICHAEL SATTINGER SENSITIVITY is a solution. The problem is running the aca- demic affairs of a university hav- ing 2000 faculty members of pro- fessorial rank. In the scant one- and-a-half years of its existence, the Office of Academic Affairs has shown this sensitivity to the difficulties of handling such a large.and diverse professional group. The personalities involved- Vice-President for Academic Af- fairs Roger W. Heyns and his assistants-partially account for any success the OAA has achieved. But more importantly, the of- fice's ability to handle with sen- sitivity the academic affairs un- der its jurisdiction stems from several administrative mechanisms it has available or has instituted itself in cooperation with the fac- ulty. These mechanisms achieve their purpose through = communication and accessibility. ONE OF the most recent means for enhancing communication be- tween administration and faculty is through the Educational Policies Committee of the University Sen- ate. As one of its functions, this committee meets with Heyns once a month. Its beginnings go back to the summer of 1962, when Heyns and the committee agreed to meet informally as a means of advising the office on matters affecting the faculty. The committee essentially sacts as a forum in which items on the agenda can come from Heyns or from the faculty through either the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs or the Edu- cational Policies Committee. It has its greatest effect in urgent situations when it would be im- practical to bring in the whole faculty on an issue. Such an issue arose last winter over the question of establishing ties with Delta College. Heyns was able to consult with the committee members on decisions he had to make, sharing with them details that had not yet been made pub- lic. LAST SPRING the Educational Policies Committee sent a letter to SACUA stating that the com- mittee found the meetings with Heyns valuable; the committee ex- pressed a desire to institute the monthly meetings with him on a continuing basis. The letter also commended Heyns for the con- tributions he had personally made to the success of the committee's first year. The value of the communication arising from these meetings is obvious: Heyns does not have to estimate faculty opinion in a vacuum, and the faculty as a To The Edrtor To the Editor: I WOULD LIKE to take up the challenge of Mr. Hornberger in his "letter to the editor' of Nov. 5. Mr. Hornberger states, ". Robert Welch himself stated that he has no personal preference for president. In fact, he considers Barry Goldwater as nothing less than a 'liberal'." This statement is made in connection with a cartoon by Herblockthat "implies that Goldwater is a creature of the far right (i.e. the John Birch Society) . ." Mr. Hornberger states that "Herblock is wrong, and he cannot prove otherwise." If Mr. Hornberger would take the trouble to turn to page 119 of "The Blue Book" by Robert Welch he will read the following: "Now the one man who comes nearest to measuring up to all the needs and qualifications, whom we see on the political horizon at the present time, is Barry Goldwater. I know Barry fairly well. He is a great American . . . I raised around two thousand dollars in mystate and sent it on to him early in 1958 . . . I'd love to see him President of the United States, and maybe some day we shall.' On page xii of "Footnotes For The Fourth Printing" of the same work, Mr. Welch states, "I per- sonally supported Goldwater for the Republican nomination." -David A. Olson, Grad Kindness? . . To the Editor: IN HIS BOOK "Free Society and Moral Crisis," Prof. Robert Cooley Angell of the sociology department states that "a deviant individual is one who does not follow the prescription of moral norms or institutions that are de- rived from the common values" of a society. These moral norms, inculcated and implemented in individuals by societal institutions (e.g. schools, churches), make up the hypothetical moral web through which individuals and groups are able to interact in society and without which society would dis- integrate. ONE OF the common values Prof. Angell attributes to Ameri- can society is humanitarianism and friendliness, which must con- tain the concept of being a good samaritan within its scope. Ac- cording to Prof. Angell, a common value is a belief or a disposition held by a great number of people that is good not only for individ- uals as such but has a positive, integrative effect upon society as a whole. From this it would seem to follow that an individual act- ing as a good samaritan would not only be helping another in- dividual but would be benefiting society as a whole. * a What's the Difference? I WRITE THIS LETTER with no malice or contempt towards either the Ann Arbor police de- partment or municipal court be- cause that police department is a fine police department and that municipal court is an honorable municipal court. I have no ill- feelings towards any members of that police department or court because those members are all honorablemen. Certainly we all know how honorable they are. I can have no ill-feelings to- ward these kind and honorable men who are known far and wide for their sense of justice and fair play because I was clearly in the wrong-I committed an atrocity against mankind and it was only through the fair play of these fine men that I could pay the penalty for my deviant actions. Only by their sense of justice could I be made to realize that I had acted against the moral web of American society. I write this letter only as an open statement to mankind- against whom I have so wickedly wronged-to inform all k that I have reformed. Never again will I knowingly and willingly "plug" parking meters. Relax, City Hall, I have been brought back into the f old. -Martin Korchak, '64 MUSKET: Uneven Show IN SPITE OF a delightful score, excellent settings and costumes and several superb performances, this year's MUSKET presentation of "The Boy Friend" remains a rough, uneven and unsuccessful offering. The two main defects of the show are its direction and its cast- ing. In regard to the former, Jack Rouse too often allowed the action to drag and flounder in between the rousing musical numbers. In placeof tight, controlled develop- ment of plot and fast moving di- alogue, squeals and eyebrows are substituted. The choreography is excellent however and the songs are lively and enjoyable. But they can't hold up the entire show. THE CASTING is the main cause of the unevenness. On one hand there is the unfortunate po- sitioning of Rick Axsom as Tony, for while he looks the part per- fectly, his fluctuating accent and his incapability of finding or hold- ing a tune is extremely embarras- sing. Karen Emens, while easily the most talented member of the cast, too often lost sight of the farcical elements of the play and thus always seemed in contrast from every other character. The finest performances belong to Mike Schapiro, Ginger Pud- schun and Howard Travis. They provided both humor and polish constantly. Linda Heric and Joanie Lieber were delightful as ever and added a skill at comedy sorely needed. Beverly Karanovich was hampered by a very weak singing voice from satisfactorily carrying her role. The chorus was adequately lively in most spots with the exception of Dave Howe's vapid Marcel and Linda Shayes obnoxious Nancy. Special mention should be made of Richard Perry who gave a sur- prising and successful lift to a minor role. group has a channel for expressing its wishes on decisions affecting them. ANOTHER MEANS by which Heyns keeps in touch with the faculty is through the recently created Senate Advisory Commit- tee on Conditions of Staff Excel- lence, established by the Univer- sity Senate last spring. The com- mittee meets with Heyns once a month, acting in an advisory ca- pacity only. To fulfill its responsibilities, the committee should "develop pro- cedures by which an individual faculty member may seek its re- view of administrative decisions which he believes have had a serious adverse effect on his pro- fessional career," the proposal which created the committee states. However, the committee could act on a specific case only if all other channels had been exhausted. LIn effect, the staff excellence committee willprobably turn out to be something close to a gripe session. But instead of individual faculty members airing individual gripes, the committee will point out areas where administrative action could improve conditions that the faculty does not like. IN SUCH a large institution as the University, procedures for handling grievances, appointments and promotions vary from unit to unit because of the autonomy of colleges, schools and depart- ments. The value of the commit- tee extends beyond the function of a mere communication channel: it can act as a means of recourse for faculty and as a means of establishing some standard of pro- cedure among autonomous units. Whether or not the committee does hear any specific case and advises Heyns on it, it is still de- sirable since it ensures that no faculty members will be left solely to the whims of one person above him. That is, one person does not have complete control over pro- motions. Uniformity of procedure is val- uable since discrepancies tend to lower faculty morale. Such was the case at Queens College in New York where four professors re- sorted to a lawsuit. They felt they were being discriminated against in promotion because of their re- ligion. Hopefully, the University faculty would view the committee instead of the law courts as a last resort. THE FACULTY ITSELF is pres- ently developing other channels of communication. The University Senate's committee on faculty freedom and responsibility is pres- ently considering a restructuring of the University Senate and SACUA to include a third group of about 75 members which would act in an advisory capacity to the administration. Many faculty groups feel that the senate, con- taining about 2000 members, is too unwieldy to advise the adminis- tration and that SACUA, with only about 20 elected members, is too small to represent the faculty in some decisions. Certainly something is needed to bring more faculty members into the process of consideration on academic matters and to coun- ter the effect of the University's size, which would seem to make faculty members feel that they have no voice in academic affairs. Perhaps the proposed third group will get more faculty involved in academic decisions of the admin- istration, in which case a better system of communication between Heyns' office and the faculty would result. COMMANDMENTS Interpreting The Ambiguous By ROBERT SELWA THE INTERPRETATIONS that churches give to the Sixth and Ninth Commandments are com- parable to the interpretations that Supreme Court members have given to certain phrases in the Constitution. For better or for worst, both groups read many things into simple statements. Congress' power to regulate in- terstate commerce is being used as the Constitutional basis ofuthe Kennedy administration's civil rights bill, for example. Civil rights and interstate commerce may seem unrelated at first glance, but through the years Con- gress has discovered, and the Su- preme Court has approved, many uses of the commerce clause. Yet all the Constitution says is that "Congress shall have power ... to regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several States, and with the" Indian tribes . .." In the same way, churches have found many uses for the Sixth and Ninth Commandments. All the Sixth Commandment says is, "Thou shall not commit adultery." All the Ninth Commandment says is, "Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's wife." Thesehcommandments, accord- ing to the Bible, came from God who handed them to Moses to direct and guide the lives of his people. Jesus, who preached a, gospel of love anddkindness, ne- glected to go into detail on these negative commands. His were posi- tive commands, underscored by his own deeds, to do good and help people. The details and interpre- tations came from followers of Christ who established churches in his name. IT COULD BE argued that Whe two commandments were social doctrines. In the time of Moses, as today, relations between men and women, married and unmar- ried, were often loose. The family may have been then, and may be today, a weak institution due to the sexual activities between some married people and some un- married people. The two com- mandments shore up the institu- tions of marriage and the family by prohibiting adultery and the desire for adultery. This social analysis follows from the words of the two command- ments and is part of the inter- pretation of them by churches. But only part, for churches use the commandments to denounce all sorts of other kinds of sexual activity, including activity that, when conducted in privacy, would seem to have little harmful effect on the rest of society. The churches could argue, and do, that the harmful effect is upon the individual. This is their inter- pretation, an interpretation with which some people may disagree. The disagreement is seldom voic- ed because, those who disagree would face censure for bucking an established institution of society and because they do not have the forum that religion has. Unlike a university lecture, for example, the Sunday morning sermon sel- dom contains the opportunity for questions, discussion and rebuttal. This is not to say that the churches are right, nor that those who disagree with church inter- pretations of the commandments are right.' This is to say that there is little opportunity for for- mal disagreement. And, as John Stuart Mill pointed out, the op- portunity for discussion enhances and strengthens that which is true and enables full truth to be more truly achieved from partial truth. THE CONTROVERSY that sur- rounds Supreme Court decisions is healthy for American democracy because it stimulates citizens to think about what their constitu- tion means. The Constitution be- comes more meaningful to citizens in this process. The Court's inter- pretations of clauses in the Con- stitution become more than rhe- toric in this way. In the same way the churches' interpretations of the Sixth and Ninth Commandments would be- come more meaningful if there were more open, formal discussion about them. Since there is little or no open discussion, many people freely violate them even though they are supposed to be for the betterment of 'society and the in- dividual. If churches would justify more often and more distinctly their interpretations of the command- ments, while keeping an open mind to other interpretations, re- ligion would be able to furnish a more effective guide to action in America. The new committee on condi- tions of staff excellence also will act to get more faculty involved in administrative decisions. The proposal for the committee called upon it to "give specific and early attention to the present procedures in departments, schools and col- leges with respect to their effec- tiveness in assuring faculty par- ticipation in policy-making." A PRESENT FACTOR helpful to administrative sensitivity is that some staff members of the OAA have come up through the ranks of the University faculty. Heyns was promoted to the vice- presidency from the deanship of the literary college, and earlier in his career he was a professor of psychology. More important, he chose part of his staff from the faculty, too. This is not a minor point. By keeping part of the of- fice "within the family," the fac- ulty ends up with some of its members making many of the decisions directly affecting them. Finally, the OAA recognizes the function of accessibility. In such a large university, the policy of being available to any faculty member who wishes to bring some- thing to the attention of the vice- president is intuitively a good one: it cuts across the time-consuming red tape of formal channels when something important arises. How- ever, in practice this is not always possible, and the OAA is no ex- ception. IN ANY ORGANIZATION, the administrators must display some sensitivity to what is being ad- ministered. Heyns has demonstrat- ed well his ability as an adminis- trator by instituting the required sensitivity through communica- tion, use of faculty resources and accessibility. F i E i IN ADVOCATING that "extraordinary" measures should not be taken to pro- long the life of a hopelessly ill patient, Bishop Fulton J. Sheen has taken a stand which to other members of the cloth must surely appear heretical. Despite Bishop Sheen's denial that such a statement is direct advocacy of euthanasia, not at- tempting to keep such a person alive can hardly be considered much different from outright mercy killing. The occasion of the pronouncement was a meeting of the American Medical As- sociation last summer, where Bishop Sheen shared the rostrum with Dr. Ed- ward R. Rynearson of the Mayo Clinic. Dr. Rynearson has already gained no small reputation as a supporter of the doctrine of the hopelessly ill individual's "right to die." Citing the case of a mil- lionaire's widow kept alive for 11 years although "completely unconscious," he asserted, "If anyone can take pride in that, I don't understand why." The doctor added that it is almost im- possible for a patient to die, even though he might theoretically be "on the brink of death," if the attending physician tried hard enough to keep him alive by means of intravenous feeding, around-the-clock care and the administration of drugs "through a network of tubes." Yet he added that he personally would "want no part of keeping people alive un- der those circumstances"; and Bishop Sheen agreed wholeheartedly, saying that he saw "no moral problem" involved with a patient requesting that his doctor remove the life-prolonging paraphernalia and let him die in peace. Yet removing the tubes through which the sources of life of the patient flow is surely no different than depriving the patient of life itself. THERE HAS BEEN NO END to the con- troversy connected to mercy killing; surely a majority of doctors have been faced at one time or another with the decision of prolonging or ending the life' of a patient. Many of them have followed the dictates of the heart and relieved the patient from further pain; but if discov- ered, these physicians are no longer al- lowed to practice medicine-a great price to pay for being merciful. Many doctors, on the other hand, have compelled themselves to adhere to the law and to a supposedly moral concept that to take a life for a merciful reason is no less murderous than to butcher a passerby on the street. The number of pa- tients alive to this day who would much rather have been put to sleep painlessly a long time ago is mute testimony to the tragedy that such a warped moral pre- cept is responsible for. BISHOP SHEEN, as a clergyman, must have spent many a sleepless night pon- dering over such moral precepts and their efficacy in modern environmental condi- tions. His decision will be decried by many other religious leaders, although it is only the first. step. The advocates of euthanasia will have :,1.1. ', Y1 2,j . *+. S .. . . n ^ t, 3 LAST THURSDAY I was faced with a situation which gave me an opportunity to be a good sa- maritan; this would further imply that I would help reinforce the moral strength of American so- ciety: I put a penny in an expired parking meter to prevent an of- ficer of Ann Arbor's honorable, noble, outstanding and exemplary police department from issuing a parking ticket. There was no egotistical moti- vation in my act; the car did not belong to myself nor to anyone I know. This was merely done to save some stranger from a park- ing ticket. The next thing I knew i pWi::i