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November 06, 1963 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-11-06

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Tough askey Likes Defense

Click!-four ball in the side
"We're making a lot of use of
the wide split end this fall because
that's where, we've developed an
offensive threat. And it gives the
ends much greater freedom in
running patterns, Right, Dick?"
Rindfuss nods. "Right. It's your
Laskey lines up the shot. Click.
"We can split to either side to
take advantage of our personnel,
too. When Henderson or I flank
out wide on that right side, the
defense has got to send one and
usually two men out there with us.
And when the defense compen-
sates like that we can run off the
other side of the line."
The seven ball caroms off the
far side and rolls aimlessly into
the center of the table. Laskey
steps back, leaning on his cue. j
'Can Beat Illini'
"You know, I really think we
can beat Illinois this weekend. We
watched their films-they can

er looks like he was born to play
Blame it all on a strong mixture
of heredity and environment:
Laskey follows his father, a 140-
pound halfback and sprinter for
Michigan in the Evashevski-Har-
mon era, from the small ville of
Milan, boasting a team that lost
one football game in four years
Laskey played there.
Never An End
Not really tall for an end-only
6'1"-Laskey was never really sup-
posed to be one. He picked up all
his high school laurels at the half-
back spot-all-state, all-confer-
ence, and all-American honorable
mention-but arrived in Ann Ar-
bor in the midst of an end drought
and promptly was drafted into the
Quoth end coach Jocko Nelson
last autumn: "Ever since I've
coached here it's been a question
of who to play with all our depth.
Now it's the problem of who's go-
ing to play." Laskey moved into
the starting right end slot in the
second game of the season against
"I had never played end before
at all," says Laskey, "so I really
had to start from scratch. I had
to think about everything I was
going to do before I did it."
Getting Stronger
Battling to overcome the han-
dicap of the new wing position, the
Wolverine junior got the starting
berth again this year, and has im-
proved steadily with each game.
"The moves are more automatic to
me now," he comments, "and I'
feel a lo( stronger out there.
"It's better now, too, that the
end depth strength is stronger.
With John Henderson and Craig
Kirby in there on offense it gives
Jim Conley and I a chance to take
a break-and then Henderson and
Kirby can get a rest when we're
on defence "
Rough on Defense
Laskey plays a rugged game as
a defensive wingman, working to
contain the end sweep. "The ma-
jor responsibility of the defensive
end is to contain the sweeps," says
Laskey, "and then to rush the
passer. That's why sometimes
you'll notice an end hanging back
a little when a quarterback begins
to roll out. If a Staubach gets
around that end it will probably
be good for long yardage.
"When it's a long yardage play
the end will sometimes cover the
flat and swing man-that's how
Henderson and Conley intercept-
ed those passes against Northwest-
On offense, too, Laskey stands
out: he's latched on to eight pass-
es this fall for 113 yards and one
touchdown (against Southern
Methodist). "With our passing at-
tack the way it is this year there

are no certain patterns that I
usually run or especially like to
run," comments Bill. "Bob Tim-
berlake is much improved this fall
-he's doing a good job quarter-
backing the team."
HB Training Helps
Click. Three ball in the corner
pocket. "I like playing that end
spot on defense, and my halfback
training comes in handy when I'm
covering the flat passes. Resting

when Henderson is in there on of-
fense makes me play stronger on
Click. The two ball narrowly
misses the side pocket. "Last year
we took the rougher end of a lot
of games, but there hasn't been a
team this fall that we haven't
given a good physical beating to.
Right, Dick?"
Rindfuss nods.
"Right. It's your shot."

Olympic Cuief Wilson
Basts Choice o Site
CHICAGO IR) - The president
of the U.S. Olympic Committee on athletes in events over the 200-
okte US.Olmpicay Coitee fmeter dash. The European nations
spoke skeptically yesterday of will find that out in 1968.
Mexico City as site of the 1968 "We have had a series of meet-
Games and asserted the U.S. ings at various levels trying to
group proved "babes in the woods" achieve a solid front and I called
at the International Olympic the Washington meeting to make
Committee's recent selection meet- certain," said Wilson.
Wilson conceded a united front
ing. between the feuding National

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Kenneth L. Tug Wilson remark-:
ed at the weekly meeting of thet
Chicago football writers: "I was
greatly disappointed in Detroit's
failure to win the 1968 Games.-
Detroit made a magnificent ap-l
peal. But we proved to be babes inx
the woods in last month's IOCt
meeting at Baden-Baden, Ger-
"I think Mexico City's selection
was all signed and sealed before
we got there," Wilson said.
Wilson said that Mexico City's
delegation brought data to estab-
lish that the city's altitude would
have no bad effect on the athletes.
"But personally, I thought it
was rough in the 1955 Pan-Ame-
rican Games at Mexico City," Wil-
son said. "We had to use oxygen

AAU and NCAA-backed federa-
tion movement would exist "up to
Last month, in a Chicago meet-
ing, the U.S. Track and Field
Federation pladged a hands-off
policy regarding AAU operations
until after the 1964 Olympics.

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-Daily-James Keson
HARD HITTING DEFENDERS-Bill Laskey (83) brings down
Wisconsin's halfback, Ron Smith (25) from behind, in a losing
effort in last year's contest. Helping out is Bill Dodd (38), while
Jim Conley (82) pursues across the field.

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Give Award
To Latimier

. tough defender

run, sure, but they haven't got
much of a passing attack. If we
play it smart like we did last
week, we're going to beat them."

Bill Laskey is one of those guys
that you just can't miss-playing
pool at the Union, walking down
a corridor in Mason Hall on his
way to a History of Spain and
Portugal recitation, or starting at
right end for Bump Elliott's con-
tingent, the handsome 207-pound-

Wisconsin's Brui
Notes Lag in Spirit
By The Associated Press

NEW YORK (P) - Michigan
State guard and linebacker Earl
Lattimer, who literally flips over
himself, was named Lineman of
the Week by The Associated Press
yesterday for his role in the Spar-
tans' upset of highly-ranked Wis-
Lattimer frequently races out
of the Michigan State huddle and
turns a somersault before lining
up at his position. He also fre-
quently turns opposing rushers
over without a gain, despite the
fact this is his first full year as
a lineman. He's a converted full-
Lattimer, a compact 218-pound-
er from Dallas, keyed the Spartan
defense last Saturday that held
Wisconsin to 29 yards rushing
and contributed a 44-yard field
goal on offense as major factor
in the Spartans' 30-13 victory over
the Badgers.
Wisconsin was eighth-ranked in
the country at the time. The
triumph, which kept Michigan
State tied for the Big Ten Con-
ference lead, also boosted the
Spartans into the ninth position
in the weekly AP poll of the top
college football teams.
Michigan State Coach Duffy
Daughtery didn't pin any one-
game honors on Lattimer for his
key defensive work against Wis-
consin, but spoke in terms of the
entire season when he said:
"Our guards have been particu-
larly effective with Lattimer lead-
ing them."
Other Spartan coaches typify
the senior lineman as a player
with a great sense of humor who
has become "a remarkable moral
man" for the team. They stress
he's quick with a quip, but quicker
as a pass rusher.

a _h


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Jet Propulsion laboratory is operated by the
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CHICAGO - Wisconsin's in-
eligibility to return to the Rose
Bowl this season may have created
a morale problem on the football
team, Badger Coach Milt Bruhn
indicated yesterday.
The Badgers made the Rose
Bowl trip last New Year's Day.
Under Big Ten policy they could'
not go twice in succession even
if they won the conference title.
Wisconsin was highly regarded
in the Big Ten race in pre-season
predictions, but has lost its last
two games to Ohio State 13-10
and Michigan State 30-13 to bow
out of contention.
"I have been trying to figure
out if incentive is lessened by not
being eligible for the Rose Bowl,"
Bruhn told the Chicago Fuotball
Writers Association.
"I am wondering if the Rose
Bowl means so much that the Big
Ten championship doesn't count
any more. Knowing that we could
not return to Pasadena, we had
been talking championship I am
at a loss in trying to figure out
just what is significant."
Stanky Declines
NEW YORK - Lee MacPhail,
president of the Baltimore Orioles,
acknowledged yesterday he had
approached Eddie Stanky to
manage the club, but found the
former St. Louis Cardinal man-
ager and infielder unreceptive.
"I met with Stanky this morn-
ing," said MacPhail, "and he told
me he had decided, after careful
consideration, to remain in the
St. Louis organization.
"I respect his decision but I feel
I did not get his final answer,"
'MacPhail told the Associated
Press by telephone from Clear-
water, Fla., where he is observing
Oriole farmhands in the Florida
Winter League.

"I feel Stanky left the door
open-even if only a little."
MacPhail emphasized, however,
that he had not officially offered
the managing job to Stanky nor
to anybody else.
The Orioles have been without
a manager since Billy Hitchcock
was dismissed at the end of this
past season and kicked upstairs to
an executive post.
* * *
McKinley Bumped
MADRAS, India - Ramanathan
Krishnan, India's number one
tennis ace, defeated Wimbledon
champion Chuck McKinley of St.
Ann, Mo., in an exhibition here
yesterday, 6-4, 6-1.
McKinley had beaten Krishnan
in a tough five-set match at
Bombay Monday in the windup of
the Davis Cup inter-zone finals,
win by the United States 5-0.
In another exhibition here, Den-
nis Ralston of Bakersfield, Calif.,
downed Martin Riessen of Evans-
ton, Ill., 6-3, 6-2.
McKinley, Ralston and Riessen
are scheduled to go to Australia
this weekend to prepare for the
Davis Cup challenge round at
Adelaide Dec. 26-28.
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On Campus Interviews:

NOVEMBER 21 & 22


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